Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 January 28 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]
Alzoo de Heer Thomas Caster van
voorneemens is binnen den tyd van ses Weeken van hier te vertrekken, zoo wordt
zulks mits dezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hem te
pretendeeren hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien koomen
ontvangen, of hunne schulden betalen ter zynner Domicilium, of wel ter
Secretary alhier.
Alle de geenen, die iets te pretendeeren
hebben, oste verschuldigd zyn aan den Boedel van wylen den Heer Pieter de Jong,
worden verzogt hunne pretensien op te geeven, oste hunne schulden te kommen
voldoen, uiterlyk binnen ses weeken naa dat dezes aan de Heeren J. S.
Masse[accent] en D. Hoola Van Nooten junior, als Executeuren Testamentair, ten
einde die Nalatenschap aoo spoedig mogelyk to liquiditeit te kunnen brengen.
Alzoo Mejuffrouwen J. B. de Barry, Wed.
Boedberg, Susanna Wilhelmina Brilleman, geb. Boedberg en de Heer A. H. Walstab
van voorneemens zyn met het eerst vertrekkend Convooy van hier te vertrekken,
zoo wordt zulks mits dezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van
hun te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hun verschuldigd zyn, als mede van de Firma
van Kolfold & Co., hunne pretensien koomen ontvangen, of hunne schulden
betaalen ter hunner domicilium op de Plantagie Meerzorg, aan de Westwal dezer
Rivier, ofte wel ter Secretary alhier.
Alzoo Barend Mulder, gevoerd hebbende
het Schip Wilhelmina, en James MacAulley van voorneemens zyn, binnen den tyd
van 14 dagen of 3 weeken van hier te vertrekken, zoo wordt zulks mits dezen
bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hun te pretendeeren
hebben, of aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien koomen ontvangen, of
hunne schulden betaalen ter hunner domicilum, als van den eerstgenoemden ten
Huyze van de Heeren Remy & Boter op de Voorgrond van Pl. WerkenRust [sic]
Alle de geenen, die eenige pretensien
hebben, ofte schuldig zyn aan den Boedel van Alexr, [sic] Mouvielle, in zyn
Leestyd Houtmaaker in Mahaicony, worden verzogt dezelve binnen den tyde van ses
weeken op te geeven ter Secretary alhier, of by de Heeren Charles Edmonstone
& Andries Grafft in q. q. als Executeuren in gemelde Boedel, en ten
Comptoire van den Hr. Proc N. Rousselet in Stabroek, ten einde gemelde Boedel
tot liquiditeit te brengen PUBLICK AUCTIONS. [heading]
The Commissary of the Vendue advertises
that on Wednesday the 1st of February, at the Vendue Office, by order of E. N.
Wichers will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders;
The Commissary of the Vendue advertises
that on Thursday the 2d of February, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders,
by Order of Messrs: Bruninghaus & Bergh, at their Store, to Close an
Account; - Best Claret in hogsheads, Dutch Gin in pipes, Beef and Pork in whole
and half barrels, cheese, butter, hogs-lard, Hams, Potatoes, Flour and other
The Commissary of the Vendue advertises
that on Friday the 3d of February, at the Stores of John Madden & Co, there
will be Exposed to Public Sale, the Cargo of the Ship Bacatha[?], consisting of
London particular old Madeira Wine in pipes and half butts, Antigua old Rum in
hogsheads and puncheons, Port Wine in 2 and 3 dozen cases, old hock in ditto,
cod fish in hogsheads, Bristol building lime in ditto, Poland oats in ditto,
crackers in barrels, and marble tiles.
The Commissary of the Vendue advertises
that on Monday the 6th of February, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest
Bidders, by order of Mr. N. Winandy, at his House; - Beef, Pork, Candles, an
assortment of Dry Goods and Ironmongery.
The Commissary of the Vendue advertises
that on Wednesday the 8th of February, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest
Bidders, at the Vendue Office, - Three Prime Sailor Negroes, who have been
brought up in the Islands, and for the last three Years has been Employed in
Colony Boats and Working on Board of Vessels
The Commissary of the Vendue advertises
that on Tuesday the 31st Instant, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest
Bidders, by Order of Messrs: Andrew & Adam Smith, at their Store in
Cumingsburg; - An assortment of Provisions, Plantation Stores, and several
seasoned Negroes.
The Commissary of the Vendue advertises
that on Wednesday the 1st of February will be Exposed for Sale to the highest
Bidders, by Order of Messrs: Thomas King and J. S. Smith, Executors to the
Estate of J. R. Boyce, deceased. - Negroes, and other Articles.
The Directors of the Orphan Chamber of
the Colony of Berbice, being duly authorsied by the Honorable Court of Policy
and Criminal Justice of the said River, will Publickly expose for Sale, on the
30th of January Instant, in the Town of New-Amsterdam, the following Effects
and Goods, viz: - ADVERTISEMENTS. [heading]
For London, to sail with the first
Convoy, the Ship Kitty, Burthen about 300 Tons. For Freight at the following
For Sale, by Private Contract, together
or in Lotts, the Houses and Premises in the Town of Cumingsburg; lately
Occupied by His Excellency Governor Meertens. Also the House and Premises
Occupied by the Subscribers in the Town of Kingston. For Particulars apply to
For Sale: - Fourteen Prime Season'd
Negroes, all Men, [illegible] excellent Trenchers, having been used to Work in
a Task Gang and will be sold very reasonable for an early Payment, by applying
at the Store of
For Sale: - Noyeau, cherry and raspberry
brandy, best Hyson tea, spices scarlet cloth, Gentlemens gloves, Funeral
gloves, corks, snuff, Reves's water colours, sein twine, Argand's patent lamps,
Night lamps and wicks, Dutch hoes and shovels, pocket books, bridles, iron
sauce pans lined with china, Dinner Services of British China, decanters,
frying pans, grid irons, sod irons, Carpenter and Masons tools, corn, coffee
and pepper mills, a Pheaton [sic] and Chaise Harness &c Punts to Let and
fresh Water supplied per Puncheon. For Sale, for ready Cash, or Cotton or Coffee at the current Cash Price, to be delivered in Stabroek; Young healthy Woman who can be recommended for honesty and sobriety, she is a very good Washer, Ironer and Seamstress, understanding also Baking and Huckstering, and is a tolerable good Cook. Apply at the Gazette Office for further information. Stabroek, 28th January 1804.
The Subscribers request all Persons
having Demands against the late Thomas Harper, on Execution, Bond, or open
Accounts, to render in the same as early as possible, as they wish to lay a
statement of his Affairs before the Honble: the President and Court, for the
preferment concurrent, so that his affairs may be brought to a final close. No
Accounts will be received after the first of March and those properly attested.
To Be Sold on very reasonable Terms, a
half Lot of Land on Werk & Rust, near to the Canal, with a neat Dwelling
House, side Buildings consisting of Negro Houses, Kitchen and Horse Stable.
For Particulars enquire of the Printer
A Person understanding the English and
Dutch Languages, and having a comlpeat knowledge of Book-Keeping in the Italian
way, who may wish to engage himself in a Counting House; will meet with
favorable Conditions, on application to the Printer.
For Sale: - A fine covered Schooner, 34
feet long and 12 feet broad, with a fine Cabbin [sic], built of best black
sirrivebaly, with Sails, Cordage, Anchor, a small Boat &c. the same is to
be seen on the Plantation Le Repentir; the Price and mode of Payment to be
enquired of Mr. J. F. Narjes, on that Estate.
Lost, or Stolen from the Subscriber, a
Note of hand of J. De Young, in favour of Mr. E. Keller, for the Sum of f. 551
13 [?] s. the Note is endorsed on the back E. Keller; as a stop has been put to
the Payment it can be of no use to any one, but whatever reward may be
requisite will be paid, if returned to the Owner.
Lost or Mislaid, a small Note of hand of
J. Luke's q. q. Joseph Ward, for Fifty four Guilders, in favour of the
Subscriber, (Payable in goods) Two Dollars will be given to any one to restore
it; Payment of the same being stop'd, can be of no service to any but
Found. A Ship's Boat of fifteen feet
Keel, yellow sides and a little damaged in the Bow. The Owner may have her on
application to the Printer.
De Ondergetekende waarschouwt alle de
geenen, die aan hem zedert den Jaare 1801, 1802 & 1803 verschuldigd zyn, en
verzoekt vriendelyk hem als nu te voldoen, alzoo het hun Edl niet vreend moet
senynen, wanneer by laat citeeren, dewyl verscheide vriendelyke aan maaningen
geen effect hebben willen forteeren.
Weggeloopen van de Ondergetekenden eene
Negerin, Catharina, naa passing 25 a[accent] 30 Jaaren oud, van een gewoomlyk
sterk en lang Postuur, speekt de Fransche, Engelsche en Creoole Tall redelyk
wel, en hheft zich zedert Zondag gea[umlaut]bfemeerd Alle de geenen; die voorz,
negerin terugbrengen [sic] of in de Tronck op Stabroek plaatzen, zu len een
genereuse belooning genieten.
De Ondergetekende maakt by dezen aan
allen en een ieder in Demerary bekend, dat by zich ter woon heeft begeeven in
Essequebo op de Plantagie de Goede Hoop in Supenamen, waar naa een ie ter zich
gelieve te reguleeren.
Een Eider zy gewaarschouwd geene
betaaling aan den Persoon van E. T. Ooyen, voor den Boedel van wylen den Heer
A. F. Binquebanc te doen, alzoo onze aanstelling van den 5e November I. I.,
waathy by tot het incasseeren der Boekschulden van dien Boedel is
geauthoriseerd, by dezen wordt ingetrokken, aan gezien dezelve in geenen dele
voldoet, maar zelfs zich van Stabroek heest begeeven, zonder eenige kennis van
deszelfs Verbyf naa te laaren: leder wage zich voor schade.
For Sale: The following Lots of land,
the [torn] the late Robert Wilson Esqr. deceased.
Francis Pittman and John Ashley desirous
to bring all the Concerns they have been engaged in to a final arrangement and
settlement, hereby requests all Persons having Demands against Pittman &
Ashley, Pittman, Ashley & Co. [sic - no comma] Robinson & Lowe, George
Handasyde & Co. [sic - no comma] Plantation Cottage in Berbice, and
Plantation No. 28 in the Canal in Berbice, will deliver in their Demands, at
the Office of Joseph Matthews Esqr. in Stabroek, in order that the best
possible measures may be adopted to liquidate them: and all Person indebted to
the Concerns are requested to make Payment, to enable the Parties to discharge
the serveral Demands.
John Madden & Co. are landing at
their Stores and Lumber Yard, the Cargoes of the Ship Hermoine and Brig Rose
from North America, consisting of white pine boards, plank and scantling, clap
boards, shingles, red and white oak staves and shooks, mess beef and pork in
barrels and half barrels, fish in hogsheads, and boxes, soap and candles, gin
in cases, and superfine flour in barrels. They are also landing the Cargo of
the Ship Bacalhao, last from Antigua, consisting of square marble tiles, best
Bristol building lime, Poland oats, Newfoundland cod fish, port wine, London
particular Madeira wine in pipes and quarter casks, fine old hoc, very superior
old Antigua rum in casks from 60 to 130 Gallons, crackers in barrels, refined
sugar, HL and cross garnet hinges, 4, 6, 8, 10, 30 & 40d nails. They have
also cotton bagging, and most other Plantation Stores and Utensils for sale.
The Subscriber has received from Boston,
per Brig White Oak, Capt. Sigourney, and for sale at his Store in Bridge Town;
Boards and plank, W.O. staves and heading, R. O. ditto, wood hoops, fish, mess
beef in half barrels, pork in whole and half ditto, salmon, mackerel, flour in
whole and half barrels, tobacco in hogsheads and barrels, butter, lard, hiccory
ax handles, mast hoops, clap boards &c. Also on hand, soap, spermaceti and
tallow candles, lamp oil, gin in pipes and cases, brandy best hyson tea, shoes,
fine hats, Madras handkerchiefs, coffee bags, essence of spruce, nankeens,
&c. And 20 Prime Mules. To be Sold by Private Sale, Two Plantations situate next to one another, in the Colony of Berbice, containing jointly 1000 Acres of Land, 500 Acres of which have formerly been planted in Cocoa but have been neglected for 18 or 19 Years, on account of the low price of that product; the land having lain fallow during such a number of Years, is thought, by intelligent Planters, to be very good for Coffee or Sugar. For information apply to the Printer in Stabroek. Berbice, 10th January 1804.
For Sale by the Subscriber, excellent
Building Lime in hogsheads and barrels just arrived from Barbados in the
Schooner Friendship, Capt. Greenidge. For Particulars enquire of Mr. M.
Campbell at the Union Coffee House. Picked-Up on front of Plantation Rotterdam, a Punt. Whoever proves the same to be their Property, can have her restored by Paying for this Advertisement, and rewarding the Negroes that found her. J. R. Brandt.
Absented himself, a Negro Man named
William, a creole of Barbados, and by Trade a Mason, he has been away about a
fotnight [sic]. Any Person confinig him in the Barracks will be handsomely
Runaway from the Boat of Charles
Edmonstone Esqr. on the Morning of the 17th Instant; a Negro Man named Tom,
short and stout made, Brand mark'd in two places on the right breast, the lower
mark C. E. Whoever will secure said Negro in the Barracks or give him up to
Charles Edmonstone will be handsomely rewarded.
The Subscriber intends Quiting the
Colony with the first Convoy that may Sail from this for England, he therefore
request if any Person has as Account due against him, or the late Firm of
Turton & Co. that they may render it for Payment. Such Accounts as remain
Unpaid (and are not already in the hands of Mr. Van Berckel) will be lodged to
be Sued for the Court in March. Mr. T. intends this as a general Notice to
Debtors and Creditors, and will apply for his Pass eight Days before the
Sailing of the Fleet.
T. Wishart, Painter, begs to return
sincere thanks to all those Gentlemen who he has been employed by in his
Profession, for the favors and friendship conferr'd on him hitherto, and now
informs them, and the Public, that he has taken the House (on the Stelling
side) immediately adjoining that of Mr. John Brooks, Watch Maker, Bridge Town,
where (on the 20th of this present Month) he will commence and carry on his
Business in all the various Branches that are most useful and best adapted to
the West India Climate, particulary to coach and chaise Painting after the most
approved mode in London, Portraits Painted in oil, Gilding, Varnishing and
Japaning, Cyphering in all its characters, adpated either for sign boards or
ornament, doors, furniture &c painted to represent the finest and richest
Mahogany, Veneering sandal and satin wood with grain marble of all kinds
imitated, together with many other branches to tedious to mention
For Sale – A Dwelling House 33
feet long by 29 wide, a Story and a half high, upon hard wood blocks 7 feet
high, boarded round, which affords a good Cellar or Store, on a Lot of Land on
the East side of Mahaica Creek, in front of La Liberte[accent], known by No. 6,
with a Kitchen and Wash House. For Terms apply at the Printer's, or to the
Subscriber at said House in Mahaica.
Runaway on Saturday Evening last, a
Negro Boy called Charles, a Taylor by trade, formerly the Property of J. H.
Bomm, deceased. Whoever will apprehend said Negro Boy and lodge him in the
Barracks, shall receive One Joe Reward. Masters of Vessels are forbid carrying
said Boy from the Colony, as also any Person or Persons harbouring or
concealing him will be Punished as the Law directs. He is very well known
among the Barbados coloured people, he being from that Country. List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 26th day of January 1804, in the Stocks of Demerary. Lyst der op heden den 26 January 1804, zig in arrest bevindende Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.
And Twenty-three New Negroes, the names
of their Owners unknown. DOODEN. [heading]
Begraaven zedert den 20 tot den 26 Jan.
1804. Printed and Published by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.
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Created: 23 March 2005 Last modified:
Creator: Wilmer, John Lance
Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten