Ao. 1807 )
Essequebo and Demerary
( No. 241.
Saturday, the 8th of August.
Secretary's Office. This is to inform
the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony.
J. C. M'Leod and Wm. M'Kenzie, (for a
short time) in [??] days, from 18th July.
C. Marquis, in 14 days, from July 21.
July 25, 1807.
Wm. Brown, in 14 days.
July 31, 1807.
John Craig, in 14 days.
John Gray, in 14 do. or 3 weeks.
Aug. 8, 1807. J. C. Stadtman, first
All those who have any Claims against
the Estate of E. I. Bertho Loncke, Esq. deceased, are hereby desired to tender
them in to the Hon. F. C. Loncke, or to C. Hofstede, Esq. LL.D. Stabroek,
within Three Weeks from this Date in order that his affairs may be brought to a
speedy conclusion.
Demerary Aug. [?], 1807. P. F. Tinne,
Alle de geenen die iets te pretndeeren
hebben of verschuldigd zyn aan wylen den Heer I. P. Smit, worden versogt daar
van opgaave en betaaling te doen aan der Heer I. P. Mickerts, M.D. in qualiteit
als Executeur on voormelde Boedel binnen den teid van Ses Weeken van dato
deeser ten einde gemelde Boedel op het spoedigte ter liquiditeit te brengen
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary,
den 7de Augustus 1807.
In Kennisse van my, F. Horn gesw.
De Ondergeteekendens, als Commissarissen
benoemd zynde, door de Concessinairer van Charles Town, geleegen op de voor
lande van de Plantage Le Repentir, geeven by deeze publiclyk kennis, dat zy
gechargeert zyn tot 't aenbesteeden, aan den minst aenneemende, twee Bruggen,
de eene te leegen over de Loftrens van Plantage Le Repentir en de tweede over
de schrytrens van voornoemde Plantage, met die van Werk en Rust: het plan
beneevens de bereekening van 't hout, en de conditien van betaaling, legt ter
visie van de geene die in deeze aenneeming gading hebben, ten huyze van F.
Schovers alle morgen van 9 to 2 uuren, alwaar de aenneeminge by geslootene
bille[??]en zal ontlangen worden tot op den 31 Augustus 1807.
Demerara, 7 Aug. 1807.
L. St. van S' Gravesande,
F. Schovers.
NOTICE [heading]
All those who have Demands against
Plantation Melville, situated on the West Side of Mahaica Creek, known on the
Chart by No. 20 are requested to render in their accounts on or before the 29th
instant, to either of the Subscribers, as a sale of that Property will take
place on the 1st September next at Public Vendue D. M'Lachlan,
Aug. 7, 1807. Francis Wright,
Jas. Reid
Lost, on the Road between Ruimveldt and
Stabroek, a Brown Horse, with Saddle and Bridle. Whoever can give information
concerning the same, is requested to do so to Mr. Obermuller, Stabroek.
Aug. 8, 1807.
Wanted, A Clerk of good Character, who
can keep Books correctly, and write a fair hand. Apply to the Printer.
Aug. 8, 1807
The Subscribers have received by the
ship Intrepid, and will dispose of reasonably, for immediate Payment, a few
Pipes and Hhds. of best London Particular Madeira Wine.
They are also landing, and have for
Sale, the Cargo of the sloop Perseverance, consisting of Boards, Plank,
Scantling, Shook, Staves, Clapboards, and Shingles; Salt Fish in Hhds. Beef in
whole and half Barrels, and Tar.
Aug. 8, 1807. Naghten &
CASH WANTED, [heading]
For His Majesty's Service, for Bills of
Exchange drawn on the Paymaster General of His Majesty's Forces, to the Amount
Eleven-Hundred Pounds Sterling.
Sealed Tenders for the same (marked
"Tenders for Bills") will be received until the 1[?]th Instant, at
Ten o'Clock in the Morning, when they will be opened in the presence of
Brigadier General Montgomerie, and, if approved, accepted.
Commissary's Office, Will. N.
Aug. 4, 1807. Res. Commissary
FOR SALE, [heading]
By the Subscriber, at a moderate Price,
a Few Kegs of Temper Lime
Aug. 8, 1807. H. D. Obermuller.
FOR SALE, [heading]
Madeira Wine of the first Quality, in
Pipes, Hhds. and Quarter Casks
Claret Wine in Hhds. and per Dozen
Gin and Brady per Gallon
Mustard and Vinegar
Vegetable Essence for Soups
Tea in cannisters, and Refined Sugar
Tobacco in Hhds. and Barrels
Hessian and Back strapp'd Boots
Gentlemen's White and Black Beaver Hats
Sugar in Barrels
Tempered Lime
Pint and Lamp Oil
Nowfoundland [sic] Fish in Six and Eight
Quintal Casks
Lumber, Staves, &c. &c.
Aug. 8, 1807 Rt. Younghusband.
FORE SALE, [heading]
A Copper bottomed Schooner boat, about
30 feet keel, well found and in good order. Also Two Yawls, one 13, the other
14 feet keel, likewise in good order. Inquire of the Printer of this paper.
Aug. 8, 1807
The Subscriber has received by the ship
Intrepid, Capt. Turnbull, from Madeira, a Consignment of Gordon, Duff, and
Co's. Choice Old Wine, which he will sell reasonable for prompt payment.
Aug. 8, 1807. S. O. Nurse.
Imported in the Brig Hero, Capt.
Trefethen, from Portsmouth, and for Sale by the Subscribers, on moderate Terms,
for immediate Payment,
Lumber, Fish, Red Oak Staves, White Oak
Shooks, Wood Hoops, Clapboards, and Oars.
Aug. 8, 1807. Henry Tulloh & Co.
De Ondergeteekendens [??]neemen [?]
vryheyd zich aan 't geEerd public te recommandeeren weegens waarneemen van
Commissien Sluyte van reekeningen opmaaken van verantwordingen het houden van
Boeken Copieren en Incasseeren, &c. zullende met alle moogelyke flyt
exactitude en discretie die geenen welken de ondergeteekendens zullen moogen
favoriseeren bediend worden deselven zullen ten allen tyden gereed zyn omme
orders van hunnen prinsipaalen, te ontsangen ten huysen van de Heer Schiffert,
op Werk en Rust. Teffens presenteeren de ondergeteekendens te koop een
quantiteit Walaba Singles, a f 30 per mille contant
Stabroek de 7de Aug. 1807.
D. W. F. Steffan & D. Willebers.
Absented herself from the Undersigned, a
Mulatto Girl named Charlotte Bakker, whom he had hired to sell out dry goods;
she has with her a trunk with the above articles, and has gone to Essequebo, as
is reported. Those who can give information to the Undersigned so that he may
retrieve his goods, shall receive a suitable Reward.
Demerary, Aug. 8, 1807. B. Dykhuysen.
Lost, some time last week, an Order of
Adam Smith, Esq. for Six Pounds of Beef. As payment of the enormous amount
thereof is refused, unless the Order be produced, whoever may have found the
same is earnestly requested to forward it to the Undersigned, when the above
Reward will be given.
Aug. 8, 1807. John Thorp.
Demerary, August 8, 1807.
The Undersigned requests that those
indebted to the Vendue Office will be pleased to make immediate Payment, as he
shall otherwise be obliged to enforce payment by Summary Execution, without
respect to persons.
Robert Kingston, Dep. V.M.
On Wednesday the 19th instant, at the
Store of Messr. Thomas Shute & Co. (late Messrs. Fisher and Chorley's) Mess
beef, mackarel, tongues, tripe, herrings, mould candles, white and yellow soap,
canisters of tea, barrels tobacco, tar, temper lime, brandy, porter, ale and
beer per dozen, white lead, paint oil, and furniture. Also a stout negro.
Aug. 8, 1807.
On Friday and Saturday the 21st and 22d
instant, by order of Hk. Haseman and H. A. Eberhardi, Executors of H. Mutz,
deceased, Two thirds of Lot No. 12, with the Houses thereon, situated on the
lands of Plantation Werk and Rust formerly occupied by Mr. Mutz. The other one
third part of the same Lot No. 12, with all the Buildings thereon, at present
occupied by Mr. I. I. Berteling. The half Lot No. 18, situated on the Middle
Dam of Stabroek, between the Lots of Dr. Lloyd and Mr. B. Teyssen, at present
occupied by Miss Luder, Fifteen Negroes, viz. sailors, house boys,
grasscutters, hucksters and house girls; a chaise and saddle horse, with
chaise, harness, and saddle, several cows and calves, house furniture,
waterstands, men's and women's clothes, &c. &c.
Aug. 8, 1807.
On Monday the 24th instant, by order of
P. C. Mickerts, Executor in the Boedel of I. P. Smit on the Premises No. 45,
Brick Dam, Stabroek, Household Furniture, consisting of tables, chairs, sofas,
bedsteads, with mattresses and pillows, a cabinet and bureau, pictures, looking
glasses, some earthen and glass ware, plated candlesticks, silver spoons and
forks, a billiard table complete, also Ten Negroes belonging to said Boedel.
Aug. 8, 1807.
On Thursday the 27th instant, at the
Store of Messrs. M'Inroy, Sandbach, and M'Bean, soap, candles, pitch, tar,
ladies shoes, Madeira wine, Queen's ware in crates, a variety of dry goods,
&c. &c.
Aug. 8, 1807.
Run Away, from Plantation Golden Grove,
No. 26, West coast of Berbice, two Mulatto Men, Carpenters, one by name William
Leach, of a fair complection; he can read and write, and most likely will
endeavour to pass as a Free Man. The other is named Thomas. A reward of Fifty
Five Guilders each will be given to any person who will deliver them at the
said Plantation, or to the store of R. S. Turton
Stabroek, Aug. 8, 1807
NOTICE. [heading]
All Persons having Demands against
George Brumell, deceased, or against the Plantations Reynestein and The
Cottage, are requested to send them to the store of Robert Younghusband, Esq.
addressed to Wm. Brumell, q.q.
Jos. Walcott, q.q.
Demerary, Aug. 7, 1807.
CASH WANTED [heading]
To the Amount of L 1700 Sterling, for
Bills at 60 Days Sight on Messrs. John and Robert Gladstone, Liverpool.
Inquire of
Aug. 8, 1807. John Madden
Mr. D. P. Simon's Letter came too late
for insertion this week. it shall appear in our next.
Died. On Monday morning, Mr. G.
Barrett, formerly an eminent Engraver in London.
On Tuesday morning, at Pyreka, Dr.
Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our
August 3. Schooner Hope, O[?]s.
Stillman, from Hartford.
August 3. Brig Hero, Wm. Trefethen,
from Portsmouth.
August 3. Ship Intrepid, Wm. Turnbull,
from Liverpool & Madeira.
August 3. Sloop Perseverance, A. Harms,
from Saco.
August 4. Brig Richmond, Stephen
Gilman, from Portsmouth.
August 8. Brig Valerius, F. Gross, from
August 1. Ship Otter, T. Boardman, for
August 6. Schooner Nautilus, M. H.
Smelk, for Barbados.
List of Runaway and Arrested
Slaves, in the Colony Stocks of
Demerary, on this 7th day of
August, 1807.
whom brought.
H. King
B. Daly's Negroes
Hoebo (Esseq.)
Orange Nassau
S. G. Martens, Drossaart.
Printed By T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam,