Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 July 03

Vol. V.]


[No. 280.

[Issue Number illegible; issue number interpolated]

Tuesday, July 3d, 1810.

Just Imported in 34 days from Norfolk, and for Sale by the Subscribers, the Cargo of the Schooner Lydia, Capt. Reynolds, being
Fresh Superfine Flour,
In Barrels and half Barrels.
Hyndman & Cary.
On Hand,
Fish, Tobacco, Tar, Salmon, Rice, Beef and Pork, W. P. Lumber, R. and W. O. Shooks, &c. &c.
Cumingsburg, 3d July 1810.

To be had at the Subscriber's on Plantation New Oostenbeek, Leguan Island, from 800 to 1000 Bunches of Plantains
Weekly, at reduced Price.
Lt. Senn Van Basel.
Essequebo, 2d July 1810.

Just Arrived in the Brig Mary, from New-London, and for Sale by the Undersigned at the Store of Mr. P. Benjamin: -
40 Excellent Draft and Saddle Horses,
10 Cows,
Lumber, Hoops, Staves, Bread, &c. &c.
July 3d. Francis Smith.

The Subscriber has for Sale part of the Cargo of the Brig Paulina, Captain Gookin, from Portsmouth, N.H. consisting of the following Articles,
Cows and Calves,
Fish in Hogsheads,
W. O. Shooks, R. O. Ditto,
Clap-Boards, R. O. Staves,
Tar, &c. &c.
Samuel Mackay.
New-Town, 3d July 1810.

Just Imported in the Ship Traveller, from Liverpool, and for Sale by the Subscribers at their Store in front of Plant. Vlessingen, viz: -
[first column]
Beef and Pork in whole and half barrels,
Best Cumberland hams,
Tongues in firkins,
Pickled herrings in kegs,
Potatoes in hampers,
Tripe in jars,
Gloucester Cheese,
Split pease in kegs,
Bottled porter and ale,
Spices assorted,
Black pepper, mustard,
White wine vinegar,
Sallad oil,
table salt in baskets,
Double refined loaf sugar,
Port Wine in Tierces of 6 dozen each,
Salt in barrels,
Jamaica rum,
Cogniac brandy and Gin,
Porter and Wine corks,
Negro blankets, jackets and Wrappers,
Canvas no. 1 and 2,
Soap and Candles,
Soft soap in firkins for Mill grease,
Iron pots,
Copper gallon and half gallon measures,
Copper funnels,
Skimmers and Ladles,
Copper boiling-house lamps,
Hinges assorted,
Window bolts do.
Carpenters & Coopers tools
Brass chamber door locks,
Stock and iron rim locks,
[second column]
Grid irons,
Sad irons,
Dutch steelyards different sizes,
Setts table knives and forks,
Glass ware assorted,
Tin ware do.
Brushes of all descriptions,
Double sealed gun powder in cannisters,
Shot no. 1 to 4,
Tobacco in Hogsheads,
Negro pipes,
Bricks and Lime,
Coals in Hogsheads,
Welch flannel,
Green baize,
Do. table covers,
Ladies gown patterns,
Printed cambric,
Furniture chintz,
Striped dimities,
Musquito netting,
Russia sheeting,
Gentlemens Hessian and top boots,
Dress shoes,
Planters shoes with buckles,
Irish linen,
Gentlemens gloves,
Cotton and Coffee bagging,
Sadlery assorted,
Stationary do.
Cotton Hammocks,
Nails 4dy to 30 dy, &c.
[end columns]
Douglas, Reid & Co.
Demerary, 3d July 1810.

It being the intention of the undersigned to leave this Colony for a few months he requests those who have demands against him to render the same for settlement, and he entreats those who are indebted to him to come forward immediately with payment of their Accounts, so as to enable him to fulfil his intentions.
He begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public that his Business during his absence will be carried on as usual by his Brother Mr. Colin Young, whom he recommends to their Patronage.
Rodk. Young.
Cumingsburg, 3d July 1810.

Stephen Geraud, [heading]
Begs leave to return his thanks to his Friends and the Public for the very liberal support he has received since his arrival in this Colony, and takes this method of informing them that he has removed to the House of Sally Trottman in Middle Street, Bridge Town, where he continues to carry on his Business as usual, and hopes from his punctuality to merit their future favours. July 3d, 1810.

This is to give Notice, that in fourteen days from this date, there will be Sold at Public Vendue, (if not previously Claimed and Expences paid) a Cream Coloured Horse, now in the Colonial Barracks. Demerary, 30th June 1810.
S. G. Martens, Drossaart.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
John McAulay, in 15 days or 6 weeks from 12th June.
Robert Murray and Family in ditto, from ditto.
Alexr. Daniel Junr. in ditto or one month from ditto.
Peter Barchard, in 14 days, from the 15th June.
J. E. Somarsall will transport to Berbice, 35 Slaves (names to be seen at this Office) in 14 days from June 13.
Joseph Paxton, in 3 weeks from the 18th June by the Brig Louisa.
Jane Yates in 14 days from the 19th June.
John H. Dearborn in ditto.
James Graham in 14 days or 3 weeks from 22d June.
Roderick Young in one Month from the 22d June.
Roderick McLeod in ditto.
J. F. Obermuller, in 14 days from 25th June 1810.
Peter Halliday, in do. from 25th do.
Willm. Grant, in do. or three Weeks from 26th do.
L. B. Slengarde Overbrook, in do. or do. from 26 do.
Harriet Owen, in 14 days from 29th do.
Eliza Simmons, in do. from 29th ditto.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

Huwelyks Bekendmaking. [heading]
Alzo De Heer C. H. De Munnick, Meerderjaarig Jongman, gebooren te Utrecht 't Stichtse, ter eenre, En
Mejuffrouw Lucy Adriana Rousselet, Minderjaarige Jonge Dochter gebooren te Portsmouth in de Staat van New Hampshire, N.A. geadsisteerd met haar ld. Vader Nicholaas Rousselet, te[?] andere zyde, zynde beide in Comparanten alhier woonachtig.
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan, waartoe zy op heden [??] Heeren Commissarissen in Ondretrouw zyn op[??] noomen. Zoo word zulks mits deezen aan een igelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einded die geene [???] vermeenen zich teegens het Solemnisseren van [???] gem: Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren zulks in tyd zoude kunnen doen daar en zo te behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 29 Juny 1810. Zynde dit de Eerste Bekendmaaking.
In kennisse van my,
Alexr. Tinne, Oudste Clerk.

Banns of Matrimony [heading]
Between C. H. De Munnick, born in Utrecht and Miss Lucy Adriana Rousselet, Spinster, born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, N.A. with consent of her Father, N. Rousselet Esq.
- for the 1st time.
Any Person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office. - Demerary, June 29th, 1810.
Alexr. Tinne, Senior Clerk.

James Jackson & Co. [heading]
Have received in the Mary, from Liverpool, and have on hand of former Importations. -
[first column]
London brown stout,
Burton ale,
Irish butter in firkins,
Hampers potatoes,
Bristol tripe in jars,
Red and white herrings,
Ham, Cheese,
London pickles,
Seltzer water,
Barley in kegs,
Black pepper,
Spice assorted,
Candles and Soap,
Starch and blue,
Spanish indigo,
French vinegar in jars and bottles,
Hollands gin,
Sallad oil
Fish sauces assorted,
Hessian and top boots,
Shoes with buckles,
Ladies' morocco slippers & boots,
Ladies' and Gentlemen's laced cotton stockings,
Children's stocking,
Patent silk hats,
Beaver do.
Ladies' silk beaver do.
Girls' and Boys' do.
Boat cloaks,
Coatees, coats, jackets, vests and trowsers,
Ruffled shirts & neckcloaths,
Vest patterns,
Silk and cotton hhdkfs.
Cotton cambric,
Bombazeen and bombazets,
Tape and bobbin,
Superfine blue & black cloth and cassimere,
India net,
Russia duck,
Irish linen,
[second column]
Chaise harness,
Saddles and bridles,
Excellent chaise whips, all whalebone,
Common and Jockey do.
Hunter's do.
Sparehead reins, girths and stirrup leathers,
Curry combs and brushes,
Sail and sein twine,
Fishing lines,
Looking glasses,
Writing desks, razor cases,
Money scales,
Coffin furniture,
Foolscap and post paper,
Sets of books,
1, 2, and 3 quire books,
Memorandum do.
Wafers, wax, and quills,
Rulers, files and india rubber
Hand, tenon & compass saws,
Jack, smoothing and trying planes,
Plane irons assorted,
Hammers, chissels, gouges,
Augers, files,
Hatchets and Joiner's axes,
Coopers' tools assorted,
Puncheon hoops and rivets,
Hinges assorted,
Iron, brass and stock locks,
Trunk, drawer, cupboard do.
Brass cocks, cloak pins,
Marking irons,
Knives & forks, tea kettles,
Coffee mills, grid irons,
Copper scales with weights,
Razor and penknives,
Small copper scummers and ladles for syrup,
Large Dutch steelyards,
Cassava plates,
Negro jackets and trowsers,
Goglets, milk pans, &c.
[end columns]
Demerary, 3d July 1810.

Drifted or Stolen. [heading]
From one of the Canals of Stabroek, - A Ship's Long Boat. Any Person or Persons returning the said Boat or giving any information thereof, by applying at the Office of this Paper, or to Messrs. Fullerton, Oliverson & Co. will be handsomely Rewarded.
The said Boat has a small yellow streak round her side and stem, is about 22 feet long and fitted for two Masts. Demerary, 3d July 1810.

Ode to Chloe. [heading]
"Chloe we must not always be in Heaven,
"For every toying, ogling, kissing, billing,
"The joys for which I thousands would have giv'n,
"Will presently be scarcely worth a shilling,"
So sang the British bard whose satires keen,
Have glanc'd at follies of a King and Queen.
So would I sing to gentle married dames,
Whose blooming loves, they think, will never die;
Who seek to much to cherish love's bright flames,
I spight of forms, of modes, and decency.
Oeconomy in all, our wisdom proves,
Not more in pounds and pence, than in our loves,
The loveliest fair one doom'd by fate to feel,
How short, how fleeting, are our joys below,
Needs not the modest, candid, fair appeal,
Thus far we may - but farther can we go?

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C.P.) - 22 & 1/2

The Mackay Mail-Boat, Capt. Carter, which left Barbados on Wednesday last, arrived here yesterday: - she brought the two Mails for May and Barbados Papers to the [illegible] ult.

His Majesty has been pleased to appoint Robert Gordon Esq. to be Lieutenant Governor of the Settlement of Berbice; -

Among the passengers in the Mail-Boat were Hugo Cantzlaar Esq. Attorney at law, and his Daughter.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

July 2 Brig Mary, Capt. Smith, from New-London - Horses, and Lumber.
-- 3 Schr. Lydia, Brown, Norfolk - Flour.

July 2 Ship Guyana, Capt. Croft, for Liverpool.
-- 3 Brig Dolphin, Clark, Portsmouth.
-- - Schr. Hamilton, Lebby, Portland.

Errata in the Advertisement from the Marshal's Office inserted in our last, for "Richard Fowler" read "Richard Towler."

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.



Created: 15 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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