Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 December 22


Ao. 1804 )


( No. 104.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 22d of December.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo den Heer Samuel F. Adams meerderjaarige Jongman gebooren binnen deeze colonie, ter eenre en Mejuffrouw Jane R. Spencer, meerderjaarige jonge Dogter, gebooren in Barbados, ter andere zyde. van voorneemens zyn met elkander een wetting Huwelyk aan te gaan zo als dezelve ook reeds op den 14 deezer, voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Crimineele en Civiele Justitie in Ondertrouw zyn waaren opgenoomen. Zoo word zulks mits deezen aan elk en een iegelyk geadverteerd, ten einde die geenen welke vermeenen zich teegens dit voorgenoomende Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren zulks in tyds ten doen ter plaatse waar het [illegible] behooren.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 20 December 1804.
In kennisse van my. J. C. Stadtman, gezw. Clercq.

Alle die geenen welke iets te pretendeeren hebbe, ofte verschuldigd zyn aan den Boedel van wylen Anthony Trigent, worden versogt daar van opgaave en betaaling te doen binnen den tyd van Ses Weeken ter Domicilium van den Heer Richard Emmerson, in qualiteit als Executeur Testamentair, ofte wel ter Secretary alhier, ten einde de gem: Boedel zoo spoedig moogelyk tot Liquiditeit te brengen.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 20 December 1804.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, gezw. Clercq.

Alzo [sic] de Vrye Mistice Meyd Peggy Cox van voorneemens is binnen den tyd van veertien Daagen deeze Colonie te verlaaten zoo wordt zulks mits desen aan elk en een iegelyk geadverteerd, ten einde die goenen welke iets van haar te pretendeeren hebben, of aan haar verschuldigt zyn, hunne pretentien te koomen op en aangeeven, of hunne schulden te Voldoen, ter haarer Domicilium, of wel ter Secretary alhier.
Actum der Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 21 December 1804.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, Gezw. Clercq.


To be Sold at Public Vendue at the House of P. Jourdaan Esqr, formerly Occupied by Mr. Nieuwerkerk, on Tuesday the first of Jaunary 1805 - Salt, Tar, Oznabrugs, Shoes, Ironmongery, wine of different qualities, &c. &c.
Demerary, 20th December 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Wednesday the 2d of January 1805 will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders at the Store of Messrs: John Madden & Co. Bottled Bristol Beer in tierces and barrels, brown stout in puncheons, Hyson tea, refined sugar, mess beef in who le and half barrels, ditto in quarter ditto of a superior quality, axes, hoes and bills, a few Coopers and Carpenters tools, iron potts and camp ovens, nails, paints and oil, sugar strainers, soap and candles, grindstones, Negro cloathing, damaged cotton bagging, and what further may be exposed on the day of sale.
December 22d, 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

To be Sold at the Vendue Office by Order of Messrs: James Reid, D. McLachlan and B. Spence, on Friday the 4th of January 1805. - The Dwelling House of the late Doctor John Hope, as it nows stands on Plantation Herstelling; it is worth the attention of any Person in want of a Frame. The Purchaser must remove the House as soon as possible after the Sale from where it stands.
December 22d 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Wednesdy the 16th of January 1805, will be Exposed for Sale, to the highest bidders by order of Messrs J. W. Bruninghaus and C. J. Rapin, as by the Honble Court of Justice appointed Curators to the Estate and Effects of Jacob Lachtrop, that large Lot letter B. on No. 6, with the Buildings and appertenances [sic] thereon, together with the front Land leading to the Public road, known by letter C C with all the Buildings thereon, situated on the front lands of Werk & Rust.
December 22d 1804. Brereton & Kingston.


Office of Ordnance, Demerary, 22d Decr. 1804. [heading]
Notice is hereby given, that at the end of the present Quarter, the Subscriber will have occasion to draw Bills on the Right Honb. and Honb. the principal Officers of His Majesty's Ordnance. The Bills will be drawn at Thirty Days sight, and a Preference will be given to those who Tender Money at the highest Exchange.
John Haywood,
Ordnance Store keeper.

Mr. Baumgardt, intending to leave the Colony shortly, with permission of His Excellency the Governor, requests that all persons that have any Claims on him, will send them immediately to Mr. M. Smit, who will pay the same. Demerary, 22d Decr. 1804.

Notice, all persons having Claims against the Estate of James Bishop, deceased, are requested to render in the same within Two Months from this Date, no Claim made after that time will be attended to; and those indebted to the said Estate are desired to make immediate Payment to William Hallstead.
Demerary, 22d Decr. 1804. Acting Executor.

The Underwritten intends leaving this Colony for North America as soon as the severity of the winter is past in that Quarter, Solicits all those who stand Indebted to him to make Arrangements for the Payment of their Accounts early the ensuing Year, and those who are in Arrears for 1803 can not expect any further Indulgence, and is expected will make immediate Payment, as all his Outstanding Accounts must be Settled the Ensuing Month. Just landed, and for Sale at his Stable, Bridge Town, a Cargo of Young Horses and Cows.
Demerary, 22d Decr. 1804. John Clapham.

Voor Trinidad: - De Schoender Marie Fransiscus, Capt. Jean Moor; zal Zeilen in Agt of Tien Daagen - Voor Vragt of Passagie addresseere aan den Ondergetekende.
Demerary den 22 December 1804. J. J. Boullier.

The Subscriber intending to leave this Colony in the Ensuing Year, request all those who have any Demands against him, to come and receive such Demands, and those indebted to him to discharge their Accounts. All Persons whose Jewels &c. he has to repair, are requested to take them and pay the Charges before the Month March, otherwise he will be under the necessity to Sell those Articles upon Vendue for the repairs. A. G. Burmeester.
Demerary, 22d Decr 1804.

FOR LIVERPOOL, [heading]
To Sail in all the Month of January next, either with or without Convoy. The remarkably Fast Sailing Ship, Alexander, Henry Ward Master, she mounts 20 Guns, 12 and 16 Pounders, and has now upwards of 50 Seamen. For Freight or Passage, apply to the Master on Board, or
Demerary, 22d Decr. 1804. Walcott & Forrester.

FOR BRISTOL, [heading]
To Sail in all the Month of January next, either with or without Convoy. The fast sailing Ship Alert, William Lund, Master, mounts 12 Guns, and will have Men answerable. For Freight or Passage, apply to the Master on Board, or
Demerary, 22d Decr. 1804. Walcott & Forrester.

The Subscriber offers for Sale his House in Bridgtown [sic - Bridge Town], formerly occupied by Messrs Conner & Paynter, and lately by Mrs. Frances Wilson. Terms will be made easy to an approved Purchaser.
C. D. Forrester.
Who has for Sale, an African Man Slave, who is a complete Cooper.
Demerary, 22d Decr. 1804.

FOR LONDON, [heading]
To Run it in company with any other armed Ship that may be ready to sail from hence on the 13th February next, the Fast sailing coppered Ship Ceres, Captain Bousfield, she mounts 18 Guns, and is proportionably well manned. For Freight or passage application to be made at the counting House of the Subscribers, who offer for Sale 14 Pipes of Choice London particular Madeira Wine, Irish mess beef and Pork in half barrels and Butter in firkins, imported in the above ship. They also are just now landing the Cargo of the American Bark Jane, Ebenezer Crass [sic], ex Portland, North America, consisting of Salt Fish, White pine Boards, Plank, Scantling and Clapboards, red and white oak Shooks, Lamp Oil, Tobacco, &c. &c. which they will dispose of on their usual Terms. Telford, Naghten & Co.
Demerary, 22d Decr. 1804.

The Undersigned has for sale on very Moderate terms, Old London Particular Madeira Wine, in whole and half Pipes, Quarter Casks and by the Dozen, likewise a few firkins of Irish Rose Butter and Lancaster Cheese. He also offers for Sale, a fast Sailing Schooner, with all her standing and running rigging compleat, built of Colony Wood about Two Years ago, and can take in Thirty Hogsheads of Sugar.
Demerary, 22d Decr. 1804. J. F. Meyer.

FOR LIVERPOOL. [heading]
To Sail with the first Convoy, the Brig Laurel, Thomas Mellor Master: and for Colchester the Brig Venues, - Smith Master - For Freight or Passage apply at the Store of R. Younghusband & Co.
Demerary, 22d December 1804.

FOR SALE: - The Brig Hope, Captain Roberts, with all her Anchors, Cables, Sails, Water Casks and Stores, as she now stands. For Particulars appyl to the Captain on board, or to
Cumingsburg, 22d Decr. 1804. Jackson & King.

FOR SALE: - Two Commodious Dwelling Houses, situated on the North Dam Stabroek thy are well adapted for the Merchantile Business and will suit a large Family. Terms will be made easy and further particulars known by application to Edward Jones, or in his absence, to Mr. M. Campbell at the Union Coffee-House.
Demerary, 22d Decr. 1804.

Notice: - Any Persons having Demands against the Estate of the late Mr. James G. Blackhurst, decd. are requested to render in their Accounts to the Undersigned that they may be examined. And all Persons indebted to said Estate are desired to make immediate Payment, so as to enable the Subscribers to bring the same to a speedy Liquidation. Peter Heywood,
Joseph Taylor, Executors.
Demerary, 22d December 1804.

The Subscriber requests all who have any Demands against the Estate of the deceased John Cristee, late of Essequebo, to render their Accounts to him properly attested, and all who stand Indebted to said Estate, to come forward and discharge the same, In order that his Concerns may be brought to a speedy Liquidation.
Demerary, 20th December 1804. Joseph Gale, q. q.

Een fasoenlyk Man het Boekhouden en de Nederduitsch Taal goed verstaande als meede de behandeling van Zaaken in deeze Colonie bekend, genegen zynde zich op een Plantagie geplaats te zien, in de na byheid van Stabroek vervoegen zich by den Ondergetekende.
Demerary den 22 December 1804. O. J. Laurin.

Lost in the road coming from John Jackson Esq. an Order drawn by Thomas Duym, q. q. on Messrs Bothamley & Jackson in favour of Mr. Francis Wm. Tuckerman, and indorsed by him in blanc of Seven Hundred and Forty Seven Guilders Whoever may find the same are requested to deliver it to the Underwritten, as it can be of no use to no person else.
Demerary, 22d Decr. 1804. Remy & Boter.

Lost, in a Casual way at the Vertibule [sic] of the Court House, a Note of Hand of Miss E. Barzum, in favor of William D. Boon, for 1900 Guilders, with a Citation and Plea, also other Papers belonging to several Suits, it is suposed that those papers were taken out of the Trunk of the Underwritten, as the decd. J. Blackhurst, has declared last Week, that he saw some of the Papers, namely the Note of Miss E. Barzum, and other Papers inclosed laying in a book, the Subscriber offers Three Joes to any person who will find those Papers and return them, and as Miss E. Barzum and also her Lawyer, the Honble F. P. van Berckel is informed of the loss of this Note, it will be on no service to the present holder, sufficient security will be given by the Subscriber at the Secretary's Office in behalf of Miss Barzum, to Indemnify her for all Demands against her should said Note be presented to her for second Payment, not doubting that she will admit the Honble Van Berckel to pay the Underwritten the amount of her Lost note of 1500 Guilders, to which that gentleman has been disposed to do before the Suit should have been called. N. Rousselet.
Demerary, 22d Decr. 1804.

John Huiberts, acquaints his friends and the Public, that he is admitted by the Honourable Court of Justice of this River, as Solicitor to Patronize all. Cases that are to be brought to the Cognizance of the Commissary Court. He recommends himself in that Capacity to their favors. Demerary, 22d Decr. 1804.

Plantains for Sale on Plantation Meer Zorg, West Bank of the River Demerary, between La Grange and Schoon Oord and opposite Rome and Velserhoofd. Enquire of A. H. Walstab Administrator and living on the Premises.
Demerary, 22d December 1804.

Plantains for Sale, on Plantation Cornelia's Idea [sic] and Plantation Greenwich Park; West Sea Coast. - For further Particulars about the Quantity and Price, apply to I. S. Masse, or
Demerary, 8th Decr. 1804. J. P. Muncker, q. q.

The Domicilium Citandi and Executandi of the Subscriber, is on his Plantation, Hamburg in Rio Essequebo.
Decr. 22d, 1804. Joseph B. Sandiford.

List of Vessels which have Entered and Cleared from the 15th to the 22d of December 1804.

Decb. 17. Brig Little John, Capt. William Adams, from New York.
Decb. 19. Brig Jane, Capt. E. Cross, from Portland.

Decb. 18. Schooner Lady Graves, Capt. R. B. Teed, for Barbados.
Decb. 18. Schooner Abigail, Capt. I. H. Voux, for Boston.
Decb. 19. Schooner Demerary, Capt. J. Tynes, for Barbados.
Decb. 19. Sloop l'Amitie, Capt. E. Gemon, for Surinam.

List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 22d day of December 1804,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 22 Decr. 1804, zig in arrest bevindende

Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.





Van der Lott.



C. A. de Floriemont.

James Black.






M. Fisser.


Plantagie Duck four.






Capt. McDowal.



Pl. Goede Hoop.






Wolff or Oslin, Berbice.

Ord. Fiscall.



M. Heiner.






Mary van de Reuter.





Heim in Berbice.







Gerechts Dienaars.



Gerechts Dienaars.



Van 's Gravesande.


Miss Rogers.

Corporal Kore.



Bruninghaus & Bergh.


Fraser in Berbice.




J. G. Gozier.


Backer, ( Essequebo. )

W. Nedges, Pl. Cove.



Otto, Pl. Rome.





Plantation Grove.




Gerechts Dienaars.





Thomas Freyer.

Otto Pl. Rome.

And 10 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts 10 Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaar niet kan ontwaaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Lyst der begraavene op het Collonie Kerkhoff van den 14 tot 20 December 1804.

Den 15. Alexr. McNikkel, geb. in Schotland, 19 jaar ouwd, Klerk by Mr. McNabb.
Den 18. Robert Green, geb. Schotland, 20 jaar ouwd.
Den 18. Charles Rapp, geb. in Baltimore, 22 jaar ouwd, Klerk by W. Hallstead & Co.
Den 20. James G. Blackhurst, geb. in Lancaster, 25 jaar ouwd, Adsistent op de Secretary alhier.

Den 16. Een Matroos van het Schip Ceres, gend, Robert Fraser, 20 jaar ouwd van Schotland.
Den 17. Een dito van do. John Williams, van Schotland.
L. F. Schriebvogel, P.d: Gr.

Published and printed by E. J. Henery



Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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