Essequebo en Demerarische Courant 1794 August 24 | ||||
23 Augustus. [centered] De Edele Achtbaare Heeren Commissarissen uit den Hove van Civiele en Crimineele Justitie van Demerary zullen op Maandag den 1sten September aanstaande, ten Raadhuize alhier, hunne Maandelyke Vergadering houden. Het Schip Non Pareil, gevoerd door Capt. E. Barker, is op den 19den dezere uit deze Rivier gezeild en heest deszelfs [illegible] na Rotterdam ondernomen. OVERLEEDEN. [centered] Op den 16 dezer in 's Lands Hospitaal de Persoon van Cornelis Kool, Dienaar der Justitie alhier. Op Den 17. op deszelfs Plantagie Mindenburg in de Rivier, de Heer J. C. Meyer, en op de Voorgronden van de Plantagie Werken [sic] en Rust Doctor George Stout. [Transcriber's note: more 'overleeden' (deaths) on this page.] STABROEK. [centered] 23 August. [centered] The Honorable the Counsellors Commissarys of the Court of Civil and criminal Justice of Demerary will keep their monthly session on Monday the first of September next. The Ship Non Pareil, E. Barker Commander, sailed last Tuesday for Rotterdam. DEATHS. [centered] Died on the 16th instant in the Hospital of this town, Cornelis Kool a Serjeant of Justice in this River. On the 17th on his Plantation Mindenburg in the River, J. C. Meyer Esqre. and on the front lands of Werk en Rust Plantation, Dr. George Stout. On the 19th on the front lands of Plantation Vlissingen, the Wife of Mr. A. Robb, [illegible]
[Transcriber's note: more deaths on this
page.] (
340 ) ( 341 ) [Transcriber's note: this page may contain pertinent material yet to be transcribed.] PUBLICATION. [centered] Concerning the denunciation to the orphan hall of all Deaths ab intestato or of people who dies without a will. WE ALBERTUS BACKER, Director General ad interim and counsellors of policy of the rivers and adjacencys of Essequebo and Demerary, &c. &c. &c. TO all those who shall see or hear there [sic] presents read, Sendeth Greting [sic], makes known.
Whereas we have been informed by the
president and members of the orphan hall, that it happens ofter [sic] that the
estate of people deceased ab intestato remains a
long time without to be brought to the cognizance of their assembly and that
said estates are therefore, often depreciating for want of proper care, to the
great prejudice of the heirs, who very often proves to be pour [sic] widows or orphans; and being determined to prevent the same, We
have thought proper to order and decree, as we do order and decree by these
presents, that whenever any Body shall die ab intestato on groot Vlaggen Eyland or here in Stabroek, those in whose house
he shall be deceased, shall within Twice twinty [sic] four hours give cognizance thereof to the Clerk of the orphan hall
in order that proper care should immediately be taken of the goods and Effects
left by the deceased - and within eight days for those who shall die in the
country in both rivers, under the penalty of one hundred guilders fine, whereof
one half to be applied to the treasury of the Colony and the other half to the
honorable fiscal: he or they, who shall have the direction of the house of the
deceased, shall nevertheless be obliged to seal up in presence of two witnesses
the loose effects of the deceased, and to keep said seals unviolated, and to
make before two witnesses an in- ( 342 ) ventory of all such goods as cannot be sealed up, in order to be taken over by the clerk of the orphan hall.
And in order that no one should pretend
rignorance [sic] hereof, these presents shall be
printed and published in both rivers and affixed there and where it is
[Transcriber's note: here follows
"EXTRACT uit de BABADOS [sic] GAZETTE" not transcribed.] (
343 ) (
344 ) (
345 ) ( 346 )
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Created: 22 August 2010 Last modified:
Creator: Wilmer, John Lance
Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten