Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 March 16


Ao. 1805 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 116.

Saturday, the 16th of March.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzo de Heeren L. Mista met het Eerstzylend Convooy, Pierre Charpentier, binnen de tyd van zes Weeken, Robt. M. Call, H. C. Pollard, John Halls en Mejuffr. Catharina Wobelton; binnen den tyd van veertien dagen van voorneemens zyn deeze Colonie te verlaaten. Zoo wordt zulks mits deeze ann elk en een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke iets aan hun te pretendeeren hebben, of ann hun verschuldigd zyn, hunnen pretenten koomen ontsangen of hunne schulden betaalen ter hunner Domicilium ofte wel ter Secretary alhier
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 15e Maart 1805.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, Gezw. Clercq.

Allen den geene die iets te pretendeeren hebben, ofte verschuldigd zyn aan den Heer Wm. van Dura, gelieven daar van opgaave en betaaling te koomen doen ter zyner Domicilium op de voorgrond vna Pl. Werk & Rust, also zyn Ed. van voorneemens is binnen den tyd van veertien daagen deeze Colonie te verlaaten.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 15e Maart 1805.
In Kennisse van my G. A. de Villeneuve, Adst.

Alzo Frederick Haben meerderjaarig Jongman gebooren te Bremen ter Eere; - En Hannah Burket meerderjaarige Jonge Dochter bebooren in London ten andere zyde van voornemens [sic] zyn, met elkander een wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, zoo als dezelve ook reeds, op den 14e deezer Maand voor Heeren Raden Commssarissen [sic] uit den Edele Achbaare [sic] Hove van Justitie deezer Rivier in ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen, zoo wordt zulks mits deezen aan elk en iegelyk bekend gemaakt ten einde die geenen welke vermeenen zich tegens dit voorgenoome Huwulyk [sic] te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds te doen, daar en waar zulks zal behooren.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 15e Maart 1805.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman Gew Clercq.

Alzoo De Heer Wm. Chorley van voorneemens is binnen den tyd van veertien dagen van hier te vertrekken, zoo word zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hem te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hem verschuldig [sic] zyn, hunnen pretensien koomen ontsangen, of hunnen Schulden betaalen, ter zyner
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 15e Maart 1805.
In Kennisse van my J. Horn, gezw Clercq.


Den ondergeschreeve St Eerst Exploicteur deezer Colonie op bekomene appoinctement van zyn Excellentie den Heere Anth. Beaujon Gouverneur over de Rivieren en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo & Demerary, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uyt den Edele Hove van Justitie by Executie opveyle en verkoopen, ten Raadhuyse op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek den 2e April Eerstkoomende ten behoeve van L. Favarger, Een Concessie Lands geleegen in Stabroek aan de Noordzyde, bekend onder No. 49 met alle de daar opstaande Gebouwen &c. &c. aankomende R. Samson, wyders ten behoeven van J. L. Eyls, Een Concessie geleegan aan de Oostzyde van de Creek Mahayka digt by het Veer met de daar opstaande Woonhuys Neegerhuis &c. &c. aankoomende de Ersgenaam of Executeuren ten boedel van J. C. Jost, in cas iemand teegens deeze Verkooping eenig Recht of Eigendom vermeenen te sustineeren, addresseeren zich met desselvs reedenen van oppositie ingeschrifte by den ondergeteekende, En zy, die in de Verkoop der bovenstaande gading vinden moogen, koomen ten dage en plaatse voornoemd, en doen hun Profyt
Rio Demerary den 16e Maart 1805.
M. Smit St. 1st. Exploicteur.

Uut Kragte van zeekere appoinctement van zyn Excellentie den Hoog Edele Gestrenge Heer Anthony Beaujon, Gouverneur, verleend op Requeste van F. Kroll, inwooder alhier. Zoo worden door my ondergeteekende Exploicteur by deeze GEDAGVAARD!
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van dezelve F. Kroll; Om te Compareeren voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtb. Hove van Justitie alhier teegen den tweede April Eerstkoomende en volgen de dagen; - Ten fine aldaar op des Suppliants Propositten gehoor en is het doenlyk gedisponeerd of geaccepteerd te worden tot al zulke uitstel van tyd of zodanig sortabel arrangement in het generaal als naar gelang van omstandigheedens zullen gepoponeerd worden, als naar Rechten.
Rio Demerary den 16de Maart 1805.
H. C. Evertsz, Exploiteur.


On Monday the 25th Instant will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the Store of Messrs: A. & A. Smith,
100 Barrels of Flour.
March 16th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Tuesday the 26th Instant will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order of W. N. Firebrace Esqr. Resident Commissary, at the King's Stores; - 200 Barrels of Prime Irish Mess Pork, and 50 Tierces of Prime Irish Beef.
March 16th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Thursday the 28th Instant will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders: - The Lot and Houses situated in Stabroek, at present Occupied by Miss Maria Kendricks [sic]; it is well adopted for Mercantile Business.
March 16th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


Notice: - The Sale of the properties of the late Robert Wilson Esquire advertized for the Second of April next at Berbice, is postponed untill Wednesday the first of May next.
Berbice 11th. March 1805.

NOTICE. [heading]
His Excellency Governor Beaujon, having been pleased to appoint Saturday the 30th instant, for taking attestations of persons that have made replies and delivered Extracts to the West India Commissioners Agent: such as have as yet complied, as well as those who may in the interim furnish what has been required of them, are requested to assemble on that day, at Ten o'Clock in the forenoon at His Excellency's Secretary's Office, for this purpose.
Demerary March 16th 1805.

Stephen Mourant & Co. have just imported by the Grenada from London, a very choice selection of dry and fancy goods of the following description: - Russia sheeting, dowlas, tick, Irish linens, long lawns, diaper, table cloths, French cambricks, India muslins, chintzes and dimities, ladies and childrens ready made dresses, ginghams, fine printed callicoes, gentlemens silk hats, ladies and childrens ditto with bands and feathers, superfine ladies cloths and kreseymeres, muslins, silk and cambrick handkerchiefs, gloves, stockings, millenery, jean and velvetian, mercery, bombazeens and bombase[?]ts, ready made apparel and negro cloathing, gig harness, saddles and bridles, oils and colours, tar, pitch and tallow, fowling pieces, powder and shot, stationary, tinware, perfumery, cutlery, hardware, glass and earthenware, china in setts, medicine and drugs, Ironmongery, nails, double jack screws, gentlemens and carpenters tool chests, turners laths and parent grindstones, garden seeds, cots with mattrasses complete, plated silver tea and table spoons &c. Also the following Provisions: Tripe in kegs and jars, herrings, pickled tongues, sheeps ditto, hung beef, cow heel, salmon, butter, pine cheese, split pease and barley, pickles, sauces and patent essences of mint, thyme and celery, mustard, pepper, sugar, tea, sago and spices, with various other articles, the whole forming a complete assortment for this Colony which for immediate Payment will be disposed of on very moderate Terms to Wholesale Purchasers, at the stores lately occupied by Messrs Mourant & Delisle.
Cumingsburg, 16th March 1805.

For Sale a healthy young Man, a Cooper warranted master of his business. Sold for no fault. for particulars apply to Mr. Johnson at Mr. Underwood's, who will give the necessary information.
Stabroek 14th. March 1805.

The Underwritten gives this Public Notice that he has resigned business in Stabroek, and that his Domicilium is on the West Sea Coast of Essequebo.
March 6th, 1805. H. E. Lemmex.

A Young Man regularly bred to the Mercantile Business; and understands Accounts, a line addressed to A.B. and left at this Office will be attended to. Stabroek 14th March 1805.

For Sale; Two Lots of Land situated in Cumingsburg, with comfortable Dwelling House thereon, just finished. Further particulars may be known by application to the Printer.
Stabroek March 16th. 1805.

Zeederd korten tyd van den ondergeteekende weggedreeve[?] zynde, Een Vlot met neegen en twintig stuks Determa Z[??] Blokken, word vriendelyk verzogt, waar die mogte gevonden, opgevangen zyn, aan hun kennis te geeven, zullende het behoo[?]lyke Vangloon daar voor in dank voldoen.
Demerary den 6d. Maart 1805. Biegmann & Co.

Den ondergeteekende, adverteerd aan een yder, dat by van voorneemens zynde; deeze Colonie in den tyd van Ses Weeken te verlaaten; verzoekende een igelyk die hem mogte Schuldig zyn, hem te koomen voldoen: anders verpligt zal zyn, dezelve in Rechten te vervolgen: tessends, die iets vn hem te pretendeeren heest; te koome ontsangen, ten Huysen van den Wel Edele Heere Wahl, in Stabroek. Ph. Schirmeister.

The Subscribers Commissaries for the Town of Cumingsburg, specially appointed by the Court of Policy, hereby given Notice, that they will on Saturday the 23d and Monday the 25th of the present Month, apply at the Dwelling Houses of the different Proprietors of Lots in Cumingsburg, or their Attornies, for Payment of the Assestments [sic] fixed by the Appraisers named by the Governor, and that a list of all Lots and Buildings on which the Assestment [sic] shall not then be Paid, will be immediately given to the Governor, so that Summary Execution may pass against them, agreeable to the Resolution of the Court of Policy, Dated 29th of August 1804.
Cumingsburg, 16th March, John Jackson.
1805. Ad: Smith.

Imported in the Ship Rosetta, Capt. Marshall from Bristol, and for Sale at the Store of the Subscriber, on reasonable terms for immediate Payment, viz: - New Irish Butter, Welsh Butter in jars, hams, tongues, cheese, tripe in jars, ling fish, potatoes, oysters; fine Irish linen, boots, shoes and a small assortment of Ironmongery; also an Elegant light Gig and Harness complete,
Stabroek, 16th March 1805. C. D. Forrester.

Imported in the Ship Grenada, Capt. Richardson, and to be Sold for immediate payment in Cash or Produce a large assortment of Dry Goods and Provisions.
Demerary 15 March 1805. Pasquier & Otto.

For Sale on Plantation Bellefield and Nooten's Zuyl, several Head of Cattle, consisting of Bulls, Oxen and Milch Cows, of an excellent breed and in good condition: also a considerable number of Sheep. They may be seen, and their Prices known, by applying to the Managers on the said Estates.
Demerary, 16th March 1805

Notice: - All Persons indebted to the Estate of John Donaldson, deceased, are requested to call and settle their respective Accounts, without loss of time, and all those having claims against said Estate, are desired to deliver them in for examination.
for Self, and John Black, Executors.
Demerary, 16th March 1805. William Brown, qq.

M'Donald, Halket & Co. have imported per the Clyde, Capt. Boag, and for Sale at their Store; a general assortment of Plantation stores, dry goods &c. among which are the following articles: - Seins of various dimensions, white rope, cordage assorted, cotton baging [sic], paints assorted, paint and lamp oil, sheet lead, nails 4dy to 30dy, axes, adzes, hoes, cutlasses, pruning knives, cotton gin cranks, puncheon hoops, sod Irons, an assortment of locks, bolts and hinges, carpenters tools &c. Irish linens, sheeting, dowlas, table linen, checks, stripes, chintzes, callicoes, dimities, quiltings, ladies, gentlemen and childrens stockings and socks, checks and linen shirts, boots and shoes, ladies slippers &c. Also a few handsome mounted Officers sabres, with belts and regulation sword knots.
Demerary, 16th March 1805.

Found on Plantation Hague, a small dark bay Mare, any Person Proving her to be his Property, may have her by Paying this Advertisement.
Demerary, 16th March 1805.

The Mary Capt. Busshell, and the Horatio, Capt. Crosby, will positively sail for Liverpool the next Springs. The Planters and Merchants who have not yet completed their Shipments are therefore requested to send their Produce with as little delay as possible, as the Ships will clear out at the Custom House on Saturday the 23d Instant. - For Passage apply to the Captains, on board, or to
Demerary, 16th March 1805. A. & A. Littledale.

Notice to such Persons as hold Demands against Plantation Spring Garden, in River Essequebo, contracted for by George Laing & Company, are hereby required to have the same registered at the Secretary's Office of that Colony, in order they may be proven at next sitting there of the Honourable Court of Justice. The mortgage on that Estate held by Burrell Carnes Esq. being ordered to be foreclosed by Martial Sale of the property, on Tuesday next the 19th instant, which most likely may take place by Sale of the Slaves and Stock &c. in lots. The Subscriber therefore requests the favour of all persons interested in the Success of said Sale, to attend there Personally, or an Agent for him or them.
Stabroek, 16th March 1805. George Laing.

Mrs. Clifton arrived in the Ship Grenada, from London, informs her Friends that she will in a few days open, a large Assortment of Millenery, and other Articles of the newest Fashion, at the House now occupied by J. T. Matthews Esq. on the North side Dam of Stabroek, and solocits [sic] the favours of her former Customers.
Stabroek 16th March 1805.

The Subscriber informs the Public, that he has revoked his Power on Mr. C. Smit, and appointed Mr. G. Jones, Book-keeper of C. Edmonston Esq. He requests all those with whom he is engaged in framing Houses, or other Carpenter work, not to Pay to Mr. C. Smit any Money due to the Firm of Graff & Smit, as such Payment after this advertisement, will be Nul [sic] and of no Effect. The Payment may be effected on an Order signed by the Subscriber himself, and Mr. Smit, and no other mode will be admitted.
Demerary, 16th March 1805. A. Graff.

List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from the 9th to the 16th of March 1805.

March 11. Snow Irton, Capt. Ths. Hicock, from Liverpool.
March 12. Ship Lovely Lass, Capt. John Afflick, from White Haven.
March 12. Ship Grenada, Capt. W. Richardson, from London.
March 12. Ship Clyde, Capt. Rt. Boag, from Greenock.
Ship Rosetta, Capt. Wm. Marshall, from Bristol.
March 12. Ship Loyalty, Capt. R. Bailey, from Liverpool.
March 12. Ship Sir Edward Pellew, Capt. James Adams, from Greenock.
March 14. Ship William, Capt. Wm. Thompson, from Liverpool.
March 14. Sloop Camelia, Capt. Streckland, from Barbados.

March 14. Schr. Montpelier, Capt. R. Tibbetts, for Boston.

[List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves – notes indicate its presence, but photocopy not made (or misplaced) for transcription]

Lyst der begraavene op het Collonie Kerkhoff van dan 8st tot 14e Maart 1805.

Den 9. Een Matroos van het Schip George, genaamd Cristiaan, 40 Jar ouwd, van Deenemarken.
Den 10. Een Matroos van het Schip De Mery, gen. John 13 Jaar ouwd, van Plymouth.
Den 12. Een Matroos van het Schip De Mery, gen. James Marsch, 24 Jaar ouwd, van Leverpool.
Den 12. Een Matroos van det Schip De Mery, gen. Abram Cecis, 18 Jaar ouwd, van Engeland.
L. F. Schriebvogel, Pr. d:G.

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.

Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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