Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 April 21


Ao. 1804 )


( No. 69.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 21st of April.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo de Heeren Jan Koert, Andries Koert & Joseph Murray van voorneemens zyn binnen den tyd van 14 dagen van hier te vertrekken, zoo wordt zulks mits dezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets an hun te pretendeeren hebben of aan hun verschudigd zyn, hunne pretensien koomen ontvangen of hunne Schulden betalen ter hunner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 18 April 1804.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, Gezw. Clercq.


The Commissaries of the Vendue advertises that on Monday the 23rd Inst. will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the Store of Mr. H. Beis, on the front of Pln. Werk & Rust: - Provisions, consisting of beef, pork, tongues, round beef, mackarel, salmon, sheep, Cattle, boards, clapboards, shingles, &c.
Also EIGHT American HORSES. Just Imported.
April 21st 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

The Commissaries of the Vendue advertises that on Tuesday and Wednesday the 24th & 25th Inst. will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the Store of Mr. H. I. Underwood; - White bread in whole and half barrels, broad cloths & cassimeres, printed callicoes, glass ware, cutlery, Jewelery, nails, Provisions, and other Articles.
April 21st 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

The Commissaries of the Vendue advertises that on Thursday the 26th Instant will be Exposed for sale, at the House of Doctor Henry B. Gall; Sundry Articles of Dry Goods consisting of yard-wide Irish linnen, oznbabrugs, cassimeres, handkerchiefs, cotton stockings, laggins [sic], ribbons &c. &c. Also a few kegs English split pease, glauber salts in kegs of 112 ff. and a variety of other Articles.
3 Months Credit.
April 21st 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

The Commissaries of the Vendue advertises that on Tuesday the 1st of May, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders by order of Mr. John Robb; - That pleasant situated House for Business, along side the Stelling of Bridge Town, newly Built, with a Lot of Land 64 feet fronting the Dam and 54 feet fronting the Stelling.

The Commissaries of the Vendue advertises that on Wednesday the 2d of May, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the Vendue Office, opposite the Union Coffee House, by Order of Doctor A. Baum; - The half Concession No. 37, situate on the middle dam of Stabroek, with a very comfortable and strong built House of Colony wood, with out houses &c. at present occupied by M. J. Verroen Esqr. The half Concession called Washington Lott No. 2, an the front of Plantation Werk & Rust, consisting of a dwelling House three story high, of Colony wood, with out buildings &c. at present occupied by Mr. Sampson, adjoining the Lott lately purchased by Mr. Laurin; Also the half Concession No. 37, situate in Bridge Town, with the Buildings thereon, consisting of a dwelling house two story high, with out buildings &c all of Colony wood, and at present occupied by Doctor A. Baum.
The above House can be seen any day previous to the day of Sale.
April 21st 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

The Commissaries of the Vendue advertises that on Monday the 7th May, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of Messrs: G. Henschelius, J. L. Biegman and H. C. Evertsz in their respective qualities; - That large strong built and well situated House at present occupied by the Members of St. John's Lodge, with a brick foundation of 8 feet high, two storie all of this Colony wood and shingled and boarded with the same, a side building for Kitchen, Store, &c. a large Out House two storie high, all built of Colony Wood, together with the Lot of Land, Fence, Gates and Bridges known by No. 56, situate on the front Land of Plantation Werk & Rust. The Concession No. 23 situated on the Middle Dam of Stabroek, with the Buildings thereon, consisting of Dwelling House, out houses &c. all of Colony Wood. House Slaves, Furniture consisting of Mahogany chairs, tables, bureaus, writing desks, pictures, card tables, side board, glass ware, an elegant Pendule, sophas, bedsteads, silver spoons and forks, and 8000 Shingles. The Premises will be sold on very reasonable Terms.
April 21st 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

The Commissaries of the Vendue advertises that on Monday the 14th May, will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of Thomas Morgan & M. Staunton, Executors to the Estate of Edward Wood deced: - The Lott No. 54, situate on the front of Pln. Werk & Rust, with the Buildings thereon in neat and compleat order, the house is on a brick foundation with glass windows, a good Cistern &c.
April 21st 1804. Brereton & Kingston.


The Public in general are respectfully informed that the Vendue Office will be kept in future at the House in New Town opposite the Union Coffee House.
Brereton & Kingston.
N. B: Mr. A. Fleischman is continued as first Clerk, who is Authorised to give Receipts for Cash Paid on Account of Vendues.
Demerary, 21st April 1804.

All Merchants are acquainted by this, that the Honble Orphan Chamber, thereto duly authorised, offers to sell to the highest Underwriter, a Cargo brought by the Ship Sir John B. Warren, Capt. Hunt; The Invoice and Conditions of Sale will be ready for Inspection, every day from 9 till 1 o'Clock, Sunday excepted; at the Office of the Orphan Chamber, at the House of Mr. Fileen on the brick dam in Stabroek, until Tuesday the 25th Inst. on which day, the Tenders for the Purchase must be given in.
F. A. Vernede,
Demerary, 21st April 1804. Prov. Griffier.

Uit Kragte van zeker appoinctement, verleend by den WelEdelen Gettrengen Heer en Mr. M. LaMaison den 18 April 1804 op de Requeste van Jacob Lachtrop, zoo is het, dat ik eerste Exploicteur van den Edelen Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie alle Crediteuren dagvaarde, omme te compareeren voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Hove, tegens Woensdag den 9 May aanstaande, de klokke Elf Uuren, ten einde aantehooren zoodanig verzoek van accommodement, als ten dage dienende door of van wegen Jacob Lachtrop zal worden gedaan, en genomen, en daar op te zien disponeeren als naar Rechten.
Rio Demerary den 20 April 1804. B. Teyssen, Exploict.

For Sale, or to be Rented; Those very valuable Premises at Labourgade, lately Occupied as a Hospital, they are eligibly situated for Mercantile Business, having a private landing place. The Terms will be made very easy, and may be known by application to
J. G. Cloot de Nieuwerkerk.
Demerary, 21st April 1804.

For Sale: - An English Seasoned Chaise Horse, with a very light Gig and Harness compleat. Price Sixty Joes; for further information apply to the Printer.
Stabroek, 21st April 1804.

Lost, on Saturday Night the 7th Inst. a Tent Sloop Boat, copper bottom, with Sails and Rigging compleat, 104 marked on the main sail and two grapnels & one cable on board; - Two Joes Reward will be given to any Person who will give information to the Subscriber so as to regain the said Craft: And a further reward of One Joe to apprehend or lodge in the Barracks, his Negro Man named Anthony, (universally known in this Colony, ) who has absented himself in consequence of his neglect in losing said Craft,
Plantation Inverinate, 21st April 1804. Thomas King.

The Subscriber has on Sale at his Store on the North Dam, the following Articles, received only a few days by the Ship Barton, Capt. Chalmers, from Liverpool, viz. - Yorkshire hams, pine cheese, new Irish butter, potatoes, beer, ale, cyder, paint of all colours, nails from 6d up to 5 inch spikes, canvas Nos. 1 & 3, paint and lamp oil &c.
Demerary, 21st April 1804. C. D. Forrester.

Just Imported and for Sale by the Subscribers at the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Bynoe in the New Town, the following Articles, viz: Best Irish mess beef and pork in whole or half barrels, Rose butter in do. do. firkins, tripe in kegs, hams, red and pickled herrings in kegs, port and sherry wines, porter & small beer in casks, ired porter by the dozen, soap & candles, mustard, refined sugar, Garden seeds, paints and paint oil, lamp oil, a large assortment of Carpenters and Coopers tools, hard, tin, glass and earthen ware, Stationary, Sadlery and Chaise Harnesses, Hosiery, Gentlemen's gloves, Ladies silk do., cordage, nails and brads, Puncheon & Vatt hoops with rivets, sheet lead, shovels, hoes, cutlasses, pruning knives, falling axes, iron pots, sod irons and common gin cranks, Inverness cotton bagging, Negro jackets, hats, shirts and trowsers, cotton & linen checks, stripe holland, counterpanes, fine and coarse Irish linen, sheeting, britannias, diapers, table linen, huckaback, dowlas, printed & white callicoes & chintz, gingham, dimities, jeans and quilting, muslins, cambric, mullinet, Pollicat, Ramal and French handkerchiefs, broad cloths, & cassimeres, thick-sett, rich black silk for Gentlemen's waistcoats, ready made cloaths, boots & shoes, Gentlemen's felt and patent hats &c.
Demerary, 21st April 1804. MacDonald Halket & Co.

Just Arrived, the Ship Latona, Maurice Magrath Master, and has for sale, 100 hogsheads of Lime, 30,000 best London bricks, 15,000 wood hoops, half long & half short, 25 Hhds. of Oats, Six Ton of best London porter in Hhds. & barrels, Fifteen barrels of prime Irish mess beef, Fifteen half barrels ditto, Fifteen half barrels prime Irish mess pork, and two elegant Sophas, Payment must be made on the Sailing of the Ship.
Demerary, 21st April 1804.

Just Imported with the last London Fleet and for sale by O. J. Laurin in the house of Mr. H. Beis opposite Charles Vincent Esqr. the following Articles, viz: - Beef, pork, hams, tongues, cheese, rounds beef, Madeira and port wine, claret, porter, beer, and a general assortment of Dry Goods, Silver, Gold & Jewelry. Also American boards, plank, clap boards, shingles, fish in hogsheads and boxes, butter, candles, gin, salmon, founds [sic - or sounds], mackarel, lamp oil &c.
Demerary, 21st April 1804.

Little or no attention having been paid to a former Advertisement of the Subscriber's, he again requests all those who have any Demands against the Estate of Wm. Mansfield, deceased, or Mrs. Sarah Mansfield, to render in the same to him as early as possible; and he positively assures those who are in arrears to the Estate, or Mrs. M. that he will not give any longer indulgence, but that he will Sue indiscriminately every one for the ensuing May Court. Mrs. Mansfield being now in this Colony, the Subscriber is wishfull of delivering up to her a statement of her Effects &c.
Demerary, 21st April 1804. Edward Jones, q. q.

For Sale: - That House and Lot in Cumingsburg formerly Occupied by Messrs: Smith & Bell and lately by Mr. W. J. King, Carpenter. The House is just put in compleat repair, is very convenient for a small Family and has a very good Kitchen, Chaise House, Stable and Stores. The Terms may be know by application to Mr. Campbell, Union Coffee House, or
Cumingsburg, 21st April 1804. A. & A. Smith.

Wanted for the Plantation Tempe, West Coast, Berbice, an experienced Manager. Due encouragement will be given. No Boy need apply to
Berbice, 21st April 1804. Alfd. Bartrum.

The Subscriber acquaints all the Virtuous Inhabitants, that he has left his former Residence, and now occupies the house lately Inhabited by Mr. J. G. Heinken, on Werk & Rust Estate, recommending himself to the favors of all Virtuous People, in Quality of Blacksmith, promising speedy Workmanship for immediate Payment.
Demerary 21st April 1804. H. H. Schaapers.

Opgevist by den Ondergetekenden eene groote opgebo[?]ide Coriaal. De Eigenaar kan dezelve tegens betaling van dit Advertentie terug bekommen by den Ondergetekenden, woonende in de Boven Rivier.
Demerary den 21 April 1804. J. Kirton.

All those who may have any Demands against the Estate of the late John Haslin Esqr. are requested to give in their Accounts as soon as possible, and to ask Payment at the Counting house of F. Martin Esqr. to be able to bring the Estate to a Liquidation. A. Meertens & F. Martin, Executors
April 21st 1804. to the Will of said John Haslin, deced

For Sale: - A part of the Concession No. 21, with a very commodious Dwelling House two storie high, with Out Buildings and compleat Railing, elligibly [sic] situated and communicating with the Brick Dam of Stabroek, which Premises are at present Occupied by the Undersigned, to whom may be applied for further Particulars
Demerary, 21st April 1804. J. M. Spooner.

The Underwritten, Q. Q. offers on very favourable Conditions, the Sale of the Plantation formerly called Eendragt & Uitkomst, at present known by the name of Eendragt, situated in Canal No. 1, West side of the River, about 540 Acres of Land with 86 Negroes, all the Buildings and Cultivation thereon, consisting of 50,000 bearing Coffee trees, 18,000 of which are three years old, & 12,500 One & a half years old, with 100 Acres of Provisions; Enquire on Plantation Meerzorg, to
Demerary, 21st April 1804. A. H. Walstab, Q. Q.

Just Imported and for Sale by the Subscribers for immediate Payment in Cash or Produce: - A large assortment of elegant Household Furniture, Glass Ware, ale, porter, brandy, gin in cases, port, sherry, mountain, claret and Madeira Wines by the dozen, a variety of muslins, shirtings, ready made jackets and trowsers for Gentlemen, paints and oils, with a variety of Sadlery &c. &c.
James Lyon & Co.
N.B: The fast sailing copper bottom'd Ship Margaret loading for the Clyde, has room for 100 Bales Cotton on Freight. Apply as above. Demerary, 21st April 1804.

Notice: - As the Copartnership of Louis Desaulles & Co. will be dissolved on the 1st of May next, the Subscribers offer for sale, cheap for immediate Payment in Cash or Produce, the following Articles, viz - First quality of beef, pork, mackarel, shads & herrings, superfine Pilot bread in whole and half barrels, leaf tobacco in barrels, fig do. in kegs, smoak'd herrings in boxes, rounds beef in half barrels, butter & hog lard in firkins, white beans & potatoes in barrels, soap, cheese, nankeens, Negro pipes, hyson tea in chests & cannisters, loaf sugar,
snuff, Gentlemen's boots, Ladies shoes, vinegar & sugar in barrels, paint brushes and hair powder, Hollands gin in pipes & cases, Barbados old Rum five Years old, and sundry other Articles.
Demerary, 21st April 1804. Louis Desaulles & Co.

All Persons who have Demands against the Estate of the deceased Molly Spooner, are requested to render the same to the Subscriber; and such as are indebted to said Estate to make immediate Payment.
Demerary, 21st April 1804. J. M. Spooner, q. q.

ONE JOE REWARD. [heading]
Absented himself since Friday the 15th Inst. my Boat Negro named Harry, formerly the Property of Mr. S. Mackay, well known in the Town and its Vicinity, the above reward will be given to apprehend and deliver him to the Subscriber, who will give Two Joes if Proof sufficient is given that he has been employed on board any of the Shipping in the Harbour, or secreted any where in or about the Town.
Demerary, 21st April 1804. John Clapham.

De Ondergetekende van voorneemens zynde, alle zyne zaaken tot Ultimo Maart dezes Jaars gedaan, met een ieder te veressenen & te sluiten, verzoekt alle die geenen, welke hem verschildigd zyn, hunne Schulden te koomen voldoen binnen den tyd van ses Weeken na dato dezes, zullende by alle rekeningen, welke binnen dien tyd niet betaald zyn, in handen van zyn Practisyn stellen. Ook verzoekt hy alle de geenen, aan wien hy verschuldigd is, hunne pretensien zoo spoedig mogelyk inteleveren ter zyner Domicilium
Demerary den 21 April 1804. H. D. Obermu[umlaut]ller.

Enn Rood geschimmeld Paard uit de Sta[illegible] vermist op den 15de April, zynde getekend met twee wi[?]te Agterpooten en eene breede witte Bles, asgeknipt[illegible] Maan-Haairen. Die hetzelve kan [illegible]nwyten, zal een Johannes tot een vereering hebben.
Demerary den 19 April 1804. J. G. Heinke.


List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 19th day of April 1804,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 19 April 1804, zig in arrest bevindende

Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.





James Ogle.

Pl. Industry.

William Mils.


Ord. Fiscaal.





Freese in Berbice.

Ord. Fiscaal.


Miss Yong.







J. C. Schutz.


Wits in Barbados.

[?]. Cennedy.



F. Duberger.



J. Luthers.


Anna Fox.

H. Noltje.



Pl. Ruymveld.


Jonas in Berbice.

Zinga. Lands Bomba.





Pl. Cottage in Berice.

John Ashley.


Mr. Fraser.

Pl. Ruymveld.


Mr. Beresford.

Maas, Lands Bomba.






J. C. Placide.






Pl. Goede Verwagtig.


Doctr. Luyle in Berbice.




F. Fullock.



Sergt. Manis.


Miss Luciane.

Pl. Thomas.

And Twelve New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts Twaalf Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaar niet kan ontwaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Dooden. [heading]

Begraaven zedert den 13 tot den 19 April 1804.
Den 15 April William Hell, Matroos op het schip Eagle, oud 29 Jaaren.
Den 17 April James Taylor, Stuurman op het schip Favorite, oud 18 Jaaren, van Engeland.
Den 18 April William Simpson, Matroos op dit schip, oud [illegible] Jaaren, van Engeland.

Published and printed by E. J. Henery


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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