Essequebo en Demerarische Courant 1794 June 01

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(No. 31. )

ZONDAG Den 1 Juny 1794.

(Vol. 1.)


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TE KOOP. [centered]

De quart Concessie No. 62 met de daar op staande Huisagien, eertyds toebehoord hebbende aan de Heer R. S. Walcott en thans bewoond door de Heer P. L. Dietz; te bevraagen by den odergetekende.
Stabroek 1 Juny 1794.

Lyst der Brieven berustende ten Correspondentie Comptoir in Stabroek, en aldaar van tyd tot tyd aangebragd, of van de verscheide distributie Comptoiren in de Colonie terug ontsangen redert den eersten November 1793.

Arman. (William)
Adams. (Jones)
Adams. (Francis)
Burch. (Joe)
Barnwell. (John)
Bastiaanse. (J.) 2 Brieven.
Bastiaanse. (M.) 2 Brieven.
Crosto. (William)
Crowles. (* *)
Floyd. (John)
Gilzeau. (George)
Gage. (John) 2 Brieven.
Game. (Samuel)
Hooft. (J.)
Jassemen. (* *)
L'obrot & Hughes.
Magdalena. (Mulattine)
Murray. (A.)
Moore. (William)
Richardson. (Molly)
Schalk. (Cornelis)
Wilco. (Henry)
White. (Mary Awn)
Walrond. (N.)

[right pointing hand icon] Alle en een iegelyk werden als nog verzogt, om van tyd tot tyd en ten minste alle weeken eens, op de naastgeleegene Distributie Comptoiren te zenden ter informatie na de Brieven die zig daar mogten beviden aan hun respective addressen: Het gebeurt dinkwills dat er Brieven eene lange tyd leggen blyven tot het merkelyk nadeel van de Geā€¢nteresseerdens, en het is ons egter niet mogelyk dezelve ter bestelling aan Negers aan te vertrouwen.

The above is a list of the letters remaining undeliverd [sic] in our office since the first of November last, and brought there from time to time, or sent back from the distribution offices in the country, on account of the persons to whom they are directed being unknown or neglectfull in sending for the same.
We repeat our request to all and every one, to send now and then and at least once a week, to the nearest Distribution office, in order to enquire for the letters that may be there, as it happens very often that letters remains [sic] a long while undeliverd [sic] to the great prejudice of the the [sic] partys concerned: We have already Manifested the impossibility in which we find ourselves to trust Letters to Negros for distribution and can thus do no more then [sic] to send the letters to the nearest offices where the persons are living.
Correspondence office in Stabroek 31 May 1794.

TE KOOP. [centered]

Ter Drukkery in Stabroek, blanco wissel Brieven in het Holland en in 't Engelsch; Hollandsche Passen voor Neegers, en meest alle de Publicatien door den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Policie en 't Gouvernement dezer Colonie geƫmaneert zedert den 1 Augustus 1792 tot Mey 1793; Comptoir Boeken; Papier, Pennen, Ouwelen, Lak, Inkt in vlessen, Potlooten &c.

[right pointing hand icon] Ter zelve plaatze zyn teffens ook te bekoomen: gesorteerde Kisten met Aardewerk gecalculeerd voor groote en klyne Familien, losse Porcelynen, Glass-werk en een groot sortiment van loss Aardewerk, in 't klyn te koop. Verders beste geclarifieerde Madeira & Malvoisie Wyn by de Dozyn; Tint Wyn by de Vless, beste Brandewyn en Azyn in Damejanes &c.
Stabroek 1 Juny 1794.

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By Order of the Trustees of James Baillie, Esq. deceased.
To be Sold at Public Auction, at Mr. Stroud's Tavern, St. George's, Grenada, on Tuesday the first of July next, between the hours of Ten and Twelve in the Forenoon.
That valuable Cotton Plantation on the East Sea Coast of Demerary, Called
NORTH BROOK, [centered]
Consisting of 500 Acres of Land, whereof 250 are planted with Prime Cotton Trees, 66 Acres in Plantains, and 28 Acres more empouldered, together with 147 Negroes, amongst which are several valuable Tradesmen: the whole forming a complete Gang, fully equal to the Cultivation of the whole of the Land, without any additional Strength. The Buildings are built of the very best Materials, mostly Country Wood, and in complete Repair.
The Fertility of the Soil, and the Healthiness of the Situation are well known, and may be ascertained by Enquiry of Gentlemen acquainted with that Colony,
SALE. [centered]
The Biddings to be in Sterling Money, and not less than L [sic - letter, not symbol] 100 Sterling to be advanced on each Bid.
The Purchasers to deposit immediately in the Hands of the Agents to the Trustees, in Bills of Exchange approved by them, or in Cash at the then Current Exchange, ten per Cent, of the Purchase Money, and also to furnish the said Agents, within One Month after the Sale, with Bills of Exchange on a respectable House in London, at Six Months Sight, for fourty [sic] per Cent. more of the said Purchase Money. The Remaining Fifty per Cent. to be paid in Three equal Annual Installments, bearing Interest at the Rate of six per Cent. per Annum from the Day of Sale, the Payments to be made on the Exchange of London, and to commence on the 1st of July 1795. The Premises to remain Mortgaged for the Security of the Purchase Money, until the whole shall be paid off.
In Default of the Deposit money being paid dwon [sic] immediately, the Sale to be declared void, and the Estate put up again.
Further Particulars may be known, and a late Appraisement of the Property seen by applying to W. Arnold, at Grenada, J. Bruce, at St. Vincent; T. Thompson, Esq. at Barbados; A. W. Somarsall, Esq. at St. Christopher; James Fraser Sp[illegible] Mackay, George Inglis, or Lachlan Cuming Esqrs. at Demerary.
Grenada, 12 May, 1794.

TO BE SOLD. [centered]

The unexpired leaze [sic], of nearly [illegible]
teen years, of that eligibly situated [illegible]
of Land, (late the property of I[illegible]
Mackay Telfer & Comp.) on the front [illegible]
La Bourgade Plantation, 360 feet facade by 200 feet breadth, with all the Building thereon, together with a most convenient Sterling [sic] extended 170 feet in the River, with the Benefit and priviledge of a most commodious Trench within [blank] Yards of the Stores, sufficiently deep to admitt [sic] vessels of 100 tun's [sic] burthen [illegible]
whole well calculated to carry [illegible]
most extensive business, and particularly adapted for American trade.
This lott has the advantage of [illegible]
insured against fire at the Phoenix [illegible]
London, on Building and Goods there contained to the amount or value of 36000 Holland currency, for the [illegible]
of seven years, two of which are [illegible]
The Buildings, Sterling [sic] &c. at the expiring of the lease, are to be paid [illegible]
the proprietor of Labourgade Plantation at a valuation, or the Leasee has liberty of removing them.
Any Gentleman inclined to [illegible]
the same, may have the conditions [illegible]
further particulars, by applying at the store on the premises.
Demerary 1st. June 1794.

A Good Washer and House wench is wanted, either to hire or to buy, application to be made to the printing Office.
Stabroek 6 June 1794

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BEKENDMAKING. [centered]

Werd by deeze geadverteerd, dat de Compagnieschap gecanteerd hebbende Gerrit Winter & Comp., zeedert ultimo Maart deezes Jaars gedissolveerde is, bovengemelden verzoeken vriendelyk alle ende een ygelyk die eenige pretentien contra gemelde Compagnieschap mogte hebben, zig te vervoegen ten hunne Comptoiren om betaaling. En wyders werden ook alle die geene die aan voornoemde Compagnieschap debet zyn ten allervriendelykst verzogt hunne betaaling te doen, binnen de tyd van zes weeken na dato deezes, en in gebreeke blyvende, genoodzaakt zullen zyn (hoe ongaarne) een yder, zonder aanzien van Persoonen, te Dagvaarden, en tot betaaling te constringeeren?
Stabroek 1 Juny 1794.


Notice is hereby given, that the Copartnership of Gerrit Winter & Comp., has been dissolved since ultimo March of this year; the subscribers request the favour of all those to whom they may be, indebted, to render in their accounts for payment; and all those who are indebted to said Copartnership to discharge their accounts, within the space of six weeks, from the date hereof, and in case of failure; they shall be obliged (thougt [sic] against their inclination) to sue every one without reguard [sic] to persons.
Stabroek 1st. June 1794.


De Ondergetekendens, als door den Hoog Edel - Geboore Gestrenge Heer W. A. Sirtema Baron thoe Grovestins, Gouverneur-Generaal over deze Colonien &c. &c., benoemd en aangesteld zynde als Capit. Commissarissen, om zo doenlyk, een minzame schikkinge te maken, met de Crediteuren van den Wel-Edele Gestrenge Heer N. Romswinckel, Lieutenant in het Corps van Hun Hoog Mogende, werde alle zyne Crediteuren vriendelyk verzogt, binnen den tyd van drie weken [sic] na dato deezes, van hunne pretensien behoorlyke opgave te doen, ten Huize van een der beide Ondergetekendens.
Stabroek 1 Juny 1794.
C. VON LASBERG. Capt. Commiss.
F. SWANKE. Capt. Commiss.

ADVERTENTIE. [centered]

THOMAS MILLIKEN hebbende deszelfs Plantagie genaamt Oranjestein in Essequebo verkogt, en zynde van intentie om deze Colonie binnen de aanstaande Maand te verlaaten, verzoekt alle de geene die eenige pretentien ten zyne lasten of ten laste der gemelde Plantagie mogten hebben, zulks op en aan te geeven aan hem zelve, op de gemelde Plantagie, en op of voor den laatste dezer Maand, betaling te komen ontsangen. Hy verzoekt teffens de weinige die aan hem verschuldigd zyn, betaling te bezorgen, en by aldien zy niet in staat mogten zyn, van zulks onmiddelyk te doen, hunne Obligatien te geeven, om binnen twee Maanden te betalen.
Essequebo 1 Juny 1794.
NB. Hebbende dit reeds in Essequebo publiceeren laaten, zo zal er geen verdere bekendmaking plaats hebben.


THOMAS MILLIKEN having sold his Plantation named Oranjestein in Essequebo, and intending to leave this Colony some time in the next month, desires all persons, who have any demands against the said Estate or himself, to render in the same on or before the last day of this month, to himself on said Estate, and receive payment: he also requests of the few who are indebted to him, to make payment, and in case they should be unable to do so immediately, to give their notes payable in two months.
Essequebo June 1st. 1794.

NB. No further notice will be give, he having already advertised in Essequebo.

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[Transcriber's note: here, a Publication about import and export duties, not yet transcribed.]

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Created: 22 August 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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