Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 August 17 | ||||
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A Petition having been presented on the
10th of August last to the Honble: Court of Justice of this Colony, by Messrs:
I. S. Masse and H. Hoola Van Nooten Junr. as Acting Executors to the Estate of
the deceased G. H. Trotz Esqr. Praying the Court's Sanction on a Contract
provisionally entered into by them with C. M. Overweg, for the Sale to the
latter of the Plantation Vive La Force belonging to the said Estate, - and the
Court having thought proper, previous to their taking any determination on the
Prayer of that Petition, to hear thereon the respective Creditors of the Estate
of the said G. H. Trotz Esq. deceased; BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]
Alzoo de Heeren T. T. Barret [sic] en
Levy Eliazer, van voornemens zyn binnen den tyd van Veertien Daagen van hier te
Vertrekken, zo word zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen,
welke iets van hun te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne
Pretensien koomen ontvangen, of hunne Schulden betaalen ter hunner Domicilium. BEKENDMAAKINGEN van 't EXPLOITEURS COMPTOIR. [heading]
Krachtens Auctorisatien van Zyn
Excellentie den Heere Anthony Beaujon, Gouverneur mitsgader President in alle
de Collegien, &c. &c. &c. Wordt mits dezen bekend gemaakt, dat op
den tweede September aanstaande, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen
ten Radhuize op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek zal Verkogt worden, ten behoeven van
Wm. Brown, triumphant, en Executant; - Drie Stuks Neegers genaamt Gibralter,
Weaney, Hatty of Hardy, op en de jeegens R. Barnes, gedaagde en Geexecuteerde -
Alsmeede op Dingsdag den Derde September, ten behoeven van T. Dunbrack, Een
Quart Concessie Lands bekend by No. 43, geleegen op Stabroek, (Noord Dam) met
alle de Gebouwen daaropstaande en een geme[?]selde Steene Reegenback,
aankomende Susanna Savoliani, Wedw: S. Conner, by Sententie gedaagdesse, en nu
Geexecuteerde. PUBLIC AUCTIONS. [heading]
To Be Sold at Public Vendue on Thursday
the 22d Instant, at the Store of Messrs. John Madden & Co. for Account of
the Owners, Underwriters and all concerned; - The Hull of the Condemn'd Ship
Rose, with all her Masts, Anchor and Cable, as she now lays in the River. Also
the Guns, Rigging and Stores of said Ship in Lotts.
On Friday the 30th Instant will be
exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the Vendue Office, a quantity of
dry goods, candles, soap, salt fish, tobacco, Madeira wine, Carpenters tools, a
few milch goats, a 4 oar'd tent Boat, Negroes &c. Also a house frame one
and a half storie, 40 feet by 20, of Green heart and Walaba, with 18 Green
Heart supporters 9 feet long and 12 Inches square, as it now lays on the
Premises of Mr. I. De Rooy, Lott No. 161 in Cumingsburg.
On Wednesday the 4th of September next,
will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order of Jos. Ward Esqr. At
his store on Werk & Rust, Payable on the 1st November: - A compleat
assortment of Jewelry, Ladies dresses and dress caps of the newest Fashion,
Ladies fashionable straw bonnets, patent silk and beaver hats, laced muslin,
jackonet, plaint, sprig and black ditto, white and coloured cotton cambrick,
coloured silks, sewing ditto, white and pink persian, gawze and lace, silk Veils
and cotton fringe and trimming, silk and silver cords and tossles [sic], silver
fringe and lace, muslin and silk shawls, pocket handkerchiefs, white thread,
Ladies long and short silk and leather gloves, glove knots, silk and satin
ribbon, pins, silver wreaths and feathers, ostrige do, artificial flowers,
Ladies combs, pocket books & fans, silk purses, Ladies shoes and shoe roses
and silk stockings, corded dimity, gingham, printed calicoes, furniture chints,
mourning cotton prints, crape and bombazeen, Gentlemens white and black silk
stockings, cotton ditto, cotton and silk pantaloons, silk and cotton braces,
white and yellow nankeen, blue, white and green kersimere, waistcoat patterns,
coloured cotton velvits, coloured janes, cockades, silver and gold apulets,
sword knots, Childrens hats and shoes, Mens boots and shoes, shoe brushes and
blacking balls, coat brushes, fine pullicat handkerchiefs, snuff do, dowlas,
check, check shirts, oznabrugs trowsers, brown thread, blue jackets and
trowsers, Negro hats, sewing twine, cotton bagging, saddles and bridles, horse
whips, chaise do, chaise and harness portmantues [sic] and umbrellas, cups and
saucers, china tea services, tea trays, table mats, mother of pearl salt and
egg spoons, fish and counter liquor stands and bottles, ditto swing looking
glasses, different scent waters, smelling salts, wash balls, windsor soap,
shaving boxes and brushes, and an assortment of glass and tin ware, stationary,
spices, black pepper, hyson and green tea, cherry and rasberry brandy,
Holland's and Cologna gin, brandy, port wine of the very best quality, corks,
an assortment of nails, hinges and bolts, hand saws, do files, gimlets and
augers, chissels and planes, stock, drawer and pad locks, iron pots, grid
Irons, herrings, split pease, rice, barley, grots and perl barley, superfine
flour, corn meal, all colours of paints, do brushes and oil, cordage, hair
brooms, horse brushes, scouring do, white wash do, copper tea kettles,
spermacite and mold candles, glauber salts and an assortment of cutlery, coffin
furniture &c. &c. ADVERTISEMENTS. [heading]
The Undersigned hereby gives Notice to
their Friends and the Public, that they recommend themselves to Gentlemen
inclined to entrust them with the Care of their affairs as Town Agents, who by
Living in the Country find it difficult to come to Town as often as their
Concerns may require; they beg leave to assure those Gentlemen that the
greatest Assiduity and Correctness will be used in attending to Business so
entrusted to them.
Den Ondergetekende Adverteerd by deezen
als dat hem den 8 deezer 'Savonds tusschen 7 en 8 Uuren, Een Bruin Baarje
gestoolen is, uit het Huys van de Widw. Van Breyen met eenige Acceptatien en
Orders van differente Persoonen, versoekt de halve aan een ider die de
bovengemelde Acceptaties of Orders mogten aangaan om niet de Voldoen zonder
kennis te geeven aan de Wedw. Van Breyen of aan den Ondergetekende hebbende
volmaakt om te incasseeren van gem: Wedw. Van Breyen.
OFFICE of ORNDANCE, Demerary 16th August
1805. [heading]
John Madden & Co. have a few Cases
of Excellent London Claret, in Pint and Quart bottles for Sale.
For Sale: - A fine large Schooner Rigged
Colony Boat: - Apply to
NOTICE [heading]
Notice to the Public in general and a
Reward for discovery. [heading]
C. I. A Stakman is admitted by the
Honble: Court of Justice of the Colony of Essequebo as Attorney at Law: - His
Office is at Fort-Island, next to that of C. Remy Esq. Receiver of said Colony.
For Hire: - The whole Lott with the
Buildings thereon, the Property of C. I. A. Stakman Esqr. it is a most Eligible
situation, and the Buildings consisting of Dwelling-House, Store, Kitchen,
Horse-Stable &c. in Excellent Order: - Apply to N. Rousselet in Stabroek.
The Subscriber most urgently solicits
all those who are indebted to him, to come forward with immediate Payment, that
he may be enabled to settle with his own Creditors; he is determined to put all
Accounts unpaid, one Month from this date, into the Hands of a Lawyer to be
sued for.
The Subscriber having taken Mr. John
Ballord in Company, informs the Public in general that they carry on the
Black-Smith, Copper-Smith and Plumming business, at their Shop on the Front
Lands of Plantation Vlissengen. gentlemen wishing to have their Horses Shod by
the Year, or as Occasion may require, will please to address themselves by a
Note to Thos. Fisher & Co.
Alle wel Edele Heeren koenen werke
zaaden doen van Boeken in te binden, Oude of Nieuw zouder goud Werk voor Een
Civilie Prys, op de Voorgrond van Werk en Rust, op Permissie de ik geebe
bekomen. J. N. Hindermyer.
On Wednesday the 21st Instant will be
exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, on the premises of Wm. Heathcote Esqr.
The Hull, Rigging, Sails &c. of the condemn'd Ship Mentor, Capt. Stephens.
Also two hundred Casks of Surinam [illegible- MoMiet?] being part of the cargo
of said Ship.
SSERVICE [heading]
Colonel Nicholson's Answer to the
Address, inserted in our last: [List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves – no photocopy made for transcription] List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from the 10th to the 17th August 1805
CLEARED. Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.
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Created: 23 March 2005 Last modified:
Creator: Wilmer, John Lance
Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten