Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 October 27


Ao. 1804 )


( No. 96.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 27th of October.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo den Heer John M. O. Meara, van voorneemens is binnen den tyd van 14 daagen van hier te vertrekken, zo wordt zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hem te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien komen ontvangen, of hunne schulden betaalen, ter zyner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 27 Octr. 1804.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, Gezw. Clercq.


On Friday the 2d November, will be sold to the highest Bidders, on the stelling of O. J. Laurin Esqr. - Salt Fish in casks, Beef and Pork in barrels and half barrels, &c. &c.
October 27th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 5th of November, will be Sold to the highest Bidders, by Order of Mr. G. E. Aman, at his House in Stabroek, as Executor to the Estate of E. E. F. Egeling deced. Wearing Apparel, fine linen, gold watches, two Prime Negroes, one an excellent House Servant, and the other a Boat Negro.
Brereton & Kingston.

On Tuesday the 6th Novbr will be Sold to the highest Bidders, by Order of Messrs. P. Rose & D. McLachlan, Executors to the Estate of John Campbell deceased, at the House lately Occupied by him; - Household Furniture, Negroes and Horses, Plantation stores, Jewelery, and sundry other Articles.
Brereton & Kingston.


On Sale: - Sixty Seasoned Negroes, 49 of whom are Field People, 6 Carpenters and 5 Children; they will be Sold together or in Lots as may be agreeable to Purchasers. Apply to
New Amsterdam, 27th October 1804. James Fisher.

The Subscriber gives Notice to the Public in general, that he does no further Business for Plantation Free & Easy, nor A. Culpeper Esqr. the Subscriber requests such as may be Indebted to him, to settle their Accounts as soon as possible, so as to enable him to Liquidate some very pressing Demands against him in this Colony, as he expects to leave it soon for some short space of time.
Demerary, 27th October 1804. John Barton.

Just Imported and for Sale at the Store of John Madden & Co. - Fish in Hogsheads, flour, R. O. staves & clapboards, W. O. shooks with heading, spiced beef in quarter barrels, mess do. in half do. bottled rich Herefordshire cyder, Bristol beer in tierces and barrels, Shone's ale and brown stout in puncheons, gun powder, hyson tea, refined sugar, split pease in kegs, soap & candles, hoes and bitts, 40d nails, sugar strainers, paint & oil, Negro cloathing, Cordage &c. &c. Demerary, 27th October 1804.

Just Imported in the Brilliant, Wilm. Gemmell Master, from Glasgow, and for Sale by the Subscribers at their Store in front of Plantation Vlissingen, at reduced Prices for immediate Payment; - Real Inverness cotton bagging, best twill'd coffee do. tow oznabrugs, linen checks, garlix [sic], sewing twine, port wine, English split pease, rounds beef, refined sugar, hams, glass war. patent shot, broad cloths and cassimeres, callico cambric, handkerchiefs &c. &c. H. B. Gall & Co.
Who have also on hand, a few barrels of Superfine Flour, which will be Sold extremely reasonable. Demerary, 27th Octr. 1804

Wanting on [sic] Hire, - Twenty-five or Thirty Seasoned Negroes, to Work on a Cotton Estate for 3 or 4 Months certain, situated on the West Sea Coast of Essequebo, where they will be well fed and taken care of; For further Particulars, apply at the Store of Messrs. G. J. Goppy & Co. 27th Octr. 1804.

To Be Sold Reasonable, at the Vendue Office, a few Pipes of Old Madeira Wine and some claret of a very excellent Quality.
Demerary, 27th Octr. 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

Wanted to Hire, A Task-Gang of from 15 to 20 Negroes, to be Employed up this River for 3 Months; they will be found in Provisions. Apply to
Demerary, 27th October 1804. Henry Tulloh & Co.

Every one are cautioned by this, not to deliver any Goods on Account of Hendrik van Cooten Esqr. without a written Order from Mr. L. H. H. de Wit, the Manager of the Estate, or from the Undersigned.
LeResouvenir, 27th October 1804. H. H. Post.

Uit Kragte eener Resolutie van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Crimineele en Civiele Justitie der Rivier en onderhoorige Districten van Demerary, de dato 11 Augustus 1804. word een ieder bekend gemaakt, dat door welgemelde de Hove zyn benoemd en aagesteld als Curators over de Persoon en Goederen van H. E. Glaser, de Persoonen van Mr. J. Thibou Mathews en I. L. Eils, aan wien en met wien alleen gelieve een ieder zich te addresseeren over en z[??]ke te doen, de Persoon en Goederen van H. E. Glaser.
J. T. Mathews.
Demerary, 27 October 1804. I. L. Eils.

Alzo door het afsterve van den Heer Willem Verhagen, de Compagnieschap van Verhagen & Ceurvorst gee[umlaut]indigd is, en de zaaken van gemelde Compagnieschap zo spoedig mooglyk geheel veressent moete worden. verzoekt de Ondergetekende alle die geenen welke aan gemelde Firma betalingen hebben te doen, daarmede den meeste spoed te maaken, daar het hem onaangenaam zyn zoude zich in een tegen overgesteld geval van den Weg in rechten te moeten bediene, waartoe hem de dwang der omstandighede noodzaaken zoude.
Demerary, 27 October 1804. J. Ceurvorst.

Alle welke iets te vorderen hebben van, ofte verschuldigt zyn, aan den Boedel van wylen den Heer Willem Verhagen, worden verzogt hunne Pretentien in te geeven, of hem verschuldigd te voldoen, ten einde de staat des Boedels zo schielyk mooglyk tot liquiditeit kan worden volbragt.
G. Ryk.
Demerary, 27 October J. Ceurvorst.
1804. Executeuren.

Died in the Island of St. Martin, on the 18th September last, my Sister Mrs. G. E. Van den Velden, wife of the Honorable Fiscaal W. C. Van Loon.
Demerary, 27th October 1804. F. Van den Velden.

Lost on the last Evening, a Red morocco Pocket Book, containing sundry Papers, among which was an Order drawn by A. Brower Esqr. on Mr. Thomas Reece, in Favor of the Subscriber; - Whoever will restore the said Book and Papers, shall receive One Joe Reward
Demerary, 27th October 1804. George Anderson.

Runaway, a Boy named Jemmy, from the Schooner Friendship, when here last, he is about 5 feet 4 inches high, has his Country marks on his Face, and had on when he went away a white shirt and trowsers; One Joe will be given to any Person lodging him in the Barracks, or delivering him to
Demerary, 27th October 1804. Wm. Greenidge.

To Hire, and to be Entered into Immediately, the Quarter Concession situated on the Middle dam in Stabroek, with the Buildings thereon, next the House lately Occupied by the deceased Mr. Van Lasberg; - For further Particulars, Enquire of
Demerary, 27th October 1804. H. Cantzlaar, JZ.

For Sale: - Any Quantity of Indian Corn or Plantains, which may be shad by applying on Plantation Potosie, to
Demerary, 27th October 1804. Richard Harding.

Taken-Up Adrift, a small Yawl, the Owner of which may have her by Proving their Property, Paying the Expences and applying on board the Brig Paulina, Andrew Prince Master. Demerary, 27th October 1804.

Men presenteerd te Koop, op zeer favorable Conditien, Vier Looten Land geleegen aan de West wal in Essequebo, naast de Plantagie van den Heer Abraham Boter, ieder een Honderd Roeden facade, 750 Roeden diep, dus Twee Honderd en Vyftig Akkers. De Bannannen en verder Provisien groeyen daarop, extra wel als gezien kan werden op de plaats naast -aan; - Die Gaading daarin mogte hebben, addresseere Zig alhier aan den Ondergeteekende woonagtig tufschen de Heeren J. Ward en J. F. Meyer, en in Essequebo by den Heer J. E. Frantzen.
Demerary, den 27 October 1804. Wm. Bilsteen.

Vermist op Woensdag den 24 October, des avonds tuffchen 9 en 10 Uuren, een roode melk Koe met witte plekken aan de linker zyde, kromme hoorns en korte pooten; Die dezelve te regt brengt ten Huize van den Ondergeteekende op Stabroek, aal een goede Belooning darvoor ontsangen.
Demerary, 27 October 1804. R. Onink.

Runaway from the Subscriber, a Negro Man called John Babb, he is about 5 feet 8 inches high, is well made, and is supposed to be harboured in Essequebo; - Whoever will apprehend said Man and deliver him to the Subscriber, or lodge him in the Barracks, shall be handsomely Rewarded.
Demerary, 27th October 1804. Benjamin Spooner.

Runway from the Subscriber, a Negro Man named Romeo, formerly the Property of Mr. Codine: - One Joe will be given for lodging said Negro in the Barracks, or delivering him to
Demerary, 27th October 1804. J. Stas.

Drifted or Stolen from Mr. Neil's Stelling, on the Night of the 8th Instant, a large copper bottom'd Ships Launch, to which was festered a small Yawl and in the fore-end of the Launch was a Water Butt; as also a Punt which Drifted previous to the abovenamed, about 25 feet long and 5 feet broad. - Whoever will restore either or all three of the abovementioned Boats, shall be handsomely Rewarded.
Demerary, 27th October 1804. L. Barnes.

An Excellent American Saddle Horse, with Saddle and Bridle compleat, to be Sold very cheap for immediate Payment. Enquire at the Printing Office.
Stabroek, 27th October 1804.

The Subscribers are landing and have for Sale at their Store in LaBourgade, on the usual terms, the Cargo of Ship Matilda, Capt. J. Davis, from Shelburn, Nova Scotia, consisting of Newfoundland and Nova-Scotia Cod Fish in casks from 2 to 10 Quintals each, alewives, mackarel, pork and lamp oil in barrels, bread in bags, oats in puncheons, hams, tar, turpentine and pitch, white pine boards and plank, oak ditto, shingles, staves, mast hoops, oats &c. &c.
Demerary, 27th October 1804. Telford, Naghten & Co.

List of Vessels which have Entered and Cleared from the 20th to the 27th of October 1804.

22. Schooner Favorite, Capt. Darrell, from New York.
22. Brig Phoebe, Capt. Spencer, from New York.
24. Brig First Attempt, Capt. Anderson, from Boston.

23. Schooner Lark, Capt. Hunt, for St. Thomas.

List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 27th day of Octr. 1804,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 27 Oct. 1804, zig in arrest bevindende

Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.







William (Mulat)

Wits in Barbados.

A. Cennedy.



John Ashley.









Ord. Fiscaal.


E. Banner.



C. A. de Floriemont.

James Black.


Capt. McDowal.



Pl. Goede Hoop.




Pl. Goed Intent.









Neger Marocco.



M. Heiner.






B. Loncke.







Good Luck.

Backer ( Essequebo. )






Wolff of Oslin, Berbice.

Ord. Fiscall.



Van der Haas.












Miller, Pln. Lancaster.


Heim in Berbice.





And 10 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts 10 Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaar niet kan ontwaaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Printed and Published by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.



Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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