Essequebo en Demerarische Courant 1795 January 25

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(No. 4. )

ZONDAG Den 25 January 1795.

(Vol. 2.)

STABROEK. [centered]

24. January. [centered]

De Edele Achtbaare Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Hove van Justitie van Demerary zullen hunne ordinaire Vergadering houden op den 2de February aanstaande.

Op den 19de dezer zyn alhier gearriveerd: De Sloep Maria, Capt. Johnson, van Surinaam, met Roode Wyn; Passagier met dezelve de Heer D. Jessurum; en het Schip Sally, Capt. Samuel Lathrop, van New York, met Provisien: Passagiers met dezelve de Heer H. Meyer, Super-carga, en de Wel-Ed. Gestr. Heer J. C. van den Heuvel.

Op den 21den is binnen gekomen de Schoender Commerce, Capt. Assa Stevens, van Peperelsborough, met Provisien en Planken, en ten zelve dage is uitgezeyld de Sloep Demerary Packet, Capt. Wm. Greendige, na Barbados.

Op den 22den is binnen gekomen de Schoener Lady Washington, Capt. Wm. Euslio van Newbury met Provisien &c.

En op den 23den zyn binnen gekomen de Sloep Trial Capt. John Hunds van Grenada met Wyn; En de Sloep Lady Hamon Capt. W. Bennet van Grenada met Provisien, Madeira Wyn &c.

Met deze Laatste hebben wy de tyding ge?reegen, dat'er aldaar van St. Vincents een Schoener was gearriveert en Gerapporteert [illegible], dat'er eene versterking van 6000 man Troppes te Guadeloupe gearriveert was in [illegible] gewaapende Transport Scheepen, onder Convoy van l'Hercule van 46, l'Astrle van 36, La Prompte, Le Ducas en La Levrette van 20 stukken, dewelke den 17den November van Brest waaren gezeilt, en dat een der gemelde Transport Scheepen, hebbende 400 man Constables, veel stukken en Keetels, Koegels, Bommen en andere Amunitie aan Boord, door de Bellona een Engelsch Fregat te S. Kitts was opgebragd.

STABROEK. [centered]

24 January. [centered]

The Honorable the Commissioners of the Court of Justice of Demerary, will hold their ordinary Session on the 2d February next.

ARRIVALS. [centered]

On the 19th. the Sloop Maria Capt. Johnson from Surinaam with Clarret [sic]; Passenger with the same: Mr. D. Jessurum.

The Ship Sally, Sam. Lathrop Master from New York with Provisions, Passengers with the same, Mr. H. Meyer Super-carga and J. C. van den Heuvel Esq.

On the 21st. the Schoner [sic] Commerce, Assa Stevens master, from Pepperelsborough, with Provisions and Lumber.

On the 22 the Schooner Lady Washington Wm. Euslio master from Newbery with Provisions.

On the 23d the Sloop Trial, J. Hunds master, from Grenada with Wine; and the Sloop Lady Hammon, Wm. Greenidge master, from Grenada, with Wine and Provisions.

DEPARTURES. [centered]

On the 21st. the Sloop Demerary Packet, Wm. Greenidge master, for Barbados.

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(Continued from our last.) [centered]

"Such, Citizen General, is the moral and political state of the country you are going to conquer. We have been long and grosly [sic] abused, in being told, that the Dutch waited only our approach to rise and join us. You see that the Patriotic Party is merely a collection of proud and vile tradesmen. That of the Stadtholder, composed of the thinking part of the nation, and of almost all the people, impresses it with so much fear, that 200 Amsterdam Jews would put to flight all the citizens of that place. We must not be abused respecting the power of the Stadtholder: it is very considerable, and more so, because the ill-judged measures pursued by his enemies, to decry him, have only proved their bad faith, and redoubled the general interest for him. Those people know not even how to calomniate. Extreme godness [sic] is the virtue that most attaches men, it is most visible to the eyes of the multitude; and it is also that which is most perfectly expressed in the manner of the Prince of Orange. The Patriots though they would obtain a great victory, if they could persuade the people, that this virtue of their Stadtholder was pure weak ness [sic]. They did not recollect, that the slightest circumstance would publicly give them the lie. This has happened. In the imminent dangers in which Holland has been, and still is, the Stadtholder has shown himself a man full of understanding and wisdom, with a great and nervous character. This opposition of truth to calumny, redoubles the strength of his party, and the timidity of the other; and and [sic] it is no longer to be doubted, that this Prince will obtain from his country many means to resist us.
"On the other hand, the Dutch troops, whom we for a long time hoped to see at last divided in our favour, are now united in the same sentiments. The changes made by their General in his Officers; the talents for war that he has displayed; in a word, in irresistible inclination which attaches men to heroes, binds the whole Dutch army to the destiny of the two young Princes of Orange, and has made it one of the most valiant that we have to encounter.
"You see, Citizen General, that I dissemble not the obstacles you will meet with; and I am also far from exaggerating the succours that you may obtain. Some sums of money, some means of subsistence, some plans of treason, attemps [sic] which fear will render abortive, these are all that the Patriots will have to offer you; but you will have immense forces, intrepid troops, your activity, courage, and talents assisted by which Holland must in the end be our conquest.
"When you enter that country, you must employe [sic] the greatest vigilance to pursue and demolish the heads of the Stadtholderian party, which raises itself avbove [sic] the populace. By thus striking that party with terror, you will put to flight its leaders, will overwhelm it, and then you will have nothing more to apprehend.
"It is a constant maxim with the Dutch Administrators, that there is no degradation which ougth [sic] not to be submitted to, for the smallest political interest. Expect then to find them pliant and disposed to please you. The Magistracy ought to be very well treated at first. Defend it against the rage of the patriots, give it much to hope, till you shall have received sufficient information upon the opinions and fortunes of the families, as well as upon the other objects which it will be necessary for you to know.
"You will take care to establish clubs for the union of the patriots in all the cities, boroughs, and villages, that you enter. You will persuade them, that before they exercise any vengance, or act of authority, they must agree upon the plan of a Constitution. You may judge that this will be a work of some time.
"When you are master, you may begin to throw off the mask, by abandoning to them their Magistrates, who will not fail to have furnished them, as wel [sic] as you, with new pretexts for persecution. You will only be careful that the proscription be complete. A single man of that class spared, might become dangerous.
"Only our friends the patriots then remain upon the scene. I see them debating over their plans of Constitution. Every where will different ones be formed and each more efficacious than the other. The discord between the cities, boroughs, and villages, between the citizens and the better class of families, will compel us to go to the assistance of these poor devils: you will propose to them, on our part, laws that will not be at all to their liking. From that instant we shall displease them. They will

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soon hate us; grievances will increase rapidly. The impossibility of making these strange Legislators agree, will force us to incorporate this country with the French Republick, and govern it by the same laws. You will then give the greatest activity to the decree which enjoins, that private fortunes should be at the disposal of the national will, and for the collective interest.
"Then we shall find that this country, deprived of its specie and commerce, and being unable to defray the expences requisite for preventing its submersion, is inevitably lost. Humanity will oblige us to save at least its inhabitants; and the Committee of Public Safety already foresees that this great affair will end by a decree, which will make all the Dutch Emigrate to France, to be distributed among our departments, in order to fill up the vacuum in our population; and that we shall for ever abandon to thesea those Seven Provinces, which the industry and infatuation of men have during so many ages contended against.
"The greatest difficulty will be to convey into our ports both the ship and naval forces of Holland. Perhaps it will be necessary to burn all.

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ADVERTENTIE. [centered]

Te KOOP by den Ondergeteekende ten zynen Huyze in Stabroek, de volgende Goederen, tot moderaate prys voor gereede betaaling in Producten a Cassa prys: te weeten een Sortiment van drooge Goederen, bestaande uit Neteldoeken en Muslinets, Chitsen en Catoenen, Mans & Vrouwen Gaaren en Catoenen Koussen, fyne Dames Schoenen en Muylen, Hoeden, Platilles, Aardwerk, Horologien, Zilvere Schoen-en Knie-Gespens, super fyn Blom, Zeep, Styssel, blaauwe gegootene Kaarsen, Taback, Irische Booter, Ossen Tongen in halve vaatjes, Ajuyn, Genever, gebluste Kalk in vaatjes, Paerl Gort, Broodzuyker, Mast-hoepels, Haver in vaaten, en eene meenigte Americaansche Kalkoenen.
Demerary 22 Jan. 1795.


For Sale by the Subscriber at his house in Stabroek, the followig articles; Cheap for immediate payment in Produce, at cash price.
An assortment of dry goods, viz: Muslins, Muslinetts, Chintzes and Callicoes, Mens & Womens cotton & thread Stockings, Ladys fine Shoes and Slippers, mens & childrens Shoes, Hat's, Platillas, queens Ware, Watches, Silver shoe & set knee Buckles, superfine Flour, Soap, Starch, blue tallow mould Candles, Tobacco, Irish Butter, neats Tongues in half Barrels, Onions Geneva, Temper lime in kegs, Pearl Barley, Loaf sugar, Mast's Hoops and Hanks, Oats in puncheons, and a number of American Turkeys.
Demerary 22 January 1795.

Ten Drukkery's Comptoir zyn Nieuwe Plak-Almanachen voor het Jaar 1795 te bekoomen à 25 Stuivers het stuk.

ADVERTENTIE. [centered]

Uyt de hand te koop een goed Tent Boot lang over de kiel 20 voeten, breed 4, en diep 3 1/2 voet, inlands maakzel, als meede vier stuks Slaven, waar onder een bekwaame Wash en Kok Meyd met haar kind Circa 2 1/2 jaar oud, een beste Dress Boot en Huys Neger, een Neeger bekwaam op de Boot en kan wat Timmeren, een leer goede delf en tuyn Neeger; als meede eenige Meubilaire Goederen die hier in gaading heest addresseeren zig by
Stabroek 24 January 1795.

Dutch Sheet Almanacs for the present year 1795 are for sale at the printing Office at 25 stuivers a piece.

Lyst der Negers die zig in de Tronk in Stabroek bevinden.

19. January: Een Negerman, middelmaating van Statuur; door de Heer C. Boorweegen aangebragt.
20. Dito, een nieuwe Negrinne, lang van Statuur en spreekende de Mandinga Taal, aaangebragt door den Heer Schirmeester.
Stabroek 24 January 1795.

List of the Negroes in Goal. [centered]

19. January: A Negro man of middle Size, by Mr. C. Boorweegen.
20. Dito, a New Negro-woman, speaking the Mandinga language, by Mr. Schirmeester.
Stabroek 24 January 1795.

DEMERARY. [centered - width of page]
* * * Gedrukt met Provisioneele Authorisatie van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Policie dezer Colonie, by


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