Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 November 17


Ao. 1804 )


( No. 99.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 17th of November.


By His Excellency Anthony Beaujon Esquire, Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, and their Dependencies, President in all Courts and Colleges &c. &c. and the Honble. Court of Policy of the said Colonies;
To all whom these Presents may or shall concern, Greeting, bet it known.
Whereas We have taken into Consideration that the Expences incident on the Sustenance of Runaway Negroes lodged in the Stocks or Barracks, both in Stabroek and at Fort Island, is becoming more and more burthensome to the Colony, insomuch that the trifling and partial Advantage derived by the Public at large from the Labour of such Negroes on Public Works about Town, cannot be considered as affording any longer an adequate Compensation for these heavy Expences; and having reflected also on the Remissness of many Proprietors in claiming and taking out their Negroes from the Public Barracks; and Whereas, under these circumstances, We deem it just that the Charges of Feeding the Negroes lodged in the said Barracks, should henceforward be borne by the Proprietors themselves.
We therefore have enacted and hereby do enact, that in future, on any Negroes of the description before-mentioned, being released from the Barracks or Public Goal either in the town of Stabroek or at Fort Island, the Owners of such Slaves shall not only refund the rewards or Premiums advanced by the Fiscaals for the apprehension of the said Slaves, and Pay the Doctor's Charges and usual Fees, but shall moreover be obliged to Pay the Board Wages, hitherto allowed by the Colony, at the rate of ten stivers per diem for the time such Slave or Slaves did remain in the Barracks; it being understood at the same time that such Negroes are nevertheless to be employed as before on the Public Works from the moment of their being lodged in the Barracks untill their discharge.
It is further enacted that all Slaves either in Demerary or Essequebo who shall not be claimed and released by or on the part of their Owners, within three Months after they are so lodged in the Barracks, shall on the expiration of that time, be sold by the respective Fiscalls, at Public Vendue at six weeks Credit, Notice of which shall be given each time in the Gazette, or by Hand-Bills, one Month previous to the Sale.
The Proceeds of the sale of said Slaves, after deducting the Disbursements made on their Account, to be deposited in the Colonial Chest for the benefit of Whoever my be entitled thereto; - The respective Fiscaals being hereby enjoined to lay every three Months before the Court, an account of the Negroes so Sold by them at Public Vendue.
It is ordered that the new Regulation before-mentioned, both with regard to the Paying of Board wages for Slaves sent to the Public Barracks and the Sales at Public Vendue, shall be put in force on the expiration of one Month from and after the date of the Publication of the present Ordinance; and We do hereby revoke all former Publications, Ordinances and Resolutions as far as any clauses therein contained may be contrary to the present Publication.
The respective Fiscaals and other Officers of Justice, as well as all Persons whatsoever whom it may concern, being required strictly to comply with the Orders herein contained.
And that no Ignorance may be pretended hereof, these Presents shall be Published, Posted up and Printed for general Information.
Thus Enacted at our Assembly held at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek Demerary, this 28th day of August 1804, and Published the 17th of November next thereto following.
Anthony Beaujon.
By Command of the Court,
P. F. Tinne,
D: Secty. of the Colony.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

[nothing new]


On Wednesday the 21st Instant will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of P. Van Reyssel & Co. a large assortment of Dry Goods, Provisions, Plantation Utensils &c.
17 November 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

To be Sold on Thursday the 22d Instant, at the Vendue Office, by Order of Mrs. Calisto Movelle, as Executrix to the Estate of the Deceased John Deurwaarder; - Eight Negroes, viz: Albert, February, Flishing, Claas, Willemyntie and her two Children Jan Swart and Andries, and Geluk.
November 17th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

To be Sold at Public Vendue, at the Vendue Office, on Wednesday the 28th instant, Five Pipes, Five Hogsheads and Six Quarter Casks of Best London Particular Madeira Wine in order to close Sales. The Wine has been in this Colony Six Months.
November 17th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Thursday the 29th instant, by desire of Mr. J. L. Newton, will be Exposed for Sale at the Premises of William Heathcote Esqr. the following Articles at Three Months Credit; - Superfine Flour in barrels and half barrels, rice in tierces and half tierces, beef and pork in barrels and half barrels, brandy in pipes, gin in ditto and cases, Madeira Wine in pipes, soap and candles, lard &c and sundry other Articles.
November 17th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Wednesday the 5th of December will be Exposed for Sale by the Order of Messrs: Mourant & DeLisle, at their Store in Cumingsburg: - 200 Barrels of Beef, some Mill Grease, Gin in cases, Plantation Stores, &c. &c.
November 17th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.


'T wordt mits deezen bekend gemaakt dat door den Ondergeteekende op bekomene Authorisatien van den Hoog Edele Gestrenge Heer Gouverneur A. Beaujon, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen, op Dingsdag den 4 December aanstaande ten Raadhuize op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, by Executie zal verkogt werden. - 1. Ten behoeve van J. Shakforth, als Triumphant en Executant, op en de jeggens J. Lachtrop. Gedaagde en geexecuteerde, de Concessien Lettra B. en No. 6, geleegen op de Voorgronden van Plantagie Werk en Rust, alsmede de front Concessien langs de Publicque Weg, tot aan de middel dam, bekend by Lettra C.C. en laatstelyk eenige Meubilaire Goedereen.
2. Ten behoeve van R. Younghusband & Co. Triumphanten, op en de jeegens Wm. Niel, zeeker aan hem toekomende derde part in een Woonhuys en zygebouw staande op de helvt [sic] van de Concessieen No. 19 en 20, geleegen op de voorgronden van Pl. Vlissingen.
3. Ten behoeve van F. Martine en C. J. Rapin qq de Erven Bourda, Triumphanten, op en de jeegens John Ross, de Concessie No. 31, geleegen op de voorgronden van Pl. Vlissingen, met de daaropstaande Woonhuys, zynde een Inlandsch hout Fraam, lang 36 voeten by 18 breed, eene zygebouw verdeeld in Neger wooninge en Combuys, en een gemestelde back oven. Alle welke in 't bovengeneoemde gading, zullen hebben kome, ten daag en plaats voornoemd, en doen hun Profyt.
Rio Demerary den 17 November 1804
M. Smit, St. Eerste Exploiteur.

Op Woensdag den 5 December aanstaande, zal ten Raadhuize op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen by Executie verkogt werden. - 1. Ten behoeve van Anthony Littledale Triumphant, op en de jeegens John Robb, een Concessie geleegen op de voorgronden van Plantagie Vlissingen, met de daaropstaande Woonhuys, een zygebouw, Combuys, &c. de Woonhuys word thans geoccupeerd door de Heer E. Loncke, Procureur.
2. Ten behoeve van J. M. Spooner, Contra John Green, zeeker quart Concessie geleegen op de voorgrond van Pl. Werk en Rust, met de daaropstaande Woonhuys, lang 26 voeten by 18 breed, twee verdiepingen hoog, en twee zygebouwen, tamelyk goed in Order.
3. Ten behoeve van J. T. Mathews q. q. A. McKullock, Contra J. Daly; twee stuks Negers genaamt Harry en Hoop, alsmede eenige Winkel Goederen, te veel om alhier te specificeeren. Alle de welke in de bovengenoemde Gading hebben mogt kome ten daar en plaats voornoemd, en doen hun Profyt.
Rio Demerary, den 17 November 1804.
M. Smit, St. Eerste Exploiteur.


The Subscriber has for sale, at the corner of the American Stelling, superfine Flour, Irish rose butter, candles, soap, tobacco, segars, gin in cases, and pipes, beef, pork, nankeen, clap boards, red oak staves, Madeira Wine in pipes, hogsheads and quarter casks.
Charles Treadwell, Jr.
N.B: He wishes to Purchase 20,000 [symbol] of Cotton.
Demerary, 17th November 1804.

The Subscribers will Expose to Sale on Tuesday the 20th Inst. the Cargo of the Ship Nelson, Capt. Mead, consisting of Two Hundred Prime Windward Coast Slaves.
Demerary, 17th November 1804. Jackson & King.

The Subscribers will Expose for Sale on Wednesday the 21st Instant, at the Logie belonging to R. S. Turton Esqr. on Plantation Vlissingen; - Two Hundred and Thirty three Prime Gold Coast Slaves Imported in the Ship Aeolus, Capt. Gilbert Wenman, from Cape Coast.
Walcott & Forrester.
Demerary, 17th November 1804.

The Subscriber will Expose for Sale on Wednesday the 21st Inst. at the Sale-Room of Messrs: William Mackenzie & Co. in Cumingsburg, the Cargo of the Sloop Minerva, Capt. Gardner, from Cape Coast, consisting of One Hundred and Six Prime Gold Coast Slaves.
Demerary, 17th November 1804. John McCamon.

The Subscriber has recently Imported Prime Irish Mess Beef and Pork in barrels and half barrels, Madeira Wine in pipes and hogsheads, bottled Cyder, split Pease, Pearl Barley &c. which he will Sell on reasonable terms.
Demerary, 17th November 1804. C. D. Forrester.

The Undersigned has just received in addition to his former Assortment, the following Goods, which he offers likewise for Sale, on very moderate Terms viz. a general assortment of nails, hinges, bolts, stock, desk and pad locks, German steel hand saws and files, Carpenter adzes, squares, compasses, chissels & augurs, brass locks, tin coffee & tea pots, candlesticks & snuffers, cheese toasters, dish covers, bread baskets, paints and paint oil, coils of rope twine, cotton and linen checks, Irish and Scots linen, Negro blankets and hats, white callicoes, chintzes, corded dimity, tambour'd shawls & madrass handkerchiefs, Welch flannel, table linen, green table cloths, white jeans, Gentlemens jackets and hats, Ladies and Gentlemens fine shoes, boots, cotton stockings, umbrellas, sadles double or single plated, bridles, knife cases with spoons, knives and forks, glass and earthen ware, and a variety of other Articles.
Demerary, 17th Novr. 1804. J. F. Meyer.

Just Imported in the Schooner Federal Jack, from Boston, and for sale by the Subscribers; - Flour and Corn Meal.
Demerary, 17th November 1804. Remy & Boter.

For Sale: a Colony Schooner that will carry Twenty-eight Hogsheads, in compleat order, her sails and rigging very little worn, will run some time without any Expence. Also fresh Flour just landed from Baltimore.
Demerary, 17th November 1804. John Clapham.

Den Ondergetekende adverteerd by deezen, dat by zyn Domicilium Citandi et Executandi verkoofen heest, ten Huize van den Heer Friedrich Butteweg in Stabroek.
Demerary, 17th November 1804. L. Hopstadt [sic]

To be sold by Private sale, The Lot No. 155, situate on the fore-grounds of LaBourgade Estate, it has the favor of being a corner Lott, with a handsome dwelling house, stores and water house underneath, there is also out buildings and a large Garden on the same. The terms will be made easy to an approved Purchaser.
For further Information apply at the Printing Office, or at the aforementioned Lot. Demerary, 17th Novr. 1804.

For Sale: - A Patent Cable very little inferior to a New one. 12 Inches and a half thick. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Ceurvorst.
Demerary, 17th November 1804

Absconded from the Subscriber on Monday Morning last, a Negro Boy called Hope, has been in the Colony about Eleven Months, very stout, about four feet 8 inches high and had on when. Absconded a check Shirt and black Trowsers. Any Person who will give information where he is, or deliver him to the Subscriber will receive a Reward of One Joe.
Demerary, 17th November 1804. John Barton.

Plan of a Lottery by Samuel O. Nurse, with Permission of His Excellency Anthony Beaujon &c. &c. &c. and Appraised by Messrs: Benjn. Spooner, Thomas Atkins and Alexander Arthur.
The Lottery consists of 174 Tickets at f. 220 each and contains Two Prizes and Four Premiums, viz: -
First Prize valued at f. 25 500. - A Lot of Land situated in Cumingsburg being 66 feet wide and 136 feet deep, together with the large commodious Dwelling House thereon, 44 feet long and 24 feet wide two story high, and erected on a Brick Wall 10 feet high, appraised to f. 25 500.
Second Prize Valued at f 12 790. - A Lot of Land situate aback of the abovementioned Lot, together with the Buildings thereon, consisting of a Dwelling House 40 feet long and 20 feet wide, one and a half story high, erected on Brick Pillars and a range of very convenient out Buildings, appraised to f. 12,790.
1st Premium f. 1000. - This Premium of f. 1000 to be Paid to the Owner of the Number drawn after the drawing of the Prize No. 1.
2d Premium f. 500. - This Premium of f. 500 to be Paid to the Owner of the Number drawn after the drawing of the Prize No. 2.
3d Premium f. 500. - The like Premium of f. 500 to be Paid to the Owner of the first drawn Number.
4th Premium f. 500. - The like Premium of f. 500 to be Paid to the Owner of the last drawn Number.
Premium No. 1 to be Paid by the Winner of Prize No. 1.
Premium No. 2 to be Paid by the Winner of Prize No. 2.
Premiums No. 3 and 4 to be Paid by Samuel O. Nurse, all in cash One Month after the drawing of the Lottery.
The Lottery to be drawn by Two Children in the presence of a Clerk from The Secretary's Office, and proper Persons shall be appointed to take a List of the Numbers, Blanks and Prizes.
Timely Notice for the drawing of the Lottery will be given in the Gazette.
Possession of the Prizes No. 1 and 2 together with a Transport will be given to the Winners (they Paying the Transport) One Month after the drawing of the Lottery.
Tickets to be had of the Subscriber, residing on the Premises, or at the Store of Jones & Nurse.
Demerary, 17th November 1804. Samuel O. Nurse.

The Subscriber will dispose of the following Articles at reduced Prices for immediate Payment; - Ladies gold neck laces, rings, breast pins, bracelets and lockets, gold and silver thimbles, Ladies cockades of pearl in gold, set combs with pearl and stones, red ivory, garnet and glass beads, fans, pocket books, needle cases, silver cords and tossels [sic], gold and silver lace, silver spangles, gold watch chains, seals and keys, gold and silver knee buckles, gold sleeve buttons, go/d and silver sigar tubes, gold and silver pencil cases, snuff boxes, tooth pick cases, scent boxes, pocket combs, fruit knives, Punch ladles, wine strainers, sugar tongs, Children's knives and forks, silver prongs, do. nutmeg graters, silver mounted corals with bells, gold and silver epaulets, sword knots, cockades, silk purses, braces, stiffeners, plain lace, sprig, jaconet and figured muslins, cotton cambric, ditto cords and tassels, girdles, silk and cotton fringes, do. trimmings, silk and muslin shawls, Children's cotton cambric shawls, read and white silk and persian, head dresses, bonnets and turbans, silver wreaths and feathers, roses, straw hats of different sorts, veils, an assortment of black cambricks, muslins, black and white cotton prints, mourning callicoes, bombazeen, &c. black silk handkerchiefs, do. stockings, love ribbon, silk and cotton stockings, silk and leather gloves, cotton do. and mitts, Ladies silk hats, Mens do. childrens hats, caps and shoes, Ladies embroider'd shoes, Mens silk and leather gloves and a number of other Articles.
Demerary, 17th Novr. 1804. Joseph Ward.

Runaway from Plantation Good Hope in Essequebo on Friday the 9th Instant, a Creole Boy named Ben, about 17 Years of Age, tall and free from Marks, well known along the Coast and particularly in Stabroek, where he has several Relations. A Reward of One Joe will be Paid by Messrs: G. I. Goppy, O. J. Laurin or P. Henderson on his being lodged in the Barracks or delivered at the aforesaid Plantation. A further reward of Five Joes will be Paid to any one who can give sufficient information of his being harboured by any Person or Persons, this not being the first time of his Elopement. Captains of Vessels are cautioned against taking him away from the Colony, and all Persons are forbid concealing him as the Law will be rigidly enforced against such Offenders. He speaks very good English and may attempt to Pass for a free Man.
Essequebo, 17th November 1804.

Word mits deezen aan elk een iegelyk die hier in belang hebbe bekend gemaakt, dat den Heer. H. Haaseman zyne Domicilium Citandi gekoosen heest ten Huize van den Ondergetekende, die door opgemelde is worden gequalificeerd tot het verrigten zyner Affaires.
Stabroek, 17 November 1804. J. G. Heinken, q. q.

List of Vesels which have Entered and Cleared from the 10th to the 17th November 1804.

17. Sloop Wealthy, Captain Clark, from New London.

13. Brig Paulina, Captain Prince, for Turks Island.
13. Schooner Demerary, Captain Tynes, for Barbados.
14. Schooner Nancy, Captain Newel, for Turks Island.
14. Ship Four Sisters, Captain Whitmarsh, for Boston.
15. Schooner Sally, Captain Disney, for Newbury Port.
16. Schooner Minerva, Captain Wulff, for St. Thomas.
17. Schooner Federal Jack, Capt. Hall, for Tobago.

[No List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves]

Published and printed by E. J. Henery


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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