Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 November 10


Ao. 1804 )


( No. 98.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 10th of November.


By His Excellency Anthony Beaujon Esquire, Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, and their Dependencies &c. &c. &c. and the Court of Policy, together with the Representatives of the Inhabitants of the said Colonies for fixing Colonial Taxes, &c. &.c
Unto all whom these Presents may or shall Concern, Greeting, Be it known:
Whereas a Statement has again been laid before Us of the Supplies wanted to defray the Annual and Extraordinary Colonial Expences.
We therefore have fixed and by these presents do fix, a Colony Tax for the Year 1804, as follows;
That all Proprietors, Renters or Occupiers of any Plantation or Plantations in the said Colonies or their Dependencies, Cultivating or preparing to Cultivate, Sugar, Rum, Molasses, Coffee, Cotton, Cocoa or Indigo, shall Pay the Sum of Four Guilders for each Slave attached to or worked upon such Plantation or Plantations, Including House Slaves, Tradesmen, Sailors, Children, Sick, Lame, Superannuated and Infants, and all other Slaves of every age and description, according to the returns to be given in as herein aftermentioned.
That all other Persons in the said Colonies or their Dependencies aforesaid, shall Pay a like Sum of four Guilders for each of his, her or their Domesticks or House Slaves of every description.
That further all Persons deriving or who may derive a Revenue in the said Colonies or their Dependencies, from any other Source than Military Situations, Salaries from Government, or the Cultivation of some of the Articles of Produce herein before-mentioned, shall Pay on the gross amount of his, her or their said Revenue or Revenues, without deduction of any Expence, according to the amount of such Revenue or Revenues from the 1st January 1804 to the last day of December of the same Year, and so in proportion for any shorter period within the present Year, such rate as is pointed out by the following Classes, viz: - those whose Revenue or Revenues aforesaid amount to any Sum from [table follows]
1 - f 2000 - to f 3500 - f 45 –
2 - - 3500 - - - 5000 - - 79 –
3 - - 5000 - - - 6500 - - 113 –
4 - - 6500 - - 8000 - - 146 –
5 - - 8000 - - 10,000 - - 180 –
6 - - 10,000 - - 15,000 - - 225 –
7 - - 15,000 - - 20,000 - - 338 –
8 - - 20,000 - - 25,000 - - 450 –
9 - - 25,000 - - 30,000 - - 563 –
10 - - 30,000 - - 35,000 - - 675 –
11 - - 35,000 - - 40,000 - - 788 –
12 - - 40,000 - - 45,000 - - 900 –
13 - - 45,000 - - 50,000 - - 1013 –
14 - - 50,000 - - 55,000 - - 1125 –
15 - - 55,000 - - 60,000 - - 1238 –
16 - - 60,000 - - 65,000 - - 1350 –
17 - - 65,000 - - 70,000 - - 1463 –
18 - - 70,000 - - 75,000 - - 1575 –
19 - - 75,000 - - 80,000 - - 1688 –
20 - - 80,000 - - 85,000 - - 1800 –
21 - - 85,000 - - 90,000 - - 1912 –
22 - - 90,000 - - 95,000 - - 2025 –
23 - - 95,000 - - 100,000 - - 2138 –
24 - - 100,000 - - 110,000 - - 2250 –
25 - - 110,000 - - 120,000 - - 2475 –
26 - - 120,000 - - 130,000 - - 2700 –
27 - - 130,000 - - 140,000 - - 2928 –
28 - - 140,000 - - 150,000 - - 3150 –
Except from such Payments, respecting the Tax on Revenues, all such Persons whose Annual Income or Incomes, has or have not respectively for the present Year, exceeded the sum of 2000 Guilders.
And it is hereby ordered and required, that with respect to the said Taxes hereby laid on Slaves, exact Returns shall be made upon Oath, as herein after directed, by all Persons subject to such Tax, and by them be delivered or transmitted to the respective Receivers in Essequebo and Demerary at their respective Offices, before the 1st day of February 1805, and which Returns, as far only as concerns the Slaves, shall afterwards be Printed for Public Information.
And it is further ordered and required that all and every Persons in these Colonies, without exception, whether they are or are not liable to the Tax hereby laid on the Revenue or Revenues agreeable to the above mentioned Classes, shall on or before the 1st of February 1805 declare to which of the said Classes they respectively belong, and also at the same time further certify and declare upon Oath, to the best of their knowledge and belief, that the gross Amount as aforesaid of his, her or their Revenue for the period aforesaid, does not exceed the highest Sum of the Class to which he, she or they shall have so declared themselves to belong; or (should this be the case) that they do not come within the description of any of the said Classes, either in consequence of their having derived no such Revenue or Revenues whatsoever, or from their respective Incomes not having Exceeded the Sum of 2000 Guilders for the period aforesaid: Excepting from the Obligation of taking the Oath, those who shall declare as aforesaid that they belong to the highest Class and pay their Tax accordingly; all such Persons being hereby excused from taking such Oath.
Accordingly; all such Persons being hereby excused from taking such Oath.
The several Oaths herein-mentioned, are to be taken before the Governor of both Colonies or the Commandeur of Essequebo, a Member of the Court of Policy or of Justice, or before the Burgher Captains in the respective Districts, such of them not already qualified being hereby specially authorised thereto by the Court of Policy.
It is likewise ordered that Attestations of the taking of such Oaths subscribed by the Persons respectively before whom such Oaths shall be taken, shall together with the Returns and Certificates herein before required, be produced and delivered to the said respective Receivers at their respective Offices, before the 15th day of March 1805, and further that the amounts of the said respective Taxes, so to be ascertained by the said Returns and Certificates, shall by the Persons liable thereto, be Paid to the respective Receivers at their respective Offices, in Cash or good Bills of Exchange to the satisfaction of the said Receivers, all before the 15th day of March 1805.
And all Persons neglecting to give in such Returns, Certificates and Attestations and to Pay the respective Taxes herein before-mentioned in the manner and within the periods before-stated, shall be obliged, immediately on the expiration of such time, to Pay at the respective Receiver's Offices, as follows, (viz: those who shall so neglect respecting the Tax on Slaves) their Quota of the said Tax according to their returns of Slaves given in by them for the last preceeding Year, but at the rate now fixed of f. 4 for each Slave, and also for such an additional Sum as amounts to one fourth of the said Return of the last preceeding Year, at the rate hereby fixed; and such Persons as may not be known in the Books of the Receivers and neglect to declare the number of their Slaves for the present Year, are to Pay a Sum of f. 500 to the Colony Chest and Persons neglecting as aforesaid with regard to the Tax on Revenues, to Pay, on the expiration of the aforestated time, the rate fixed for the highest Class of Income, viz. f. 3150.
And it is lastly hereby ordered that the purpose of receiving the said several Returns and Taxes, the said Receivers shall daily attend at their respective Offices, from the 1st of January 1805 'till the 15th day of March thereto following, from 9 o'Clock A. M. 'till 1 o'Clock P. M. Saturdays and Sunday excepted.
And that no Ignorance may be pretended hereof, this present Publication shall be published, affixed and sent round for general Information.
Thus resolved in our Assemby held on the 31st of October 1804, and Published on the 10th day of November following.
Anthony Beaujon,
By Command of the Court,
P. F. Tinne, D. Secretary.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo de Heer John Barton van voorneemens is binnen den tyd van 14 Daagen van hier te vertrekken, zo wordt zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt ten einde die geenen welke iets van hem te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretentien koomen ontfangen of hunne schudlen betaalen ter zyner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 10 November 1804.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, Gezw. Clercq.

Alzoo de Heer Ph. C. Boon van voorneemens is binnen den tyd van 14 Daagen van hier te vertrekken, zo wordt zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt ten einde die geenen welke iets van hem te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien koomen ontsangen of hunne schudlen betaalen ter zyner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 9 November 1804.
In kennisse van my. F. Horn, gezw. Clercq.


On Tuesday the 13th Instant will be Exposed for Sale, at the Premises of Wm. Heathcote Esqr. by the desire of Mr. L. I. Newton, the undermentioned Articles, Payable in Three Months: - Madeira Wine in pipes and quarter casks, gin in pipes & cases, Bourdeaux claret in hogsheads and cases, rice, fish in hogsheads and boxes, beef and pork, butter, lard, soap and candles, sallad oil, brandy in pipes, 200 barrels superfine Flour. Ship and Pilot Bread, cotton bagging, picking ditto, tobacco in hogsheads, spermaceti candles, Hyson Tea, refined sugar, iron hoops, shooks &c. &c. and a variety of other Articles which will be Sold in Lotts agreeable to Purchasers.
November 10th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Thursday the 15th Instant will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of Thomas McKenzie Esqr. at the Vendue Office; - 200 Barrels of Flour.
November 10th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Friday the 16th Instant will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of Mr. J. Taylor, at the Vendue Office; - An assortment of Dry Goods.
November 10th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

To be Sold at the Vendue Office on Wednesday the 21st Instant, by Order of Messrs: James Wilson and Alexander Reith, Executors to the Will of Joseph Mallam, deced: - Three Negroes, Wearing Apparel and Carpenter's Tools. Also by Order of Js. Wilson, q.q. H. Holmes; a Horse and Chaise.
November 10th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 26th Instant will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the Vendue Office, by Order of Mr. Joseph Trigger, Executor to the Estate of James Guthrie deced: - An assortment of Provisions and Dry Goods.
November 10th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Tuesday the 27th Instant will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of E. N. Wichers Esqr. - A large and elegant assortment of Dry Goods, and Household Furniture consisting of Mahogany D end Tables, chairs, side board, bureaus, wardrobes, card tables, liquor cases, looking glasses, bedsteads compleat, glass ware of every description, silver spoons and forks, soup ladles, a silver tea kettle with a chaffing dish, tea pot and ditto spoons, an elegant Urn with 12 silver tea spoons and sugar tongs, silver candlesticks, ragoo & sauce spoons, knives and forks, tobacco cases, table linen, superfine linen; House Slaves, viz: a very good Cook, Butler, Washer Woman and two Boys who have been for some time to the Carpenter's Trade; Kitchen utensils, large water Vatts and Jarrs. Also a Chaise and Horse in compleat order, a pair of very young Horses, a good Saddle Horse, and what further will be Exposed on the Day of Sale.
November 10th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.


Dat ingevolge bekomene Appointement van den Hoog Edele Gestrenge Heer Anthony Beaujon, Gouverneur, op den 19e November aanstaande, ten Raadhuyze op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek by Executie Verkogt zal worden, ten behoeven van Bruninghaus & Bergh en H. Tulloh qq. G. Whytock als Triumphanten van Sententien, op en de jeegens W. Raamakers, en G. Craigh & R. Murray als Executeuren ten Boedel wylen J. Macbeth, GeExecuteerdens als Volgt Een zeekere Houtgrond geleegen in de Creecq Houraroeny, groot 200 Roeden facade, en 750 Roeden dierte (zonder Slaaven) aankomenede W. Ramaakers [sic]. - en laatstelyk de 1/2 Concessie bekend by No. 17, geleegen op de Voorgrond van Plantagie Vlissingen, met alle de daropstaande gebouwen, als Woonhuys, Neegerhuysen &c. aankomenede de Boedel J. MacBeth.
Alle Welke die in 't bovengenoemde gading zullen hebben, kome ten dage en plaats voornd: en doen hun Profyt.
Rio Demerary, den 10 November 1804.
Marts. Smit, St. Eerste Exploiteur

Uit kragte van zeekere Extract Notul dato 15 October l.l. in causa Mr. F. P. van Berckel, Raad Fiscaal (R.O.) teegens den Persoon van Robert Watleworth [sic], by Edicte adralvas Curioe, Exsuperabundanti GEDAGVAARD!
Om als nog in Persoon te komen Compareeren voor den Edele Achtbare Hove zan Justitie teegens den 19 November Eerstkomende en Volgende degen, - Ten fine te aanhooren Zoedanige Eisch en Conclusie, en meede den Heer Eisferer (R. O.) te zien dienen van deselfs Intendith met de verificatore daar toe relatief, Over, en van weegens zeekere gesustineerd Libel teegens den Heer Arthur Blair, Contrarolleur van S' Konings Customs, te dage diende; En de by non Comparitie te worden Gecondemneerd als naar Regten,
Aldus Gepubliceerd, Geassigeerd daare en zoo 't behoord.
Actum Rio Demerary, deezen 9 November 1804.
L. S. Van S' Gravesande, Exploiteur.


Uit krachte van zekere Appointement door den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie verleend op het request van Chs. Vincent en Engel Loncke, in qualiteit als by den Hove aangestelde Curator ten boedel en nalatenschap van wylen Catharina Elisabeth Bertho, eerste Wed: E. Loncke, en laatst van Ricks Hendricks, de dato 18 September H. A. Zo word door my Ondergeschreeven Exploiteur van den Edele Achtbaare Hove alhier, by deezen alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren geregtelyk by Edicte Gedagvaard.
Om te compareeren ofte gemagtigde te zenden voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie binnen de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, tegens den 19 November eerstkomende en volgende dagen. Ten fine om hunnen deugdelyk pretentien tegens gem. Boedel te komen op en aangeeven in cas van pre en concurrentie, en voorts te procedeeren als naa rechten, dat by nalatigheid der geimpetreerdens naa expiratie van deeze 1e 2e 3e en 4e laatste Exsuperabondantie Citatie zullen procedeeren tot obtineering van het Eeuwig Silentium ofte &c.
Aldus gepubliceerd
en geassigeerd daar en zo het behoord.
Demerary, den 5 November 1804.
H. C. Evertsz, Exploiteur.


Notice is hereby given that the Session of the Court of Justice in Essequebo is fixed on the 14th Instant.
King's House, Stabroek, 7th November 1804.

The Subscriber finding some disappointment regarding his former Advertisement for the rendering all Accounts due from the late Mr. Eyre Butler, deced: or against his Plantation Orange Stem, again requests that they may be delivered, without delay, to himself or Mr. Gedney Howard. - and all Persons thereto indebted are requested to make immediate Payment, as he is anxious to bring the Estate to a speed Liquidation.
Demerary, 10th November 1804. P. Cambridge, q.q.

The Subscriber is Determined to give N. Rousselet Esqr. Attorney at Law, all Obligations and Accounts to Sue for, that are due to him, without respect to Persons, as he is fully assured that his Creditors will no longer give him indulgence.
Demerary, 10th November 1804. J. Runnels, J.Z.

The Subscriber, who is Acting Attorney in these Colonies, for the Trustee and Assignee of the Affairs and Concerns of the late Firm of Peter Nisbet & Co., begs leave to give Notice for the last Time; that no further Indulgence can possibly be shewn to those who still remain Indebted unto said Firm, and who have so often been applied to for Payment of their Accounts. - My Domicil in Town, and Writing Room, is in the House formerly Occupied by the late Mr. James Graham, opposite the Post Office.
Demerary, 10th November 1804. James Bruce, q.q.

The Subscriber has for Sale, the following Articles which will be disposed of reasonable for Cash; - Beef in whole and half barrels, pork in do. pickled salmon, spiced do. pickled tongues, do. tripe, do. herrings, red do. rounds beef, pigs cheeks, paints and paint brushes, candles, mustard, pickles and sauces of all descriptions, sweet oil, vinegar, Scotch and pearl barley, ink powder, paper and quills, essence of spruce, loaf sugar, tea, an assortment of handsome Millenery, patent beaver hats, Queen's ware, some elegant Children's Cricks, bridles, Madeira Wine per doz. porter per do. gin, &c. &c.
Demerary, 10th November 1804. Frances Wilson.

Alle Hande Horologie Glassen te bekomen by de Wedw: L. Mathey in Stabroek, op Concessie Letter E. Demerary, den 10 November 1804.

Imported in the Ship Thomas from London, and for Sale by the Subscriber reasonably for prompt Payment: - London Stout in bottles, real Bristol beer in barrels, an assortment of boots & shoes of a superior quality, Mathematical Instruments, viz: Pilots acromatic telescopes upon a new and improved construction, Day or Night Glasses of large power, Hydrometers for discovering the strength of Spirits, Theodolites four sighted, with staffs compleat, Circumferenters with ditto, four pole chains for land measuring, boxes of proof bubble, levels for Masons or Carpenters, compound Microscopes, Chart of the French and Dutch Guianas, &c. &c.
The Subscriber is under the necessity of departing this Colony very soon, and requests all those who are indebted to him to be speedy in making Payments, as the pressing necessity he is under to remit will not allow of further Indulgence to be given.
Demerary, 10th November 1804 Thomas Hoppe.

Just Imported in the Schooner Abigail, James Vaux Master, from Boston, and for sale by the Subscribers; - Salt fish, mess and cargo beef in whole and half barrels, pork in do. tongues in half barrels, corn meal in puncheons and barrels, butter, candles, soap, lamp oil, clap-boards, lumber, staves, gin, cogniac brandy, tar &c.
Demerary, 10th Novr. 1804. G. J. Goppy & Co.

Den Ondergetekende geest by deeze, kennis aan alle de geene welke geinteresseerd mogte zyn in Zyne Lottery, dat gemelde Lottery is ten niete gedaan, en verzoekt Zyn Vrienden om te komen afhaalen hunne gepasseerd Obligatien voor genoomene Looten, die hy met de meeste dank zal restitueeren.
Demerary den 10 November 1804. E. N. Wichers.

Stolen or Strayed on Saturday last, the 3d Inst: from the Stable at the Ferry, West Side of the River Demerary, Two Bay Carriage Horses, belonging to the Plantation Parica, in the River Essequebo - A Reward of Three Joes will be given and all reasonable Expences allowed to Whoever shall return them to the said Plantation or to the Subscriber in Cumingsburg.
Demerary, 10th November 1804. Thomas Barker.

Runaway from the Subscriber, a Barbadian Negro Man Named Scipio, about six feet high, very stout and yellow skin, is rather bow legged and has lost some of his front teeth; Whoever will deliver the said Negro into the Barracks or to the Proprietor residing on Plantation Harmony, shall be Rewarded.
Demerary, 10th November 1804. John Chapman.

The Subscriber informs the Public that he has got a good House Frame for sale, the Property of Mercy Curah, on very reasonable Terms, 40 feet long by 20 wide, a story and a half high, with blocks &c. one half payable on delivery, either in Cash or Produce at Colony Price, and the other half in 3 Months, on good Security; For further Particulars apply to
Frs. McMillman,
Demerary, 10th Novr. 1804 Schoolmaster.
[Dutch version gives surname as McMillan]

List of Vessels which have Entered and Cleared from the 7th to the 10th November 1804.

7. Schooner Abigail, Captain Vaux, from Boston.
7. Schooner Federal Jack, Captain Hale, from Boston.

9. Schooner Hunter, Captain Taylor, for Boston.
9. Brig Dispatch, Captain Loring, for New London.
10. Brig Sally, Captain Wing, for Charleston.

[No List of Runway and Arrested Slaves]

Published and printed by E. J. Henery

to the
Essequebo and Demerary

Saturday, 10th November 1804.

Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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