Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 April 27


Ao. 1805 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 122.

Saturday, the 27th of April.


By His Excellency Anthony Beaujon Esquire, Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, and their Dependencies, President in all Courts and Colleges, &c. &c. &c.
Whereas by the decease of John Orr Esqr. a Vacancy has taken place in the College of Kiezers or Electors of Demerary and also in the number of the Financial Representatives of the Inhabitants in the Said Rivers, I therefore have thought fit to issue this my Proclamation, thereby calling on all Inhabitants of this Colony, Qualified by the Possession of 25 Slaves or upwards, to vote in such cases, to give or send in their Votes for a new Kiezer and also for a new Financial Representative respectively, in the room of the said John Orr Esqr., deceased.
A Sealed Box will be placed in the Government Secretary's Office in Stabroek, wherein all Persons Qualified as above may deposit their votes during the space of Twenty Days from this date, and which on the expiration of that time, and consequently on the 14th of May next, will be opened by the Secretary of the Colony in my presence and that of two Members of the Courts, when the Names of the Persons returned by the Majority of the Votes to be Kiezer and Financial Representative respectively, will be Published accordingly.
Given at the King's House in Stabroek, Demerary, this 24th day of April 1805.
Anthony Beaujon.
By Command,
P. F. Tinne, D: Secty.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzo de Heeren Dirk Remy, J. Lewis, Alexander Simpson, A. Castello, Joseph Hill, en Thomas E. Long van voorneemens zyn binnen de tyd van veertien daagen deeze Colonie te verlaaten, zo word zulks aan elk en een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen welke iets van hun te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hun verschuldig zyn, hunnen pretensien koomen opgeeven of Schulden te voldoen ter Domicilium van den Eerstgemelde ten Huyse van de Heeren Bruninghaus & Bergh, van de volgende ter hunner respective Domicilium binne deeze Rivier ofte wel ter Secretary alhier.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 25st April 1805.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, gezw Clercq.


On Wednesday the 1st of May will be Exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, at the Store of Messrs: McInroy, Sandbach & McBean; - A Boat Captain, three Boat Negroes and a Washer-Woman, belonging to the Boedel of Geo. West deceased.
April 27th, 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 13th of May will be Exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of O. J. Laurin Esqr. at his Store; - A compleat assortment of Dry Goods, viz: Muslins, cambricks, calicoes, chintzes, dimity, silks of different colours, Irish Linen, cotton shirting, checks, salempores, Negro cloathing, Boots, shoes, seins, Twine &c. Also an assortment of Jewelry, Millenary, Hosiery, saddlery, Butter, cheese, Tongues, sausages, sweet Oil, mustard, fish sauce and Pickles, Vinegar, barley, oatmeal, split Pease, Potatoes, Tea, loaf sugar, spices, Port wine, claret, ale, porter, carpenters and coopers Tools, Plantation Utensils, nails assorted, paints and paint Oil, Terpentine, Rosin, coals, Tar and Pitch, and many other Articles.
N.B. Excellent mess Beef and other Provisions.
April 27 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


FOR SALE [beading]
The remarkable fast Sailing Brig Constance of Liverpool, lately arrived from Africa, burthen 170 Tons, and mounting 14 Guns, 12 and 18 Pounders, together with all her Masts Sails, Rigging, Spars, Anchors, Cables, &c as pre. Inventory. - Further particulars may be know by applying to Capt. Woolrich on board or to C. Macrae.
N.B. If not Sold in Ten Days, from this date, she shall sail with the first Convoy to Liverpool. For Freight or Passage apply as above.
Demerary, April 27th 1805.

Thomas Finlayson has for Sale, at reduced prices for Cash or produce: - Irish and American Beef, new Scotch Herrings in Barrels and Kegs, choice Madeira Wine in pipes, quarter Casks and Bottles, Claret in hogsheads, Port Wine in Bottles, Cogniac Brandy in Pipes and Kegs, Porter in Bottles and in draft, Teas and Spices, cherry and rasberry Brandy, Paints and paint Oil, Candles, Soap, Corks, and a general assortment of Glass Ware, &c.
He has also received by the Juno, from London, best London made Boots and Shoes of the newest fashion.
Demerary, April 27th 1805.

De Ondergeteekende maakt hier meede bekend, dat by Acte van Conventie, tusschen de Heeren J. J. Kotwyk prive[accent] en Gerard Henschelius q. q. den Heer R. F. Michaelsen, ter eenre en den Ondergeteekende ter andere zyde, in dato 25 April 1805 alhier ter Secretarye [sic] verleeden, de finale liquidatie der alhier gee[umlaut]xteerd hebbende Firma van G. E. Aman & Co. aan hem is opgedragen; wordende dus alle die geenen, welke eenige pretentie tot lasten van dezelve geweezene Firma mogten hebben, verzogt om de betaling daar van te komen ontvangen; en die, welke aan dezelve mogten verschuldigd zyn, voldoening te komen presteeren by den Ondergeteekende in Stabroek: ten Huise van den Heer Mr. J. F. Buyn, daar by nonvoldoening, (als geen verder uitstel el kunende worden verleerd) zonder verdere aanvraage, zulks in Rechten worden gevorderd.
Stabroek 27 April 1805. G. E. Aman.

Miss Downie, Dress maker and Milliner from Janieres in Bond street, London, begs leave to acquaint the Ladies in these Colonies that she has commenced Business in that House on the North Dam adjoining to Mr. Murray's, Sadler, where she will be happy to receive and execute any Commands. - She will be regularly supplied from London with the newest Fashions and every article necessary in her Business. - She has now on hand a few London made Dresses, of the very latest Patterns.
Stabroek, April 27th 1805.

The Subscribers are respectfully informed the SECOND CONCERT will be Performed on Saturday the 4th May 1805, and to be continued every fourth Saturday, at Plantation Vlissengen.
ACT 1st.
Grand Overture. Pleyel.
Song by Mr. Piek.
Adagio with Variations for the Forte Piano,
to be Performed by Capt. Von Firks. Pleyel.
Terzetto for French Horns.
ACT 2d.
The favorite Overture to Lodouika,
Arranged for the full Orchester [sic] by Capt. Von Firks.
Song. - by a Young Lady.
Sonate in Duet on the Piano, Pleyel.
to be Performed by Mr. de Veer and Capt. Von Firks.
Finall [sic] Symphonie. - Hayden.
Non Subscribers Tickets, gentlemen Twelve Dollars, Ladies One Joe, but must be introduced by a Subscriber.
N.B: Tickets to be delivered only at Mr. Dayly's, where attendance will be given Two Days previous to the Concert.
Encouraged by several of the Members, who are very wishfull to have, after the Concert, a Ball, we are of intention of laying a list of Subscription, in the Evening of the Concert for this purpose, for every arrangement and refreshment for Dancing, which will be carefully observed by Von Firks & Gorpel.
N.B: Subscription, a Joe for a Gentleman.
Demerary, 27th April 1805.

The Subscribers are landing and have for sale at their Store in Cummingsburg, for immediate Payment, a Cargo of Fish and Lumber.
Demerary, April 27th 1805. Telford, Naghten & Co.

The Subscriber being under the indespesible necssity [sic] of Sailing for Europe (first Convoy in September next) gives Notice of such to all whom it may concern. He returns gratefull thanks, for all favors conferred on him, in his Professional line as a Painter; and informs those, who may wish to take the Opportunity of his short stay, that the Business will be continued, for three months more at his usual Domicilium (Mr. A. Gray's Cummingsburg,) where all orders will be attended to and finished, with Dispatch.
Whoever is indebted to the Subscriber will see the necessity of immediately coming forward with Payment of their respective Accounts that he may be enabled, to discharge those against him without delay.
He farther gives notice of some Chaises that were put in his hands, (several months ago) for Painting and other Repairs, which has been done, according to order; if the same are not taken away, in 4 weeks from date hereof they will be Publicly Sold for the Expences.
Cummingsburg, April 27th 1805. Thomas Wishart.

For Sale by the Subscriber, at his Store on the American Stelling, for immediate Payment. - Madeira Wine pr. pipe, half pipe, qr cask, or dozn. Sail Canvas, Inverness cotton Bagging, Penniston, London Oats, Nails assorted, Paints and Oil, &c. &c.
Demerary, April 27th 1805. John Culpeper.

Vermist op Zondag den 22st April, Een Neger Meisje geel van couleur met naame Present, een inboorling deezer Colonie, die dit meisje mogte ophouden word verzogt haar te retorneeren aan den Ondergeteekenden.
Demerary den 27st April 1805. J. G. Heinken.

Plantains for Sale, to be delivered in Stabroek every Sunday Morning at the Crane Stelling - Enquire at Messrs. H. C. Everts q. q. & N. Rousselet.
Demerary, April 27th 1805.

An Excellent Boat Captain for Sale: who has been employed, in that capacity, in and about these Rivers, twelve Years since, for particulars Apply to the Printer.
Demerary, April 27th 1805.

Runaway from the Subscriber, a Mulatto Man named Scipio, about two Years ago, formerly the Property of C. F. V. Kohler: - he is well known in this Country and all that time has kept himself up in Essequebo, at Fort Island, where said Mulatto Man has been seen two Weeks past, by one of my Negroes, and goes about for a Free Man: - Ten Joes Reward will be Payed [sic] to any Person who will apprehend said Mulatto and deliver him to me, or lodge him in the Barracks, and Twenty Joes will be given for full information of any Person who has harboured said Mulatto all that time.
Demerary, 27th April 1805. Js. Stas.

Captain Waterman of the Ship Enterprize, begs leave to inform the Gentlemen of Demerary he has half a Cargo engaged from Mr. Sandiford and will positively Sail with the second Fleet for London. He flatters himself the Ship will be found on Examination a very desirable one to Shippers and would be thankful for their favors: - She is only two Years old Stands A 1 at Lloyd's and isa a strong built Ship. - For Freight apply to Mr. J. Sandiford, or to the Captain on Board.
Demerary, April 27th 1805.

List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from the 20th to the 27th April 1805.

April 22. Ship Hornet, Capt. Thomas Hunt, from Barbados.
April 24. Brig Constance, Capt. Ino [Jno?] Woolrich, from Africa.

April 22. Ship Mary Ann, Capt. Ino [Jno ?] Anthony, for Boston?
April 27. Shoon. Hannah and Betsy, Capt. S. Clark, for Boston?

Lyst der begraavene op het Collonie Kerkhoff van den [??] to den 25st April 1805

Den 19e Joseph Bartholy van Lien in Frankryk 60 Jaar ouwd.
Den 23. Een Kind van Mr. Mapp.

Den 14. Een Matroos van het schip Grenada John Slitty van [illegible] den 21 Jaar ouwd.
Den 14. Een ditto van ditto, gen. Thomas Marten, van Schotland, 22 Jaar ouwd.
Den 18. Een Matroos van het schip Wildaan - gen. John Fil[???] van Engeland, 14 Jaar ouwd.
Den 20. Een Timmerman van het schip Mary, Thomas Ham, van Engeland, 32 Jaar ouwd.
Den 20. Een Timmerman van het schip Wildaan, gen. John Lenard, von Dublin, 24 Jaar ouwd.
Den 22. Een Matroos van de Brik de Brothers, gen. John L[illegible] van Engeland, 70 [sic] Jaar ouwd.
Den 23. Een Timmerman van het schip de Clyd, John M[illegble] van Schotland, 26 Jaar ouwd.
Den 23. Een Matroos van het schip Constance gen. Thomas G[illegible] van Liverpool, 26 Jaar ouwd.

[No List of Runawy and Arrested Slaves]

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.

Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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