Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 June 23 | ||||||||||
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BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]
Alzoo den Heer Ebenezar Brush, van
voorneemens is binnen den tyd van 14 Daagen [sic] van hier te vertrekken, zoo
wordt zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van
heim te pretendeere hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn hunne pretentien koomen
ontfangen [sic], of hunne Schulden betaalen, ter zyner Domecilium [sic].
Alzoo Pieter Myne, van voorneemens is
binnen den tyd van 14 daagen van hier te vertrekken, zoo wordt zulks mits
deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hem te pretendeeren
hebben of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretentien koomen ontfangen [sic], of
hunne Schulden betaalen, ter zyner Domicilium. PUBLICK AUCTIONS. [heading]
On Friday the 29th Inst. will be sold at
the Store of Mr. John Hepburn; - Prime rounds of beef in tubs, paint in kegs,
earthen ware, Saddlery, best London porter in wired bottles, best Burton ale in
puncheons, pine & Dutch cheese, vinegar, mustard, sealing wax, pins,
thread, broad cloath, pennistones, Negro pipes, bill hooks, hoes and shovels,
iron wedges, &c.
On Wednesdays the 4th of July next, will
be sold by Order of Messrs. Telford, Naghten & Co. at their Store in
Cumingsburg, - Tongues in half barrels, Irish linen, tempered lime, salmon in
tierces & barrels, mackrel, beef, pork, candles and soap, glass ware in
casks assorted, Iron pots and hoops &c.
On Monday and Tuesday the 9th and 10th
of July, will be Sold at the Store of Mr. John Campbell, in front of Plantation
Vlissingen; - Fine cotton stockings, glass & earthen ware, pickles and
sauces, mustard, vinegar, sweet oil, olives all in boxes, porter, ales, beer
and cyder, hinges of all descriptions, knives and forks, chest locks, chamber
door ditto, with a variety of ironmongery in boxes, plated table ware and
Jewelery of all descriptions, beaver hats, Ladies fashionable do. hoes,
shovels, &c. &.c.
For Sale at Public Vendue, at the House
lately occupied by Mr. Hicks, in front of Plantn. Vlissingen, by Order of Mr.
J. Trigger, Executor to the late Jas. Guthrie deced. on Monday the 16th July,
and the following days, until all is sold, the Cargo of the Ship Mary,
consisting of the following Articles, Just Imported from London. - Best Irish
mess beef and pork in whole and half barrels, butter in firkins, Westphalia
hams, Gloucester and pine cheese, peal and Scotch barley in kegs, split pease,
pearl barley in cannisters, boots & shoes, superfine blue & black
cloth, white cassimere, Irish linen, cotton stockings, green canvas for window
blinds, marseilles quilting, corded dimity, callicoes, cotton counterpanes,
table cloths, Ladies and Gentlemen's beaver and silk hats, fur caps, silk
umbrellas and parasoles, Negro blue jackets and trowsers, boat cloaks, check
shirts, and a large assortment of ready made cloaths of the first quality,
Coats, coatees, round robbins, trowsers, waistcoats and shirts, cambric muslin
shawls, pullicat and madrass handkerchiefs, Ladies worked muslin dresses, a
large assortment of tin & glass ware, Stationary assorted, tea, loaf sugar,
black pepper, sago in cannisters, spices in do. pickles, soap & candles,
paints & paint oil, lamp oil. japan'd chairs, cherry tree do. bedsteads and
matrasses, pillows and bolsters, sophas, looking glasses, portable writing
desks, knife cases, knives and forks, Jewelry and cutlery, best Coniac brandy
in pipes, Jamaica Rum in do. port wine, Ironmongery, consisting of hooks &
hinges, augers, chissels [sic], gouges, Carpenters adzes, plane irons, closet
and chamber door locks, chest and desk do. planes, hammers, stock locks &c.
On Monday the 23d July next, and the
following days, until the whole is disposed of, will be sold at the Vendue
Office, a parcel of Choice Madeira and Port wine in pipes. as this Wine is of a
superior quality, it is well worth the attention of Gentlemen residing in the
On Plantation Bel Air, to be sold by
order of the Honble Mr. M. LaMaison (the sale day will be specified twice in
the News Papers, which will be in the Month of September next.) a quantity of
very elegant Household Furniture, Oxen sheep, Draft and Carriage Horses,
Carriages &c. ADVERTISEMENTS. [heading]
All Persons having any Demands against
the Plantation Pleasing Hope, in Mahaica, are requested immediately to render
in their Accounts to the Subscriber in Stabroek, or to the Manager on said
Just Imported from England and to be
Sold: - A very Brilliant Toned Piano Forte. For Particulars apply to Mr.
Henery at the Printing Office.
It is with much Concern, the Undersigned
finds himself necessitated to state in the present Gazette, that there are
several Inhabitants of this Colony (notwithstanding the long lapse of time) who
have yet neglected Paying the Colonial Taxes for the Year 1803, which perhaps
have escaped their Memory; He therefore wishing to avoid all vexatious
proceedings, do hereby for the last time, invite all those who now stand in
arrears for the Taxes aforesaid, to come forward and settle the same before the
first of the ensuing Month, after the expiration of which time, the Receiver
will deem it his indispensible [sic] duty to enforce Payment by Summary
Execution, and without distinction to Persons.
PUBLIC SALE in the Colony of BERBICE,
For London, the Ship Nelson, William
Marin Master, has already on board a considerable part of her heavy Freight,
and will positively sail with the July Convoy; For Freight or Passage, application
may be made to the Master on board, James Grant Esqr. Leguan, or Mr. Archd.
Iver here. Stabroek, 23d June 1804.
For London, intended with the next
Convoy, the fast sailing copper bottom'd Ship Narova, James Green Master, has
excellent accommodations for Passengers, and is about two hundred Tons burthen;
- For Freight or Passage, apply to the Master on board, or at the Store of
Messrs. Wm. Hallstead & Co. to
Runaway from the Marshal Mr. B. Teyssen,
(after having him for a few minutes in Possession,) the Negro named William,
the Property of the Subscriber, he is well known by a Friendly appearance he
always shews, and his polite manner, he is a Coachman and capable to drive
Chariots and keep Horses in good order, he used to reside on Pl. Werk &
Rust; - Whoever will take said Negro, will receive Five Joes from
Notice: All Persons having any Claims
against the Estate of the deceased Wm. Gammell, Mill Carpenter, are requested
to give in their Accounts properly attested; and all Indebted to said Estate,
are requested to make immediate Payment.
All those who have any demands against
Donald Fraser, late of Plantation Greenfield, are requested to render them
properly attested to the last Undersigned at his Residence on Plantation
Dochfour, and those Indebted to him to make Payment to the same. Joseph
The Subscriber hereby requests that all
Persons having Demands against him, will render them for Payment; And all
Persons Indebted to him, are requested to come forward with immediate Payment.
He also informs his Friends & the Public, that from the trouble arising in
collecting small debts, he must request, that all Sadlery work done by him,
will be paid for in Cash, previous to it's [sic] being delivered. J. Clapham offers for Sale at his Store in Bridge Town; Boards and plank, clap boards, pitch pine ditto, cypress & wallaba shingles, W. O. shooks and buts, wood and iron hoops, cordage, tobacco, warrented [sic] American falling axes, rum puncheons, glauber salts, soap and candles, gin in cases, beef and pork in barrels and half barrels, pumps for Colony Craft, sweet oil, a capital pair of American patent Steelyards, Saddle and Draft Horses &c. Demerary, 23d June 1804.
Missing: A new 4 oar'd Boat of Mora
timbers and silver bolly boards, full bows, painted green in the stern sheets,
with a white bottom and green streak, red and brown inside, with an iron chain
fastened to a ring. the [sic - "t" not capitalized] Boat resembles
very much the one belonging to Doctor Dunkin, supposed to be left along side of
a Colony boat the Evening before the last Fleet sailed. - Any Person giving
Information, shall be handsomely Rewarded.
Met de laast Gearriveerd Scheepen, van
Londen & America, aangebragt en by den Ondergeteekende teegens directe
Betaaling in Contanten of Producten, tot Civiele Pryzen te bekoomen, de
volgende Goederen als:
For Sale, a quantity of Lime, on
reasonable Terms, by
Runaway, the Negro named Peter, a short
thick fellow, he understands English and Dutch and is a very capable boat
Negro. he has been absent 8 days and belongs to the decd. W. Stoel.
To the Printer of the Essequebo and
Demerary Gazette. [heading] [No List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves] Printed and Published by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.
Supplement Saturday, June 23, 1804. [nothing of interest] Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.
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Created: 23 March 2005 Last modified:
Creator: Wilmer, John Lance
Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten