Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 April 13


Ao. 1805 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 120.

Saturday, the 13th of April.


Kragtens Extract Notul der 14 d. Rolle de dato 21 February l. l. worden door my ondergeschreevene Exploicteur, ter [illegible] van L. F. Schriebfogel [sic]en B. Teyssen in qualiteid als Curateuren in der Boedel van wylen C. E. G. H. Van Lasberg. Ten derdemale by Edicte GEDAGVAARD! Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van dezelve Boedel.
Omme te Compareeren voor den Heer Raad Commissaris zittende [illegible] audientie van de 14 d. Rolle op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek tegens [illegible] 15e April eerstkomende en volgende dagen. - Ten fine te [illegible] op en aargeeven derzelver pretentien, en tevens te dienen van [illegible] sustinuen; Zullende na Expiratie der vier en laatste Edicte [illegible] worden tot obteneering van 't Eeuwig Silentium.
Rio Demerary den 13e April 1805. F. P. Francken, Explr.


On Tuesday next the 16th instant will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the Store of Messrs. John Madden & Co. - Twelve New Negroes, a few Puncheons good Rice and split Beans, empty Puncheons, &C.
April 13th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Thursday the 18th Instant will be Exposed for Sale by order of W. N. Firebrace Esqr. at the King's Store, - a quantity of Prime Irish Mess Pork and Beef, remaining from the Vendue held on the 26th of March last.
Brereton & Kingston.

On Tuesday the 23d Instant will be Exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, by order of Mrs. Frances Wilson, at her Store in front of Plantation Vlissengen; - Beef in whole and half barrels, Irish Pork in barrels, potatoes in ditto, salmon in half barrels, herrings in kegs, tripe in ditto, rounds of beef in tubs, pigs faces, French olives, essence of anchovies, quin sauce, sallad oil, walnuts, cabbage, cucumbers and mixed pickles, mustard, vinegrr [sic], black peper [sic], mixed spices, cheese, barley, candles, elegant plated bridles and spurs, chaise harness, horse whips, fine paint and paint brushes, linen check shirts and oznabrugs trowsers, glass and earthen ware, an assortment of Stationary, Ladies silk hats, and a variety of other Articles, which will be exposed on the Day of Sale.
Brereton & Kingston.

On Wednesday the 24th Instant will be Exposed for sale to the highest Bidders by Order of Messrs: Bynoe & Culpeper, at their Store on the American Stelling, the remaining Merchandize in their Store, in order to close the Concern.
Brereton & Kingston.

On Thursday the 25th Instant will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidder, the Lots of Land No. 251 and 252, with a new Dwelling House thereon, two storie high, in compleat order, situated in La Bourgade.
Brereton & Kingston.


A Meeting of the Holders of Bills drawn on the Batavian Councel [sic] for the American Colonies, and returned for Non Payment is to be held at the Union Coffee House on Wednesday noon the 17th inst. Stabroek, April 13th 1805.

Just Imported and For Sale by the Subscriber, fine plain and flowerd [sic] Muslins, lace, split straw Hats and Bonnets, ladies dress Shoes &c. &c. Also a young healthy Negro, who is a complete Cook, Butler, and waiting man, and perfectly understands the Ettiquette of a Table.
Demerary, April 13tt 1805. Frances Wilson.

The Subscriber offers for Sale his Dwelling House with out Buildings convenient thereto, situated in Robb's Town on lott No. 38. Any person inclined to Purchase will please to apply on the premises, where the terms will be made known.
Demerary, April 13th 1805. Wm. Gibson.

A Boat Captain for Sale, apply to
Demerary, April 13th 1805. James Lyon & Co.

Absented himself from the Subscriber, a Negro Man named Venture, a Carpenter by Trade, one Joe reward will be given to any one, who will bring him to me at the Vendue Office, or lodge him in the Barracks.
Demerary, April 13th 1805. J. Trigger.

The Receiver of the Colony Taxes, having direction to Close his Books on the last Day of the present Month, request all those who have as yet not made their Returns or Paid up their Quotas for the preceeding [sic] Year agreable [sic] to the Publication issued by the Honorable Count of Police [sic] on the 10th November 1804; and more particularly those who are still in Arrears for the Year 1803, to come forward and acquit themselves of the same before the above mentioned time, after which Period the Receiver will be under the unpleasant necessity of enforcing payment.
All Proprietors of Concessions Situate in Stabroek, who have not yet Paid the usual Land Taxes, are likewise desired to discharge the same without delay. Ch. Vincent.
Demerary, April 13th 1805. Col: Receiver.

For Sale: - Three Lots of Land situate on Plantation Repentir, two of which are facing the front Dam and known on the Chart by No. 4 & 5. - The other one is distinguished by No. 20 and leads to the private road. Also a Lot of Land situated in Stabroek, fronting the Brick Road and known by No. 68 with a Commodious Dwelling House and side Buildings all newly built of Green-Heart Timber, the whole in compleat order and can be Occupied immediately, - for farther particulars apply at the Office of the Subscriber.
Demerary, April 13th 1805. Ch. Vincent.

De gezamentlyke Crediteuren van den Boedel wl: den Wel Edele gestrenge Heer D. Breton j. d. z. worden by dezen verzogt te Compareeren of gemachtigdens te zenden, ten Huyze van den Heer Chs. Vincent, op den 24e April Eerstkomende des voormiddags om 9 Uuren, ten einde te hooren de propositien die hun Edelens door de Ondegeteekendens [sic], met opzigt tot het arrangeeren der pretentien Lasten gem. Boedel, op de meest geevenredigde manier, ter vermyding, van kostbare Proceduures, zullen worden gedaan; en verder, worden alle die geene welke hunne pretentien tot 31 December l. l. nog niet hebben ingegeven op 't vriendelykste ver zocht hunne Rekeningen optegeven ten Comptoire van den eerste Ondergeteekende. Terwyl die geene welke an meergem: Boedel Schudig zyn, hiermede worden aangemaand om hunne Rekennigen Obligatien &c. Te willen komen afdoen, ten einde beter inslaat te te [sic – double 'te'] zyn, om by bevengen: Compar. zoodanige voorslagen te kunnen doen als waarvan men voor beyde p[??]yen de favorabelste gevolgen zou mogen verwachten.
Goed Verwachting 10 April 1805. J. J. Kotwyk qq.
Chs. Vincent qq.

Den Ondergeschreevene Procureur van het ontsangen Comptoir der Colonie Ongelden van Demerary, maakt bekend dat er diversche Plantagien en ook Particulieren aan het Ontsangers Comptoir dezer Colonie over den Jaare 1803 nog Schuldig zyn, en dat daar van diverse maale in de Publieke Gazette assigemente zyn gedaan, ten einde de Dibiteuren [sic] hunne Ongelde aan het Comptoir zoude komen voldoen. Dan daar dit van seer weinig Effect is geweest, verzoekt by Ondergeschreevene voor het laaste en Serce[caret]aselyk dat de Debiteuren hunne agterstallige aan de Colonie Kas koomen betaalen, ten dien einde Refereed zig den Ondergeteekende aan de onderstaande lyst van Debiteuren wiens Rekeningen onvoldaan zyn. Op dat er geen Ignorantie zoude kunnen werden gepertedeert. Zullende na den 1e Juny aanstaande tegens de Dibiteuren [sic] die niet voldaan hebben de wegen van Rechten Amplecteeren.
N. Rousselet Procr. van 't Ontss Compt.
Demerary 13e April 1805.
Bonne Mere, Charles and Mari's Hoop, Cambridge, Creig, Dantzig, Georgia, Good Fellowchip [sic] No. 1, Hoop, Heusden, Three Frinds [sic] Tranquillity [sic], Union,
Philis Andre, Ann Ackers, M. Barker, John Culing, Edw. Cattie, J. Candel, Donald Dongril, J. Fletcher, J. Fraser, R. Greenwood, Hunt qq, J. Hund, Wm Jellis, Juffrouw Jones geb. Simmons, L. Kistelius, A. Lylie, R. M. Neal, J. M. Rea, J. Macked, D. Thomson, C. Taylor, Marg. Wesard, en E. Warburton.

Zeedert eenige dagen is op de Concessie No. 72 op Stabroek, Een Neeger Kind komen ophouden; dewelke maar eenige woorden kan spreeken, en zegt desselvs naam te zyn Sam dog hy kan zyn meester niet; die dit Kind toebehoord, kan hem komen reclameeren, en betalende dit advertissement, voorts een klyne belooning aan de Negers die op gemelde Kind, geduurende zyn verblyv [sic] hebben opgepast.
Stabroek 13 April 1805. M. Smit.

Notice is hereby given. The Subscriber being under the necessity of leaving the Colony immediately for the Benifit [sic] of his Health, entreats all those indebted to him, to make Payment of their respective Accounts to Mr. James Fotheringham, or Henry Baillie, whom are anthorized [sic - upside down u] to Settle all Accounts due to and by him. he [sic] begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that the Taylor's Business in future will be carried on in all its Branches, by Mr. H. B. Maggee, at the Shop of the Subscriber, and therefore request his Customers to continue their favours as usual, being confident that strict attention will be used by Mr. Maggee to give Satisfaction. he [sic – not capitalized] has lately received from London a large and fashionable assortment of Broad Cloths, Marsells for Waistcoats, &c. &c. &c.
Demerary, April 13th 1805. Henry M. Waldron.

Uyt de hand te Koop. Een groote nieuwe Ses Riemse Jagt, lang 26 voet kiel, en 6 voeten breed, alles van best geel Sierewabalie hout, die gading daar in heest gelieven zig te addresseeren, ten Huise van den Ondergeteekenden.
Stabroek den 13e April 1805. F. Buttenweg [sic].

Den Ondergeteekenden maakt by deeze bekend, dat by zyn Domicilium Citandi en Executandie gekoosen heest, ten Huyse van den Heer F. Butteweg in Stabroek.
den 13e April 1805. J. H. Beckman.

Messrs: Von Firks and Goepel feeling strongly the Honor confer'd upon their arduous undertaking of establishing Subscription Concerts, by so brilliant an assemblage on Wednesday last, conceive they should be deficient in their Duty did they not embrace this opportunity of thanking the Gentlemen Amateurs for their great attention to the execution of their respective Pieces of Music, which was given with great effect, by the perfect tranquillity and order observed in the Room, under the direction of Mr. Dayly, who politely accepted to officiate in the fatiguing situation of Master of the Ceremonies.
Stabroek, 13th April 1805.

By Permission of His Excellency the Governor. [heading]
Miss Emily Piecke begs leave to acquaint the Ladies ond Gentlemen of the Colony, that her Grand Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music is fixed for Friday next, the 19th Instant, at the House on Plantation Vlissengen; - Particulars of which will be inferred in the Hand Bills.
Tickets One Joe each, to be had of Mr. Piecke, at the House of Mr. Huiberts, at Mr. Obermulder's, the Union Coffee House, or at Mr. Wade's. Demerary, 13th April 1805.

The Subscriber having to raise a large Sum of Money, will dispose of his Schooner Boat, 36 feet keel, 14 feet beam, was lanched [sic] in May last, has been very well kept and is in perfect repair; He will also sell the two following Houses, one at present occupied by Messrs David Cornfoot & Co. and has for some time past been renting for 15 Joes pr Month, the situation of it for business is so well known that it requires no recommendation; the other is now occupied by the Subscriber, and situated near Robb's Stelling, has every conveniance [sic] for a family, and also an Excellent stand for business; for particulars apply to
Stabroek, April 13th 1805. R. S. Turton.

For Sale, an Excellent Taylor Negro, on reasonable Terms, enquire of
Demerary 13th April 1805. Strucker & Borner.

NOTICE [heading]
No Person what ever are to transact Business with Corneliu Dewever, for the Boedel of Abraham A. James, deceased as no Power whatever is given him, by Leven DeWeever q.q. for that Property.
Demerary, April 13th 1805 Fredk. Kent.

Notice: - The Subscriber informs the Public that Mr. Richard Porter is no longer in her Employ and that no Receipts or Acceptances for Money given by him since the 18th March last will be good.
Demerary, April 13th 1805. Frances Wilson.

Alzo den Ondergeteekende reeds in het Jaar 1799, Een stuk grond gekogt op Pl. Werk & Rust, tusschen de Concessie Letter A en No. 1 zoo vind by zich verpligt hiernevens aan leder een kennis te geeven, dat van nu of aan het gewoonlyke doorgaan van ieder, een einde heest, doordien de grond ingekraald zal worden, dus verzoekt by vriendelyk aan een ieder die hout aan de waterkant mogte liggen hebben, als ook de Eygenaaren van de Concessie No. 1. daar weg te doen neemen als ook de Bruggen die op gemelde grond vas liggen en anderzints door haar is opgemaakt, binnen den tyd van agt daagen daar af te neemen, op dat zyn Volk daar op ongemolesteerd hunne arbeid kunnen doen.
Rio Demerary den 13e April 1805. E. A. Christiani

Alle de geene welke iets te pretendeere hebben ofte verschuldig zyn aan den ondergeteekende, worden verzogt om binne den tyd van twee m aanden; hunne pretentien te koomen ontsangen, ofte hunne Schulden te kxoomen voldoen. Daar den ondergeteekende voorneemens is zyne zaaken tot een rieele Liquiditeit te brengen.
Stabroek den 13e April 1805. J. J. Boullier.

Departed this life the Amiable Lady Madam Lafargue de Lonjuville, at Madam Sabbathier's, Mahaica, the 3rd February 1805. whomsoever having Demands against her will send in their Accounts to Dr. P. J. Wagner, Stabroek.
Demerary, April the 13th 1805

For Sale at Twelve Months Credit. [heading]
If Sold within a Months from this date, to an approved Purchaser,
For Particulars apply at the Printing Office.
Demerary, April 13th 1805.
The above Negroes may also be had separately.

List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from the 6th to the 13th April 1805.

April 8. Ship Allison, Capt. M. Roberts, from Africa.
April 8. Ship Enterprize, Capt. Ths. Waterman, from London.
April 11. Brig Phoebe, Capt. R. Spencer Jr., from New York.

April 8. Brig Sophronia, Capt. Bird, for Boston.
April 10. Schooner Betsy, Capt. J. Woodbury, for Boston.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, on this 11th day of April 1805,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 11de April 1805, zig in Arrest bevindende

Weglopper Slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.






M. Smith.


Plantagie Cottage, in Berb.






Sandiford in Essquebo.

Mac Donal.


John Ashly.

Pionier. Baas.


Ouner, in Essequebo.



Stepheson. [sic]

Gerechts Dienaars.



Pionier Baas.


Harfield en Murrow.



Miss Silby in Mahaica.

Zelfs aangegeeyen.






[???]ler Pl. Lancaster.

Sophia met haar Kind.


Order Fiscaal.

And 7 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts 7 Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaaren niet kan ontwaaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Lyst der geraavene op het Collonie Kerkhoff van den 5e tot den 11e April 1805.

Den 7e Een Matroos van het Schip Broders, genaamd Robert Johnston, van Liverpool, 16 Jaar ouwd.
L. F. Schriebvogel, Pr. Gd:

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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