Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 May 12


Ao. 1804 )


( No. 72.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, May 12, 1804.


By His Honor Lieutenant Colonel Robert Nicholson, Lieutenant Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, and their Dependencies, President in all Courts and Colleges, and the Honble: Court of Policy of the said Colonies, &c. &c. &c.
Unto all whom these Presents may or shall concern, Greeting, Be it known:
Whereas it has been represented to Us that it frequently happens, in Violation of the Existing Laws, that Persons are taken off the Colony by Masters of Vessels, without such Persons having first obtained Passports for their Departure; and it being of the utmost necessity for the Interest of the Public, effectually to prevent such abuses; We therefore, in order the better to enforce the said Laws, have Judged fit to enact, and by these presents do enact, that in future all Masters or Commanders of Ships or Vessels in the Merchant's Service, arriving in either of the Rivers, shall be obliged, previous to their being admitted to an Entry, to give Security at the Secretary's Office of Essequebo or Demerary respectively, to the Satisfaction of the Fiscalls [sic], to the following effect viz that in compliance with the Laws in force, they will not take off the Colony in the Ships or Vessels under their Command, any Person of what description soever, whether free or Slaves, unless such Persons shall have obtained and produced to them a Passport or other Permit in writing, from the Governor or Commandeur [sic] of Essequebo respectively, authorising their Departure, and also that they will not take away from the Colony in the Ships or Vessels, any other Sailors than those they came with, or whom they may have since been permitted to engage and take on board of their said Ships or Vessels. - And in case of any Master of a Ship or Vessel afterwards Infringing the said Laws in either of these Particulars, their Surety or Sureties are to be accountable for the Fines thereby provided against such Transgressions.And We do require and command the Fiscalls, the Harbour Master, and all others whom it may concern, strictly to attend to the Execution of the Orders herein before contained.
Thus Enacted in Our Extraordinary Assembly, held at the Court-House in Stabroek, on Monday the 27th February 1804 and Published on the 12th May following.
Robert Nicholson, Lieut. Governor.
By Command of the Court,
P. F. Tinne, D. Secretary.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo de Heer Henry Waller en de Eerzaame Pieter Thompson van voorneemens zyne binnen den tyd van 2 a[accent] 3 weeken van hier te vertrekken, zoo vordt zulks mits dezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hun te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien koomen ontvangen of hunne schulden betalen ter hunner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 5 May 1804.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, Gezw. Clerq.

Alzoo Thomas Brooker, Meerderjaarig Jongman, geboren te Barbados, ter eenre en Mary Ann Welch, Weduwe Claxton, mede aldaar geboren, ter andere zyde van voorneemens zyn met elkander een wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan, zoo als dezelve dan ook reeds op den 9 dezer voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edelen Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie dezer Rivier in ondertrouw zyn opgenomen, zoo wordt zulks mits dezen aan elk en een iegelyk gea[umlaut]dverteerd, ten einde die geenen, welke vermeenen, zich te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyd doen, daar en waar zulks behoort.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 11 May 1804
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, gezw. Clercq.

Alzoo Pieter Laurens Boon, meerderjaarig Jongman, geboren alhier ter eenre EN Selvina Martin, minderjaarige jonge Dochter, mede alhier woonagtig, met consent van haar eenige Voogd den WelEdl Gestr. Hr. D. Bre[caret]ton, J. D. Z. van voorneemens zyn met elkander een wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan, zoo als dezelve ook reeds op den 8 dezer voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edelen Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie dezer Rivier in ondertrouw zyn opgenomen, zoo wordt zulks mits dezen aan elk en een iegelyk geadverteerd, ten einde die geenen, welke vermeenen zich te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyd doen, daar en waar zulks behoort.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 11 May 1804
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, gezw. Clercq.


Agreeable to Appointment of The Honble Mr. M. Lamaison, Vice President of the Honble Court of Justice, of the Colony of Demerary, on the Petition of O. J. Laurin, q. q. S. Swen shall be sold (after three Advertisements) at Public Vendue, at the Ferry Man's, H. Fasy, on Tuesday the 29th Inst at 10 o'Clock in the Morning, "ad opus jus habentium" A parcel of Household Furniture belonging to P. Bold, formerly Inhabitant of this Colony.
May 12th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Wednesday and Thursday the 30th and 31st inst. will be Exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, at the Store of Mr. R. S. Turton, in Bridge Town; - 30 seasoned Negros, also a quantity of ale, beer and cyder, porter in barrels and bottled, temper lime, grind stones, earthen ware, hoes, shovels, cutlasses, and a variety of other Articles. Imported in the Ships Favorite, Avon, and Rosetta; The above Goods are positively to be sold to close Sales on account of said Ships.
May 12th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

The Commissaries of the Vendue advertise, that on Saturday the 10th Inst. will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders at the Plantation the Property of Mr. Dunbrack in Essequebo. The Hull of the Ship Peggy, Capt. Benjamin Sinclair, Stranded on Tiger Island Bank. Also sundry Articles of Plantations Stores &c saved therefrom, for the Benefit of the Underwriters and those concerned. The Terms of Sale will be made known when the Articles are Exposed.
May 12th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.


Imported and for Sale by the Subscribers at their Store in the New Town: - Mess beef and pork in whole and half barrels, new double rose butter, Westphalia and Yorkshire hams, hung beef, smoaked salmon, rounds of beef, Dutch herrings, small kegs laberdaan, cheese, brown stout, Burton and Taunton ale, claret, port and sherry wines, raspberry & cherry brandy, gin in cases, potatoes, mustard, sweet oil, pickles and sauces, tea, loaf sugar, Gentlemens fashionable hats, oznabrugs & Inverness cotton bagging, Sail cloth, Negro cloathing, cordage, paint oil, white lead, green and yellow paint, nails, iron pots, Carpenters and Coopers tools, candles and soap, Negro pipes, hoes, shovels, cutlasses, falling axes, Pitch and Tar, a few pair of Patent Steel yards, &c &c.
And from America.
Superfine flour, bread, lumber, clap boards, W. & R oak shooks with heading, salt fish, salmon, macarel, mainhaiden, butter, tobacco, lamp oil, &c.
Demerary, 12th May 1804. Schwiers, Downer & Co.

Imported in the Brig Tarantula, Capt. Taylor from Boston, and for Sale by the Subscriber at his Store in Bridge Town, for Prompt Payment in Cash or Produce: - Flour in whole and half barrels, Corn Meal in barrels, Ship Bread, Iron Hoops and Lumber.
Demerary, 12th May 1804. John Clapham.

Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that on account of the Whitsuntide Holydays, the Ordinary Session of the Honble. Court of Justice will not commence until Tuesday the 22d. Instant.
P. F. Tinne, D. Secty.
Demerary, 12th May 1804.

Krachtens het Appoinctement, by den Edelen Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie dezer Rivier verieend, op zekere Requeste van F. Martin, als met en benevens F. I. Van der Lott, aangestelde Curator over de Plantagie de Georgia, worden door my ondergeschr. Exploicteur by en mits dezen ten eerstemaale by Edicte gedagvaard alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren der genoemde Plantagie de Georgia, omme te compareeren voor welgemelden Hove van Justitie, Sessione op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek tegens den twee en twintigste May eerstkoomende en volgende dagen, ten fine een igelk te koomen op & aangeeven zyne pretensien en te dienen van hunne sustenuen, als naa rade. Zullende naa expiratie van de vier de exsuperabundanti geprocedeerd worden tot het eeuwig silentium.
Zynde dit de eerste Edictale Citatie, gepubliceerd en gea[umlaut]ssigeerd, daar en zoo het behoort.
Rio Demerary den 10 May 1804. P. F. Francke,

The Subscriber being duly authorised to the Creditors of J. Henley Esqr. of Leguan Island, for a statement of their Demands against him, requests that those Persons to whom the said J. Henley stands Indebted, will immediately deliver in their Accounts at his Store on the North dam, that some Arrangement may be made to satisfy their Claims.
Demerary, May 11th 1804. C. D. Forrester.

The Undersigned informs his Friends who have taken Tickets in his Lottery, that the Drawing will begin on the 18th Inst. when he requests the Favour of their Attendance. Those whose Business should prevent them from attending, will be good enough to authorize some of their Friends to take up their Obligations.
Demerary, May 12th 1804. J. F. Meyer.

Notice is hereby given to all those whom the Estate of Nicholas Johnston deced. is Indebted, to render in their Accounts attested, to the Subscribers; and all those who are Indebted to the said Estate, to make immediate Payment.
Eliz. Johnston, Executrix.
Demerary, May 12th 1804. Clem. Johnston, Executor.

McINROY, SANDBACH, McBEAN & Co. [heading]
Have received by the Ship Sally, John Thompson Master, from Liverpool; - Slender Beer in bottles and in barrels and half barrels, Porter, Ale and Cyder in bottles, Potatoes in barrels, Salt in ditto.
Demerary, 12th May 1804.

For Sale, by N. Winandy, living at present, on the Concession Lr. E. on the Middle dam in Stabroek, opposite the Lawyer Rousselet's, in the House lately occupied by Mr. Phipps; - Martinique Liqueurs and other do. assorted, Malaga, Spanish and Grave wines, French brandy and Dutch gin in cases, best sweet oil, porter, Millenary, feathers, wreaths, silk ribbons and stockings assorted, muslin, book muslin, superfine chintz for Sopha covers, linen and linen cambric, shawls and Handkerchiefs assorted, smelling waters, soap balls, cinnamon, saffron, raisins, sugar candy, tea, Irish butter, Dutch starch, powder'd blue, leaf tobacco, corks, Pistols and Fowling pieces, spermacetie candles, American and Marseilles soap &c. &c. Demerary, May 12th 1804.

Tot Naaricht van een ieder, dien het zoude mogen aangaan, dient, dat de Ondergetekende zyn Domicilium citandi & executandi gekozen heeft ten Huyze van den Heer E. C. Eli in Stabroek.
Demerary den 5 May 1804. J. Ph. Muncker.

Drifted or Stolen from Vlissingen Canal, a Punt, lately built in Mahaicony; any Person giving information of the same shall have Two Joes reward by applying to the Printer.
Stabroek, 12th May 1804.

For Liverpool, by the July Convoy; The Ship Leo, Capt. Coupland: - For Freight or Passage, apply to the Master on Board, or to
Demerary, 12th May 1804. Schwiers, Downer & Co.

FOR LIVERPOOL. [heading]
The Ship Governor Wentworth, Capt. Fotheringham, will Sail about the latter end of June, for Freight or Passage, apply to the Captain on board, or to
Demerary, May 12th 1804. A. & A. Littledale.

Imported from Charleston, and for Sale by the Subscribers on reasonable terms for immediate Payment;
RICE in Tierces and half Tierces.
Schwiers, Downer & Co.
Demerary, 12th May 1804.

R. S. TURTON. [heading]
Has Just Imported in the Ship Rosetta, Wilm. Ma[illegible] Master, from Bristol, the following Articles, which he [illegible- will?] Sell on reasonable Terms for Immediate Payment, or to his [illegible] Old Customers on short Credit, - Double Gloucester & pine cheese, Taunton ale, beer and cyder in jugs, Porter, beer, ale and [illegible] in bottles, porter in barrels, Madeira wine in half 7 quarter [illegible] and quarter casks, Port, Malmsey and Sherry wine in bottles, [illegible] quart, half gallon and gallon peuter[sic] measures, refined sugar, [illegible] and barley, vinegar in jugs and bottles, mould candles, best y[illegible] soap, white lead and brown paint, blue and green paint in [illegible] linseed and Neats foot oil, sail cloth No. 1 & 2, 5 4 Irish [illegible] 4 4 Irish linen, 3, 4, 8 4 & 10 4 diaper, clouting diaper, [illegible] cambric, Baby flannel, Mens hats, Ladies slippers, Waistocats [illegible] terns, black velveteen, red cloth, red and blue strip'd cotton [illegible] post and Fools cap paper, quills, ink powder, Memoranda [illegible] marble covered books, black lead pencils, writing desks, T[illegible] deys, green Windsor chairs, 4, 6, 10, 20, 24 & 30d nails, [illegible] and 6d brads, 3 & a half and 4 inch mull clinches, falling [illegible] round edges, hoes and shovels, Compasses, hand, pit, X cut and Chiney saws, gimblets, hand, pit & X cut saw files, O. G. [illegible] smoothing, jack and long planes & irons, Joiners jointers and [illegible] Carpenters adzes and axes, hatchets, hammers, compasses, [illegible] stay bars and stay hours, locks, hinges and [illegible] of different [illegible] iron pots, iron and tin tea kettles, grind stones, [illegible]
Demerary, May 12th [illegible]

Alle de geenen, welke iets te pretendeeren hebben [illegible] schuldigd zyn aan den Boedel en naalattenschap van wyle Heer H. L. Jost, gelieven hunne pretentien in te geevan, [illegible] ne schulden te koomen voldoen by de Ondergetekendens, [illegible] die Bodel tot een spoedige liquiditeit worde gebragt.
Demerary den 5 May 1904 D. L. C. Martini Ex[illegible]
J. Ph. Muncker T[illegible]

List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 10th day of May 1804,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 10de May 1804, zig in arrest bevindende

Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.





Freese in Berbice

Ord. Fiscaal.






Pl. Providence.





Meertens in Essequebo.

J. C. Schulzt.





Wits in Barbados.

[blank]. Cennedy.



J. Luthers.



Pl. Ruymveld.





Pl. Cottage.

John Ashley.



Pl. Goede Verwagtig.



J. Bollers.



J. Osborn.











Verbeek, q. q.




E. Jones.



Pl. Ruymveld.



C. Macrae.










And Sixteen New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts Sestien Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaar niet kan ontwaaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Printed and Published by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.

to the
Essequebo and Demerary

Saturday, May 12, 1804.

[nothing of interest]

Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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