Ao. 1805 )
Essequebo and Demerary
( No. 124.
Saturday, the 11th of May.
BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary.
Alzoo de navolgen te persoonen van
voorneemens zyn met elkanderen een wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan als: De Heer Wm.
Hughenes, beboor[?]ig van Barbados, meerderjaarig Jongman, ter Eenre, - En
Mejuffrouw Elisabeth Culpeper, gebooren in deeze Colonie, minderjaarige Jonge
Dochter; gea[umlaut]sisteerd met haar Broder en Voogd John Culpeper, ter andere
zyde. - De Heer William Liot, Med. Doctor, meerderjaarig Jongman, ter Eenre, -
En Mejuffrouw Esther Meyers, geadsisteerd met haar Moeder de Wed. Meyers, thans
gehuuwd met den Heer John Robb, ter andere zyde. – En de Heer George
Anderson, gebooren binnen deeze Colonie, meerderjaarig Jongman, en Mejuffrouw
Rebecca Jane Hinkson, gebooren te Barbados;
Zoo werd een ieder daar van by deeze
geadverteerd, ten einde de geene die vermeenen zig daar teegens te kunnen
opposeeren, zulks in tyd te doen daar en zoo het behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary,
dezen 11 de Mey 1805.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman,
Gezw. Clercq.
COMPTOIR [heading]
Uit Kragte van zeeker Extract Notul der
veertien daage Rolle de dato 6 May laast leeden. Word door my Exploicteur, ter
requisitie van de Curators van den Boedel wylen C. E. G. H. von Lasberg. - Alle
bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van gemelde Boedel. Ten vierde maale Exsuper
abundanti by Edicte GEDAGVAARD!
Omme te Compareeren voor den Edele
Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek,
teegens den twintigste May Eerstkoomende en volgende daagen. Ten fine als nog
optegeeven derzelver pretentien en van hunne Sustenuen te dienen, zullende als
nu na asloop deezer vierde en laaste Edicte teegens de non comparitie worden
geconcludeerd tot het Eeuwig Silentium als na Rechten.
Rio Demerary den 11de May 1805. B.
Teyssen, Expl.
On Saturday the 1st of June, will be
exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order of Colin MacRae, Alexr.
Fullerton and Rd. Downer Esquires on the Premise; the House and Establishment
in the New Town, known by the name of the Union Coffee House, it is very well
calculated for a Mercantile Business or a Tavern and Coffee House in which line
it has been for the last three Years occupied. The Premises may be seen by
applying to Mr. Campbell, the present tenant; Terms of Sale six Months after
May 11th 1805. Brereton &
On Monday the 13th Instant, will be
exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order of N. Rousselet Esqr. q. q.
Mrs. Hentzen a Negro Woman named Daphnie, formerly the Property of Mr. J.
Scott. - Payment Cash or approved Bills on the day of sale. The Slave is
Brereton & Kingston.
On Wednesday the 5th of June next will
be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order of Mr. Peter Peterson, at
the Primises [sic]: Two Lots of Land, no. 140 and 141, with a New Dwelling
House there on [sic], situated in Cummingsburg, fronting the Public road
leading to the Block House. - Payable 3, 6, & 9 Months in Cash.
May 11th 1805. Brereton &
Kingston. [Dutch version specifies "Pl. La Bourgade nu Cumingsburgh"]
On Monday the 20th Instant will be
Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of A. Fleischman Esqr. at his
House in Stabroek: - A parcel of Healthy and Seasoned Tradesmen, viz:
Carpenters who have been many Years at that Trade, and a compleat Cooper; also
House Slaves, two Washer women and two House-Girls: a large assortment of
Household Furniture consisting of Mahogany tables with D ends, elegant
breakfast, tea and card tables, ditto side board, sophas, mahogany and fine
painted chairs, two large looking glasses, a ditto for a Drawing Room with a
penant table, glass book cases with a large quantity of books elegantly bound
and in good order, a patent Organ, a Piano Forte well worth the attention of an
Amateur, a variety of Pictures, glass ware of all descriptions, glass desert
services, plated ware and cake boxes, silver ware, spoons, forks and knives
with silver handles, and what will be further Exposed on the day of Sale
Brereton & Kingston.
On Thursday the 30th Instant will be
exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order of the Weeskamer [Orphan
Chamber]: - Sundry Goods consisting of Gold Silver, Furniture, Clothes,
Negroes, Cattle, and many other articles too tedious to insert.
Brereton & Kingston.
On Friday the 31st instant, will be
exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the Vendue Office, by order of
Messrs. Alxr. Reith & J. Brown Executors to the late Archibel Crawford
deceased the following Negroes Cato, Herculas, Sampson, Boatswain, Callaloe and
Peter. - On the same day will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders by
order of Mr. Joseph Ignas, the Lot of Land No. 50 on the North side of the
Brick Dam in Stabroek, with all the Buildings thereon, the terms of Payment as
follows: - one half in fourteen days, one fourth in 3 Months, one fourth and
the last Instalment on the 31st of May 1806, at which time a Transport to be
given by Joseph Ignas when the last Instalment becomes due.
May 11th, 1805. Brereton &
A Meeting of Planters and merchants is
intended to be held at the Union Coffee House, on Thursday the 16th Instant, to
take into Consideration the present Expences attending to the Clearance of
Ships, and Produce, at the Public Offices of this Colony.
Demerary, May 11th 1805.
CASH [heading]
For Bills of Exchange, drawn upon the
Right Honorable The Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury to the amount
L 500 Sterling.
Sealed Proposals will be received by W.
N. Firebrace Esqr. Resident Commissary at his Office untill 10 o'Clock on
Tuesday next the 14th Instant (May 1805) The Tenders will be Opened in the
presence of Brigadier General J. Montgomorie, and the highest Offer or Offers
will be accepted.
Demerary, May 11th 1805.
FOR LIVERPOOL. [heading]
The Ship Ariadne, George Johnston,
Master –
The Ship Brilliant, William Gammell,
Master - Both well Armed and Manned will Sail in company about the middle of
next Month. - For Freight or passage apply to
Demerary, 11th May 1805. Alexr.
Fullerton & Co.
The Subscriber informs those indebted to
him for Smith's Work done in the Year 1804, that all Accounts not Paid by the
20th of June next, will be Sued for without Distinction, as the Situation of
his own affairs will admit of no farther Indulgence.
Demerary, May 11th 1805. G. Craig.
That large and Commodious Dwelling
House, Side Buildings, and Garden, at present occupied by the Subscriber: - It
will be Sold very reasonable to an approved Purchaser. Payment in four Years
in different Instalments; other particulars may be known by applying to.
Stabroek, May 11th 1805. A.
NOTICE [heading]
All Persons indebted to the late
Mercantile concern of Nicholas Osborne & Co. are requested by the
Subscriber to settle their Accounts with James Bruce q.q. without delay, who is
dully [sic] authorised to grant discharges and Receipts - and will please
render Statements of same to James Bruce q. q. in order that they may be
examined and settled, as speedily as Collections can be made to enable him to
do so
Demerary, 11th May 1805. N. Osborne
For Sale, on reasonable terms, a Colony
built Schooner boat, in compleat order, and well found in Sails, Rigging
&c. - Particulars may be known by applying to the Subscriber at the Store
of Messrs. A. &. A. Smith.
Demerary, May 11th 1805. Wm. W. Smalley.
NOTICE [heading]
All Persons to whom the Firm of
Schwiers, Downer & Co. are Indebted, are requested to render their
Accounts, and those indebted to them to come forward and Pay the same, it being
absolutely necessary the concern thus far should be brought to a conclusion -
The Undersigned hereby gives Public Notice, that the term of his Interest in
the Firm of Schwiers, Downer & Co. is expired and his Contract of
Copartnership with them, this day annulled and cancelled.
Stabroek, 11th May 1805. James
Just received pr. Schooner Sally, and
Brig Fidelity and for Sale by the Subscriber: - Dry salted Fish in hogsheads
and boxes, lumber, R. O. Staves, W. O. Shooks, Clap-boards, new mess Beef in
half barrels, Pork in barrels.
Madeira Wine in pipes, hogsheads and
quarter casks, Claret in hogsheads, mould and spermacetie Candles, Tobacco,
cotton Bagging, Lamp Oil, Brandy in cases, Tempered Lime, Segars &c.
Demerary, May 11th 1805. Charles
Treadwell, Jr.
The Subscriber requests all those who
have Demands against him to come forward for Payment, before the 20th of June
next: and all those Indebted are requested to call and settle with him; as he
intends leaving this Colony by that time.
Demerary, May 11th 1805. John Love
at the Plantation Repenter. [heading]
Demerary, 11th May 1805.
By dezen Informeeren alle myne vrienden
en bekende, als dat myn teerdergelleide Egtgenoot het tydelyk met 't Eeuwige
heest [illegible]sfeld op den 3de deezer maand s' middags klokken twee Uuren.
[illegible] den ouderdom van agtentwintig Jaaren, na twee drie daagen
onpasselykheid, my nalaatende een Docthterje. verzoekende van Rouwbeklag
verschoond te byven.
Demerary den 11de Mey 1805. H. Mutz.
Absented from the Subscriber, a Negro
Woman named Nanny Yard. Who ever will apprehend and lodge her in the Barracks,
shall receive One Joe reward; all Masters of Vessels are warned not to take her
off the Colony, and all Persons from harbouring her, as the Law will be enforced
against such offenders.
Demerary, May 11th 1805. Elizabeth
List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from
the 4th of the 11th May 1805.
May 4. Ship Active, Capt. Joseph
Silcock, from Bristol.
May 4. Brig Salerno, Capt. Wm. Stevens,
from Liverpool.
May 6. Schr. Favorite, Capt. N. B.
Darrell, from Barbados.
May 6. Brig Little John, Capt. Wm.
Adams, from Savannah.
May 9. Brig Fedelity, Capt. Sam
Jinkins, from Portsmouth.
May 10. Schr. Louisiana, Capt. Nehemiah
Lovell, from Boston.
May 10. Brig Active, Capt. Noah Bennet,
from Gloucester.
May 10. Schr. Richard, Capt. John
M'Gowty, from New London.
May 11. Ship Sarah, Capt. John M'Clure,
from Africa.
May 6. Ship favorite, Capt. F. Holman,
for London.
May 6. Ship Tarleton, Capt. Jos. H.
Stoddard, for Liverpool.
May 8. Schr. Favorite, Capt. N. B.
Darrell, for Barbados.
May 9. Ship Tyson, Capt. Geo. Henson,
for Liverpool.
May 9. Snow Leveathan, Capt. Jno.
Jackson, for London.
May 9. Ship george, Capt. C. I
Puddicombe, for London.
May 9. Ship Rosetta, Capt. Wm.
Marshall, for Bristol.
May 9. Brig Brothers, Capt. Geo.
Ravely, for Liverpool.
May 9. Ship Swift, Capt. Wm. Mithalson,
for Bristol.
May 10. Ship Isabella, Capt. Wm. Barr,
for London.
May 10. Schooner Swallow, Capt Allane
Cameron, for Quebeck.
May 10. Ship Orion, Capt. Robt. Ross,
for London.
May 10. Ship Princess Royal, Capt. Ths.
New, for London.
May 10. Sch. Fish Hawk, Capt. Robert
Tarr, for Cape Ann.
May 10. Ship Little John, Capt. John
Later, for London.
May 10. Ship Mary, Capt. F. Ekeroth,
for London.
May 11. Ship Wentworth, Capt. Robert
Gardner, for Liverpool.
May 11. Ship Fame, Capt. John Brand, for
May 11. Ship Allison, Capt. John
Marman, for London.
May 11. Brig Clarence, Capt. James Grieve,
for Liverpool.
May 11. Ship Industry, Capt. Kennith
M'Askill, for London.
May 11. Brig Eliza, Capt. A. Z. de
Munnick, for London.
May 11. Ship Commerce, Capt. James
Woodstock, for Liverpool.
May 11. Ship Minerva, Capt Wm. Browne,
for Liverpool.
May 11. Brig Constanc, Capt. John
Woolrich, for Liverpool.
of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, on this 9th day of May 1805,
the Stocks of Demerary.
der op heden den 9de Mey 1805, zig in Arrest bevindende
Slaaven, in Rio Demerary.
By whom brought.
Pittman Pl. Cotage in Berb.
Gerechts Dienaars.
Jan Jacobus.
Van den Broek, in Berbice.
John Ashly.
Sandiford in Essequebo.
Mac Donal.
Order Fiscaal.
Hatfield en Morrow.
R. Douglas, in Berbice.
Ridly en Dodson.
Mac Pharson.
Neeger Henry.
Smith in Berbice.
D. Munroy.
King, in Berbice.
Paadevoorth. [sic]
Gerechts Dienaars.
Capt. Faulkner.
M. Spooner.
G. Cammel, op de Rivier.
Lau, Lands Neger.
Van de Colonie Berbice.
Drossaart. in de Barraks.
Mars of David.
Niet bekend.
Pl. Klein Diamont.
Mackerry. [or Machenry]
Ms. [sic] Selby, in Mahaica.
Zelf aangegeeven.
And a few New Negroes, the names of
their Owners unknown.
Voorts eenige Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men
de naamen der Eygenaaren niet kan ontwaaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart
Lyst der begraavene op het Colonie
Kerkhoff van den 3de tot den 9de Mey 1805.
Den 4de Mary Roach, geweezen Huisvrouw
van Mut, gebooren in Barbados, 28 Jaar oud.
Den 3de. Een Matroos van de Brik
Clarence, genaamd Thomas Backer, van Engeland, 25 Jaar oud.
Den 5. Een Matroos van de Brik Elyza,
gen. Frederick Molli[illegible] van Zweeden, 24 Jaar oud.
Den 6 Een Matroos van het Schip
Isabella, gen. Andr. Samu[illegible] Rachizin, van Ragus, 34 Jaar oud.
Den 6. Een Matroos van he Brik
Clarence, gen. Rich. Sanders van Liverpool, 13 Jaar oud.
Den 6. Een Matroos van de Brik Eliza,
genamd John Marc[?] van Engeland, 12 Jaar oud.
Den 7. Een Matroos van het Schip Elbe,
gen. Samuel Revil[?] van Engeland, 30 Jaar oud.
Den 9. Een Matroos van het Schip
William, gen. Thomas Furne[?] van Engeland, 30 Jaar oud.
L. F. Schriebvogel, Pr. Gd:
Published and Printed by E. J. Henery,