Essequebo en Demerarische Courant 1794 September 07

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(No. 45. )

ZONDAG Den 7 September 1794.

(Vol. 1.)

STABROEK. [centered]

5 September. [centered]

Den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Civiele en Crimineele Justitie van Demerary en onderhoorige Districten zal op Maandag den 14 deezer en volgende daagen ten Raad huyze alhier deszelfs gewoonlyke Sessie voor de Maand September houden.

Den 31ste der gepasseerde Maand is uit deeze Rivier naar Zee op een Kruys togt gezeilt s'Lands Brigantyn van Oorlog De Kemphaan, gecommandeerd door den Wel Edelen Gestrenge Heer Frans Smeer.

Op den 1ste. deezer is alhier van St. Eustatius aangekoomen Capt. Jonathan Tucker met het Vaartuig genaamd Free Mason, die tyding brengt dat aldaar Overleden was den Heer Thomas Haslin onlangs van hier vertrokken.

Den 3den deezer is van hier naar Zee gezeild, de Schoener Landvogel Capiteyn E. Durnham gedestineerd naar Surinaamen.

OVERLEEDEN. [centered]

Op den 27ste der gepasseerde Maand, op de Plantagie Nooyt gedagt in Mahayka, den Heer Abm. Diacon.

Het is met zeer veel leedweezen, dat wy onze leezers meededeelen, het ongelukkig nood lot dat de Brigantyn de Jesuite gevoerd door Capt. S. Lamont van Amsterdam naar deeze Colonie gedestineerd, is te beurt gevallen, zynde (volgens berigt in de Engelsche Courant The Starr) door de Fransche genoomen; door de Engelsche hernoomen; en andermaals door de Franschen weeder om genoomen; waar na dezelve eindelyk is in de brand gestooken!

STABROEK. [centered]

6 September. [centered]

The Honorable Court of Civile and Criminal Justice of Demerary and adjacencys, will assemble at the Town hall in Stabroek on the 14 instant and following days and hold their ordinary Session for the Month September.

On the 31 ultimo sailed on a Cruize the Brig of war de Kemphaan, commanded by F. Smeer Esqre, Captain in the navy of their High Mightinesses, the States General of the united Netherlands.

On the first instant arrived here from St. Eustatius the Sloop Free Mason, Jonathan Tucker master, who reported that Thomas Haslin Esqre died lately in said Island.

On the 3 instant sailed for Surinam River, the Schoener Landvogel E. Durnham master.

DEATH. [centered]

On the 27 ultimo, died in Mahayka on the Plantation Nooyt Gedagt, Mr. A. Diacon.

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[Transcriber's note: this page may contain pertinent material yet to be transcribed.]

PUBLICATION. [centered]

WE WILLEM AUGUSTUS SIRTEMA Baron Thoe GROVESTINS, Major General of infantry in Service of their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Netherlands; Governor General of the Rivers and adjacencys of Essequebo and Demerary; President in all Colledges and Colonel en Chef of all Militia in said Rivers &c. &c. &c.
And Counsellors of Policy of said Rivers &c. &c.
To all those who shall see or hear these presents read, Sendeth Greeting.
Makes known; that having taken into consideration the Regulation issued by the Representant and Administrators of the former West-India Company, dated the 1st of October 1784, concerning the treatment of Servants and Slaves, and finding the fl. 12-10 are allowed by Art. 15 for the Slaves arrested within the River (which was found just and reasonable for that time, when the roads along the Sea-Coasts were not as easy as at present, which makes a

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material difference, as all what is to be brought down from further, then where the Publick roads does extent, must be brought by boats and crew, to the chief place Stabroek, when formerly, the Inhabitants of the upper parts of the River had not further to go, then to the Island of Borsselen, where the Seat of Government was at that time, we therefore in order to fix a due proportion, agreeable to the present extensive situation of the Colony, have thought proper to regulate provisory and under the Approbation of their Noble Mightinesses the Counsellors Commissioners for the Colonys of the States in the West India, that the reward for the Negros taken up in the River Demerary, on the West and East-Sea-Coasts, as farr [sic] as the publick roads does extent, to the Post of Boerasirie and Mahayka shall be twelve guilders and ten stuivers; in the River, from the Plantations Garden of Eden and the Georgia to the Loo Plantation fl. 25, and above said Plantation The Loo, fl. 50.
The remainder of said Article 15, remains in its full force and value.
And in order that no one should pretend ignorance of this our Provisory alteration, agreable [sic] to which every one is to regulate himself, these presents shall be published and stuk up there and where it is customary and send round for publick reading.
Done in the Court of Policy in the chief place Stabroek in Demerary 29 July 1794 en [sic] published on the 29th August following.
Covernor [sic] General.
By order of the same.
Truly translated from the dutch original.
Quot Attestor.
Sworn Interpreter.

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Lyst van de Negers die zig in de Tronk in Stabroek bevinden, en in de Maanden Augustus en September gevangen zyn.

1 Augustus een Neeger en een Negerin, toebehoorende aan de Heer Mc. Cragh.
9 Dito; Een Neegerin behoorende aan de Heer Hamilton.
29 Een groote Neger behoorende aan de Heer Samuel Kendall; aangebragt door de Heer Koning.
4 September een Negerin behoorende aan de Heer P. Haley door de Patroulje opgebragt.
5 Ditto voor de tweede maal gevangen een Neger toebehoorende aan de Heer Le Blanc.
Stabroek 6 September 1794.
G. H. LUDERS, Onder-Schout.

NEGROES IN GOAL. [centered]

List of the Negroes taken up in the Months of August and September brought to the Barraks [sic] by several persons with the dates of their entry.

1 August a Negro man & a Negro woman, the property of Mr. Mc. Cragh.
9 Dito a Negro Woman the property of Mr. Hamilton.
29 Ditto a big Negro man, the property of Mr. S. Kendall
4 September: a Negro Woman belonging Mr. P. Haley.
5 Dito for the second time a negro belonging to Mr. Le Blanc.
Stabroek 6 September 1794.
G. H. LUDERS, Onderschout.

VAN DE DRUKKERY. [centered]

Van voorneemens zynde onze Courant na het afloopen van de Inteekening voor dit jaar, dewelke met ultimo October aan staande eindigen zal, te vervolgen, zoo verzoeken wy alle de geene die dezelve zullen gelieven te hebben, zig vooor de expiratie van die tyd te melden? de [gutter]
kening tot de Courant (zonder vry Briven geld) zal zyn fl. 33 voor het geheel jaar, betaalbaar by 't intekenen, 't zy in contanten, of in eigenhandige obligatien van de intekenaaren, op primo February 1795 te betaalen:
Wy zullen in het vervolg meer Politique Tydingen in onze Courant plaatsen, [gutter]
trachten beyde onse Hollandsche en Engelsche leezers een gelyk genoegen te geven.
Stabroek 6 September 1794.


Being intented [sic] to continue this Gazette after the expiration of the year of the present subscription, which will be at [gutter]
on the last of October next, we beg those who should wish to become subscribers to make application before that time: the price for the Gazette alone, without the Postage will be fl. 33. for the year, to be paid when subscribing, either in cash or in notes of hand payable on or before the first of February 1795.
For the future our Gazette shall contain more Politik news, and we shall endeavour to give an equal satisfaction to our subscribers, both Dutch and English.
Stabroek 6 September 1794.

STABROEK. [centered - width of page]
* * * Gedrukt met Provisioneele Authorisatie van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Policie dezer Colonie, by


Created: 22 August 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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