Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 August 03


Ao. 1805 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 136.

Saturday, the 3d of August.

By His Excellency Anthony Beaujon Esquire, Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary with their Dependencies, &c. &C. &c. - and the Honble: Court of Policy of the said Colonies;
To all to whose these Presents may come, Greeting! be it known:
That We have resolved to cause several improvements to be made in the Town of Stabroek, as well with a view of having the front and side Dams of said Town brought into better order, as of paving the Middle and Cross Street, or at least covering them with broken bricks, gravel &c. and also to have the Canal on the North side of the said town cleaned and dug out, in order to facilitate the drainage thereof
That having further taken into consideration the bad state of the Public roads in the Vicinity of Stabroek, during the Rainy Seasons, and the general inconvenience thereby occasioned, We have also resolved to cause the said Public roads from the Port to the Penitence Estate, situate on the East Bank of this River to be repaired in a durable manner by having them also Paved or covered with Gravel or Broken Bricks; for which several purposes we have nominated a Committee in order to carry into effect the abovementioned repairs and ameliorations, as well in the Town of Stabroek as in its Precincts abovementioned; consisting of The Honble: F. P. Van Berckel Esqr and the Honble: Thomas Cuming Esqr. Members of this Court; who are authorised to make the necessary arrangements in this behalf, and to superintend the said Works until their final completion.
And Whereas We have further considered that while the Colony has taken upon itself the effecting of the aforementioned improvements, it is just that those who will experience in a more immediate manner the benefit arising from the same, should contribute to the better defraying of the expences they must be attended with
We have therefore resolved, in the first place with respect to the Town of Stabroek, that in order to assist in defraying these extraordinary expences, all Proprietors of Houses and Lotts (either whole or part Lotts) situate in that Town, except the Lotts on which the Public Buildings are situated, and those lotts which have not as yet been granted, shall Pay an extraordinary Contribution of three per Cent on the value of such Buildings and Lotts, agreeable to an Evaluation or Appraisement to be made thereof by four Persons authorised for that purpose by this court and herein after named, to whom it has been particularly recommended to attend, in conformity to what taxes place in the levying of the customary Concession Taxes, to the difference in value between Lotts situate in the back part of Stabroek and those in the Front part of the said town. - And we have nominated and authorised for the abovementioned purpose of Taxing and estimating the said Lotts and Houses in Stabroek, the following Persons, who are thereto authorised by these Presents, viz: Messrs: Hugo Cantzlaar Jz, C. D. Forrester and the master Carpenters Atkins and Arthur; who are to proceed to the said Evaluation with all possible sped, and after finishing the same, to give in to the Receiver of the Town Chest a Report or Statement signed by them, specifying the Amount each Lott and the Buildings thereon, have been Appraised at, and the Amount of the Tax to be consequently Paid by each Proprietor; after which all those whom it shall concern will be called upon by an Advertisement in the Gazette, (which Advertisement is also to be affixed and sent round) to apply to the said receiver in order to be informed of the amount to be Paid by such Proprietors respectively in the Said Tax of three per cent as aforesaid, and to Pay the same into his hands, viz: the One half within Three Months after the Date of such Advertisement, and the other half within Three Months after the day the first instalment shall have become due, of pain that if those Proprietors of Lotts and Premises as aforesaid, shall be deficient in the abovementioned Payments at the times they become due, the said Lotts and the Buildings thereon, shall be Publicly Sold by the said Receiver of the Town Chest, after three Advertisements in the Gazette, from eight to eight Days, in order that the Amount of the said Tax may be recovered out of the Proceeds thereof.
And Secondly it is ordered, with respect to the repairs and ameliorations intended to be made to the Public Roads in the Precincts of the Town of Stabroek, from the Fort to the Penitence Estate, that, in order to bear an adequate share in the expences of such repairs and ameliorations and independent of the Contributions to be Paid, agreeable to the Regulations made in this behalf, by the Proprietors or Representatives of the Repentir, Werk & Rust and Vlissingen Estates, each Proprietor of a Lott, (either a whole Lott or a part of a Lott) on the front lands of the Le Repentir, Werk & Rust and Vlissingen Estates, and also on the front lands of the late La Bourgade Estate, commonly called Cumingsburg, and Eve Leary (with the exception also of the lotts on which Public Buildings are placed or otherwise appropriated to Public purposes) shall Pay a Contribution or Tax of one and a half per Cent of the Value of his Lott and the Buildings thereon erected, agreeable to an Evaluation to be made by Appraisers to be appointed by us; - and we have authorised for the purpose of such Evaluation and Appraisement the following Persons, Viz: -
For the Front Lands of the Plantation Le Repentir and Werk & Rust. Messrs: C. M. Overweg, Wm. McBean, - Cline and - Duncan.
For the Front Lands of Vlissingen estate, Messrs: G. J. Goppy, J. Bruce, H. Wilson and N. Morehouse.
For Cumingsburg and the Front Lands of the late Eve Leary Estate, Messrs: S. Mourant, - Clementson, Roderick Young and - Hassock.
Which Appraisers are to proceed immediately to the Appraisement of the Lotts and Buildings on the aforementioned Front Land, and to give in Returns thereof, signed by them, in the same manner as has been herein before directed with respect to the Town of Stabroek, to the receiver of the Colony Chest; when all those whom it shall concern, shall likewise be called upon by Advertisement in the Gazette, (which Advertisement is also to be affixed and sent round) to attend at his Office in order to be informed of the amount of the Tax of one and a half per cent to be Paid by each of them respectively, and to Pay the same [small blank] These Payments to be made within the space of Two Months after the date of such Advertisement, on the same Penalty, to be incurred by those who shall be found deficient, as has been provided with respect to the Town of Stabroek.
And that no ignorance hereof may be pretended, these Presents shall be Published and affixed as customary.
Thus done and enacted at Our Ordinary Session at the Court-House in the Town of Stabroek in Demerary, this 30th of July 1805, and Published on the 3d day of August following.
Anthony Beaujon.
By Command of the court,
P. F. Tinne, D: Secty.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzo den Heer Jan Hendrik van Cooten, Meerderjaarig Jongman, Gebooren te Willinge Langerak in de Proventie Utrecht, ter Eenre. - En Elizabeth Simpson, Minderjaarige Jonge Dochter, gebooren hinnen deeze Colonie, geadsisteerd met haar Moeder Elizabeth Francina van der Hoff [name changes to van der Staff in the next issue], ter andere zyde. Van voorneemens zyn met elkander den Wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan zoo als dezelve ook reeds op den 24 deezer voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edle Achtb: Hove van Justitie alhier in Ondertrouw zyn Opgenoomen. Zoo word zulks mit deezen aan elk en een iegelyk bekend gemaakt ten einde die geenen welke vermennen zich teegens dit voor genoomen Huwelyk te kunnen Opponeeren zulks in tyds te doen daar waar en zoo 't behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 30de July 1805.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, gezw. Clercq.


To Be Sold by Public Vendue, on Friday the 16th instant, by order of Jas. Withers & John Benning Esqrs. at their House in Bridge-Town: - Elegant pier glasses in border'd and gilted frames, beef in barrels, rounds of do in kegs, Gentlemens superfine hatts, Negro cloathing, gun powder and other teas in chests, quarter chests and canesters, checks, slops, boots and shoes, fancy silk handkerchiefs, pocket do, telescopes, silk and cotton stockings, gilt, writing and letter paper, elegant writing desks, tea trays, bread do, razors, penknives and a general assortment of cutlery, table cloths, gilt and plated buttons, bridles, shott bags, game netts, curry combs, ink, blacking, bolts, Bristol tripe in jars and kegs, snuff boxes, patent wine cocks, snuffers and stands, mustard, pocket books, ready-made coats, waistcoats &c, dressing tables, elegant bedsteads with mattrasses, bolsters &c. ivory handled knives and forks, pistols &c. &c. &c
3d August 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 2d of September next, will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order of A. Shanks Esqr, Executor to the late Donald Cameron, at his house at the Ferry of Mahaica; about 20 seasoned Negroes, most of them Carpenters and Wood-Cutters, house Boys a Girl and washer woman; furniture, plate, &c. &c.
On the same day will be exposed for sale, (if not disposed off by that time) from 30 to 40 seasoned Negroes.
3d August 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Friday the 6th of September will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order of Dr. A. Baum at his House on Werk & Rust: - A large assortment of fresh Medicines lately imported from England, house furniture, a Clock, watches, a chaise, an excellent chaise and riding horse, several house Negroes and other articles. On the same day precisely at 2 o'Clock, if not disposed off by private sale, the following Buildings viz: the Concession No. 2 on Werk & Rust, called Washington Lot, on front of the said Concession a house three storie high, 30 feet by 18, with kitchen, Negro houses &c. On the other end of the Concession, a convenient house 40 feet by 20, with side buildings 40 feet by 15, horse stable and garden. On the water Lot, leading to the said Concession, a new Stelling 94 feet in length and 27 feet wide, on which is Erected a House 40 feet by 16, a kitchen &c. whole of the Buildings of Colony wood and in good repair, being an Eligible situation and well worth the attention of an American merchant.
3d August 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


The Purchase of the Subscriber's House and Stock in Trade Advertised by Mr. Jas. Robertson in the Gazette of the 20th of last Month, having met with some little obstacles, in consequence of which the Bargain has been declined, the said House and Stock in Trade, are still offered for Sale. An approved Purchaser will meet with with [sic] liberal terms, but no Possession will be given without a punctual Payment of what shall be Stipulated to be Paid in hand.
The Business will be conducted at his house in the same line as heretofore; He will be thankful to his Friends for their further Custom, and as he is wishful of closing his Mercantile Business, the Goods will be Sold at reasonable Prices on three Months Credit.
Werk & Rust, 3d August 1805. Jos. Ward.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Subscriber who is the Acting Attorney in these Colonies for the late firms of Peter Nisbet & Co., and Nicholas [sic] Osborn & Co, hereby gives Notice that Mr. R. B. Knight has not been Employed by him, since the 1st of March last; and that Mr. D. Stewart is now assisting him in said Business.
Demerary, 3d August 1805. James Bruce, q.q.

Just Imported in the Brig Hitty, Capt. Walker, and for Sale by the Subscribers at their Store: - Fish, Lumber, white and red oak shooks, R. O. Staves, clapboards, wood hoops, soap, tar, turpentine, American axes and a few small Boats.
Demerary, 3d August 1805. Goppy & Reid.

PLANTAINS. [heading]
Any Quantity of Plantains may be had, or will be delivered on Board of any Vessel in Demerary River, at the rate of 8 Stivers pr. bunch. The Proprietor will engage to supply at the above Price from one to six Months: - Apply to the Printer.
Stabroek, 3d August 1805.

For Sale: - On Plantation Potosie, any Quantity of Corn at three Dollars pr. thousand, to be delivered at the Estate, or four Dollars to be delivered in Stabroek. Also any Quantity of Plantains at 6 stiver pr bunch to be delivered at the Estate, for Cash, or 8 stivers to be Paid in three months.
Demerary, 3d August 1805. R. Harding.

Picked-Up, at Plantation Goed Fortuin, two Punts, where the Proprietors by applying and paying the Expences can have them back.
Demerary, 3d August 1805.

NOTICE [heading]
The Executors of the late Mr. John Scott, Watch-Maker, requests all those who have their Watches in his hands to call for the same at the House of Doctor David Bosquet.
Demerary, 3d August 1805.

Den Ondergetekende geest aan het Publiek en zyn Vrienden bekende, dat by wederom geretourneerd is van Essequebo, en zyn Werk als HORLOGIE MAAKER wederom zal Continueeren ten Huis van de Heer H. H. Schaapers.
Rio Demerary den 3 Augustus 1805. Wm. Bilsteen.

Alle de Geene die Een Dood-Kist heest van Doen, het sey voor Groote of voor Scheeplieden, of voor Slaafe feyn te bekoomen op de Voorgrond van Plantagie Werk & Rust, voor een Civiele Prys by
Demerary den 3 Augustus 1805. J. Claasz.

List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from the 27th July to the 2d of August 1805.

1st Aug. Brig Hitty,. Capt. Seth. Walker, from Portsmouth.

30th July Brig Mary, Capt. G. P. Frost, for Portsmouth.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, on this 1st day of August 1805,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 1 August 1805, zig in Arrest bevindende

Weglopper Slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.





John Ashly.

Pionier Baas.


Sandiford in Essquebo.

Mac Donal.



Mac Pharson.


Simon Fraser, in Berb.



Colonie Berbice.


Jacob, Mulat.

Cooper, q.q.

Kent en Leslie.



J. Samson.



Order Fiscaal.


Elizabeth Hall.

John Burtly.


Capt. Bonjies.

Plantagie Success.

Jack Tom.

Mc Leod q.q.




John Lucke.



Mc Nile van Abary.


Head Colt.

Breda, Pl. Roomen.



Megrove Pl. Dakfour.

And 5 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts 5 Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaaren niet kan ontwaaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.



Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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