Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 March 02 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary.
Alzoo John Agart Cozier minderjaarig
Jongman gebooren te Barbados, met schriftelyk Concent van zyn Vader J. W.
Griffith Cozier ter Eer en Ruthey Reese minderjaarige Jongedochter [sic] mede
gebooren te Barbados, met schriftelyk Concent van haar Moeder Elisabeth Scott
bevoorens Wed. J. Reese ter andere zyde. van voorneemens zyn met eikander een
Wettig Huwelyk aantegaan zoo als dezelve ook reeds op den 22st deezer voor
Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Hove van Crimineele en Civielen Justitie
deezer Rivier in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen. Zoo word zulks mits deezen aan elk
en een iegelyk geadverteerd, ten einde die geenen welke vermeenen zich te
kunnen oponeeren zulks in tyds te doen, ter plaatse daar zulks behoord.
Alzoo Robert Abbell, Van voorneemens is
in den tyd van 14 dagen van hier te vertrekken, zo wort zulks mids deezen
bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hem te pretendeeren
hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien koomen ontsangen, of
hunnen schulden betaalen, ter zyner Domicilium.
Alzoo de Heer M. J. Verroen van
voorneemens is binnen de tyd van Vier Weeken deeze Colonie te verlaten, zoo
word zulks mits deezen aan elk en een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten eynde die
geenen welke iets van hem te pretendeeren hebben, ofte aan hem verschuldigd
zyn, hunnen Pretentien te koomen ontsangen en hunnen Schulden voldoen ter zyner
Domicilium en voorts dat die geenen van welke by Papieren en stukken als Procureur
onder zig heest dezelve binnen voormelde tyd tevens betaaling koomen athaalen
[sic]. PUBLICK AUCTIONS. [heading]
On Wednesday the 6th of March, and
following days, will be Exposed for sale by order of A. Meertens and Charles
Vincent Esqrs. at the Logie of Plantation Vlissengen: - An elegant fast rowing
six oar'd Yacht, seasoned Negroes, copper and tinned pans and kettles, &c.
On Saturday the 9th of March, will be
Exposed for Sale to the highest bidder, by order of C. D. Forrester, Esq. at
his Store in Stabroek: - 25 Prime Negroes, claret in hogsheads, a quantity of
water butts and puncheons &c.
On Thursday the 14th of March, will be
Exposed for Sale to the highest bidders by order of Messrs. Remey & Boter,
at their store: - An assortment of provisions, consisting of brandy and gin in
cases and pipes, spermaceti and mould candles, Casteel soap, rounds of beef,
hats, shoes, medoc, Malaga and claret wine, tobacco in barrels, tar, rice in
tierces, Iron hoops, hoes, axes and bills, hams, onions, &c. &c. and
some elegant Spanish mantles for ladies. On the same day and place will be also
Exposed for sale, by order of Mr. D. H. Van Nooten qq - Knoop, Negroes, &c.
On Monday the 18th of March, will be
Exposed for Sale to the highest bidder by order of J. Ceurvorst Esq. at his
store, the following articles, viz: - Muslins, dimities, callicoes, pullicat
and Madrass handkerchiefs, bed tick, silk stockings of all kinds, thread, Irish
linens, ladies silk shoes and hats, superfine kerseymeres and cloths,
gentlemens and childrens shoes, boots, umbrellas and parasols, ladies ready
made dresses, gloves, sheeting, gentlemens shaving cases, cotton and coffee
baging [sic], blankets, sallad oil, pickles, olives, mustard, sauces, split
pease, barley, oats, sago, loaf sugar, walnuts, Madeira wine, cogniac brandy,
temper lime, lamp oil, nails assorted, hinges, bolts, Iron pots, Iron tea
kettles, sod Irons, fishing hooks, sail needles, earthen ware, white lead in
oil, yellow, green and blue paints, tar, cutlery, sugar candy, currants, negro
cloathing, medicines, &c. &c.
On Tuesday the 19th of march, will be
Sold to the highest bidder, at the store of John Madden & Co. - Eight New
Negroes, some dry Provisions, viz. Rice and beans &c. in tierces and a
large parcel of Iron bound puncheons.
On Wednesday the First of May next, will
be Exposed for Sale, by order of Messrs. M'Inroy, Sandbach & M'Bean: - The
Premises at present occupied by them known in the General Chart of Stabroek as
forming 3.4 of Lot No. 21, at the same time will be Sold, all their goods then
on hand, on said Premises. ADVERTISEMENTS. [heading]
The Subscriber has received in addition
to his late Advertisement, a general assortment of dry goods, ladies ready made
dresses of the newest fashion, bonnets and dress caps, cotton baging [sic], an
assortment of Negro cloathing, pearl barley, gruts [sic], split pease and
pickled herrings.
Having removed to the Good Hope,
adjoining the Creek Madewine [sic], I take this Public method to request that
no Person whatever may be found Trespassing on Lands in my possession, as for a
long time, numbers of Persons have made a practice of sending up their Negroes
and cutting Timber, Troleys &c. &c. off the lands, much to the Injury
of my Family, whoever in future should be found trespassing, may be assured
will suffer.
Wanted: - A Book Keeper: a Person
competent to that situation, will receive a liberal Salary. Apply to the
Printer. William M'Kenzie & Co. will Expose for Sale on Wednesday the 6th of March: - 150 Prime Gold Coast Slaves, arrived in the Ship Rio Nova, Captain Henry N. Tuming, from Cape Coast. Demerary, 2d March, 1805.
The Subscriber will give five Joes
Reward to any Person who will give Information as will lead to the discovery of
a Punt, that drifted some time past from the Stelling of Messrs. Telford,
Naghten & Co. She was Built by Mr. Gold in Mahaica and carries from 16 to
20 Hogsheads.
Notice is hereby given, that there
remain on board the Ship Tarleton Joseph H. Stoddard, Master, from London, One
Puncheon Merchandize and a bundle of whips, marked H. D. S. in a Diamond,
shipped by William Richardson, and consigned to Order, if not called for before
the expiration of Three Weeks from the date hereof, they will be Sold to Pay
Freight and Expences.
Wanted to Borrow, Twenty Thousand Guilders,
Payable in Four Years, with Interest, and Eight per Cent will be allowed to any
Person that will advance that Sum on these conditions, and good security given.
They will be pleased to apply to the Printer, who will give them the necessary
Strayed away from the lumber yard of the
Subscribers on Sunday last; a New negro Man of the Gold Coast nation, he is
tall and very black, speaks not English, and can give no account of himself, it
is supposed he has gone to one of the neighbouring Plantations with some of his
Country men. Whoever will cause said Negro to be brought back to the
Subscribers, shall be Rewarded, and any Expences attending, will be paid by
All Persons Indebted to the Subscriber,
are hereby requested to come forward with Payment, on or before the First May
next, and such as have Demands against him, are desired to render in the same
for Liquidation, as it is his determination to quit this Colony as soon as possible.
he has for Sale some Carpenter Negroes and a good Washer woman.
The Undersigned having in contemplation
to Liquidate his Concerns, offers for Sale by Private Contract, his House and
Yard, situated on the Water side of Werk & Rust, and likewise every thing
concerning his Mercantile Establishment; he consequently must solicit from
every one who has not as yet Settled their Account of last Year, to do the same
on or before the First of April next, as he will otherwise be obliged to have
recourse to law.
Corn for Sale on Plantation Potosi, from
One to 25 Thousand Ears at F 16 10 per Hund. from 25 to 50 Thousand at f 13 15
and any quantity above 50 Thousand Ears at f 11 per Hundred. Plantains may
also be had by applying to the Subscriber on said Plantation.
Te Huur, De halve concessie No. 18 met
de daar op staande Gebouwen en regenbak, thans bewoon wordende door den Heer
Verroen gelegen op het middelpat van Stabroek benessens de halve Concessie No.
12 met bovenwoonhuys en zygebouw than bewoon wordende door Mejuffr. de Wed.
Eyman geleegen op Werk & Rust - Zynde te bevraagen by de ondergetekende.
Weggedreeven of gestoolen op Donderdag
den 28st February by de Schoenmakers Stelling een Americaansche JOL, weinig
gebruykt, die dezelve by den ondergeteekenden te regt brengt zal eene
ordentlyke belooning hebben. For Sale or Hire: - A large convenient House with good out buildings, the whole perfectly New, situated on Lot No. 206 in Cummingsburg [sic], immediate Possession can be given. For further particulars, enquire of the Printer. March 2d 1805.
To be Sold: - The half Lot of land with
the buildings thereon, known by No. 37, situated in Stabroek, fronting the Back
Dam, formerly the property of Doctor Baum, and lately occupied by Mr. Emmerson
it will be Sold on very reasonable terms. For further information, apply to
the Printer.
Runaway from the Subscriber; a
Caramantey Negro Man, named Julius, about Five feet ten Inches high, with his
Country marks on his face and belly, he speaks English pretty well, is a
Carpenter, and has a Chop from an Adze on his left leg, near the heel; any
Person who will deliver the said Negro to his Master in Kingston, shall have a
Reward of One Joe, a further Reward of Two Joes will be given to any Person,
who will give proper information where he is harboured, as the Law will be
rigidly enforced against all such offenders; all Captains of Vessels are forbid
taking off the said Negro, he is well known, and was sold as a part of the
Estate of Douglas Thompson, decd. List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from the 23d of February to the 2d of March 1805.
CLEARED. List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 28th day of February 1805, in the Stocks of Demerary. Lyst der op heden den 28 February 1805, zig in arrest bevindende Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.
And 6 New Negroes, the names of their
Owners unknown. Lyst der begraavene op het Collonie Kerkhoff van den 22 tot 28 February 1805.
ZEELIEDEN. Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.
Supplement Saturday, 2d March, 1805. Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.
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Created: 23 March 2005 Last modified:
Creator: Wilmer, John Lance
Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten