Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 February 23


Ao. 1805 )


( No. 113.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 23d of February.

MILITIA ORDERS. 23d February 1805.
By His Excellency the Governor's Proclamation of the 16th Instant, it will be perceived, that the Amendment of the 27th Article of the Militia Regulations, now enables the Major Commandant to carry the Orders of Government into effect; which has not been heretofore in his Power; the Authority for enforcing the Penalties having been formerly vested in another Person.
A few Weeks will be allowed to the 5th 6th 7th 8th and 9th Companies, to Arm and Accoutre themselves, (according to the 17th Article of His Excellency's Proclamation), after which the Major Commandant will proceed to inspect them. Such individuals as shall then be found to have disregarded the Law, must be content to suffer its Penalties.
The Major or Officer Commanding the Stabroek Division, will cause correct Rolls of the Companies, to be given in by their Captains, on or before the 30th March; as soon after which as possible, the usual Parades &c. will be resumed.
All Persons not Specially Exempted by Law from Militia service, who have hitherto neglected to Enroll themselves, would do well to give in their names immediately; to any one of the Captains of the Stabroek Companies, as any further Evasion will most infallibly subject them to all Fines.
F. Macrae,
Demerary Militia.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

[Nothing new]


Dat den Ondergeschreevene St. Eerste Exploiteur deeser Colony, op bekomene Appointctementen van Zyn Excellentie den Heere Anthony Beaujon, Gouverneur over de Rivieren en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtbare Hove van Justitie, by Executie zal opvylen en Verkoopen, ten Raadhuyse op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, den 6 Maart eerstkomende: - Eerstelyk, ten behoeve van J. Donaldson, Een Concessie Lands geleegen op de voorgrond van Pl: Vlissengen, met 't daaropstaande Woonhuyse van inlands Hout, 1 en een halve Verdieping hoog. lang Ca: 40 by 30 voeten, Een zygebouwen diedende voor Combuys, en een Logie; alles aankomende R. Barnes; echter aangaande 't Land alleenig met dat recht, dat den gee[umlaut]xecuteerde op gem: Concessie Verkreegen heest, worden de voor niets niet ingestaan. Wyders ten behoeve van Orr, Macrae & Co. Een halve Concessie Lands bekend onder No. 203, geleegen op Cumingsburg, met t' daaropstaande Woonhuys lang C: 24 by 14 Voeten, 1 en 1 2 Verdieping hoog, 't Fraam gedeeltelyk Inlands, en ovrigens N.A. Hout: Een vervallen Combuys en dito gemackhuysje.
Zo is 't, dat die eenige Recht van Oppositie teegen gemelde Verkoopingen Vermeenen te hebben addresseere zig in gesschrifte by den Ondergeteekende; en voorts welke in den Verkoop gading vinden mooge, koomen ten dage en plaatse voornoemd, en doen hun profyt.
Actum in Rio Demerary, den 23 February 1805.
Marts. Smit, St. Eerste Exploiteur.

Op Bekoome Appoinctement van zyn Excellentie den Heer Anthony Beaujon, Gouverneur over de Colonie Rio Essequebo en Demerary, zal den Ondergeteekende by Executie opvylen Verkopen, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden en Commissarissen den 18 Maart 1805, ten Raadhuyse op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, 't volgende, alleeniglyk ten behoeve van Wm. Chorley, Een halve Concessie Lands No. 27, met 't daaropstaande Woonhuys en Combuys, Neegerhuysen, Paarde stal &c. geleegen aan de Middel Dam van Stabroek; voorts 11 Stuk[?] Slaaven, Primo, Jeems, George, Present, Rosena, Fanny, Flora, Rosa, en haare 3 Kinderen Charlotta, Jeems en William, en laastelyk eenige tasels, stoelen, en meer andere Meubilaite Goederen, alles aankomende P. Van Reyssel & Co.
In Cas iemand teegens deese Verkooping eenig recht of eigendom vermeent te Sustineeren, addresseere zig met desselvs reedenen van oppositie in geschrifte by den Ondergeteekende, en zy, die in den Verkoop der bovenstaande Goederen en Effecten gading van den mooge, kome ten dage en plaatse, voornoemd, en doen hun profyt.
Rio Demerary, den 23 February 1805.

Uit Krachte van zeekere Appoinctement door den Edle Achtbare Hove van Justitie, verleend de dato 20 deezer. Zo Worden by deesen alle Bekende en Onbekende Crediteuren de welke Sustineer, en eenig recht, of pretentien te hebben, op en de jeegens 't provenue der by Executie Verkogte Plantagien Vauxhall en Westminster, toebehoord hebbende de Weduwe Frances Sampson, C: S:, by Edicte GEDAGVAARD! On te Compareeren of Gemagtigdens te zenden, voor den Edele Achtb: Hove van Justitie, Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaatss [sic] Stabroek, teegens den 18 Maart eerstkomende en volgende Dagen. Ten Eynde te aanhooren zoo danige Eisch en Conclusie, als in Cas van Prae en Concurrentie over dat Provenu teegens hun zal willen doen en neemen, daarop te antwoorden, en verders voort te Procedeeren als na rechten.
Zyne dit 't Eeerst Edictaale Citatie.
Rio Demerary, den 23 February 1805.
Marts. Smit, St. Eerste Exploiteur.


The Vendue held by A. Meertens and Charles Vincent, Esqrs on the 19th inst. Not being closed, this is to give notice, that the Vendue is adjourned to Wednesday the 6th of March, and following days, when will be Exposed for sale to the Highest bidder in the Logie of Plantation Vlissengen; an elegant assortment of furniture, 35 barrels of prime pork, rice in tierces, temper lime, &c. &c.
February 23d, 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Friday the 8th of March, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidder at the Commandants House at the Camp; a large assortment of elegant household furniture, silver plate with kitchen utensils &c. &c.February 23d 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 11th of March, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidder, by order of C. A. de Florimont, on Plantation Reduit: - An elegant assortment of household furniture, consisting of mahogany chairs, round and square tables, a complete sett of dining tables, sophas, pictures, a side board, bedsteads, bureau and wardrobes, book cases, tea tables, card ditto, knife cases, glass ware of every description: also, large and small lanthorns, oil and vinegar stands, shades, &c. table services, coffee and tea ditto, coffee and tea urns, plate ware, saddles and bridles, harnesses, chaise in complete order, a phaeton and pair of horses, a saddle ditto, some fine cattle and sheep, two Jack asses, very gentle and fit for children, a large assortment of books, viz. French and Dutch dictionaries in English, Dutch and French, a drawing box complete with drawing paper, fowling pieces, pistols, muskets, cartridge boxes, a sword, a boat with oars and sails, Plantation utensils, two large butts, silver table and tea spoons and waiters, knives and forks, fish knives, &c.
February 23d 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Wednesday the 13th of march will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidder, by order of Messrs. R. Younghusband & Co. - Loaf sugar, tea in cannisters, hyson ditto in chests, barley and split pease in kegs, glass and earthen ware in casks, cordage, blocks, sail needles, palm Irons, scupper nail and pump tacks, bunting, spy glasses, coopers marking Irons, tin ware, shoes and boots, hats, broad cloth, callicoes, muslins, pulicat handkerchiefs, ladies stockings, pickles, sallad oil in cases of two dozen each, curry powder, port wine, shoe and scrubing [sic] brushes, paint and tar ditto, compasses, window glass 7 by 9 and 8 by 10 inches, half hour and minute glasses, Iron pots, bills, hoes, lumber, empty puncheons and quarter casks, flints, grindstones, and a variety of other articles will be exposed on the day of Sale.
February 23d 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


The Firm of Mourant & Delisle being dissolved by the mutual consent of the Subscribers, all Persons having any Demands against the said Partnership, are desired to render in their Accounts by the 1st of March ensuing, and they will be Paid. All persons indebted to said Firm, are requested to make immediate Payment of their Accounts, it being the full determination of the latter to quit this Colony in a very short time, they are under the painful necessity of assuring their Friends, that all such Accounts as are not Settled by the 1st of April, will be Sued for without respect to Persons. Their valuable Premises well calculated for Business of every denomination, will be Disposed of on moderate Terms, as well as their remaining stock on hand, and a few Domesticks.
Stephen Mourant.
Demerary, 23d February, 1805. Thomas Delisle.

Imported in the Ship Industry, Capt. Kenneth M'Askill, from London, and Brig Perseverance, Capt. Philip Curtis, from London and Madeira, and for Sale by the Subscribers: - Union Jacks, cordage, canvas No. 1 to 7, blocks, campooses, kedge anchors, grapnels, Iron ballast, gunpowder, shot No: 1 to 7, Irish butter, potatoes, hams, cheese, tongues, tripe, spiced and pickled salmon, sallad oil, pickles, olives, mustard, sauces, split pease, barley, oats, garden seeds, soap and candles, hyson tea, loaf sugar, raisins, currants, almonds, black pepper, spices assorted, brown stout, porter, pale ale, port wine, claret, old hock, rasberry and cherry brandy, Jamaica rum, cogniac brandy, Madeira and malmsey wine, walnuts, Iron puncheon and vatt hoops, rivetts, sheet lead, nails assorted, hinges, bolts, Iron pots 1 to 12 gallons, iron tea kettles, sauce pans, sod Irons, fishing hooks, sail needles, earthen and glass ware, white lead in oil, yellow, green and blue paint, lamp black paint, lamp and neatsfoot oil, spirits of turpentine, woolen cloth, cotton baging [sic], negro cloathing, blankets, truss hoops, pump leather, sadlery, cutlery, stationary, playing cards, japanned ware, umbrellas and parasols, cotton hammocks, welsh flannel, callicoes plain and printed, muslins, dimities, linens, checks, gloves, cotton and silk hoes, wearing apparel, hats, shoes and boots, paving tiles, Dutch clinkers, temper and building lime, terras &c. &c.
Demerary, 23d February. 1805. Henry Tulloh & Co.

To be Sold for cash only: - Paints and oil, brushes, table beer per dozen, and Madeira wine per ditto.
Demerary, 23d February 1805. E. C. Eli.

The Subscriber hereby Advertises, that his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi, is on the Plantation Better Success, on the west coast of Essequebo.
February 23d 1805. G. Perkins.

Such Gentlemen as have received Schedules of Questions and Precepts on their own Account, or as Executors or Attornies to Others, are requested by the Agent to the West India Commissioners to prepare their Replies and Extracts as soon as possible. Such as have not time to make the transcripts themselves, will be attended by the Agent for that purpose.
Demerary, 23d February 1805.

Notice is hereby given, that the Pilots will keep their Office at the House of Mr. James Caple, near the Fort.
Demerary, 23d February, 1805.

Deserted from His Majesty's Schooner Prevost, on the Evening of Wednesday last; Six people, taking with them a Copper bottomed Boat, Schooner rigged, with Ten Water casks. Whoever will deliver the said Boat or casks at the Stelling of G. L. Furnace Esq. or alongside His Majesty's Schooner Prevost, shall be handsomely rewarded; and further, whoever shall apprehend, or cause to be apprehended the said Deserters, or any part of them, shall Exclusive to His Majesty's Bounty for the apprehension of Deserters, receive a Reward of Five Joes for each Man.
William Swiney, Lieut. R. N.
Commanding His Majesty's Schooner Prevost.
Demerary, 23d February 1805.

Runaway from Plantation Chester, west Coast Berbice, about Three Weeks ago; a Negro Man named John Phillips, he is middle aged, speaks good English, is middle sized and rather slight made, he lived for many Years in the neighbourhood of Mahaica, and is supposed to be harboured there now, as he was seen near there five days ago. A Reward of Forty four Guilders will be given to whoever apprehends this Negro, or a former Runaway man named Jack, a native of Barbados, marked on the breast C. by applying at the Store of Messrs M'Inroy Sandbach & M'Bean, to Gilbert Robertson Esq. Mahaica, or to Finlay Smith residing on the above mentioned Plantation.
February 23d 1805.

To Let: - A Convenient Dwelling House, situated in front of Plantation Vlissengen, opposite the Post Office, apply to
February 23d 1805 Sophia Von Hofe.

The Undersigned on account of his bad state of health, is under the necessity of quiting the Colony for some time, requests all those who have any Demands against him, as well as against the Estate of his father, to render in their Accounts on Pl. Le Reduit, in order that they may, after having been examined and approved of, be liquidated.
Le Reduit, 23d February, 1805. C. A. de Florimont.

For Sale or Hire, the Dwelling House with out buildings and Packhouses, that formerly belonged to P. C. Ouckama Esq. next to C. M. Overweg Esq. It is so well known that no further explanation is necessary. For particulars, apply to Messrs. Remy & Boter. Demerary, 23d February 1805.

For Sale or Hire: - A Stanch fast sailing colony Boat, and in complete repair, Burthen from Twenty five to Thirty Hogsheads. For further particulars, apply to the Subscriber on the American Stelling.
February 23d 1805. William Lucas.

Lost on Sunday the 10th Inst. a Gold Watch, having round the Plate a Gold Beed [sic], whereon was hanging a green silk band with a gold Key. Whoever may have found the said Watch, will receive a Generous Reward, by delivering it to the Printer of this Paper. Demerary, 23d February 1805.

Runaway from the Subscriber, on Tuesday evening the 12th instant; a Negro Man named John, a native of Barbados, and is a Taylor by trade, speaks very good English and Dutch, he is a red skin man, and is called by countrymen John Orange, he is about Five Feet six inches high, he had on when he went away, a long linen pantaloon check shirt and a blue jacket, is very well known in all parts of this Colony, all captains of vessels is forbid taking said negro from the Colony, and all persons are cautioned against harbouring him, as they will be rigidly dealt with. Whoever will bring him to the Subscriber, or lodg [sic] him in the Barracks, will be handsomely rewarded.
Demerary, 23d February, 1805. E. A. Christiani.

Office of Ordnance. Demerary, 23d February, 1805.
Cash Wanted to the amount of L 500 Sterling for Bills drawn at Thirty Days sight, on Messrs. Greenwood and Cox, Agents to the Corps of Royal Artillery. Sealed Tenders to be left at the Office on or before the 2d of March next.
Thomas Scott,
Store Keeper &c.

List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 21st day of February 1805,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 21 February 1805, zig in arrest bevindende

Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.









M. Smith.


Simon Fraser in Berbice.









Vry Neeger Jeems.

W. Irvine, Pl. Matilde.


Plantagie Cottage.

Neeger Groin.



Gerechts Dienaars.








A. Osborne.



Mevrouw Dusart.

G. Gelie.



Gerechts Dienaars.

And 7 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts 7 Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaar niet kan ontwaaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Lyste der begraavene op het Collonie Kerkhoff van den 15 tot 21 February 1805.

Den 8. Een Matroos van de Brig Samuel, Hendrico Lyne, van Engeland, 14 Jaar ouwd.
L. F. Schriebvogel, Pr. d:G.

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.

to the
Essequebo and Demerary

Saturday, 23d February, 1805.

Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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