Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1803 October 08 | ||||||||||
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is the first issue of "The Essequebo and Demerary Gazette," which appears on
the microfilm entitled "The Royal Gazette of British Guiana" and filmed by the
University of Florida at the "Archives of British Guiana." This issue is
mutilated, particularly in the lower left and upper right of the first page and
comparable areas on the reverse side. Compared with succeeding issues, it
appears to be missing the 3rd and 4th pages.]
his Excellency Lieutenant General Grinfield, Commander in Chief of His
Majesty's Land Forces in the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, &c.
&c. &c. [Heading missing (mutilation of copy) – possibly PROCLAMATIONS.]
George Furnace, to be second Searcher and Waiter in the Port of Demerary. PROCLAMATION. [heading]
His Excellency Lieutenant General William Grinfield, Commander to the Forces of
His Britannic Majesty in the Leeward and Windward Islands, Island of Trinidad
and Colonies of Essequebo, Demerary and Berbice, &c. &c. &c. PROCLAMATION. [heading]
their Excellencies Lieutenant General William Grinfield, and Commodore Samuel
Hood, Commanders in Chief of His Britannic Majesty's Land and Sea Forces in the
Windward and Leeward Charibee Islands, &c. &c. &c. BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]
de Heeren Moses Capadose en Francis Arthur voorneemens zyn binnen den tyde van
veertien dagen van hier te vertrekken, zoo wordt zulks mits dezen bekend
gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hun te pretendeeren hebben, of
aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien koomen ontvangen, of hunne schulden
betaalen ter hunner Domicilium.
de geenen, die iets te pretendeeren hebben of verschuldigd zyn aun den Boedel
van wylen den Heer D. Taayspel J. Z. worden verzogt daarvan opgave en betaaling
te koomen doen by en ten huyze van Louisa Johanna Catharina Warner, als
deliberende Executrice en Ersgenaame ten boedel vermeld, ten einde dezelve
Boedel zoo spoedig mogelyk tot liquiditeit te brengen.
de geenen, welke iers te pretendeeren hebben van, of verschuldigd zyn aan den
Boedel van wylen P. T. Simpson, gelieven daarvan opgave en betaaling te doen,
binnen den tyd van ses weeken naa dato dezes, ten huyze van den Heer Gidney
Howard op la Bourgarde, in qualiteit als met en benevens den Heer Richard
Harding, aangestelde Executeur Testamentair in welgem. Boedel. PUBLICK AUCTIONS. [heading]
Commissary of the Vendue advertises that on Monday the 10th Instant, will be
exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders; 42 hogsheads Fish, 152 Boxes ditto,
and 40 barrels Flour, imported in the Schooner Ann. The said articles is sold
for Account and Risk of those who it may concern.
Commissary of the Vendue advertises that on Monday the 17th Instant, will be
exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order of Messrs: Van Ryssel &
Co. - An assortment of Dry Goods, coffee-bagging, cotton ditto, hoes, bills,
and a variety of Ironmongery.
Commissary of the Vendue advertises that on Thursday the 13th Instant, will be
exposed for sale by Auction to the highest Bidders, by order of Messrs: J.
Madden & Co. - A hundred Barrels of Beef and fifty Barrells of Pork.
Commissary of the Vendue advertises that on Monday the 31st Instant, at the
Dwelling-House on Plantation L'Amitie in Mahaica, will be exposed for Sale to
the highest Bidders, by order of Messrs: Gilbert Robertson, John Bethune and
Gilbert Rainy, Executors to the Will of Doctor George Bethune, deceased; -
Thirty-six valuable Seasoned Negroes, two of which are excellent Carpenters,
and the rest have been for several years accustomed to all kinds of Task Work.
Also a Negro Man, a young Girl, a Sempstress, and a good saddle Horse, the
Property of a Gentleman lately gone to Europe.
Commissary of the Vendue advertises that on Monday the 24th Instant, will be
exposed for Sale by Auction to the highest Bidders, by order of Messrs. G.
Howard and R. Harding, Executors to the Will of the late Doctor P. T. Simpson,
at the House lately occupied by the said P. T. Simpson, La Bourgarde; - A Lot
of Land with the Buildings thereon, also House Furniture, Slaves, &c. PUBLICQUE VENDUEN. [heading]
Commissaris der Vendue adverteert, dat op Maand[torn] dezer zal worden
opgeveild en aan de meestbiedende[torn] op order van de Heeren Bruninghaus
& Berg 42 Va[torn] 152 Kisten dito, 40 Vaten Bloem, aangebragt door de
Scho[torn] alle welke goederen worden verzogt voor [torn] welke dezelve mogten
aangaan. ADVERTISEMENTS. [heading]
The Subscriber has just imported for Sale
in the Ship Ann, Capt. Fenwick from London, the following articles, which he
will Sell for immediate Payment in Cash or Produce, or to approved Purchasers
he will give a Credit of Three Months, viz: - Yorkshire hams, tongues, cheese,
Bristol tripe in jarrs [sic], new butter, pigs cheeks, Huzenbeth's pickeled
pork in kegs, rounds of beef, pickled oysters, choise pieces of beef in
firkins, Taunton ale, Herefordshire cyder, old cogniac brandy, split pease,
pearl barley, refined sugar, hyson tea, jordan almonds, fine bloom raisins,
olives, capers, cases of pickles, paint and paint oil, Irish linen, Inverness
cotton bagging, canvass, candles, soap, Carpenters tools, and a general
assortment of Ironmongery &c &c.
Subscribers have for Sale, Seventy-two Prime Windward Coast Slaves, (Men and
Boys only). They are well worth the attention of any Person wanting Strong,
Powerful Negroes, as they are a selection of the finest People from the Cargo
of the ship Biam, lately arrived at Barbados from Africa.
Sandbach, McBean & Co. will [torn] Sale on Monday the 24th Inst. at their
Store on the front of Plantation Werk & Rust;
by the Ship Maxwell, from Barbados, and for Sale by the Subscribers: - Hams,
cheese, butter, small beer, mould and spermaceti candles, paint oil, white
lead, yellow and red paint, powder, shot, sheet lead, canvas, nails, iron
hoops, Madeira wine in pipes, hogsheads and quarter casks, cotton bagging,
scarlet and blue cloths, &c. &c
Liverpool – The Ship Maxwell, Capt. John Edwards, will sail with the
first Convoy. For freight apply to [Torn advertisement] M. Bunbury.
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Created: 26 April 2005 Last modified:
Creator: Wilmer, John Lance
Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten