Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 August 11 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]
Word mits deeze, aan allen die geenen
welke zulks mogte aan gaan, gea[umlaut]dverteerd, dat door den Edele Achbare Hove
van Crimineele en Civile Justitie dezer Rivier, staande deeze Sessie, zyn
gedecideerd, de onderstaande Rol Processen: - F. Martin qq., de PL.
Velserhoofd, Contra A. Graff. - F. C. Elbers qq. contra H. E. Glazer. - A.
Smith qq. J. Gray, contra E. L. Fisher. - H. C. Evertsz qq. M. E. Evertsz,
contra de Wed. Mathews. - F. Martin qq. de PL. La Retraite, contra alle
Eigenaaren, Administrateuren van PL. Mindenburg. - N. Osborn & Comp., conra
Cassandra Game. - Kent & Leslie, contra de Eigenaar of Eigenaaren van PL.
Bold Hall. - Alex McNabb, contra Florah Luwcas. - J. van Groningen, contra J.
H. Barbary. - Sarah Allen, contra Sarah Parfait. - N. Osborn & Comp. contra
John Trulock. - H. Douglas, contra Ch. Edmonstone. - Ridley, Dodson & Comp.
contra S. Mackay. - J. Richards, contra N. Osborn & Comp. - A. Beauch,
contra de Eigenaar, of Eigenaaren van de PL. Mokka. - A. Littledale qq., W.
Ball en J. Drayton Goddard, contra J. Drayton Goddard. - J. Ward, contra Eyre
Butler. - R. S. Turton, contra J. H. Barnwell. - John Luke, overgeblevene
Compagnon van de firma van Lachtrop & Luke, contra Alex Macrae qq. dor
Boedel Alleyne Culpeper. - W. Dodgson qq. PL. Union, contra J. Staunton. - M.
Evertsz, contra J. Bonjes generaale Gemachtigdens van J. Swen, Eischers, contra
G. Henschelius, als met en benevens P. J. Fabre, geweest zynde Gemachtigdens
van J. Swen, en by deszelfs uitlandigheid, Administrateuren van de PL.
Swanenschutz. - W. Brumell en T. G. Heyliger, qq. en Wm. Somersall & Comp.,
contra C. N. Bollers. - Mr. F. P. van Berckel. Raad Fiscaal (R.O.) contra John
Henderson. - Idem, contra J. Hunt. - P. C. Ouckama Fiscaal ad Hoc. (R.O.)
contra Thomas Frankland. ged:: in persoon wegens mein Eed. - Idem. contra Idem
gedaagde wegens disrespect aan 't Hof. - Thomas Frankland [illegible] in cas
van injurie, contra Mr. F. P. van Berckel. - H. Beis qq. A. Graff Eischer,
contra J. L. Harrop gedaagde. - C. M. Overweg, Eischer in Conventie, ver
weerder in Recoventie, contra G. Vernhagen, gedaagde in Conventie, Eischer in
Reconventie. - A. Meertens, contra J. Kofoed. - H. I. Underwood & Comp.
contra Richard Clarke. - Thomas Frankland qq. Tarleton en Comp. Arrestant,
contra W. Postlethwaite.
Alzoo de Heer Josiah Schackford, van
voorneemens is binnen den tyd van veertien dagen, van hier te vertrekken, zo
word zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hem
te pretendeeren hebben, of ann hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretentien komen ontvangen,
of hunne Schulden betallen, ter zyner domicilium. PUBLICK AUCTIONS. [heading]
On Friday the 17th Inst. will be Exposed
for Sale, at the Vendue Office; - 200 Barrels of Superfine Flour, just
On Tuesday the 21st Inst. will be
Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of Messrs. P. Cambridge and
Thos. Milbourn, Executors to the Estate of J. Graham deced: - Wine in cases,
smoaking tobacco in boxes and [symbol] papers, hoes and shovels, House
Furniture, silver plate, a gold watch and chain, a Chaise and Harness, two
Chaise Horses and one riding do. paper, some
Wearing Apparel &c. &c.
On Monday and Teusday [sic] the 27th
& 28th Inst. will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of
Messrs P. Van Ryssel & Co. at their Store in Stabroek; - Best claret,
porter, Liqueurs, soap & candles, Plantation utensils, elegant table
services compleat, cotton bagging, Negro pipes and tobacco, muslin of all
kinds, cloths and cassimere, boots & shoes, a Horse and chaise &c. also
in the Evening of the first mentioned day, will be Exposed for Sale, a large
assortment of Books. ADVERTISEMENTS. [heading]
Just Imported in the Brig Clyde, David
Killcock Master, from Newfoundland, and for Sale by the Subscribers, at their
Store in Cumingsburg; - New Cod Fish in Casks of 8, 6, 4 and 3 Quintals each.
FOR GLASGOW. [heading]
The Subscriber has a Cargo of Rye and
Wheat Flour, likewise Madeira Wine in Pipes, Hogsheads and Quarter casks, which
He offers for Sale at very reasonable Prices for Cash or Produce.
Notice: - All Persons having Demands
against the Estate of Thomas Fairbrother deced: are requested to render the
same properly attested on or before the 15th September next. Accounts rendered
after the above date will not be attended to.
The Subscriber Quits this Colony in all
October, all Persons therefore having Demands against him, will render in their
Accounts for Payment; and all who are Indebted to him, will come immediately to
a Settlement, that he may be enabled to meet his Creditors in a suitable
manner. Those who neglect coming forward to Liquidate their Accounts, will be
Sued without respect to Persons.
Zig geabsen [?]erd van de Mr. Kleermaker
Herschman, de mulatte jonge genaamt Willem, die geenen welken denzelven
arresteerd en by den ondergeteekende te regt brengt, zal daar voor twee
johannissen ontvangen. For Sale, at the Premises belonging to Wm. Heathcote Esqr. on reasonable Terms for immediate Payment; - Indian Corn per bushel, Superfine flour, fish, soap & candles, lard, white pine lumber, shingles and clapboards, staves and shooks, beef and pork in barrels and half barrels, rice, London particular Madeira Wine in bottles, Claret, cotton bagging, Plantation stores, loaf sugar, hams, pigs cheeks &c. Demerary, 11th August 1804.
FOR SALE. [heading]
STRAYED. [heading]
FOR SALE or RENT. [heading] List of Vessels which have Entered & Cleared from the 1st to the 10th of August 1804.
CLEARED. List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 11th day of August 1804, in the Stocks of Demerary. Lyst der op heden den 11 Aug. 1804, zig in arrest bevindende Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.
And 13 New Negroes, the names of their
Owners unknown.
and Published by E. J. Henery, Stabroek. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Created: 23 March 2005 Last modified:
Creator: Wilmer, John Lance
Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten