Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 August 10


Ao. 1805 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 137.

Saturday, the 10th of August.

The Public road from the Fort to Plantation La Penitence being intended to be made up in a sufficient manner, by having them properly formed and covered with broken Bricks or Rubbish; any Person inclined to undertake the same, or any part thereof, are requested to give in their Proposals for each Rod [sic] on an early day at the Fiscaal's Office in Cumingsburg, or to Thomas Cuming Esqr. at the Kitty Estate.
N.B: A small portion of the Road will be made near Mr. Van Berckel's House to shew how the Work is required to be done.
Demerary, 10th August 1805.

DEMERARY. [heading]
At a Meeting of Gentlemen of this Colony held at the Union Coffee-House in Stabroek, for the purpose of taking into Consideration the Means of Establishing an Hospital for the reception of Sick Seamen from the Merchant Vessels in this River.
Thomas Cuming Esquire, in the Chair.
It was Resolved, that the following Gentlemen be appointed a Committee (of whom any three to be a Quorum) for the Purpose of investigating the Probability of Procuring a sufficient Fund to carry this Establishment into Execution, for Advertising and Promoting Subscriptions thereto, and for treating on the best and most reasonable Terms in their Power for the Buildings necessary, either by Rent or Purchase, and that they Report their Progress therein to a general meeting of the subscribers, to be held at the Union Coffee-House, on Saturday the 24th day of August, when the Gentlemen are earnestly requested to attend, to carry into Effect the Measures proposed for forwarding this institution:
THOMAS CUMING Esquire, Chairman
[first column]
Jos: Beete.
Jas. Ogle.
John Jackson.
H. I. Underwood.
H. Tulloh.
J. C. McLeod.
[second column]
Alfred Littledale.
Danl. Telford.
Adam Smith.
Wm. Gordon.
John Waddell.
C. H. Lloyd, Esquires.
[end columns]
That the thanks of this meeting be offered to the Chairman for his strenuous Endeavours to Promote the Interests of this laudable Institution.
The Gentlemen of the Committee most earnestly solicit the Assistance of every Gentlemen interested in this colony, as well as in the Cause of Humanity, in founding and supporting an institution, which under Providence, may be a means of saving the Lives of many invaluable Seamen, which they have the Misfortune to see are lost Annually to their Country by Fever and by the impossibility of giving them on Ship board such Assistance and Attendance as their Cases loudly call for; and they have the Pleasure to announce that there are already a considerable number of Subscribers, a list of whose Names shall appear in a future Paper.
August 10th 1805.

The Gentlemen of the Committee for carrying into Execution of the Establishment of an Hospital for the reception of Seamen from the Merchant Vessels in this River, give Notice that they are ready to meet for the Hire or Purchase of such Buildings as may be necessary for their Purpose. - Any Person who may have large Buildings in good Repair to Hire or Dispose off will please to send their Proposals, sealed up and addressed to the Committee at the Union Coffee House, which will be opened and replied to as soon as possible.
Demerary, 10th August 1805.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzo de naavolgende Persoonen van Voornemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan, vals: - Harmanus Visser, Meerderjaarig Jongman, gebooren te Amsterdam, ter Eenre, en Johanna Francina Brouwer, Weduwe van wylen Meauville, gebooren binnen deeze Colonie ter andere zyde.
John Lowe Meerderjaarig Jongman, gebooren te Tobago, ter Eenre en Anna Francina Brouwer Minderjaar [sic] jonge Dochter geadsisteerd met een Scriftelyk Consent van haar Vader Abraham Brouwer, ter andere zyde. EN
John Crawford, Med. Doctor, Meerderjaarig Jongman, gebooren te Barbados, ter Eenre, en Catharina Jacoba Van Der Markt, Minderjaarig jonge Dochter, gebooren binnen deeze Colonie, geadsisteerd met haar Moeder de Weduwe Van Der Markt ter andere zyde. Zoo als dezelve Respectivelyk op den 5 en 6de Augustus I. L. voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Crimineele en Civile Justitie deezer Rivier, in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen.
Zo werd een ieder daarvan by deeze geadverteerd, ten eind de geenen die zig daar teegens vermeenen te kunnen opposeeren, zulks in tyds te doen daar en zoo 't behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary deezen 8e Augustus 1805.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, gez. Clercq.


Vermogens Authorisatie Vervat by Appoinctement van Zyne Excellentie Heere Gouverneur, de dato 12 July deezes Jaars. Worden ter instantie van John Reed en Rt. Stephenson, in qualiteit als Executeurs ten Boedel en Nalatenschap Wylen Elizabeth Mackenna, Voor de Eerste maal by Edicte GEDAGVAARD!
Alle Bekende en Onbekende Crediteuren van denzelve Boedel, Ommete Compareeren voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, teegens den Zestiende September Eerstkoomende en volgende Daagen.
Ten Einde op te geeven hunne Pretentien en te dienen van derzelver gesustineerds Sub poeno als haar Rechten.
Rio Demerary den 8e Augustus 1805. F. P. Francken, Expr.

Vermogens Extract Notul de dato 15e October 1804 hier orenstaande Word Robert Watleworth, ter Requesitie van Mr. F. P. Van Berckel, Raad Fiscaal, (R. O.) Ten Vierdemaale Exsuperabundantie by Edict GEDAGVAARD!
Omme te Compareeren voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, Zittende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, teegens den Zestiende September Eerstkoomende en volgende Daagen.
Ten Einde den Heer Eisscher (R.O.) te zien dienen van deszelfs Intedith met de Verificatoiren daar toe Specteerende en Sententie te hooren Pronuntieeren Cum Expensis.
Rio Demerary den 8e Augustus 1805. F. P. Francken, Expr.


On Monday and Tuesday the 19th and 20th Instant, will be exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, by order of O. J. Laurin Esqr, at his Store on Werk & Rust at 3 Months Credit, the following articles viz: - An elegant plated tea and coffee set, Jewelry, elegant looking glasses, corded dimity, embroider'd muslins, cotton cambrick, printed calicoes, ginghams, striped cottons, chints, Irish linen, pocket handkerchiefs, Madrass do, colour'd genet, flannel, broad cloth, table cloths and napkins, silks, lace, Ladies veils, do bonnetts, do silk gloves and mitts, Men's and women's silk and cotton hose, Gentlemens gloves, white thread, great coats of waxed silk, Ladies straw bonnetts, Men's and Women's silk and beaver hatts, ladies parasols, umbrellas, Ladies shoes, boots, salempores, checks and oznabrug shirts, Negro blankets, Sadlary, China table and tea setts, glass ware, perfumery, spices of all kinds, tea, loaf sugar, almonds, currants, pickles, mustard, sallad oil, wax candles, barley in kegs and barrels, tobacco in barrels, twine and fishing lines, brown Earthen ware, gin and brandy in cases, claret, and a variety of other articles too tedious to enumerate.
Also, Capilair, orgeat, sirrup-vinegar, raspberry jam, Scotch mar malet [sic], rock sugar, banquets in cannistars, and a very good Cook, a chaise and Horse, Negroes, &c. &c.
August 10th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


The Vendue of Benning & Withers advertised for the 16th Instant, is Postponed till a future Notice.
August 10th 1805. Brereton & Kingston

Absented this morning from Plantation Industry, Courabano, a Negro man named Loveless of the Mondingo Nation, about 5 feet 8 inches high, stout made; marked on his Breast A L - Whoever apprehends said Negro, and giving information thereof, or lodging him in the Barrack shall be rewarded.
The Negro Man Zondag and the Negro Woman Veronica, Advertised in the Gazette in the Month of June last, not being yet found, the Subscriber offers to any Person who may apprehend and deliver them, a reward of Ten Johannes for the Man, and Five Johannes for the Woman, who has been seen on the Pln. Zorg en Hoop and in that Neighberhood [sic], and is strongly suspected of being harboured by some Negroes of that Estate.
Demerary, 7th August 1805. Jos: Ward.

The Subscribers are respectfully informed the next Performance will take place on Saturday next, the 17th Instant, at the Great Room on Plantation Vlissengen.
ACT 1st.
Grand Overture. Hayden.
Sonata Piano Forte. Mr. De Veer.
with Accompaniment for Violin. - Pleyel.
Quartello - Flute, Violin, Alto and Bass.
ACT 2d.
A new Battle Piece for full Orchestra.
Composed by Captain Von Firks.
And other favourite Compositions from select Authors.
Demerary, 10th August 1805.

NOTICE. [heading]
All Persons who have any Claim against the Estate of the decd. Mr. Bartholomew Musson, are requested to furnish States thereof, within one Month from this date to.
Kitty, 10th August 1805. Thos. Cuming, Executor.

NOTICE. [heading]
In Consequence of the Subscriber's intending to adopt a Partner, and close his present Business, as soon as possible, he begs all those who have demands against him, to render their Accounts, due or not due, and they will receive immediate Payment: - And all those indebted to him, are particularly requested, to settle their Accounts before the 10th of September next; as they must then be put into the hands of an Attorney at Law, if not settled.
He offers for Sale, at reduced prices for Cash, or Produce: - Choice Madeira in pipes, quarter casks and bottles, claret in hogsheads and bottles, Port wine in bottles, French brandy in kegs, Holland's gin in kegs, East-India and Guinea rice, table salt, teas and spices, coffee and cotton bagging, powder and shott, paints, ready made clothes, a general assortment of glass and Queen's ware; also a few Negroes accustomed to working on board of Ship, House Boys, &c. &c.
Demerary, 10th August 1805. Thomas Finlayson.

For Sale: - two Schooner Rigged Boats; one 38 Feet Keel and 14 feet Beam, the other 34 feet Keel and 11 and a half feet Beam, with Sails &c. Compleat. - Apply to the Printer.
N.B: To accommodate a Purchaser a Boat Captain and two Sailor Negroes will be Sold with each Boat.
Demerary, 10th August 1805.

To Be Lett: - A Convenient Dwelling House, out houses &c on the front of Plantation Werk & Rust, near the South Canall of Stabroek, in an Eligible situation for Merchantile Business. - Enquire of the Printer, or to
Demerary, 10th August 1805. J. F. Meyer.

The Copartnership of Yearwood & Oldfield being Dissolved, by the Death of Mr. Oldfield, the Black Smith, Copper Smith and Plumming [sic] Business; also the Farriers Business, will in future be carried on under the Firm of R. F. Yearwood & Co. in all its Branches; they will be thankfull to their Friends and the Public in general for their favors.
R. F. Yearwood & Co.
N. B: Gentlemen who formerly engaged their Horses to be shod by the Year can go on from this date as usual.
Demerary, 10th August 1805.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Subscriber desires that no Goods may be delivered to any Person, either on Account of the Black Smith Shop, or private Account, without a written order from himself.
Demerary, 10th August 1805 Rd. F. Yearwood.

Also den Ondergeteekende van voorneemens is, zyne Zaaken tot liquiditeit te brengen, en veele zyner Debiteuren hem voor Klyne Somma, aanhoudend vrugteloos laaten loopen, en telken reise teleur stellen, vind by sig verpligt, door deese Advertentie alle die geene welke hem op die wyze schuldig zyn te versocken, om syne [or fyne] Pretentien te voldoen, hun Waarschuwende, dat by de Klyne onvoldaan Pretentien voor de eers komende Commissary in handen van een Practesyn zal geeven, om deselve naar de wette te incasseeren.
De Ondergeteekende Presenteerd te Koop; Hollandsche houweel en spykers, henesels schoen en hoeden, en beste Madeira Wyn &c.
Demerary, 10 Augustus 1805. E. C. Eli.

An Excellent Cook and Waiting Boy for Sale; - Apply to.
T. Quiding.
Demerary, 10th August 1805.

Op den 11 Augustus dezes is de Firma van Schaapers & Co. gedissolveerd, dier halve alle die geenen, die van gem: Firma iets te Prentendeeren hebben, werden verzogt hunne Pretentien in te leveeren ten Huyze van de Ondergeteekendens binnen de tyd van 14 daagen na dato hunnende direct over hunne betaling desponeere, hoo[?]e het zelve Reciproque Beantwoord te zien door de Debiteuren aan gemelde Firma, van by de Eerste aanmaaning hunne Betaling te presteeren. Zullende anders verplicht zyn (hoe ongaarne) de Pretentien overtegeeven aan den Heer N. Rousselet, P.C. omer voor te Dagvaarden.
H. H. Schaapers.
Demerary den 10 Augustus 1805. T. Quiding.

Runaway from the Subscriber, a Negro Woman Phillis; Whoever will lodge her in the Barracks, or bring her to his House on Werk & Rust shall be handsomely rewarded.
Demerary, 10th August 1805. J. Bischoff

The following Address has been Presented to His Honor Lt. Col. Nicholson, by the Planters and Merchants of these Colonies:
Demerary, 10th June 1805.
We, the Subscribing Planters and Merchants of the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, impressed with a sense of the impartiality, Propriety and mildness which have uniformly characterized [sic] your Conduct while exercising the offices of civil governor and Military Commandant in these Colonies, beg leave, previous to your Departure, to express to you the sentiments of respect and esteem, with which such honorable Conduct could not fail to inspire us.
Your general system has convinced us, that the choice made by the Commander in Chief [sic], at the moment of these valuable Colonies reverting to His Majesty's Authority in appointing you to preside over them, was in the highest Degree judicious: - And we can with truth assure you, that we will not soon forget the ready attention to every application where the Interests or Comforts of the Inhabitants were concern, which we invariably experienced from you, nor the sense of Security justly excited in our minds from the respectable state in which the Garrisons under your Command have been kept.
Permit us to request that you will accept as a small mark of the Sincerity of the sentiments we have expressed, of a Sword of the Value of Five Hundred Guineas, and that you will believe us to be,
with much respect,
Your very faithful Friends
and Servants,
Lieut-Colonel Nicholson,
Royals, &c. &c.
[first column]
Joseph Beete.
George Crafts.
William Heathcote.
Richard Clements.
John Jackson.
Tully Higgins.
Daniel Telford.
C. D. Forrester.
Adam Smith.
Thomas Naghten.
Henry Tulloh.
Robert Kingston.
Thomas Fitzgerald.
William King.
David Armstrong.
H. I. Underwood.
Alexr. Fullerton.
James Grant.
John Fullerton.
Richard Nugent.
Joseph Ried [sic].
John Corbet.
Henry Clementson.
Robert Patterson.
Stephen Mourant.
William Brereton.
Thomas Mc. Kenzie.
Thomas Frankland.
John Fraser.
Robert Younghusband.
Edward Birmingham.
John Hubbard.
Moses Buchanan.
Joseph Mc. Donald.
[second column]
Francis Wright.
James Reid.
Charles S. Parker.
Alexr. Mc. Lean.
James Pemberton.
S. O. Nurse.
H. Barnwell.
C. Douglas.
William Tubman.
James Northy.
Edward Terrell.
Henry Hutson.
Gilbert Robertson.
John Douglas.
Richard Wells.
William Robertson.
Thomas Barker.
P. Clements.
John Mc. Garel.
George Whitfield.
William Mc. Bean.
T. Delisle.
John Shipley.
I. P. Jennings.
A. Osborne.
William Brummell.
Charles Bean.
H. M. Bunbury.
William Ord.
Archd. Iver.
Thomas Cathrey.
Robert Ridley.
Hugh Fraser.
I. Wade.
N. B.: Various Signatures remain to be added, when the different Copies Come to hand.
Col. Nicholson's Answer to the above will appear in our next.

List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from the 3d to the 10th of August 1805

6th Schooner Ceres, Captain R. Dennis, from Barbados.
7th Sloop Susana, Capt. Henry Davis, from St. Vincent.
9th Brig Portpilier [Montpelier], Capt. Tibbets, from Boston.

3d Brig First Attempt, Capt. A. Anderson, for Boston.

[List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves – no photocopy made for transcription]

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.



Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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