Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1803 December 03


Ao. 1803 )


( No. 49.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 3d of December.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo de Heeren Maclolm Clark & John William Robinson van voorneemens zyn binnen den tyd van veertien dagen deze Colonie te verlaaren, zop wordt mits dezen aan elk en een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hun te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien koomen opgeeven en hunne schulden voldoen ter hunner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 1 December 1803
In Kennisse van my, J. . [initial missing - "C"] Stadtman, Gezw. Clercq


The Commissary of the Vendue advertises that on Monday the 5th Instant, will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of Mr. M. Smit: - A quarter Lot of Land situated on the front of Iveleary, formerly Occupied by Mr. Wm. Gibson, with a Dwelling House 7 or 8 feet off the ground, and Built of Colony wood, the one half divided for a Water House and boarded in for that purpose, with Out Buildings &c. mostly new and in good order.
Demerary, 3d December 1803. E. N. Wichers.

The Commissary of the Vendue advertises that on Thursday the 8th Instant, will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the Store lately Occupied by Messrs: N. Osborn & Co. in the New Town, by order of Mr. J. Newton; - An assortment of Dry Goods consisting of ginghams, muslinet, jaconet, striped, checked and tamboured muslin, muslin handkerchiefs, broad cloth, thread, cotton bagging, and a number of other Articles too tedious to enumerate.
Demerary, 3d December 1803. E. N. Wichers.

The Commissary of the Vendue advertises that on Wednesday the 7th Instant, will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of Mr. Scantlebury, q. q. the Estate of Thomas Fairbrother deced: - The half Lot of Land No. 24, situated next the Lots of Mr. Heathcote; a Piano-Forte, a silver Watch and other Articles.
Demerary, 3d December 1803. E. N. Wichers.


Whereas Meetings of Proprietors of Lots in Cumingsburg have been repeatedly Advertised for by the Subscribers, without any effect or attention being Paid to them, and the situation of said Town requiring immediate measures to be taken for its present as well as future Preservation, the Subscribers once more and for the last time request a Meeting of those interested on Wednesday the 14th Instant, to resolve on some means for the above mentioned Purposes; should not a sufficient number of Proprietors attend to Authorize effective measures to be adopted, the Subscribers will then consider their services to be of no avail, and shall decline acting any longer in their present Capacity, of which they shall give due Notice to the Honble. Court of Policy, that it may take such recognisance of the matter as may be found necessary.
Colin Macrae,
Henry Tulloh,
Thos. Naghten,
Stabroek, 3d December 1803. Aa. Fullerton, Commissaries.

The Subscriber having experienced much inconvenience by Managers and others taking up Goods and contracting Debts in his Name without acquainting him or having proper Authority, gives this Public Notice, that no goods delivered, Debts contracted in any way, by any transaction on his Account will be allowed as Valid except by his Order, and that of Joseph Hill, or by William Williams for the use of his Estates in Essequebo.
Demerary, 3d December 1803. Wm. Postlethwaite.

The Subscriber being fully Empowered by the Trustee on the Bankrupt Estate of Steel, Nisbet & Company, Merchants in Glasgow, (which House carried on Mercantile Business in this Colony under the Firm of Peter Nisbet & Co.) to settle all Accounts relating to the said Firm of Peter Nisbet & Co. and to grant full and sufficient Discharges and Acquittances for the Sums that may be received: and the Honorable Court of Justice of this Colony, having Sanctioned the Power so Granted; and directed all the Books of Accounts and Papers of said Firm of Peter Nisbet & Co. to be Delivered over to me: - I beg leave therefore to give Notice to all Persons who may have any Demands against the late Firm of Peter Nisbet & Co. to render in the same to me properly Attested, in order that they may be settled; and to request all those who may stand indebted to the said Firm of Peter Nisbet & Co. to make their Payments unto me as speedily as possible, either in Cash or in good Produce to be delivered in Stabroek, at the current Cash Price.
Demerary, 3d December 1803 James Bruce, q. q.

For Sale: - The Buildings and two Lots of Land Occupied by E. N. Wichers Esqr Commissary of the Vendue, situated on the front land of Plantation Werk & Rust, between the Buildings of C. Vincent and P. C. Ouckama Esquires. For Particulars please to apply to the said E. N. Wichers or the Subscriber.
Demerary, 3d December 1803. C. N. Bollers.

Every one who has given Smith's Work, to the Subscriber to repair, are requested to call for it within Six Weeks from the date hereof, as many Articles are given to him for repairing without either being called or sent for; he considers it to be his duty to give information hereof by these presents, while after the expiration of the abovementioned time, they'll not be considered as reclaimable.
Demerary, 3d December 1803 H. H. Schaaper.

Opgevscht by den Ondergetekenden op de Plantagie de Twee Gebroeders een Scheepsboot zonder mast of roer, van boven groen geschilderd. De Eigenaar kan dezelve afhaalen op de gem. Plantagie in de boven Rivier.
Demerary den 3 December 1803. J. Kirton.

The Subscriber will expose to Sale on Thursday the 8th Instant;
220 Prime Young Gold-Coast Slaves imported in the Ship Minerva, Capt. McIver, from Cape Coast.
Stabroek, 3d December 1803. John Jackson.

Now landing and for Sale by the Subscribers, at their Store in Bridge-Town, near the Stelling: - Boards and Plank, White Oak Shooks with Heading, Red Oak ditto, New Cod Fish in Hogsheads, Beef and Pork in Barrels, Beef in half Barrels, Lamp Oil in Barrels.
Demerary, 1st December 1803. William Hallstead & Co.

Now landing from on Board the Brig Two Brothers and for Sale by the Subscriber at his Store in Bridge Town, for immediate Payment in Cash or Produce; - Fish in hogsheads and boxes, Tobacco in hogsheads and barrels, mackerel, beef and pork of the first quality in whole or half barrels, fresh superfine flour in whole and half barrels, hams, butter, cheese, lard, soap, candles, paint oil in casks, whale oil in ditto, smoaked herrings in small boxes, potatoes in barrels, rye flour, vinegar, ship bread, olives in small cases, best Cogniac brandy, Holland gin in cases and pipes, a few crates of earthen ware, nankeen, white oak staves and heading, Lumber, best Hyson tea in small chests &c.
John Clapham.
Also from on board Sloop Active, from New Haven, 37 Prime Mules. Demerary, 3d December 1803.

John Madden & Co. are receiving the Cargo of the Brig Hitty, Capt. Samuel Moore from Portsmouth, N. A. consisting of white pine boards, plank and scantling, clap boards and shingles, red and white oak staves and shooks with heading, fish in hogsheads and boxes, butter and flour, prime mess beef and pork in whole and half barrels, tobacco in hogsheads and barrels. They have also on Sale, Hollands Gin in cases, soap and candles, refined sugar, India nankeens and Plantation Stores.
Stabroek, 3d December 1803.

All those who are indebted to the Underwritten are requested to make Payment within the time of fourteen Days, so as to enable him to Liquidate all Debts that are against him; otherwise he will be necessitated to lodge them in the hands of an Attorney at Law.
Stabroek, 3d December 1803. J. Runnels, J. z.

The Subscriber begs leave to inform the Public that he has opened Shop in the New-Town, in the Street leading to Robb's Stelling, where Black-Smith's, Copper-Smith's and Plumber's Work will be done by and under the direction of an experienced Workman in the best manner and on the shortest Notice.
Demerary, 3d December 1803. Geo. Craig.

Heden is myn waarde Compagnon de Heer J. L. Wortman i[illegible] den Ouderdom van vyftig Jaaren op de Plantagie den Amstel overleden, hetwelk ik hiermede aan alle zyne vrienden en bekenden bekend maake.
Demerary den 29 Novbr. 1803 Fr. Butteweg.

De Ondergetekende vindt zich verplicht by dezen het gee[umlaut]erd te informeeren, dat hy om gegronde redenen genoodzaakt is geweeft, om van de qualiteit, welke zekere Mulattin J. C. L. Warner aan zyn Huys zynde, den 8 dezer verklaarde aan den Heer Ouckama ten zynen opzigte te hebben opgegeeven, (en welke Heer hem werkelyk daarover heeft gesproken), op den 21 by Missives aan den Heer Secretaris en eerste Clercq te renuntieeren, kunnende den Ondergetekenden teffens niet voorba [sic], om by dezen aan te stippen en te verklaaren, dat hy zich zeer gei[umlaut]ndigneerd vindt door de Advertentie van C. F. V. Ko[umlaut]hler met onderstaande Certificaat omtrent de gezegdens van voorn. Mulattin en dus verplicht is te observeeren, dat de gen. Mulattin niet alleen den gem. C. F. V. Kohler belochent, maar ook getragt heeft, indien mogelyk was, det ondergetekendens goede naam en faam te krenken, de Ondergetekende de deugdelykheid der Advertentie to lasten van C. F. V. Ko[umlaut]hler nader kan bevestigen en des noods onder Eede verklaaren, dat by zulks op het aanhoundend verzoek van voorn Mulattin, en alzoo zy voorgaf geruineerd te worden, uit menschlievenheid zonder eenig voordeel hoegenaamd te hebben, en (Pr Ord.) getekend, te meer daar dezelve Mulattin hem te gelyker tyd verzekerde zulks den raad van den Heer Ouckama te zyn, en den Ondergetekenden, op dat moment verhinderd zynde, om die Advertentie zelf te stellen, zynde de Ondergetekende nog te eerder daartoe overgegaan, uit hoofde dat voorn. Mulattin, aan zyn huys zynde, zoo in byzyn van de Heeren Wichers, Henschelius en des Ondergetekendens Huysgezin & Slaaven en het hiervoren gem. heest verklaard, nog kragiiger door aanhoudende uitlaatingen aan de Heer A. Layne op different tyden gedaan, zulks nader heest bevestigd - En daar zulks van serieuse gevolgen konde zyne, vermits de gem. Mulattin dit schynt te negeeren, zoo eischt de gligt van den Onderegetekenden om ter zuyvering van de blaam en beloochening, hem ten lasten gelegd, de grond oorzaak van alles, en het geval op zich zelve, zoo kort doenlyk, op deze wyze aan het Daglicht te brengen, en Zonne klaar aan te toonen, dat hy zulks gedaan heest uit een goed vertrouwen en ter adsistentie van jemand, die hulpe vroeg, zonde zich eenigzinis [sic] bevoordeeld te hebben
Demerary den 29 Novbr. 1803. A. Fleischman.

Concert. [heading]
The Gentlemen Performers and Members of the Musical Society are requested to attend on Saturday the 10th Instant, at six o'Clock in the Evening, at the House of the Underwritten in Stabroek; it is requested that the Gentlemen Members of the Society will introduce those Gentlemen that are Performers. The Concert to be opened with L Orage, and afterwards Symphonies and overture of Pleyel with trios and quartos, intermixed with a solo on the Horn, and for the conclusion La Chasse.
Demerary, 3d December 1803. N. Rousselet.

Gifford L. Davis & Co. beg leave to inform their Friends and the Public in general, that they have taken the house adjoining Mr. Wm. Turner, (Watch Maker) or nearly opposite the Union Coffee-House, where they have for Sale, the best and general assortment of Medicines &c. viz: - Best pale and yellow bark, jalap, cantharides, rhubarb, calomeli, ipecacuanha, cream of tartar, salt nitre, borax, alum, red and white precipitate, blue vitriol, white ditto, salt of tartar, salt of steel and steel dust, crude antimony, spts. hartshorn, vitriol, nitre and turpentine, Tinctures of myrrh, aloes, lavender and rhubarb, gum camphor, ammoniac, arabic, guaicum and assofoetida, flour of sulphur, castor oil, china root, gentian, liquorice and sarsparilla, senna leaves, manna, glauber salts, tart, emetic, powder'd worm seed, basilicum plaster, Turner's cerate, diapalm, diachlum and melolet do. rosin, wax, essence of peppermint, Anderson's or the famous Scots pills, Huxham's tincture of bark, antibilious pills and chemical Oils, with various other Articles.
Demerary, 3d December 1803.

Drifted from Plantation Inverinate, a small Punt built of Colony Wood, without Beams; one of the bottom Planks started which occasions her to sink. Should the same be found on any Place or Plantation, Two dollars Reward will be given for information to the Printer.
Stabroek, 3d December 1803.

Absented himself from the Subscriber on Saturday last, a Negro Man named Good Luck, of the Conga Nation, formerly the Property of C. N. Bollers Esqr. he was sent with a Pass to cut Grass; Whoever may detain said Negro are requested to lodge him in the Barracks.
Stabroek, 3d December 1803. J. Runnels, Jz.

List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 1st day of December 1803,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 1 December 1803, zig in arrest bevindende

Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.









Post Mahaica.



Pl. Guide Groove.



Pl. Goede Hoop.











T. Spooner.

Pl. Turkeyen.





J. Freese.

Post Mahaica.


J. Ogle.




Pl. Industry.


M. Forrester.




R. Young.





Doctr. Oslin in Berbice.



De Wed. Conner.

P. Looven.


Landsneger in Essequebo.




D. P. Simon.





Ridley & Dodson.






W. Casey.

Smith & Bell.



Pl. Good Intent.







And Eighteen New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts Agttien Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaar niet kan ontwaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart.
C. van Eff, Cipier.

Dooden. [heading]
Begraaven zedert den 25 Nov. tot den 1 Dec. 1803.
Den 28 Nov. de persoon, genaamd Sulliver, in het Colonie Hospitaal.

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.

Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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