Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 April 25


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 226.

Saturday, the 25th of April.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. Pierre Gastebois, in 4 or 5 weeks, from April 2.
Mr. John Binning, in 4 or 5 weeks, from April 13.
Mr. W. L. Cowan, Mr. Hendrik Temminck, Mr. A. Labe[accent], and Mr. John William Nesfield, in 14 days from April 14.
Mr. John Line in 3 weeks from April 16.
Mr. Levy Cohen in 14 days from do.
Mr. Nicolaas Volkerts, with the July Convoy.
Mr. I. H. Wahlstab, in 4 weeks, from April [?]
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Op verkreegene Authorisatie zal ik Ondergeteekende in qualiteit als eerste Exploiteur deezer Colonie, na voor afgaande regtspleeging, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen en Secretaris, op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, op Dingsdag den 5de Mey, aanstaande, publicq opvylen en aan de meestbiedende verkoopen 't volgende.
1ste. Ten behoeve van Mr. V. A. Heyliger, q.q. Doekscheer & Steenberger contra C. Macrae & C. M. Overweg als door den Hove aangestelde Redderaaren in den Boedel wylen F. Kroll, de volgende Neegers - Isaac, Hercules, Apollo, Breton, Visser, David, Celidan, Susanna, Mithra, Imbecile, en Fatima.
2de. Ten behoeven McDonald, Halket, & Co. en Stephen Mourant & Co. contra Bruninghaus & Co. en Bruninghaus & Bergh, de volgende Pretentien, viz Een Sententie van den Hove van Justitie d.d. 19 Sept. 1804. fav. H. Cantzlaar, J.Z. 8 [?] D. Breton, J.D.Z. groot f 2257. 2.: Een reekening courant geteekend H. Haazeman lasten D. Breton, J.D.Z. groot per saldo f 2469.11; een acceptatie, faveure F. Butteweg lasten D. Breton, J.D.Z. groot f 2275. Een Reekening faveur I. Bonjes lasten D. Breton, J.D.Z. groot f 238; een laatstelyk eene geprotesteerd Wissebrief faveur I. Bonjes lasten D. Breton groot in Capitaal f 2000, getrokken op Turing & Co. te Middleburg.
In cas iemand teegens deese Verkooping eenig Recht van oppositie zal willen sustineeren addresseere zig in geschriften ten Comptoir der Exploiteurs wanneer ik die als opposant of opposanten, dag van Rechten beleggen zal; en wyders. die geene welke in voorsz. gading vinden mooge kome ten dag in plaatse voornoemd en doen hun profyt.
Rio Demerary den 25 April 1807. Mart. Smit.

NOTICE. [heading]
All those who have any Demands against the Estates of Hans Roberts & I. H. Dykhuysen, are requested to deliver in their Accounts at the Orphan Chamber Essequebo within Two Months from the date hereof; and those who are indebted to the said Estates, are desired to come and settle the same, as after that period and after the expiration of the 3d Advertisement no Demands whatever will be acknowledged.
Essequebo, April 23, 1807, Ernst Hopker,

Just Imported, and for Sale by the Subscriber at his Store, on the American Stelling:
[first column]
Hams and cheese
Irish potatoes
Tea, refined sugar
Pease, barley, and flour
Madeira Wine
Porter, beer, and cyder per dozen
Inverness cotton bagging
Irish linen
Dowlas, long lawn
Gentlemen and Ladies fine cotton stockings
Calicoes, Welsh flannel
Fine lined jackets and trowsers
Negro ditto ditto
Check shirts, frocks, etc.
Coarse hats
Fine and coarse shoes
[second column]
Cordage assorted, from 6 inch cable to 9 thread rat line
Hand, lead, and log lines
Sein, sewing, and mullet twine
Tar, Nails assorted from 5 inch spikes to 4d.
Hooks and eye HHL and T hinges
Stay bars and staples
Stock locks, cutlery, &c.
Carpenter's and Cooper's tools
Whip and hand saw files
Vat and puncheon hoops, rivets, etc.
Paint and paint oil
Neat's Foot oil
Scrubbing brushes, Mops, &c.
[end columns]
Dem. April 25, 1807. Francis Meagher.

The Creditors of the late Robert Ferrier, Esq. are requested to meet the Subscribers at the Union Coffee House, on Wednesday, the 29th instant, at 10 o'Clock.
Dem. April 24, 1807. J. Beete, [illegible - Junior]
V. A. Heyliger.

On Wednesday the 29th inst. at the Vendue Office, Beef and Pork, in whole and half barrels, Potatoes, Hams, Currants, Dry Goods, Furniture, &c.
April 25, 1807.
On Thursday the 30th instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of Messrs. Bridge and Arrow, the Quarter Lot in Cumingsburg, now occupied by Mr. Alexander Gray, with all the Buildings thereon, consisting of a well-built Dwelling House, Colony Frame, with different Side buildings, all of Colony wood, and a Brick Kitchen and Oven, all in good repair, and nearly new. The quarter Lot measures about 57 feet in front, and 80 deep, railed in.
Also, by order of F. Kent and Tho. Morgan, q.q. Three Blacksmith Negroes.
April 18, 1807.
On Wednesday the 6th May, at the Store of Thos. Finlayson, Esq. Robb's Town, a general assortment of Dry Goods, Provisions, Liquors, &c. just imported in the ship Harmony, Capt. Wilson.
On the same day and place, Capt. Wilson will expose for sale a large assortment of Dry Goods, &c.
April 24, 1807.
On Thursday, the 7th May, by order of I. M. Bauch, Esq. at the house of Mrs. Haly, on the Brick Dam, sundry house furniture, consisting of mahogany dining tables with D ends, ditto breakfast tables, bureaus and book cases, a mahogany sideboard, ditto knife cases with knives and forks, assorted glass ware, complete table services, tea ditto, chairs, sophas, looking glasses, lanthorns, and sundry Dry Goods, consisting of gentlemen's and ladies' clothes, linen and cotton checks, muslin, cambricks, cotton hose, suspenders, ladies' stays, &c. Likewise, Lots of uncultivated land in Canal No. 1, each containing 250 acres of excellent coffee and plantain land, and to be bought on reasonable terms, situate on the north side of the canal adjoining the upper line of the land belonging to the Hon. F. P. van Berckel. Also an excellent Lot of woodland, containing 500 acres, situate in Courisseraboe Creek, south side, little as yet made use of, and having a large quantity of siperie or greenheart bullet tree and wallaba. Further, 2 Lots of Land in Cumingsburg, House Negroes and Tradesmen, Washerwomen and Huckstresses, milch cows, saddle and chaise horses, a chaise and harness complete, a punt almost new, 36 feet long by 10 feet wide, 3 1/2 feet deep, a house frame 30 feet long and 16 broad 1 story and a half high, of colony wood, with wallaba shingles ready for covering, &c. &.c
April 24, 1807.
On Monday the 11th May, at the Vendue Office, by order of Mr. James Kenyon and Alex. Reith and Robert Stephenson, Executors of Richard Porter, dec. the Water Lot of Land, No. [blank], with all the Buildings thereon, situated on the South side of Robb's stelling.
April 24, 1807.
On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the 12th, 13th and 14th May, at the store of F. C. Otto, Esq. the following goods, just imported, viz. - Russia linen, muslins, cotton and French cambricks, quilts and counterpanes, dimities, welt quilting, white diamond toweling, men's and women's cotton and silk stockings, coloured nankeens, Genoa cord, furniture chintz and calicoes, pullicat handkerchiefs, Irish and Bielsfeld linen, sheeting, diaper, britannias and platillas, sail cloth, coffee bagging, checks, negro blankets and jackets, salempores, 4d. 6d. 8d. 10d. 20d and 30 d. nails, all kinds of locks, bolts, hinges, &c. cutlasses, pruning knives, carpenters' tools, paint and paint oil, pickled sausages and tongues, saddles and bridles, horse and chaise whips, a large assortment of earthen and glass ware, &c.
Also, a few negroes belonging to the late firm of Pasquier & Otto.
April 24, 1807.
On Friday the 15th May, at the Vendue Office, by order of Wm. Brereton, Esq. Two Lots of Land, Nos. 317 and 318, with the Buildings thereon, situated in Cumingsburg, and at present occupied by Mr. Thos. Wm. Nutt. Also, on the same day, Dry Goods, Provisions, Furniture, &c.
April 25, 1807.

Made by Wm. Burges, and appraised by Wm. Luter, Thomas Lowthias, and Charles Macrae.
The Lottery to consist of One Hundred and Five Tickets each, at Two Hundred and Twenty Guilders each, and contains Nine Prizes, viz.
1. A Lot of Land, being the East half of Lot No. 47, situated on the West Coast of the Courantyn, consisting of 250 Acres l. with a Public Road made through it, appraised at f 18,000
2. A Negro Man named Rowden f 1,600
3. A Negro Man named Kewley 1,500
A Cow in Calf and a Year old Calf 616
5. A Cow in Calf and a Year 616
6. A Cow and her Calf 462
7. A Heifer in Calf 396
8. A Three Years old Ox 374
9. Fifteen Head of Goats 330
Total f 23,191
An Obligation for Two Hundred and Twenty Guilders will be required for each Ticket, payable One Month after the drawing of the Lottery.
The Lottery to be drawn in the usual manner at the Secretary's Office.
Timely notice for the drawing of the Lottery will be given to the Winners one Month after the drawing of the Lottery.
Demerary, April 25, 1807. Wm. Burges.
Tickets to be had of Messrs. Heywood & Taylor, Stabroek, Demerary, and New Amsterdam, Berbice; and of John Ross, Mahaica.

Myn Demicilium Citandi et Executandi [illegible] Huyze van de heer van der Haas & Co.
den 25 April 1807. T. Quiding.

The ingenious Author of the English and Dutch Acrostic was not aware, perhaps, that our paper has the honour of being perused by Ladies as well as Gentlemen, his communication, therefore, is not altogether proper for our use, though it may be though a d----d good thing over a bottle.

It gives us concern to state, that the Highlander, Capt. Stevenson, and two other homeward bound running ships, have been captured by the enemy. The former is said to have arrived at Point a Petre on the 30th ult. It was at first supposed that the two other ships were the Maxwell and Jason from this port; but that was found to be an error. The following account from the Barbados Mercury, it will be seen, makes them the America and Ajax; there appears, however, to be some mistake in the latter name, so such vessel, we believe having sailed from this port; perhaps it should be the Alexander, which did sail about the same time.

[Barbados Mercury article not transcribed]

More correct accounts have been since received here from the other islands, which state the ships captured to be the Highlander and Alexander from this port, and Anne and Harriet, from Berbice, and that the enemy was left in chase of two more. The Harriet has been recaptured by his Majesty's schooner Mozambique, and sent into Grenada; but it is feared the others are got safe into Guadaloupe.

The Park and Tower guns were fired in London on the 21st Feb. for the taking of Curracoa. Besides the ships of war taken there, consisting of a Dutch frigate, Kenan Husslar, of 36 guns, the Surinam sloop, of 22 guns, Flying Fish schooner, of 14 guns, and a Spanish schooner of 10 guns, 69 other fell into the hands of the captors, besides 300,000 dollars, in specie.
The vessels of war made a gallant resistance, most of their officers being either killed or wounded before they surrendered. Among the former was the Commodore J. C. Evertsz, who bravely fell while encouraging his men. He was, we believe, an elder brother of Mr. Evertsz, of this colony. The gazette account of this capture will be given the first opportunity.

We understand that His Excellency Lieutenant Governor Bentinck is about to depart for Europe, for the re-establishment of his health. In consequence of his Excellency's indisposition, the Hon. J. J. Kotwyk officiated as President of the Court of Justice this week.

His Majesty's sloop Helena, Capt. Worth, which convoyed the Cork fleet her, went over the bar on Thursday, and we believe has since sailed - A handsome vessel, or a finer crew, perhaps, never before was in this port. She will first go to the Western Isles, and then home.

Deaths - At Berbice, on the 7th inst. the Hon. A. Adami, Member of the Court of Civil Justice of that Colony.
On Wednesday week, at the same place, Dr. Maasbach, Manager of Belle Vue.
On Friday week, at Mahaica, Joseph Stads, Esq. formerly Exploiteur here.
On Thursday morning last, Mr. Aut, partner with Mr. Schaapers, blacksmith. He went to bed the preceding evening in perfect health, and at three o'clock in the morning was a corpse.
On Thursday night last, Mr. Francis Cromby. The deceased having belonged to the Rifle Company, was buried by them with military honours.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Undersigned again requests all those indebted to the late Firm of Pasquier & Otto to the Estate of E. B. Pasquier, dec. and to himself in his prive[accent], to come forward with full settlement before the 1st of June next, as a longer indulgence cannot be expected, and all Notes of Hand, open Accounts, &c. will be put in the hands of H. Cantzlaar, Esq., his Attorney-at-Law.
Dem. April 25, 1807. F. C. Otto, prive[accent] & q.q.

The Undersigned, having repeatedly called upon every person indebted to him to come forward and settle the same, and no attention having been paid thereto, hereby gives notice, that, after fourteen days from this date, all who shall not then have discharged their respective accounts will be sued, without the least respect of persons.
April 25, 1807. J. Runnels, J.Z.

[advertisement of H. Douglas in Dutch]

Just Imported, and For Sale by the Subscriber:
[first column]
Lamp & linseed oil in jars
Vinegar in ditto
Best Durham mustard
Soap and candles
Claret wine in bottles
Gin & brandy by the gal.
Old Madeira wine in pipes, hhds. and quarter casks
Fine Hyson tea in chests and canisters
Refined sugar
Porter and ale by the doz.
[second column]
Split peas and barley
Gentlemen's white and black beaver hats
Military, Hessian, jockey, and back strapp'd boots
Dress shoes
An assortment of calicoes
Sadlery, &c.
2 beautiful landscapes in oil, painted by the famous I. T. Seuer
[end columns]
Also, on hand,
Tobacco, Fish, Lumber, Staves, Shingles, &c.
The ship General Hunter will sail with the first Convoy. For Passage, apply to
April 25, 1807. R. Younghusband.

[advertisement of Thomas Schute in Dutch]

[advertisement of I. C. H. Kuster in Dutch]

Any Person being inclined to purchase a few Pipes of old London Particular Madeira Wine, shipped by Messrs. Magrath and Higgins of Madeira, and imported per ship Tarleton, may be accommodated by applying to Demerary, April 24, 1807. A. Fleischman.
N.B. A small advance on the Invoice, &c. will be required, and cash or Bills down.

In den naght tusschen den 10 en 11 April l.l. absenteerde zich van de Boot aan de Heer I. Van den Broek in Berbice toebehoorende, en voor Plantagie Providence ten anker liggende, Een neeger genaamt Thomas (van de Coremantyn natie) heest met zich genoomen een jol zonder riemen, en aan de voorsteeven eenigsints beschaadigd: - Die geene welke bovegenoem de Neeger en Jol aan den Ondergeteekende te rug bezorgd, zal Zes en Zestig Guldens: en voor een van beiden Drie en Dertig Guldens tot een belooning genieten.
Demerary den 25 April 1807. H. Koppiers.

Weggeloopen seedert voor leeden Maandag den 20 April l.l. myn Neeger, genaamt Primo, Een schoenmaaker die gevangen zynde op de 24 deezer door myn Neeger Jan na my huyongebonde word gebragt van wien by weedee om koomende over de Chineesche brug tusschen vlissingen en Cummingsburg [sic] is Weggeloopen.
Die dezelven Neeger Primo in de barks of by den Ondergeteekende wil bezorgen, zal een Johannes voor zyn moeyten genjeten. - Alle Schippers worden, gewaarschouwd gemelde Neeger Primo geen passage te geeven sub poene als de wet daarteegen geemaneerd heest.
den 25 April 1807. I. De Rooy.

Stolen or Drifted, from the Stelling of I. Van der Haas & Co. a 4-oared Tent Boat, 16 Feet in length, and 5 in breadth, painted white, with a green and brown board. The Tent is of a brown colour. Whoever returns the same at the above-mentioned Stelling, shall be handsomely rewarded.
Dem. April 24, 1807. I. Van der Haas.

The Subscriber informs those whom it may concern, that his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi is at the House of Messrs. W. B. Th[??]son and Thomas Reddish, now occupied by [illegible] and situate in the back of Cumingsburgh, No. [illegible] near the side line of Bourda.
April 22, 1807. A. Simpson.

A. Fleischman, Attorney at Law, has the pleasure to inform the Public in general and particularly those Friends who have hitherto favoured him with the management of their affairs, that he is at length duly admitted to practice at the Bar of the Hon. Court of this Colony, and that he will endeavour, by every means in his power, to render himself worthy of whatever Business he may be entrusted with.
Demerary, April 25, 1807.

The Subscriber, Commander of the Orion, for London, respectfully informs his Friends the Planters and other Shippers, that he is now ready to take in Coffee and Cotton, [illegible] by the 30th inst. will begin to take in Sugars, he positively will sail with the June convoy. He will be much obliged by their giving him all assistance they can in loading the said vessel. He can be spoken with at the house of R. Younghusband, Esq. or at that of J. F. Meyer, Esq. or on Board. R. Ross
Demerary, April 25, 1807.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

April 21. Ship Duke of Kent, I. Dougall, from Liverpool.
April 21, Brig Trassie, W. Main, from Falmouth.
April 23. Brig Gingle, H. C. Darrell, from Grenada.

April 20. Ship Lucretia, D. Mc Gregor, from Berbice.
April 21. Sloop Director, I. Tarling, from Norfolk.
April 22. Schooner Union, E. Woodward, from Boston.
April 24. Brig Harriot, I. Smith, from New London.
April 25. Brig Liberty, I. Perkins, from Boston.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in the Colony Stocks of

Demerary, on this 25th day of April, 1807.



By whom brought.















De Rooy



Pl. Rebecca's Rust





I. P. Bischop












Pl. Free & Easy

Camonie Creek

And 4 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
J. Runnels, Drossaart.

Published by Bond and Aulert, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.




Created: 29 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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