Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 October 06


Ao. 1804 )


( No. 93.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 6th of October.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo de Heer Henry Hunt, meerderjarig Jongman, gebooren in Noord America, ter eenre en mejuffrouw Sarah Mary Rogers, alhier gebooren, geadsisteerd met haar Oom en Voogd de Heer James Bennet, ter andere zyde; van vornemens zyn, met elkanderen een wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, zo alse dezelve ook reeds op den 28 September voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtbare Hove van Justitie dezer Rivier, in Ondertrouw zyn opgenomen; zo werd zulks mits deezen aan elk en een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen welke vermenen, zich tegens dit voorgenomen Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds te doen, daar en waar het behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 6 October 1804.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman gezw. Clercq.

Alzoo de Heer David Pierre Morthier, meerderjarig Jongman, geboren te Heuwchattie in Zwitzerland, ter eenre en mejuffrouw Martha Turner Rogers, minderjarig jonge Dochter, alhier gebooren, geadsisteerd met haar Oom en Voogd de Heer James Bennet, ter andere zyde; van voornemens zyn met elkandere een wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, zo als dezelve ook reeds op den 28 September 1804, voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtbare Hove van Justitie dezer Rivier, in Ondertrouw zyn opgenomen, zo werd zulks mits deezen aan elk en een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke vermeenen zich tegens dit voorgenomen Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds te doen, daar en waar het behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 6 October 1804.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman gezw. Clercq.

Alzoo de Heer Gresswel Spencer, voornemens is, binnen den tyd van veertien dagen van hier te vertrekken, zo werd zulks mits deeze bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen welke iets van hem te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien komen ontvangen, of hunne schulden betaalen, ter zyner domicilium.
Actum ter Secretarie van Rio Demerary, dezen 6 October, 1804.
In Kennisse van my James Blackhurst, Adsistent

Alzoo Mejuffrouw de Weduwe Eliza Price, van voorneemens is binnen den tyd van veertien dagen van hier te vertrekken, zo werd zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van haar te pretendeeren hebben, of aan haar verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien komen ontvangen, of hunne schulden betaalen, ter harer domicilium.
Actum ter Secretarie van Rio Demerary, dezen 4 October, 1804.
In Kennisse van my James Blackhurst, Adsistent

Alzoo den Heer J. W. Robinson, alsmede de vrye Negerinne Mary Shaslin en den vryen Mulat William Goodwin, voorneemens zyn, binnen den tyd van veertien dagen van hier te vertrekken, zo wordt zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen welke iets van hun te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretensien komen ontvangen, of hunne Schulden betaalen ter hunner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretray van Rio Demerary, dezen 28 Sept. 1804.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, Gezw. Clercq.


On Monday the 8th of October, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order of N. Rousselet Esqr. Attorney at Law, in behalf of Richard Tubs. - A Negro Girl, Kitty, in order to satisfy a Debt in favor of J. & H. Barnwell for f 654.3.5 - Payment must be made in Cash, Coffee or Cotton.
6th October 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 15th Inst. will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the Vendue Office; - a variety of new Imported Sadlery, viz. Whips, seercingles, spurs, &c. also a fashionable assortment of new Dry Goods consisting of cambric, muslins, prints, black and dyed callicoes, do. cambric, pocket and colour'd handkfs. black and blue broad cloths and cassimeres, &c. &c. Terms will be made known on the day of Sale.
October 6th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Friday the 19th Inst. will be Sold to the highest Bidders, at the Vendue Office; - Two Lotts of Land situated in Cumingsburg, the first next to that of Richard Wells Esqr. known on the Chart by No. 61, the second in the street just behind the first Lot, being No. 98; Payment for which must be made in approved Bills of Exchange or cash, on the 1st. of April 1805.
October 6th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.


Executie-Verkoopingen: Dat ik Ondergescheeven, St. Eerste Exploiteur by den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, in Rio Demerary, op bekomen Appoinctement van welgemelde Hove, by Executie zal Verkopen, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen, de Plantagie[umlaut]n Chance Hall, Vauxhall en Westminster, met hunne Ap en Dependent e[umlaut]n; de eerste op den 16 October en de laatstgenoemde op den 9 November aanstande, alles luid Inventaris dagelyks voor een idere op 't Exploiteurs Comptoir te zien: alle de geenen welke hierinne Gading zullen mogen hebben, komen ten dagen en plaatzen op de Plantagie[umlaut]n voornoemd, aanhooren de Conditie[umlatu]n en doen hun profyt.
Rio Demerary, den 1 October, 1804.
Marts. Smit. St. Eerste Exploiteur.


Notice: - The Subscriber intending to leave this Colony with the first Convoy next Year, will be under the necessity of Sueing all Persons Indebted to him, whose Accounts may not be Paid on the first of January next.
Demerary 6th October 1804. Thomas Frankland.

The Subscribers requests all Persons to whom he stands indebted, will render their Accounts for Payment, as he intends leaving the Colony in a few Weeks.
Demerary 6th October 1804. Charles Brough.

For Sale by the Subscribers, Real Poland Oats in Hhds. of 24 Bushels.
Demerary 6th October 1804. A. & A. Smith.

The Subscriber intending to leave this Colony, offers for Sale, the following very Valuable property viz: - Lott No. 2, Sixty feet by 120, situated on Werk & Rust, and adjoining the property of O. J. Laurin Esqr. together with all the Improvements thereon, consisting of a three Story House in front of said Lott, 30 feet by 18, and two side Buildings on the back of the Lott, and fronting the River is erected a two Story House 40 feet by 20, with Store and out houses, the Store House 40 feet by 15. Also the adjoining Water Lott 60 feet broad, and extending to low water mark, on which is erected a plat form [sic] 40 feet by 26, the whole of those Improvements of Colony Wood. - The whole of the above property will be disposed of for the moderate Sum of Thirty Thousand Guilders, if applied for immediately.
Demerary 6 October 1804. A. Baum.

Whereas the fast Sailing Sloop l'Amitie[accent], E. Gemon, Master, is to Sail for Surinam within a few days, to touch at Berbice, and to remain there three days; - Every Person who has any Goods to Load or Inclination to take Passage to either of these Colonies, are requested to apply at the Store of H. D. Obermuller in Stabroek, next door to the Store of I. L. Eils Esqr.
Demerary 6 October 1804.

There having appeared in the Essequebo & Demerary Gazette of the 29th of September last, an Advertisement signed by H. Cantzlaar J.Z. for self and I. L. Eils, Attornies of Messrs. Otto, Sargenton & Co. and Jacobus Sargenton as Heir to his deceased Mother, Widow C. Bakker; consequently the Subscriber cannot fail in Advertising also, requesting the Public to take no Notice of said Advertisement of Cantzlaar's - Those who hive any Business respecting the Toevlugt Estate, will Address themselves to the Underwritten, (without considering in the least said Hugo Cantzlaar or any other) by whom, the Underwritten has never been Honestly or Legally Addressed concerning any of the abovementioned Qualities.
Demerary, 6th October 1804. G. Mahlstedt.

All Persons having any Demands against the Estate of the late Christopher Bourne deceased, are requested to render their Accounts to the Subscriber, for Examination; and all those Indebted to said Estate, are likewise requested to make immediate Payment, in order that she may be enabled to bring the Affairs to a final Close.
Sarah Bourne, Executrix.
Who Offers for Sale, an excellent Saddle Horse, which will be Sold cheap for immediate Cash. Demerary, 6th Octr. 1804.

FOR SALE or RENT, on Reasonable Terms. [heading]
A Commodious Dwelling House, situated in front of the Brick Dam, with Negro Houses, Kitchen, Necessary, garden, a large cellar and other conveniences, all in compleat Order; - Any Person wishing to Purchase or rent the same, may know the Terms, by applying to the Printer. Stabroek, 6th Octr. 1804.

For Sale, and Immediate Possession to be given, on Advantageous Terms, the Concession No. 5, situated in front of Pln. Werk & Rust, next to the Stelling, with a Dwelling House 40 feet long by 22 wide, and 2 1/2 story high, also two side buildings fit for a Wash House, Negro House, Horse stable and Kitchen, all of this Colony Cipire and Wallaba. - For further Particulars, Enquire of W. Bruninghaus Esqr. in Stabroek, or J. P. Muncker on Plantation Uitvlugt. Demerary, 6th Octr. 1804.

Brought Up from Oronoque, this day, the following Runaway Negroes, viz - Barbaron belonging to Mr. Smith, on Plantation Duck four, Dorsis, (a Negro Woman,) belonging to Miss Sarah Day of Barbados, Will and Pollidroe of Mr. Wm. Robertson, and George, Frank and Peter of Mr. Deinken on Leguan Island; - The above Negroes are at present in the Colony Goal [sic], and their Owners or Representatives may have them by Paying the Expences, and applying to
Demerary, 5th Octr. 1804. J. Runnels Jz. Drossaart.

Picked Up on Plantation Good Success, a 4 oar'd Punt 35 feet long and 8 wide, with Mora timbers and Determa plank; - Any Person proving the same to be their Property, can have it by Paying the Expence of this Advertisement, and a triffling [sic] Gratuity to the Negroes; Apply to the Manager on said Estate.
Demerary, 6th Octr. 1804.

For Sale or Hire, a very commodious House situated on the Water Lot No. 1, in front of Pln. Werk & Rust, next the Store of Messrs. Remy & Boter, it will answer for a Store, as well as the Accommodation of a large Family; Enquire on said Lot, of Mr. A. Culpeper, or Wm. Johnson. 6th Octr. 1804.

For Sale, a Carpenter Man; For Particulars, apply to the Printer, or the Subscriber on Plantation Bel Air.
Demerary, 6th Octr. 1804. J. S. Smith.

Plan of a Lottery made by Louis Favarger, with Permission of His Excellency Anthony Beaujon Esquire, and Appraised by Messrs. H. W. Lookey and Wm. Bilsteen, Watch Makers and Jewelers. - Art: 1. This Lottery is Composed of 100 Tickets at Eighty eight Guilders each. - Art: 2. The Lottery will contain Thirty-seven Prizes, amounting to f 9328 according to a List of Articles herewith annexed. - Art: 3. The Tickets (which are to be had at the House of Louis Favarger,) to be Paid at the same time, or an Acceptance passed Payable on the day of the Drawing, which will be made known in the News-Papers of this Colony. - Art: 4. The Lottery shall be drawn by two Children, in the presence of a Clerk of the Secretary's Office and two Persons who will keep, one the List of Numbers and the other a List of Blanks and Prizes. - Art: 5. Every Person that takes a Ticket, shall write their Name directly opposite the Number, upon a List kept for that purpose.APPRAISEMENT of the following Goods.
1. A Gold Watch double dialled [sic] and six Figures with hammers in their hands, playing every three hours a Tune themselves, in whatever Position it is placed, it can be worn as another Watch & made to stop or Play at Pleasure, it is also an hour and quarter-hour Repeater and is well regulated. f 55500. - 2. Three Oblong plated dishes with silver gadreen edges and silver handles. f 660. - 3. A Gold repeating Watch enriched with stones and well regulated, with a gold chain and key. f 484. - 4. A gold Watch, a Cross laid in gold, and a gold Pin. f 307. - 5. A gold Watch with Medallion. f 176. - 6. [number missing in text] A silver Watch with second hands. f 154. - 7. A silver Watch with hour and second hands, giving the day of the Month, a gold pin, a seal mounted in gold, and a pair of Ear-rings. f 132. - 8. A Watch with a gold heart laid in pearls and an Anchor in the centre. f 111. - 9. A Clock striking the hours and half hours. f 110. - 10. A Watch and silver Punch ladle. f 99. - 11. A Watch. f 96. - 12. A Watch, a pair of ear-rings laid in pearl, and 2 gold pins. f 88 . 10. - 13. A silver Watch. f 88. - 14. A ditto ditto. f 77. - 15. A Watch, a pair of ear-rings laid in pearl, and a gold pin. f 72. - 16. One small hanging Clock and a gold pin. f 72. - 17. A Watch with a gold pin. f 71. 10. - 18. A gold Ring and Bracelet. f 71. 5. - 19. One small hanging Clock. f 66. - 20. A gold Ring, laid in pearl with a blue stone in the centre. f 66. - 21. A silver Watch. f 66. - 22. A silver ditto. f 66. - 23. A silver ditto f 66. - 24. A Watch and two pair of Ear-rings. f 58. - 25. A pair knee buckles in stones and a pair of Ear-rings. f 52. 15. 26. A silver Watch with a chain and pin. f 50. - 27. Two pair of Ear-rings in gold, and a pin. f 46. - 28. A pair of Ear-rings and a gold pin. f 44. - 29. ditto ditto and ditto. f 44. - 30. A Clock striking the hours and quarter hours. f 44. - 31. A pair of plated candlesticks. f 44. - 32. One hanging Clock. f 44. - 33. A Coat Pattern. f 44. - 34. A Bracelet with double figures and a gold thimble. f 44. - 35. One hanging Clock with a pin. f 39. - 36. A pair of Ear-rings and a gold pin. f 39. - 37. A silver watch. f 36.

List of Vessels which have Entered and Cleared from the 29th September to the 6th of October 1804.

1. Schooner Andromeda, Capt. Rice, from Boston.
4. Schooner Hitty, Capt. Taylor, from Philadelphia.
6. Schooner Hero, Capt. Odiorne, from Portsmouth.

1. Ship Sally, Capt. Thomson, for Liverpool.
1. Ship Achilles, Capt. Douglas, for Greenock.
1. Brig Eliza, Capt. Pendleton, for New York.
2. Schooner Caroline, Capt. Kimball, for Boston.
2. Schooner Lively, Capt. Craig, for Tobago.
3. Schooner Isabella, Capt. Pryce, for London.
3. Sloop Lucy, Capt. Saville, for Boston.
3. Brig Providence, Capt. Hepburn, for London.
3. Ship Diana, Capt. Hayman, for London.
3. Ship Loyalty, Capt. Baily, for Liverpool.
3. Ship Mary, Capt. Denham, for London.
3. Ship Narova, Capt. Green, for London.
3. Ship William, Capt. Thompson, for Liverpool.
3. Ship Cato, Capt. Taylor, for Greenock.
3. Brig Paisely, Capt. Jackways, for New York.
3. Ship Milnes, Capt. Allen, for London.
4. Brig Nelson, Capt Larmour, for Liverpool.
4. Brig Matilda, Capt. Judge, for London.
4. Brig James & William, Capt. Rollings, for Charleston.
4. Snow Golden Grove, Capt. Peace, for London.
6. Schooner Demerary, Capt. Tynes, for Barbados.

List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 6th day of Octr. 1804,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 6 Oct. 1804, zig in arrest bevindende

Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.









Ord. Fiscaal.

William (Mulat)

Wits in Barbados.

A. Cennedy.



John Ashley.





Philis Lameur.













Ord. Fiscaal.





E. Banner.




Ord. Fiscaal.


C. A. de Floriemont.

James Black.






J. Croal.



B. Fourmantell.


Capt. McDowal.




Neger Welkom.


Pl. Goede Hoop.




Pl. Goed Intent.









Neger Marocco.









M. Heiner.



Bomba Cinca.




John Luis.




Dr. Mickerts.







J. Lucke.



Gerechts Dienaars.




And 9 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts 9 Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaar niet kan ontwaaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Printed and Published by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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