Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 August 31


Ao. 1805 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 140.

Saturday, the 31st of August.

By His Excellency Anthony Beaujon Esquire, Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary with their Dependencies, President in all Courts and Colleges &c. &c. &c. - and the Honble: Court of Policy of the said Colonies;
Unto all whom these Presents may or shall concern, Greeting" be it known:
Whereas a Petition has been presented to this Court by a number of Proprietors and Attornies of Estates on the West Bank of the River Demerary, from Hobabo Creek to Camoney Creek, praying that the Planters in that District (who hitherto have been allowed to continue the Public Roads on their Estates at the width of Eight Feet fixed by the Ancient Regulations) might be ordered to make up their Roads to the width laid down by the late general Ordinance on Public roads and Bridges enacted in the Year 1796.
Whereas we have taken into our consideration the beneficial consequences which have resulted from the improved state of the Public Roads throughout the Colony and which are now generally acknowledged and ascertained, insomuch that the Petitioners beforementioned have of their own accord requested to be Subjected, in this respect, to the same Regulations with the Planters in the other Districts of the Colony.
We therefore have thought proper to order and enjoin and do hereby order and enjoin accordingly, all and every Proprietors or Representatives of Estates or Lands situate on both sides of the River Demerary, viz: - from Hobabo Creek to the Georgia Estate inclusive, on the West Bank, and from the Garden of Eden Estate to Soestdyk Estate inclusive, on the East Bank, to cause within the time of SIX MONTHS after the present Publication shall have been sent round in the District aforesaid, the Public Roads and Bridges on their respective Estates or Lands, to be made up, viz: - the former to the width of 36 feet (the Parapets included) and the latter to that of 12 feet, Rhynland Measure, and further to complete the same in the first instance and afterwards to keep them up agreeable in all respects to the Regulations laid down by the general Ordinance on Public Roads and Bridges, enacted on the 20th of October 1796 and Published on the 23d of November following, and by the subsequent Amendments of that Act, and subject likewise to the same Penalties as have been fixed by the respective Ordinances aforesaid
And that no ignorance may be pretended of this our Publication, the same shall be Published and sent round to every Estate in the District beforementioned.
Thus resolved in Our Ordinary Assembly held at the Court House in Stabroek, Demerary, the 30th day of July 1805, and Published the 31st of August next following
Anthony Beaujon, Vt.
By Command of the Court,
P. F. Tinne, D: Secty.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

All those who have any Demands against the Estate of the late Mr. F. Allison deceased, and lately residing in this Colony, as well as those who are indebted to the same, are requested within the space of six Weeks from the date hereof, to give in their Demands and Pay their Debts, at the House of H. Halkett Esqr. residing on the Front part of Pln. Vlissengen, and Executor to the above mentioned Estate, in order to enable him to liquidate the same - After the expiration of that time no more Demands or Claims will be received by him, as the Estate will then be given up to the Heirs.
G. A. de Villenuve [sic], Adsist.
Demerary, 29th August 1805.

Alzo den Heer Carsten Cornelis De Wit, Meerderjaarig Jongman, gebooren binnen deese Colonie ter Enre, en Juffrouw Maria Louisa Susette de Rochemont Minderjaarige Jonge Dogter, gebooren te Middelburg in Zeeland, geadsisteerd met den Heer C. A. de Florimont, voor en uit naam van den Heer F. A. Vernede in qualiteit als Griffer der Weesen onbeheer[?]e Boedel Kaamer blykens Schriftelyk Consent, ter andere zyde, van voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan, zoo als dezelve ook reede op den 29 deezer voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtb. Hove van Justitie, alhier in ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen, zoo word zulks mits deeze naan elk en een iegelyk bekend gemaakt ten einde die geenen welke vermeenen zich teegens dit voorgenoomen Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren zulks in tyd te doen daar waar en zoo 't behoord
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary den 31e Augustus 1805.
In Kennisse van my F. Horn, gezw Clercq.

Alzoo de Heeren Francis Walker Cooper en Thomas Shutt, van voornemens zyn binnen den tyd van Veertien Dagen van hier te vertrekken, zo word zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke eits van hun te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretensien koomen ontvangen, of hunne Schulden betaalen ter hunner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary den 29 Augustus 1805.
In Kennisse an my J. C. Stadtman, gez. Clercq.


On Thursday the 5th of September will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the House of Mr. C. Treadwell, New Town, by order of Capt. Pray, the Condemn'd Brig America, for the Benefit of the Owners and others Concerned, the Spars, Rigging &c. in Lots.
31st August 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 9th of September will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order of F. Martin & Stephen Cramer Esqrs, Executors to the late Mrs. Rosetta Dallee, the Concession Lr A, on the Brick Dam with the Buildings thereon, several seasoned Negroes, house furniture &c. &c.
31st August 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Tuesday the 10th of September next, will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order of O. I. Laurin Esqr. at his house on Werk & Rust: - Two hundred barrels of flour, a horse and chaise, dry goods, &c. &c.
Brereton & Kingston.


A Small Portion of Road being now made up opposite Mr. Heathcote's House to show how the Road from the Fort to the South Boundary of Le Repentir is to be finished; - Any Person wishfull of Undertaking the whole or any part thereof, is requested to give in Proposals within Eight Days to Mr. Van Berckell [sic], or Mr. Ths. Cuming
Digging the South Canal of Stabroek, Cleaning out the draining and cross Trenches, Making up the middle and side Dams, will also be Contracted for - The Payment will be made by the Treasurer of the Colony.
Demerary, 31st August 1805.

The Committee for carrying into Execution the Establishment of an Hospital for Sick Seamen, regret exceedingly that the Meeting for that Purpose was so thinly attended on Saturday: An Establishment in which Humanity is so greatly interested, and which on all sides is admitted to be so desirable, can only be carried into complete Execution by the unanimous Endeavours of the majority of the Colony. The Funds required are too extensive for the means of a few Individuals, however strongly they may be actuated by the desire of Saving the Lives and administering to the Comforts in the moments of severe Sickness of so many valuable Seamen. - It is most earnestly hoped that the Gentlemen Proprietors or Attornies for the different Estates will come forward for this very benevolent Purpose and signify, either by Subscription at the Union Coffee House, or by a Line addressed there, the Amount of their Support, that the Committee may be enabled to judge of their Power of completing their Object: - They the more earnestly intreat that this may be done, as speedily as possible, as they are informed a Report has been circulated of their having abandoned the Establishment; an Idea the Committee have never for a Moment entertained, nor will they do so, unless they have the Mortification to experience the Want of a sufficient Support, which from their knowledge of the Colony they flatter themselves they shall not be reduced to entertain.
Union Coffee-House, 30th August 1805.

All those who have any Demands against, or are indebted to the Estate of the late Mrs. Rosetta Tobie, Widow E. Dallee, are requested to call for Payment upon, and Pay their Debts to the Underwritten. - as Executors to the last Will.
F. Martin.
Demerary, 31st August 1805. Steph. Cramer.

NOTICE. [heading]
To all whom it doth concern, that all debts due the Subscribers, outstanding more than Twelve Months and which are not settled by the first day of October next, will be put into the hands of their Lawyer to be Sued for without respect.
Stabroek, 31st August 1805. James Lyon & Co.

The Orphan and unprovided Estates Board for the Colony of Demerary advertises, that the following Estates are devolved to their Administration, viz: - those of Klingenburg, R. Hamilton No. 2, J. Nieuwenhuis, J. C. Hollrum, J. C. Telir, A. Monro, J. J. Mehlburger, G. H. Tinklo, J. J. T. Duval, F. Van Straten, De Boer, O. Biornlund, Widow van der Ark, J. C. Urbany, P. A. G. Heyfelder, J. Nieusmit, J. L. Emmert, Peter Meiss, Daniel Curry, John Thomas, J. H. Barbary and F. Wolf, - And therefore does call upon all Persons Owing to any of those Estates to Pay their Debts, as soon as possible, and ultimately before Three Months after this date, when those Debts will be put in the hands of the Lawyer of this Board in order to obtain Payment: - and also upon every Creditor of any of those Estates, in order to deliver their Claims, duly attested and proved by vouchers, to the Recorder's Office of this Board, before Nine Months after this date, as the estates then will be Settled and Presented for decision to the Honble: Court of Justice of this Colony.
F. A. Vernede,
Demerary, 31st August 1805. Pr: Recorder.

P. Jourdan & Co. acquaints their Friends and the Public, that they have for Sale at their Store on the Brick Dam of Stabroek, formerly occupied by H. Cantzlaar Esqr. and lately by H. D. Obermuller Esqr. opposite that of I. L. Eils Esqr. the following Goods at reduced Prices for immediate Payment viz - Ladies superfine lace worked veils the newest taste, Ladies fans of the latest fashion, Ladies Italian cambrick dresses, plain, striped and check muslins assorted, India and striped dimities, scarlet and green pullicates and other handkerchiefs, white and colour'd shawls, Ladies and Gentlemens silk and cotton hose, Scotch cambricks, Ladies and Gentlemens gloves, Irish linens assorted, diaper, calicoes of different qualities and various patterns, ginghams, bed tick, marseilis for waistcoat patterns assorted, Ladies ready made fine shifts, Negro trowsers, thread assorted, playing cards, boots, Ladies shoes, nails assorted, locks, saws, chissels, mess beef, salt fish in boxes, Madeira wine and claret in bottles, corn meal, oil, nutmegs, cloves, cinnamon, black pepper, sago, mustard in pots and bottles &c. &c. - Three Months Credit will be granted to their former Customers.
Demerary, 31st August 1805.

To Be Sold: - Fifteen Prime Seasoned Negroes, Reclaimed from an Estate they have been well attended to.
Demerary, 31st August 1805. Wm. Brereton.

NOTICE. [heading]
All Persons who stand indebted to the Firms of R. Younghusband, Younghusband, Corbet & Co. and R. Younghusband & Co., are requested to make immediate Payment; all those who have any Demands to render their Accounts, for Liquidation and Payment, to the Subscriber, who offers for Sale his well known House, situated near the American Stelling, on reasonable Terms to an approved Purchaser: - If not Sold by private Contract on or before the 14th of September next, will then be Sold at Public Vendue; Terms of Sale will be made known at that time.
Demerary, 31st August 1805. R. Younghusband.

NOTICE. [heading]
All Persons having Demands against the Estate of Sarah Parfit decd, are requested to render their Accounts within one Month from this date, to Mr. Jno. A. Thomas, at the House of Messrs. Brumell, Heyliger & Co.
Wm. Brumell, Deliberating Executor.
Demerary, 31st August 1805.

All Persons indebted to, or having Claims against the decd: A. Dalglish, are requested to Pay the same, and those who have any Demands against said Estate, to render their Accounts properly attested to Mr. Thomas Milbourn, who is fully Authorised by me, to Collect and settle the Boedel of said Dalglish.
Demerary, 31st August 1805. James Tipper, Executor.

NOTICE [heading]
All Persons having any Demands against the Commissary Department, are requested to tender them in to the Resident Commissary, made up to the 24th Instant, that they may be settled and Paid.
Resident Commissary's Office 31st August 1805.

The Subscribers are respectfully inform'd, the Fifth Concert will be Performed on Saturday, the 13th of September.
ACT 1st.
Overture - Quartello.
Sonata Piano Forte. - Concerto Violin. - Mr. Goepel.
In which will be introduced the favourite Air, "Shepherds I have lost my Love".
ACT 2d.
Symphonie - Concerto Clarionett.
Pleyel's favorite german Hymn, for the full Orchestra.
Symphonie Finale.
To begin at Seven o'Clock.
Demerary, 31st August 1805.

For Sale: - Best Claret Wine in Bottles, and Tea.
Demerary, 31st August 1805. Remy & Boter.

Alle de genen welke iets te Pretendeeren hebben ofte Verschuldigt zyn aan den Boedel van den Heer D. Welhausen worden Versogt hunne Rekeningen in te geeven, en hunne schulden te komen Voldoen in handen van den Ondergetkende, ten einde gemelde Boedel tot behoorlyk liquiditeit te kunnen brengen.
Demerary den 31 Augustus 1805. G. Zeegers, q.q.

A Girl of the name of Fanny Price, belonging to Sarah Morgan; Runaway about the 20th Instant, at the same time took about 7 hundred Guilders and a Quantity of Jewels - She is a Young Negro Woman about 5 feet 8 inches high, Cole Black, and a Creole of Barbados - Any Person that will take her up and put her in the Barracks, shall be handsomely rewarded by Applying at Miss Phildory Leith's
Demerary, 31st August 1805.

List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from the 24th to the of [sic] 31st August 1805

24th Brig Goun, Capt. J. Sullivan, from Kennebunk.
24th Sloop Rachel, Capt. J. Jones, from St. Bartholomews.
28th Schr. Anne, Capt. J. Fox, from Portland.
29th Schr. Fanny & Polly, Capt. J. M. Dowall, from St. Vincent.

26th Sloop Amphetrite, Capt. J. Kennedy, for St. Vincent.
26th Schr. Fame, Capt. James Lawson, for Barbados.
30th Schr. Ceres, Capt. R. Stevens, for Baltimore.

[List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves – no photocopy made for transcription]

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.



Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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