Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 May 04 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]
Alle den geenen welke iets te
pretendeeren hebben, ofte verschuldigd zyn aan den Heer William Mudie, gelieve
daar van opgaave en betaaling te doen ter zyner Domicilium, alzo zyne Ed: van
voorneemens is; in den tyd van veertien dagen deeze Colonie te verlaaten. BEKENDMAAKINGEN van 't EXPLOITEURS COMPTOIR. [heading]
Agter volgens bekoomene Authorisatie
door de Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie den 23ste Maart ll: worden door my
Exploicteur ter instantie van J. S. Masse en F. A. Vernede Curateuren in den
Boedel van wylen Martin & Dutilh, Ten Eerste maale by Edicte
By Virtue of a Decree of the Honorable
Commissaries at the Roll Court, held on the 16th of August last, I the
Undersigned Exploitur, at the Instance of the Sequestrators appointed for the
Estates Vaux Hall & Westminster, formerly the Property of Mrs. Frances
Sampson, and Others, Do hereby for the Fourth and last time Summons all such
Creditors of the said Estates as have not yet been forthcoming with their
Demands, to appear before the Court of Justice of this River, at the Session to
be held on the 20th of this present Month of May, and following Days, in order
to give in and Substantiate their Claims against said Estates, as perpetual
Silence will be Decreed against all Creditors who shall not have given in their
Claims at that time.
Door my Ondergeschreevene Exploicteur,
worden vermogens authorisatie vervat by Extract notul der veertiendaagsche kome
de dato 16de April J.l. - Ten instantie van de by Executie vekogte Plantagie
Craig. Ten vierde maale Expera bundanti [sic] by Edicte GEDAGVAARD!
Inconformiteit der authorisatie vervat
by Extract notul der veertien daagsche Rolle de dato 16de April J. l. - worden
mets deeze ter requeste van J. J. Kottwyk, Curateur in den Boedel wylen P. J.
Brotherson, ven vierde maale Exsuperabondanti by Edicte GeDAGVAARD!
In Gevolge Extract notul der
veertiendagsche Rolle de dato 16de April l. l.: worden door my Exploicteur, ter
req[illegible] van Executeuren Testamentair in den Boedel wylen M. Dier Tange.
Ten virde maale Exsuper Abundanti by Edicte GEDAGVAARD!
Kragten drie differente authorisatien
van zyn Excellentie den Heere Anthonie Beaujon, Goeverneur over de Colonie
Essequebo & Demerary &c. &c. &c. - Zal op Dingsdag den 7de
deezer maand Mey door den Ondergeteekende eerste Exploicteur deezer Colonie,
ten [illegible] van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den den [sic –
double 'den'] Hove van Justitie, by Executie worden verkogt, ten behoeve van P.
Jourdan & Co. contra Chs. de Beausobre, Een Neegerin genaamd Betty. Voorts
op Maandag den 20ste dezer, ten [illegible] van Thomas Frankland, contra John
Robb: een half Lot, of concessie Lands, geleegen op de voorgrond van Plantagie
Vlissengen, kender onder No. 31 met de daar op staande gebouwen, een Woonhuis
lang 42 by 22 voeten breed, staande op [illegible] ten drie verdepingen hoog,
inlands houte Fraam, met puspy[??] Planken omstaagen en cingels bedekt, Een zy
Gebouw - Idem ten behoeve van G. A de Villeneuve, als aangestelde curator in
den Boedel J. E. Bohm, contra gemelde John Robb, een concessie Lands, gelegen
op La Bourgade, met de daar op staande Gebouwen en door dezelve Robb gewoond,
te weeten Een Woonhuis lang na gissing 36 voeten by 2[?] breed, met een Balcon
en gaandery, Inlansche houte fraam, staande op een steen muur, een en een half
verdieping hoog, met Planken omslangen en cingels bedekt. Twee zy Gebouwen
dienen de woor Combuis Pakhuis, &c. en een gemak huysje die hier in gading
van den moge, komen ten Raad Huyse op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek.
Kragtens vorerstaande Extract Notul,
worden door my Exploicteur, Ten verzoeken van Curator ten Boedel van Wylen C.
E. G. H. Von Lasberg. Ten derde maale by Edicte GEDAGVAARD! PUBLICK AUCTIONS. [heading]
On Friday the 10th Instant will be
Exposed for Sale, at the Vendue Office, to the highest Bidders: - a large
Assortment of fresh Medicines, arrived in the Brig Sarah, Captn. Van Dyke, from
London. - Inventory to be seen at the Vendue Office. Also a large Assortment
of Dry Goods, Negroes, Horses, Rice in Tierces, &c. &c.
On Thursday the 16th Instant will be
Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order of Doctor W. De Niefeld, at his
house on Pln. Vlissengen; mahogany Tables, Sideboards, Earthen and Glass [sic]
ware, China Tea sets, water Casks, Turpentine in bottles, caster Oil in ditto,
Electrifying Machines, a case new Amputation Instruments &c. a compleat
house Boy and Shoemaker, a washer Woman, Cook and other servants, a good Horse,
and other articles too numerous to Insert. ADVERTISEMENTS. [heading]
The Undersigned leaving this Colony in a
very short time, to sail with the Convoy on the 12th Instant, takes this Public
method of soliciting those he is indebted to, for his Privy, the Brig Eliza and
concern under the Firm of C. H. de Munnick, to bring in their Bills for
Settlement, and those indebted to the said concerns to come forward with
Payment so as to enable him, to close his Books, and to settle with every
Person before his Sailing, as he most surely has depended upon the Words of
such Gentlemen who have favoured him with their Custom.
NOTICE. [heading]
The Subscriber informs the Inhabitants
of these Colonies, that she has hired the large and commodious house lately
occupied by P. C. Ouckama Esqr. for the purpose of Establishing a general
Boarding House, having furnished herself with all necessaries for the purpose,
she solicits the favours of all those inclined to become her Boarders, which
will be done on moderate terms, she will also provide extra Dinners for
Gentlemen choosing to form a Society by themselves as she flatters herself
adequate to the task.
For Sale a strong built Colony Boat
about eight Months old, 36 feet Keel, 12 & a half breadth of Beam, she has
a Serivabally Bottom, and compleat in all her Sails and Rigging &c. - She
will be Sold reasonable at an early Payment. Apply to
A CAUTION. [heading]
The Subscriber intending to leave this
Colony soon, informs every one whom it may concern, that her Business
respecting the Estate of her late Husband J. Cuche are still in the hands of D.
P. Morthier, and she requests that Application about the same may be made to
him on Pln. Nooyt Gedagt, in Mahayka.
Den Ondergeschrevene Procureur van den
Wel Edele Gestrenge Heer Ch. Vincent Ontsanger. Informeerd de Eigenaaren en
Representanten, van de Concessien in Stabroek [illegible] dat aan hem is
[illegible] hand gesteld diverse Reekeningen van verschuldigde Erspag over den
Jaare 1804. ten lasten divers concessien dog alvorens de opwillige Debiteuren
der gemelde concessien in Rechten te berrekken; Verzoekt als nog de voldoening
der agterstallige Ersspagt, zullende na den 1ste Juny aanstaande; teegens de
onwillige in Rechten ageeren.
The Subscriber having resigned Business
in consequence of the extreme difficulty of Collecting the smallest sums due to
him, requests those indebted to consider this as the last time of thier [sic]
being called on for settlement, as he is determined to sue indiscrimiately
McInroy, Sandbach & McBean.
The Undersigned Harbour-Master of this
River Notifies to whom it may concern, that his Office is Removed to the House
of J. W. Bruninghaus Esqr.
The Subscriber being determined to have
all his Accounts settled, and willing to give sufficient lenity [sic], gives
Notice, that all Persons indebted to him by Note or Account are requested once
more to make arrangements for an immediate settlement, on or before the
beginning of June ensuing, or their Notes and Accounts will be lodged in the
hands of an Attorney: the Subscriber is wishfull of settleing [sic] amicably
with every one, should he have recourse to disagreeable measures it must be
from necessity, not from Choice, particularly as he leaves the Colony next
Alle den geene welke iets te
pretendeeren ofte verschuldig zyn, aan den Supercargo van de Sloep Succes, J.
Tuynman, van Suriname; gelieve daar van opgaave en betaaling te doen ten Huise
van den Heer Eeverly, also by van voorneemens is met de eerste geleegenheid
naar de Colonie van Suriname te retorneeren.
Plan eener Lottery door de Wed. P. Haley
te maaken, met Permissie van zyn Excellentie den hoog Edele gestrenge Heer
Gouverneur A. Beaujon. Deese Lotery [sic] bestaad in Honderd Vyf en Vyftig
Looten, tegens Hondered en Tien Guldens voor ieder Lot, en leeverd uit agt
Pryzen en twee Prenien, alles ter gepriseerde waarde van Zeventien Duysend vier
honderd en Vyftig Guldens te weeten.
List of Vessels Entered from the 27th
April to the 4th of May. List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, on this 2d day of May 1805, in the Stocks of Demerary. Lyst der op heden den 2de Mey 1805, zig in arrest bevindende Weglopper Slaaven, in Rio Demerary.
And a few New Negroes, the names of
their Owners unknown. Lyst der begraavene op het Collonie Kerkhoff van den 26 Aprli to den 2de May 1805.
Published and Printed by E. J. Henery,
Stabroek. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Created: 23 March 2005 Last modified:
Creator: Wilmer, John Lance
Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten