Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1803 November 26 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Commissary of the Vendue advertises
that on Monday the 28th Inst. will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders,
by order of Mr. F. Dufour, at the House Occupied by Mr. N. Winandy; An
assortment of fine Liquors, handkerchiefs, blue cloth, silk stokkings [sic],
Penduels, Necklaces with Pearls &c. &c.
The Commissary of the Vendue advertises
that on Monday the 28th Inst. at the House of Mr. N. Winandy, will be exposed
for Sale to the highest Bidder: - A Strong Colony built Boat, 30 feet keel and
about 11 feet Beam, she is three Years and a few Months old, has nearly new
Sails and Rigging in good order, is well adapted for a Plantation and will be
sold as she now lays near the Government Stelling. Also Three Field Negroes.
The Commissary of the Vendue advertises
that on Tuesday the 29th inst. at the Vendue Office, by desire of E. N. Wichers
q.q. the Estate of Mr. Baerveld; deceased, will be exposed for Sale to the
highest Bidders: - Wearing Apparel &c.
The Commissary of the Vendue advertise
that on Thursday the 1st of December, will be exposed for Sale to the highest
Bidders, at the House of W. L. Menkman deceased, by desire of H. A. [sic]
Walstab Esqr. q. q. the said Estate: - A Horse, empty Casks, Chairs, A Sopha, a
Bureau, Tables, a Bedstead and Matrass, Liquors, Shoes and Boots, and Mens
The Commissary of the Vendue advertises
that on Tuesday and Wednesday the 13th and 14th days of the next Month, at the
House lately Occupied by Rowland Smith Esqr. near Mahaica Ferry, will be
exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order of Messrs: Jones & Nurse;
- 30 Prime Seasoned Negroes, all of whom are compleat Shovellers. Also beef,
pork, butter, candles, lard, shads, makerel, and sundry other Articles. ADVERTISEMENTS. [heading]
The Agent for the Captors of this Colony
advertises that so soon as the Papers of Adjudication shall arrive from
Barbados, he will expose for Sale at Publick Auction the several Prize Ships
now in this River, viz: - The Wilhelmina, Sturt, The Wilhelmina, Mulder, The
Maria, The Boodes Welvaaren, The Liesfeldt, and The Aurora, together with their
Sails, Rigging &c. &c. the particulars of which will be made known on a
future day
Notice: - All those to whom the Estate
of the late Wm. Berkmyer stand indebted, and have not yet rendered in their
Accounts, are requested to do the same (properly Attested) before the 25th of
December next ensuing, to Mr. Thomas Wishart q. q. at the House lately Occupied
by Doctr. Baum, near Robb's Stelling in Bridge Town; those who do not observe
this, must be excluded the benifit [sic] arising from said Estate; and all
those indebted thereto are desired to come forward with the amount of their
respective Accounts, otherwise they must be treated according to Law.
Just imported and for Sale by the
Subscriber, at his Store on the American Stelling; - A quantity of Irish
Linens, which he will sell on moderate Terms for Cash only.
For Sale: - That Lot of Land on the
Courantene Coast known on the General Chart by No. 38 together with twenty two
Prime Slaves; There are now 40 Acres of it planted in Cotton and 60 more
impoldered and cleared ready for Planting, and the Land is considered of the
first quality for producing Cotton. Further Particulars and Terms of Sale may
be known by application to J. F. Layfield Esqr in Berbice, or Messrs. McInroy,
Sandbach, McBean & Co. in Demerary.
To Be Sold or Let: - The House next door
to Edward Jones Esqr., on the North Dam, Stabroek. It is a well built House,
in a good situation for Business, and has a commodious Brick Cellar. Enquire
For Sale at reduced Prices, the
remaining Goods of J. Hall's Store, viz; Carpenters and Coopers Tools, whip and
cross cut saws, brass and iron door-locks, stock locks, pad locks, coffee, corn
and peppermills, Dutch hoes and shovels, sauce pans lined with china, Negroes
pots, frying pans, curry combs and brushes, box hinges, but and small H hinges,
noyeau, cherry and raspberry brandy, essence of spruce, sweet oil, Dinner
Services of British China, window glass 10 by 12, wafers, ink powder, glass
ware, Gent. & Ladies gloves, sein twine, parlour & night lamps,
Reeves's water colours, oznabrug thread, paint and brushes, bridles, wired
f[?]fes, oznabrugs trowsers, tea, spices, a handsome mahogany side board, wash
stands, biddies, and other Articles, next House to Messrs: Mourant &
The Subscriber has removed to the
New-Town, opposite Mr. Underwood's
Whereas the Copartnership of Van
Millingen & Eli is to be dissolved by mutual consent on the first day of
December next ensuing, it is requested of every one whom said Firm is indebted
to, or those who are indebted to the same, to render their Accounts or to Pay
their due.
Picked up near Fort William Frederick, a
Tent Boat, she is built of Colony Wood and appears to belong to a Plantation.
Whoever can prove their Property may have her restored by applying on Board the
Ship Eunice and Paying the Expences.
Lost: - An Acceptance of Messrs:
Benjamin and Barrel [sic], in favor of Capt. Samuel Allen, or Order, dated
Demerary 29th June 1803, of f 501 5 4. Whoever has found the same or should
yet find it, is requested to deliver it at the House of Messrs: Remy &
Boter on Werk & Rust, and to expect a handsome reward. Proper steps are
taken that the amount will be payed to the right Owner, therefore said
Acceptance is not of the smallest value to any other Person.
De Ondergetekende adverteert by dezen,
dat een geruymen tyde geleden is opgebragt een ligt bruyn paard. De Eigenaar
van hetzelve wordt verzogt binnen den tyd van agt dagen naa dit Advertisement
het Paard tegens betaling der onkosten af te haalen, alzoo de tyd, ingevolge
Publicatie ten dezen opzigte gee[umlaut]manerd, is geexpirerd, Zullende by
nalatigheid van dien anderzins op publicque Vendue voor de onkosten worden
De Ondergetekende geest by dezen aan het
gee[umlaut]erd Publicq te kennen, dat hy den Schryver van zekere Advertentie
ten lassen, van den Ondergetekenden geplaatst in the Essequebo and Demerary
Gazette d. d. 19 November dezes Jaars, en ondertekend met den naam van L. J. C.
Warner, erkent by dezen als een Lasteraar on Eerdief, alzoo hy Ondergetekende
door deze onderstaande Declaratie, door twee geruygen ondertekend, genoegzaam
het Publicq aantoont, dat hy met eene onwaarheid is bezwaard geworden. Hy
presenteert eene somma van een honderd Guildens aan die geenen, die met
voldoende bewyzen kan aantoonen, die de origineele Advertentie vooornoemd heest
geschreven en met den naam van L. J. C. Warner ondertekend, oin zoodanig persoon
ingevalge de wetten te zien strassen.
Wy Ondergetekenden verklaaret by dezen,
uit Liesde dor waarheid en ten verzoeke van den Heer C. J. V. Kohler, ons
verzogt te hebben ten huyze van de vrye meid L. J. C. Warner en aan haar op
verzoek van de Heer Kohler gevraagd hebbende of zeker Advertentie d d 19 Nov.
door haar was in de Courant geplaatst En of zy voornoemde Advertentie in hei
origineel by den Drukker E. J. Henery berustende me haar eigen hand
ondertek[??] waarop zy aan ons ten antwoord [???] dat zulks zonder haare kennis
ware dgedaan, en ook het origineel nooit of nimmer door haard eige handschrift
ware ondertekend, [???] minder daartoe door imand hoegenaamd eenige speciaale
magte h[illegible]dde gegeeven, verklaarde zyn voornoemde Meid aan ons, dat het
geen, het welk de Hr. Ko[umlaut]hler in den boedel Wylen Daniel Taayspel heeft
verrigt met haar consent en volkomen approbatie ware ged[illegible]an.
To be Sold on very reasonable Terms, an
elegant and complete set of Iron Works for a Sugar Wind Mill; also a quantity
of Grating Bars. apply to List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 24th day of November 1803, in the Stocks of Demerary. Lyst der op heden den 24 November 1803, zig in arrest bevindende Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.
And Nineteen New Negroes, the names of
their Owners unknown. DOODEN. [heading]
Begraaven zedert den 18 Nov tot den 24
dito 1803. Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.
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Created: 23 March 2005 Last modified:
Creator: Wilmer, John Lance
Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten