Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 March 30 | ||||
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By His Excellency Anthony Beaujon
Esquire, Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, and their
Dependencies &c. &c. &c.
King's House, 30th March 1805 [heading]
DEMERARY MILITIA. [heading] BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]
Alzo de Heeren Edward Bancroft Med.
Doct. en Henry Bolingbroke van voorneemens zyn binnen de tyd van veertien dagen
van hier te vertrekken, zo word zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die
geenen welke iets van hun te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hun verschuldig zyn,
hunne pretensien koomen ontsangen, of hunne Schulden te betaalen, ter hunner
Alzo Clement Johnston meerderjaarig
Jongman gebooren te Barbados ter Eene [sic], en Mary Morgan meederjaarige Jonge
Dochter gebooren in South Wales in Engeland ten andere zyde, van voorneemens
zyn met elkandere een wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, zoo als dezelve ook reeds op
den 25st deezer voor Heeren Commissarissen uit den Hove van Crimineele en
Civiele Justitie deezer Rivier in ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen. - Zoo wordt zulks
mits deeze aan elke en een iegelyk geadverteerd, ten einde die geenen welke
vermeenen zig daar tegen te kunnen opponeeren zulks in tyd zoude doen, ter
plaatse daar zulks behoord. BEKENDMAAKINGEN van 't EXPLOITEURS COMPTOIR. [heading]
Op nadere bekoomene Authorisatie van zyn
Excellentie den Heere Anthony Beaujon, Gouverneur over de Colonie Essequebo
& Demerary; - Zal op Dingsdag den 7e May Eerstkoomende door den Eerste
Exploicteur deezer Colonie, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit
den Hove van Justitie by Executie worden verkogt, ten behoeve van J. M.
Spooner. Een quart Concessie, toebehorende aan Majoor Van Well, geteegen op de
voorgrond van Plantagie Werk & Rust met het daar op staande Woonhuis lang
circa 26 voeten, by 18 breed, twee verdiepingen hoog, van Americans hout, Een
zy Gebouw 18 voeten lang by 12 ditto breed, en eindelyk nog een afdakje met
posten in de grond dienende voor Combuis; alles aankoomende de geexecuteerde
In. Greene. PUBLICK AUCTIONS. [heading]
On Friday the 5th April will be Exposed
for Sale to the highest bidders at the King's Store, by order of W. N.
Firebrace Esqr. Resident Commissary: - A quantity of Prime Irish Mess Pork and
beef, remaining form the Vendue held on the 26th Instant.
On Tuesday the 9th of April will be
exposed for Sale at Public Auction, by Order of Messrs: Bynoe & Culpeper,
the Premises at present Occupied by them on the American Stelling, together
with all the Privileges annexed to said Stelling, and an extensive Water Lott;
- at the same time and place will be Sold, all their Goods and Merchandise then
on hand, without limitation, to close their Concern.
On Thursday the 11th of April will be
Exposed for Sale to the highest bidders, at the Premises formerly occupied by
P. C. J. Van Reyssel in Stabroek, by order J. C. Stadtman & B. Teyssen,
Trustees to the abandoned Estate of P. C. J. Van Reyssel; - Household furniture
consisting in mahogany tables, chairs, Secretaire, Wardrobes, card and tea
Tables, Kitchen Utensils, plated and Silver Ware, &c. Also four excellent
House Slaves. ADVERTISEMENTS. [heading]
Mr. Piecke begs leave to inform the
Ladies and Gentlemen of this Colony, that he has removed his Residence to the
House of Mr. J. Huiberts in Stabroek, where he will be happy to receive all
FOR SALE or to RENT FURNISHED. [heading]
For Sale by the Undersigned at very
moderate prices; Inverness Cotton Bagging.
To Be Hired; A large, airy and
convenient Stable in the centrical part of Stabroek, and fit for a large Cargo
of horses: stabling for any number of horses, may also be had at the same place
by the month. - For information apply to the subscriber.
The Undersigned begs leave to inform his
Friends that he will leave the Colony to sail for London with the first Convoy,
appointed on the 12th of next Month, he therefore requests those he stands
indebted to (as well for his private and the Brig Eliza as his Concern under
the Firm of C. H. de Muninck [sic]) to call for settlement, and begs all those
indebted to him or to the Concerns as above, to come forward with Payment, to
enable him to fulfill his engagements.
The Undersigned have removed from
Plantation Vlissengen to Werk & Rust, into the new House of W. Bruninghaus
Esqr. and offers for Sale on reasonable terms and prices, the following
assortment of Goods, viz: - Candles, soap, cordage, paint oil, Spanish brown,
white lead, yellow oker, lamp black, fresian green, genuine black lead, patent
verdigrease dry and ground in oil, blue paint in pots, Venetian red, york
brown, orange lead, and red lead of a superior quality, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20 and
24 d Nails, Coopers and Carpenters tools, writing paper, sealing wax, quills,
wafers and drawing paper, coffee bagging and oznabrugs, slops, Ladies
fashionable shoes and slippers, Childrens shoes, Gentlemens boots and shoes, cotton
and silk stockings, printed furniture callicoes, quiltings, thread, tapes,
twist, pins, gloves, whips, rich enamelled table services, Guernsey frocks,
Medicines and Drugs, split pease, pickled neatsfeet, barley, mustard, pickles,
soy, essence of anchovies, souchon tea, cloves, cinnamon, black pepper,
nutmegs, &c. &c.
Lost between Stabroek and the Camp, a
Note of Hand of J. Luke q. q. J. Ward in favor of H. Cantzlaar Esqr and
endorsed by him, for One hundred and seventy-two Guilders. Whoever has found
the same, and will return it to the Subscriber will be Rewarded.
Runaway on Monday last, Two Negro
Sailors one a Boat Captain named John, lately belonging to Mr. Underwood, the
other a stout Man named Quashy, about six feet high with his legs a little
swelled. - Whoever will apprehend the said Negroes and deliver them in the
Barracks or to the Subscribers will be Rewarded.
For Sale, Plantains for 10 stiver per
Bunch, and Corn for f 11 per thousand; at the Plantation Kl. Poedereoyen, Cash
The Subscriber begs to inform the Public
that it is his intention to leave this Colony in the course of a Month, he
requests all Persons indebted to him to come forward and Pay their Accounts,
and those whom he is indebted to, to render the same, which will be duly Paid.
Den Ondergeteekende voorneemends zyne
binnen de tyd van veertien dagen deeze Colonie te verlaaten; verzoekt alle die
geene welke van hem ites te pretendeeren of aan hem verschuldig zyn, zulks te
koomen aldoen, ter zyner Huise, of by den Heer Joseph Bergh.
Runaway from the Subscriber about 14
days ago, two Carpenter Negroes, supposed to be harboured about Town; one named
Kuvidor, Marked on his Breast DML, and the other named Polidore, formerly the
Property of J. Forbes Esqr. Any Person that will apprehend said negroes and
lodge them in the Colony Barracks, or bring them to me in front of Plantation
Werk & Rust, will receive One Joe Reward for each. List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from the 23d to the 30th of March 1805.
CLEARED. [List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves – notes indicate its presence, but photocopy not made (or misplaced) for transcription] Lyst der begraavene op het Collonie Kerkhoff van den 15e tot den 29st Maart 1805.
Published and Printed by E. J. Henery,
Stabroek. Supplement to the Essequebo and Demerary Gazette. Saturday, 30th March, 1805.
Vermogens Sententie by den Edele
Achtbaare Hove van Justitie deezer Rivier en onderhoorige [illegible] dato 21
Maart [illegible]: incausa B. Teyssen en J. C. Stadtman,
[illegible]aangestelde Curateuren, in den geabandonneerde Boedel van [illegible]
V. S. van Reyssel opposanten contra W. Chorley, geopposeerdegeweesen, en
opgevolgd Appoinctement van zyne Excellentie den Heere Gouverneur. Zullende
van weegens 't Exploicteur Comptoir [illegible] op den 16e April eerstvolgende
ten Peye van 't Raadhuis [illegible] opgeveild en verkogt; De onroerende en
roerende Goederen ten [illegible] van bovengedagte Wm. Chorley, van P. Van
Reyssel & Co. [illegible] Executie is gebragt en waarvan by de daarvan
uitgegaane [illegible] en Rechtsdags geboden, den Verkoop tegens den 18e deezer
Maand Maart was geannonceerd, is Een halve Concessie No. 27. op [illegible]
Middledam in Stabroek, met de daaropstaande Woonhuis, Combuys, Negerhuysen
Paadestal &c. Voorts de Negers Primo, Jeems, [illegible] Present, Rosina,
Fanny, Flora en Rosa, de laaste met haare [illegible] gent Charlotte, Jeems en Willia als meede een partey [illegible]. - Imand daaringading vindende
vervoegen zig ter [illegible] voorz. aanhoore de Conditien en doe Profyt.
EXECUTIE. 'T word aan alle en een
iegelyk by deezen bekend gemaakt; dat ingevolge in en uit kragt van zeekere
[illegible] [illegible]en geweezen by de Edele Achtbaare Hove van [illegible]
Sessione op de Hoofd Plaatse Stabroek, den 28st November [illegible], ten
behoeven van J. Ward, Eerst Trimphant [sic] en nu [illegible] Contra J. J. De
Mey, Eerst Gedaagde, de [illegible] [illegible] en nu geexecuteerde; Zoo heb
ik Ondergeschree[???] Exploicteur van welgemelde Hove alhier, na alle behoorlyke
[illegible] in handen van den Hooge Overigheid deezes Lands ge[illegible], drie
Looten Land geleegen op de voorgronden van de geweesere Plantagie Evelary,
aldaar bekend by No. 29; 30 en 31 met een [???huis] lang circa dertig by
twintig voeten breed, op posten [illegible] en andrehalve verdieping hoog;
voorts een Zygebouw welke [illegible] Gebouwen eenigzints vervallen zyn.
Dewelke ik Onderge[????]ven na Expiratie van deeze Vier Sondags en twee
Rechsdags [illegible], waar van Priciesen Dag, op den 7de May aanstaande
[???]nemens ben ter Puye van het Raadhuis, by Publique Opv[??????], ten
overstaan van den Edele Achtbaare Heeren Raaden Commissarissen aan den
meestbiedende by Executie te Verkoopen, ten [illegible] omme daar aan te
verhaalen 't gunt bevonde zal worden den [illegible] te Competeeren, alles met
de Kosten; - In Cas ie[???] teegen deeze Verkooping eenig Recht of Eigendom
vermeenens [illegible], addresseeren zich middelerwyl met deszelfs Redenen
[illegible] oppositie in geschrifte, als wanneer ik dezelve als opposar[????]
en ten dagen van Rechten beleggen zal, [illegible] [illegible] van eeuwig
stilzwygen - Werdende by [illegible] bekend gemaakt dat dit is 't Eerste
Zondags Gebod Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.
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Created: 23 March 2005 Last modified:
Creator: Wilmer, John Lance
Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten