Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 September 01


Ao. 1804 )


( No. 88.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, September 1, 1804.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

[no new listings]


On Wednesday the 5th Instant will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the Store of Messrs: A. Fullerton & Co. - 100 Barrels of Flour, 150 Bags of Bread, and other Provisions. [September 1st 1804.] Brereton & Kingston.

On Thursday the 6th Instant will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the Store of James Lyon & Co. - An assortment of Muslins consisting of plain and tamboured jaconet and book, silk-stripe and printed, lain for musqueto netting; elegant muslin shawls, muslin and pullicat handkerchiefs, silk ditto, Gentlemens hats, boots, shoes and trowsers. silk stockings, coat patterns, ribbands, Ladies gowns, robes, cloaks and head dresses, Negro hats and trowsers, white, blue, black, yellow, red and green paint, paint oil, spirit of turpentine in jugs, soap and candles, tea, sugar, tongues, butter, sweet oil, claret in hogsheads, mahogany trays & bason stands, corn mills, iron pots, hoes, axes, cables and anchors for Colony Boats, and other Articles.
September 1st 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 17th Instant will be exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, at the Vendue Office, by Order of A. Fleischman Esqr. - A large assortment of Books consisting of the most eminent Authors in the English, French and Italian Languages; the Books are elegantly Bound and Lettered, perfectly new and just imported from London. Catalogues are to be had at the Vendue Office, Printing Office and Union Coffee House.
N.B: The Sale will begin precisely at 6 o'Clock in the evening.
September 1st 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 24th of September and following Days will be Exposed for Sale by Order of P. C. Ouckama Esqr. at his House, the following Articles, viz: - Mahogany Dining Tables, ditto Card Tables, ditto Sophas, ditto Chairs with hair seats, ditto sideboard, ditto Bureau and Wardrobes, a large Cabinet, an assortment of elegant Pictures in gilt and black fames, large lanthorns and globes shades, a variety of Glass Ware, large looking glasses and Chamber ditto, Plated ware, viz candle sticks, vinegar stands, bottle ditto, bread baskets &c. China table services, large damask table cloths, breakfast ditto, Silver spoons and forks, tea spoons, sugar tongs, silver forks with ivory handles, ditto knives, gold and silver watches, crystal peramedes for sweet meats, China quadrille boxes with pearl fishes, a quantity of Water Jars, young cattle, Calves and American Sheep of a large size; a collection of Books amongst wich [sic] are the works of Voltaire with Plates, Law Books &c. and what further will be Exposed on the day of Sale.
1st September 1804. Brereton & Kingston.


Mr. Van Basel being once more on the recovery from a severe indisposition, is under the disagreeable necessity to inform his Friends, that he is not able at present, in consequence of the debilitated state of his Health, to pay them his personal respects and to solicit their interest in procuring Freight for his Ship, the Milnes, Capt. George Allen, now ready to take in Goods for the October Convoy, he therefore begs leave to recommend her most particularly to them and to every other Gentleman who may have Shipments to make to London, anticipating his most sincere acknowledgements to those who will favor him with the preference. Please to apply to Mr. O. J. Laurin or to the Captain himself, who is to be found every day at the House of said Gentleman.
Demerary, 1st September 1804.

Notice: - All Persons indebted to the concern of Hugh Douglas & Co. are hereby forbidden paying any money to Hugh Douglas as his receipts from this date will not be considered as Valid; all those who have not yet rendered their Accounts against said Concern, are requested to render them as soon as possible to the Subscriber, at the House belonging to Mr. John Robb adjoining the Stelling in Bridge Town.
Stabroek, 1st September 1804. Robert Barr.
N.B: In absence of the above named, Mr. R. B. Knight is Authorised to receive Accounts.

Take Notice, for the last time, that in fourteen Days from this date the Subscriber will Sue, without respect to Persons, all those who are indebted to him on Obligations for Negroes released out of the Barracks, whose Notes he has taken as an indulgence when they had not the Cash to pay him ; and from the shamefull abuse of such accommodation he finds it necessary, in justice to himself, to say, he is determined to release no Negroes in future without their Feeds being Paid in Cash on delivery of the Slaves.
Stabroek, 1st September 1804. J. Runnels, Jr.

Just Arrived and for Sale by the Subscriber at his Store, the following Articles on reasonable terms, viz: Mess and Cargo Beef and Pork in whole and half barrels, sweet oil in bottles and lamp oil in barrels, Cogniac brandy in pipes and dimejons, spermacetie and tallow candles, Irish butter in firkins, Castile and American soap, temper lime, starch and indigo, also an assortment of Paints and a variety of Dry Goods.
Demerary, 1st September 1804. J. Ceurvorst.

For Sale: - Heavy Wood fit for Ballast, to be delivered at the mouth of Canal No. 3, between Providence and Herstelling Estates.
Demerary, 1st September 1804. W. A. Leeseman.

TO BE SOLD. [heading]
The Quarter Lot of Land No. 66 in Stabroek, with the Buildings thereon, very commodiously situated for a small Family. Also, an excellent Saddle Horse. For further information apply to the Printer.
Stabroek, 1st September 1804.

The Underwritten having trusted Jan Frinquist to collect some out-standing accounts due her deceased Husband, requests all those on whom the said Jan Frinquist shall call for Payment, not to settle with him, as his Receipt after this day will be of no Value. She has for Sale a quantity of fresh Medicines, Vials, Pots, Surgeon's Instruments, a delivering Chaise very neat and compleat, the Medicines are in boxes not opened and lately arrived from England.
As no notice is taken of her frequent calling for Payment of her Debtors, she has delivered all accounts to N. Rousselet Esqr, her Lawyer, who will do the needful business for settlement.
Stabroek, 1 September 1804. Widow Eyman.

Alle die geenen welke iets te pretendeeren hebben, ofte verschuldigd zyn, aan den Boedel van wylen C. van Oolen, gelieven daarvan Opgaven en Betaaling te doen, binnen den tyd van vier weeken, ten einde gemelde Boedel, tot Liquiditeit te brengen by
Gerhard Henschelius.
Demerary 1 Sept. 1804. J. L. Biegman, Executeuren.

Ook presenteerd den Ondergeteekende, uit de hand te Koop, een welgesitueerd Woonhuis, met derzelver Zygebouwen, bestaande uit Negerye[umlaut]n, genoegzaam voor 30 Slaaven, een wel ingerigte Combuis Paardestal en Ziekenhuis, staande op de voorgrond der Plantagie Meerzorg, by deeze is te observeeren: - de Huurtyd van de Grond, waarop gemelde Gebouwen staan, niet langer dan circa 3 jaaren duurd, en
dus by de Eigenaaren der Plantagie, moet Prolongatie verzogt worden.
Demerary 1 Sept. 1804. J. L. Biegman.

Ship WILLIAM for LIVERPOOL. [heading]
At the particular request of some of the principal Shippers on board the above Vessel, Capt. Thompson has declined the idea of going home a single Ship as at first intended and therefore proposes to avail himself of the benefit of the Convoy to sail from this on the 3d of October next: the William has room for about 80 to 100 Bales of Cotton, and Capt. T. will feel himself obliged to any Gentlemen who are Shippers to the Port of Liverpool, for their early assistance to complete the loading of his Ship. - For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to
C. D. Forrester.
Demerary, 1st September 1804.

The Subscribers have imported by the Schooner Lady Graves, Capt. Teed, and for Sale at their Store in LaBourgade. - Newfoundland Cod Fish in Casks of 8, 6 and 4 Quintals.
Telford, Naghten & Co.
Demerary, 1st September 1804.

It is hereby requested that all those to whom the Estate of the late William McNish is indebted, to render in a statement of their several Demands, in the space of One Month from the date hereof, unto Mr. Robert Stephenson in Bridge Town, as it is the Subscriber's particular desire to have ascertained a full statement of his affairs as early as possible.
Demerary, 1st September 1804. Ht. McNish.

Mrs. Ward informs the Ladies and Gentlemen interested in her Lottery, that the Drawing will be at her House in front of Werk & Rust, on the 15th of September, at 10 o'Clock.
Demerary, 31st August 1804.
N.B: - There are yet a few Tickets for sale.

Runaway from Plantation Chester, West Coast Berbice, about 6 weeks past, a young Barbadian Negro Man named Jack, marked C on both breasts, his Mother lives in Cumingsburg and it is possible he may attempt to pass as a Free Man; all Captains of Vessels are cautioned not to harbour him, as there is no doubt but he will offer his services to any of them who will employ him; for apprehending this Negro, a reward of two Joes will be given by applying at the Store of
Stabroek 1 September 1804. John Campbell.

Dat den Ondergeteekende Eerste Exploiteur dezer Colonie, op bekomene authorisatie, voorneemens is by executie te verkopen, ten Raadhuize op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, op Dingsdag den vierde September aanstaande, ten behoeven van de Commissarissen van 't Canaal No. 3 - Ken Concessie Lands, geleegen in het Canaal No. 3, zynde 500 Akkers (met al 't gunt daarop aardt en nagelvast is) deeze Grond eertyds bekend geweest onder de naam van Maria Catharina, toebehoord hebbende den Boedel wylen J. C. Lantferman, en nu laatstelyk aan den Boedel wylen J. Philips; - die hierinne Gading heest, komen ten dagen, en doen hun Profyt.
Actum, Rio Demerary, den 1 September, 1804.
Mart. Smit, eerste Exploiteur.

Uit krachte van zeker Extract Notul, worden ten verzo[???] van F. Martin, als met en benevens F. I van der Lott, aangestelde Curators over de Plantagie de Gorgia [sic] door my ondergeteekende Exploiteur, van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justite, by en mits deeze, voor de derdemaale by Edicte GEDAGVAARD:
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren, der genoemde Plantagie de Gorgia [sic], omme te compareeren voor den Heer Raad Commissaris, zittende ter Audientie der veertiendaagsche Rolle, op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, tegens den derden September eerstkomende en volgende dagen. Ten fine aldaar een ieder zyne pretentien te komen op en aangeeven, en daarby te dienen van hunne sustenuen als na Raade, zullende na experatie van de 4e Exsuperabondante [sic - ' not ...bund...] Edicte geprocedeerd worden, tot het obtineeren van het eeuwig Silentium, zynde dit de derde Edictale Sitatie [sic], gepubliceerd en geassigeerd daar en waar het behoord.
Rio Demerary, den 1 September, 1804.
B. Teyssen, Exploiteur.

Uit krachte van zeker Extract Notul, 20 Augustus 1804, worden door my ondergeteekende Exploiteur, van den Edele Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie, uit naam en van wegens H. C. Evertz, als Curator, in den Boedel wylen I. C. Ten Bosch, voor de Der demaale by Edicte GEDAGVAARD:
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van voormelde Boedel, omme te compareeren voor den Heer Raad Commissaris uit den Hove van Justitie, zittende ter Audientie der veertiendaagsche Rolle op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, tegens den derden September eerstkomende en volgende dagen. - Ten fine aldaar een igelyk zyne Pretentien, behoorlyk te komen op en aangeeven, en voorts daarop [??] dienen van hunne sustenuen, als na Raade, zullende van deeze 30 en 40 laatste, Exsuperabundante Edicte geprocedeerd worden, tot obtineering van het eeuwig Silentium.
Aldus gepubliceerd en geassigeerd, daar en waar het behoord.
Rio Demerary, den 1 September, 1804. B. Teyssen, Exploiteur.

The Underwritten by resolution of the Commissaries of the Honble: Court of Justice, dated June 19th last past, being appointed jointly with Messrs: F. Martin and J. C. Otto, to form an accurate statement of the affairs of Jacob Lachtrop, thinks it incumbent upon him to acquaint the several Creditors with the result thereof. He convokes therefore all who have any Claims against the Estate, against [sic] Monday the 10th of September 1804 at the House of said Jacob Lachtrop.
Demerary, 31st August 1804. M. J. Verroen, in said quality.

List of Vessels which have Entered and Cleared from the 25th. August to the 1st Sept. 1804.

Aug. 17. Schooner Demerary, Capt. Tynes, from Barbados.
Aug. 28. Ship Four Sisters, Capt. Witmarsh, from Boston.
Aug. 30. Schooner Peggy, Capt. R. Diming, from Barbados.

Aug. 28. Brig Vigilant, Capt. A. Fernald, for Boston.
Aug. 29. Brig Clyde, Capt. D. Kellock, for Barbados.
Aug. 31. Shooner [sic] Demerary, Capt. Tynes, for Barbados.
Aug. 31. Schooner Sally, Capt. Morrisson, for Philadelphia.

[No List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves]

Printed and Published by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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