Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 May 05 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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By His Honor Lieutenant Colonel Robert
Nicholson, Lieutenant-Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and
Demerary, and their Dependencies, President in all Courts and Colleges, &c.
&c. &c.
Whereas a Petition was some time ago
presented to The Honble. Court of Policy of these Colonies, by the Commissaries
of of [sic] the Proprietors of Lots of Land on the front Land of the late
Labourgade Estate, now commonly called Cumingsburg, praying in the name of
their Constituents that the Court would be pleased to make Regulations for the
Management of Affairs in Cumingsburg aforesaid, And Whereas the Court on these
urgent representations, stating, among other matters, the bad and decayed state
of the front dam of Cumingsburg, and the Inability they were under of providing
for the repairing of the same and thereby preventing the Injury and
Inconvenience sustained not only by the Proprietors of Lots in particular, but
by the Public at large from the Public Road being repeatedly overflowed at high
Spring Tides, has been induced to cause a Plan to be drawn up with the
assistance of the Commissaries aforesaid, for the future direction of Affairs
in Cumingsburg MILITIA ORDERS. [heading]
Starbroek-District. [heading] BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]
Alzoo de Wel Edele Heer en Mr. Jan
Anthony Paradys, Meerderjaarig Jongman, geboren te Amsterdam ter eenre - en
Mejuffrouw Catharina Christina Kip, gebooren in Essequebo, minderjaarige jonge
Dochter, gea[umlaut]dsisteerd met haar Edl. Moeder Vrouwe Catharina Franssen,
laatst Weduwe van wylen den Heer Nicolaas Kip ter andere zyde - van voorneemens
zyn met elkander een wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan, zoo als dezelve ook reeds op
den 27 April 1804 voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edelen Achtbaaren
Hove van Justitie der Rivier en Districten van Essequebo in ondertrouw zyn opgenomen,
zoo wordt zulks mits dezem gea[umlaut]dverteerd, ten einde die geenen, welke
vermeenen zich tegens dit voorgenomen Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in
tyd te doen, daar en waar het zal behooren.
Alzoo de Wel Edele Heer Charles Joseph
Rapin, meerderjaarig Jongman, woonende alhier, ter eenre - en Jongvrouwe
Catharina Elisabeth Timmerman, minderjaarige jonge Dochter mede alhier
woonagtig, zynde ten dezen geadsisteerd met haaren Voogd & Oom den Wel
Edelen Gestrengen Heer Gerrit Timmerman ter andere zyde - van voorneemens zynde
met elkander een wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan, zoo als dezelve ook reeds op den
25 dezer voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edelen Achtbaaren Hove van
Justitie dezer Rivier in ondertrouw zyn opgenomen, zoo wordt zulks mits dezen
aan elk en een iegelyk gea[umlaut]dverteerd, ten einde die geenen, welke
vermeenen zich tegens dit voorgenomen Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds
te doen, daar, waar en zoo het zal behooren.
Alzoo de Heeren David Lynch, Fredrik
Sandoz en Vrouwe de Weduwe J. Cuche van voorneemens zyn de Eerste binnen 14 dagen
en de Laatste binnen 3 a[accent] 4 Weeken van hier te vertrekken, zoo wordt
zulks mits dezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hun te
pretendeeren hebben of aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien koomen
ontvangen of hunne schulden betalen ter hunner Domicilium, en van de
laatstgemelde Vrouwe Wed. Cuche ter Domicilium van den Heer D. P. Morthier, als
generaale Gevolmachtigde van dezelve. PUBLICK AUCTIONS {heading]
The Commissaries of the Vendue
advertise, that on Friday the 11th Inst. will be exposed for Sale to the
highest bidders, at the Vendue Office, - Trunks of boots and shoes,
Mathematical Instruments, tobacco, and a variety of other Articles.
The Commissaries of the Vendue advertise
that on Wednesady the 16th Inst. will be exposed for Sale to the highest
Bidders, at the Store of Richard Collier & Co. in the New Town. - Paints in
kegs and pots, tin ware plain and japan'd, Carpenters tools consisting of axes,
adzes, saws, planes, chissels &c. Iron pots of all size, skillets, sod
irons and other cast iron work, Plantation tools consisting of falling axes,
cutlasses, hoes, shovels, bills, pruning knives &c. Plantation bells, soap
and candles, prime beef and spiced salmon, likewise a general assortment of
fashionable made Jewelery.
The Commissaries of the Vendue
advertise, that on Friday the 18th Inst. will be exposed for sale to the
highest bidders, by Order of Messrs. B. Hardman & Thomas Leigh, Executors
to the Estate of John Rogers deceased, - A large dwelling House on a half Lott
No. 7, a hard wood Frame, walaba shingles, not finished. A small Negro house
40 feet long by 22 board, two and a half story high, A small Dwelling House on
a half Lott No. 8, hard wood Frame and walaba shingles, not finished, 26 feet
long by 17 broad. - Negroes, Quacou, formerly a Boatman, Nelson, a Carpenter,
James, ditto, Jacob, (a Lad) ditto, Joe, a House Servant, Rose, a Washerwoman
and House Servant. The Commissaries of the Vendue advertise that on Tuesday the 22d Inst will be Exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, at the Store of Messrs. Telford, Naghten & Co. English soap and candles, Irish butter in whole and half firkins, best pork in whole and half barrels, cordage, temper lime in iron bound half barrels, loaf sugar, tea, and sundry other Articles lately Imported. Also three New Negroes. May 5th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.
The Commissaries of the Vendue
advertise, that on Wednesday the 23d Inst. will be Exposed for sale to the
highest Bidders, at the Store of Mr. Paul Smith: - Irish butter in firkins and
half firkins, pine cheese, anchovies, red herrings in half barrels, sheeps
tongues in kegs, tripe in ditto, raisins in boxes, sugar candy in barrels,
mustard in cases, refined salt in barrels, beer and porter in tierces, mould
candles, pig tail and fine twist tobacco in barrels, Pitt and X cut saws, sod
irons, shot, Dutch steelyards to weigh 2000 ff. silk, muslin, and
handkerchiefs, a long Boat &c.
The Commissaries of the Vendue
advertise, that on Thursday the 24th Inst. will be Exposed for sale to the
highest Bidders, at the Orphan Chamber; - Sundry Furniture, Cloaths, gold and
silver Jewelery, very good Watches, Slaves, a Horse, and further what will be
offered on the day of Sale.
The Commissaries of the Vendue advertise
that on Monday the 28th Inst. will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders,
by Order of the Executors of Wm. Birkmyer deced. - A Schooner Rigged Boat,
Clinker built, about 19 feet keel, now laying in the Trench opposite the Store
of Hugh Douglas & Co. the rigging of said Boat is at the Store of Richard
Collier & Co. also an excellent travelling Horse well known on the Coast
between Demerary and Berbice, with a saddle and bridle, likewise a sett of
Merchantile large blank Books in excellent order, some table linen, dish
covers, &c. Payable in One Month.
The Commissaries of the Vendue advertise
that on Tuesday the 29th Inst. will be exposed for sale to the highest bidders,
at the Logie of Messrs. Bothamley & Jackson in Labourgade - Newfoundland
fish in Hhds. lamp oil in barrels, and a few barrels of Flour. [Hardman is Hartman in dutch version] ADVERTISEMENTS. [heading]
London Particular Old Madeira Wine for
sale by the Subscriber, which has been two Voyages round to the West Indies,
there are only Eight pipes and Four half butts, which will be sold reasonable
to a Purchaser taking the whole. Samples may be seen and further Particulars
known on application at the Store of Messrs. John Madden & Co.
The Subscribers offer reasonably for
immediate Payment, the Cargo of the Ship Wentworth, Capt. Gardner, direct from
New York, consisting of Pitch and Tar, shipbread in barrels, corn in bulk,
square edg'd Albany boards and plank, pitch pine scantling, Cypress shingles
and Hickory hoops. - The Wentworth will take a Cargo for New York, if offered
in three weeks, otherwise she will Load for Liverpool, to sail with the second
For Sale: - The Concession No. 46 in
Stabroek, with an excellent Dwelling-House, commodious Out houses and a Garden,
all newly and well repaired; - The Terms will be made very easy, and may be
known by applying to
For Sale by the Subscriber, two Lotts of
Land situated in front of Plantation Cambridge, on the East Coast Mahaica
Creek, with the Buildings thereon, Apply to C. D. Forrester Esqr. in Stabroek,
or to
De Ondergetekende verzoekt alle die
geenen, die aan hem verschuldigd zyn, ten spoedigsten. of wel uiterlyk binnen
deze lo pende maand te koomen voldoen, ten einde in staat gesteld te worden van
met alle zyne Crediteuren, zonder verdere onaangenaam-heden te hebben, naa dien
tyd te kunnen sluiten.
The Subscriber has imported from
Liverpool and Philadelphia, the following Articles, which he will Sell
reasonable for immediate Payment: - Irish butter in firkins and half firkins,
hams, cheese, London bottled porter, pearl barley, potatoes, ling fish in
matts, cod and scale ditto in hogsheads and boxes, beef, pork, candles,
mackarel in barrels and half barrels, pickled herring in ditto, salmon in
ditto, rice, pilot and ship broad, crackers in kegs, superfine flour in whole
and half barrels, white beans, red beans, pickled oysters, Coniac Brandy, Gin
in pipes and cases, cordials, noyeau, cherry bounce, best London particular
Madeira Wine in hogsheads and quarter casks, lard, tobacco, negro pipes, ready
made Coats, and sundry other Articles.
For Sale: - An English Chaise Mare with
a Curricle and Gig, in good order and Harnesses compleat; they will be Sold
separate or together to suit Purchasers. For Terms apply to
By Permission, Jonathan Hicks will
dispose of his Furniture, &c. &c. by a Lottery, to consist of Sixty
Tickets, Twenty of which will be Prizes, as numbered and Valued, Viz.
The Subscriber hereby gives Notice, that
his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi is on Plantation Green Retreat, No. 45, on
the Arabian Coast.
Runaway from the Subscriber, two stout
Negro Men of the Ebo Nation; - Whoever will deliver them to the Subscribers,
shall receive a Reward of a Joe for each.
The Subscriber intends to leave this
Colony the 1st. June next, for North America, (not to return again.) He
therefore requests all those to whom he is Indebted, to render their Accounts
for Payment; And those who are Indebted to him, to come forward and settle the
same. - All Accounts unsettled by the first of June next will be put into the hands
of a Lawyer to be sued.
Op bekomene auctorisatie van den Wel
Edelen Gestrengen Heer Mr. M. Lamaison, Vice Praesident van den Edelen
Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie in Rio Demerary - Zoo is het, dat ik
ondergschreven erste Exploitar van welgemelde Hove ten overstaan van Heeren
Raaden Commissarissen en den Secretaris, op den 14 May aan staande des Voor de
middags by executie zal verkoopen op Plantagie Good Success, 29 Stuks Slaaven,
ten behoeve van nu wylen den Heer J. Haslin, as Houder van zekere Hypotheecq en
de daarop gevolgde willige condemnatie, op ende jegens Ths. Walker, zoo voor
zich als in qualiteiit van Mr. McCreagh thans nu gee[umlaut]xecuteerde
For Sale, By Private Contract, on very
reasonable Terms, the Lott situated in front of Plantation Werk & Rust,
with the Buildings thereon, being of Colony wood, and is next to the House at
present occupied by I. I. Kotwyk, Esqr, and also occupied by the Subscriber.
For Particulars, apply to
For Sale, on Plantation Best, a Punt
nearly new, 33 and a half by 10 feet wide, built with Mora timber & silver
bolly plank. Also found in front of the above Estate, a Boat 16 feet long and
7 wide, which will be restored to the Owner on paying the Expence of
Advertising &c.
List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 1st day of May 1804, in the Stocks of Demerary. Lyst der op heden den 1ste May 1804, zig in arrest bevindende Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.
And Sixteen New Negroes, the names of
their Owners unknown. Printed and Published by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.
Supplement Saturday, May 5, 1804. Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.
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Created: 23 March 2005 Last modified:
Creator: Wilmer, John Lance
Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten