Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1803 December 31 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Demerary, 31st December 1803. PROCLAMATION. [heading]
By His Honor Lieutenant Colonel Robert
Nicholson, Lieutenant Governor, and the Honble: Court of Policy of the Colony
of Essequebo and Demerary, and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]
Alzoo de Heer Johannes Feysser met
1[degree sign] February eerstkoomende, George Law en John Hill van voornemens
zyn binnen de veertiendagen deze Colonie te verlaaten, zoo wordt mits dezen aan
elk en een iegelyk gea[umlaut]dverteerd, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van
hun te pretendeeren hebben ofte aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien
koomen opgeeven, en hunne Schulden voldoen ter hunner Domicilium of wel ter
Secretary alhier. PUBLICK AUCTIONS. [heading]
The Commissary of the Vendue advertises
that on Monday the 9th of January 1804, will be Exposed to Sale by Auction to
the highest Bidders, at the Store of Messrs: De Ridder & Goppy, in New
Town: - Salt fish (of a good quality) in hogsheads, barrels and boxes, salmon,
mackerel and beef in whole and half barrels, butter, soap. spermaceti and mould
candles, lamp oil, pork, bread, tea, &c. &c. ADVERTISEMENTS. [heading]
De Ondergetkende maakt hiermede bekend,
dat hy zyn Domicilium citandi & executandi gekoozen heest ten huyze van den
Heer J. L. Biegmann op de Voorgrond der Pl. Meerzorg.
Uit de Hand Te Koop. - Een goed
Koopmanshuys, voorzien van een goed Pakhuis voor provisien, en een Winkel voor
drooge Goederen, eene goede Combuis, Washuys, Pak-huys voor water, Kamers of
Loges voor Slaaven &c. &c., gelegen aan de Middeldam van Stabroek op de
Concessie No. 8. De geenen, welke daarin speculatie hebben, addresseeren zich
by de Onderegetekende. Zy adverteert verder aan het Publick, dat haar Neger
Alart zedert eenigen tyd weggeloopen is, en presenteert den geenen die hem
opbrengt, een premie van honderd Guldens. De Neger mankeert een van zyne boven
Voortanden, van de Timny Natie, reeds lange in de Colonie, en als een Creool en
spreekt Engelsch en Hollandsch.
Just imported in the Sloop Gipsey,
Donald McTaggart, Master, from Cork, and for Sale by the Subscribers, very
reasonable for immediate Payment: - Beef and Pork in barrels, Soap and Candles,
Tallow in kegs, Butter in firkins.
For Sale: - The fast sailing Sloop
Gipsey, burthen 73 Tons; she is coppered and copper fastened, and would answer
remarkable well as a Trader betwixt this and Barbados, or any of the Islands.
For further particulars apply to
Schwiers, Downer & Co. have for Sale
on moderate terms, imported in the Ship Florenzo, from Portsmouth; - Lumber,
clap boards, W. O. shooks and staves with heading, but shooks, [illegible]
mackerel, salmon and herrings, superfine flour, cases of gin, spermaceti and
mould candles, white and brown soap, butter in small kegs, tobacco, barrels,
and half barrels mess beef, ditto ditto mess pork, cargo beef and pork, fish in
hogsheads and boxes, potatoes, onions, etc.
The Subscriber has for Sale Eight Prime
Healthy Female Slaves. For Particulars enquire at the Store of Mr. H. B. Gall
Notice: - The Copartnership of
Fullerton, Oughter[???] & Co. being this day dissolved by mutual consent,
all Persons indebted to the said Firm are requested to make immediate Payment
and all those who have any Demands against them are requested to render in
their Accounts to the Subscribers that they may be examined and settled.
Notice: - The Copartnership of De Ridder
& Goppy is this day dissolved by mutual consent; the Subscribers therefore
request all Persons to whom they are indebted to render their Accounts for
Payment, and all Persons indebted to them are requested to come forward with
Payment of their Accounts.
Notice: - The Subscriber surviving
Partner of the late Concern carried on here, under the Firm of Angus McNiel
& Co. request all Persons indebted to that Firm to make Payments to him
immediately, at the Store of James Lyon & Co. to prevent expences being
encurred, as Prosecutions will be commenced against all outstanding Accounts
after the 15th of January 1804. All Demands against that Firm will be settled
by the Subscriber.
Runaway from the Subscriber a Negro Boy
named John of the Conga Nation; he speaks little English, is a good looking
boy, about nine or ten Years of age, has a round pleasant countenance with a
small scar in the middle of his forehead and another under the right side of
his chin. Whoever will secure him and give information to the Subscriber shall
be handsomely Rewarded; those who may be found harbouring him will be treated
according to Law.
Zederd eenigen tyd absenteerde zich eene
Negerin, genaam Mimi en gemerkt E. W. P. en alzoo den Ondergetekenden berigt is
gegeeven, dat zy dikwyls op de Markt in Demerary af[illegible] aan onder
protectie van vry te zyn, of aldaar te zyn verkogt, groe[illegible] tens als
anderzints verkoopt, zoo word, een Iegelyk op het vrier[illegible] lykste
verzogt, gemelde Negerin, waar men dezelve mogt aantress[illegible] aan te
houden en den Ondergetekenden kennis te geeven, bereid [illegible] de alle onkosten
te vergoeden en een redelyk vangloon te geniet[illegible] List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 29th day of December 1803, in the Stocks of Demerary. Lyst der op heden den 29 December 1803, zig in arrest bevindende Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.
And Nineteen New Negroes, the names of
their Owners unknown. DOODEN. [heading]
Begraaven zedert den 23 tot den 29 Dec.
and Published by E. J. Henery, Stabroek. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Created: 23 March 2005 Last modified:
Creator: Wilmer, John Lance
Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten