Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 October 12


Ao. 1805 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 146.

Saturday, the 12th of October.

NOTICE. [heading]
Notice is hereby given that agreeable to a Letter from Rear Admiral the Honorable Alexander Cochrane to his Excellency the Governor, the Ships in this Port, which [illegible] to Sail with the next Convoy, must be ready about the 5th or 6th of November next.
King's House, Stabroek, Demerary, this 7th Day of October 1805.
By His Excellency's Command,
C. T. Tinne, Gov: Secty.

12th October 1805. [heading]
MILITIA ORDERS. Stabroek District.
The Whole of the Militia, (Volunteers and Burghers) to be under Arms on Saturday Morning, the 19th Instant, at half past five o'Clock.
By Order of the Lt. Col. Commandt.
J. R. Brandt.
Capt. Adjt. Demy. Militia.

The Receiver of the Colony Chest, having it in Command from the Honble: Court of Policy, to Collect the Tax Levied on the Lotts and Buildings situate on the front Lands from the Camp to the Plantation La Penitence, together with the extraordinary Tax of three per Cent on the Value of all Lotts and Houses situate in the town of Stabroek, do hereby request all those whom it may Concern to call at his Office in order that they may ascertain the Amount of their Contribution, and to Discharge the same in Conformity to the Resolution of said Honble Court taken on the 30th July last and Published on the 3d of the subsequent Month.
For the purpose of giving the necessary information and receiving the said Taxes, the receiver will regularly attend his Office during the appointed time by said Resolution, from Nine o'Clock in the Morning till Two in the Afternoon, Saturdays and Sundays excepted.
Ch: Vincent.
Demerary, 12th October 1805. Receiver.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo den Heer L. Van Basel voorneemens is binnen den zyd van Zes Weeken van hier te vertrekken, zo wordt zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets vna hem te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretensien koomen ontsangen, of hunne Schulden betaalen ter zyner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary deezen 12 October 1805.
In kennisse van my F. Horn, gew: Clercq.


On Thursday the 17th instant will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of Mr. T. Quiding, q.q. on the frontground of Werk & Rust; Elegant Pendules, gold watches, chins and seals, heads for sticks, bracelets, ear-rings, neck chains, silver spoons and forks, a glass case, prints, Gentlemen and Ladies clothes, Furniture, House Slaves and Boat Negroes, a Schooner with all the rigging, &c. &c.
12th October 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Friday the 18th instant will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the Vendue Office, by Order of P. Verbeke Esq. q.q. [probably representing the estate of Leuschenreing] - the concession No. 60, situated on the Brick Dam, Stabroek, with all the Buildings thereon, lately occupied by Mr. James Sampson. - The Terms of Payment one third in a Week after the day of sale, at which time Possession will be given, one third in Nine Months, one third and the last Instalment in Fifteen Month, when a Transport will be given.
On the same day will be Sold Seven Seasoned Negroes, by order of Doctor Bosquit, Dry Goods &c. &c.
12th October 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Saturday the 19th Instant will be exposed for sale at Public Auction, by Order of C. D. Forrester Esqr. at his House on the North Dam, Stabroek; - Ninety Barrels superfine flour, a large assortment of Dry Goods, and a variety of other Articles.
Brereton & Kingston.

On Tuesday the 22d instant will be Exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of E. Shanhan Esqr. at the Premises of Messrs. Bothamley & Jackson, Cumingsburg; - two boxes 7-8 Irish linen, 70 pieces 4 4 ditto, two trunks of fashionable boots and shoes, ten boxes Castile soap, one puncheon, one hogshead, four quarter casks and eleven kegs of Cogniac Brandy, eight puncheons, four pipes and four barrels old Antigua Rum.
The above articles just imported and in good order.
October 12th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


The Subscriber being obliged to quit the Colony, from ill Health, offers for Sale the Carpenter Negroes which finished the large House of Malcolm Campbell Esqr. - they are all Healthy, Young and well disposed People. - The Terms to be known by application to
Demerary, 12th October 1805. Alexander Arthur.

Notice is hereby given, that the Subscribers intends going to Europe with the first Convoy in 1806, therefore he requests all those who have any Demands against Plantation Concordia, on the West side of Demerary River, or himself, to render in their Accounts before the 15th of December next, that they may be Paid: - And all those who are indebted to him or said Plantation Concordia, are also requested to make immediate Payment.
Demerary, 12th October 1805. James McFarlane.

Alle die geenen welke iets te vorderen hebbe, ofte Verschuldigd zyn, aan den Boedel wylen J. van Ockenburg, gelieve daarvan, binnen de tyd van Zes Weeken, opgaave te doen ten Huize van den Eerste Ondergetekende, om daar door in staat te kunne worden gesteld, gem: Boedel zo dra mogelyk te Liquideeren.
T. Quiding, zo voor zig zelf als
L. Eliazer.
Demerary den 12 October 1805. Executeuren Testamentair.

CASH [heading]
For Bills of Exchange, Drawn upon The Right Honorable The Paymaster's General of His Majesty's Forces, to Amount of
L 600 Sterling.
Sealed Proposals will be received by W. N. Firebrace Esqr., Resident Commissary at his Office until 10 o'Clock Monday next, the 14th Instant, which Proposals will be opened in the Presence of Brigadier General J. Montgomorie, and the highest Offer or Offers will be accepted.
Commissary's Office, Demerary, 12th October 1805.

The Quarter Concession No. 43, with a Dwelling House thereon, situated on the North-Dam, Stabroek, formerly occupied by the late Doctor J. J. Leuschenreing, and next to that of Mrs. Conner: For Particulars apply to the Subscriber.
Demerary, 12th October 1805 P. Verbeke.

Rousselet, Attorney at law, informs his respective Clients that his last illness has left him in an ill state of health, so as to oblige him to leave off for sometime all Law Business and other transactions which confine People to a sedentary life: - He will close all such Business as he has taken under his Protection, without delay, and after November he then will retire to the Plantation Meerzorg, situated between Des Granges and Schoon Ord Estates on the West-Bank of this River. Those Gentlemen that have any Demands against him are requested to call for Payment or settlement of account, at his House No. 40, Stabroek, and those Gentlemen who owe him for Notes, Protested Bills or Accounts will do well to Pay him, being not in a situation to call for it in Person. Papers of Law closed will be delivered, under Receipt, to his Clients at any time in the Week, even Sunday if necessary.
Demerary, 12th October 1805.

All Persons indebted to, or having any Demands against the Estate of P. Lafont, dec'd, are once more requested to render in their Accounts, and Pay their Debts to Louis Favarger Esqr, on Werk & Rust, Executor to the Estate aforesaid.
Demerary, 12th October 1805.

Whoever wishes to Contract for a parcel of new laid Eggs to be delivered every day at 5 o'Clock P.M. (not to exceed 25 [?] per day), may have that quantum at the moderate Price of f 6 [?] stivers per hundred, by application to the Subscriber living on Aroeckbisse-Island in the Colony of Essequebo; also for Sale a few dozen Mongrel Ducks and Pullets.
Essequebo, Octr. 1st 1805. Will. Baram q.q.

The Subscriber do hereby make known to the Public in general, that Mr. M. N. Monsanto is no longer in his Employ, and in consequence thereof, that the Power of Attorney Passed on him the 14th of July last is void and of no Value.
Demerary, 12th October 1805. O. J. Laurin.

Wants a Situation: - A Colour'd Young Man, who has been regularly brought up in a Compting [sic] House, understands Book keeping, writes a fair hand, and, can Procure Respectable recommendation. More Particular information may be gained, on application at the Printing-Office.
Stabroek, 12th October 1805.

Den Ondergetekende daverteerd by deezen dat de twee Concessien of Looten Lands No. 10 en 11, gelegen op de voorgrond der Plantagie Le Repentir langs de Loostrens van gem: Plantagie, door den Wel Edelen Heer F. Schovers, zyn gekocht en den Koopschat daarvan, op heeden aan hem is Voldaan.
Demerary, 12 October 1805. J. J. Kotwyk.

Absented from Plantation Calcutta in Abary, a Creole Driver named Jacobus or Jacob. - Two Joes Reward will be given to any Person who will lodge him in the Barracks, or Five Joes if he is delivered to the Subscriber in Abary, or to Robert Murray Esqr. in Stabroek. - He originally belonged to J. V. D. Paadevoort Esqr. and is known on the Estates the Land of Canaan and the Henrietta. Should he return of his own accord, he will be Pardoned.
Demerary, 12th October 1805. C. J. Mackintosh.

Runaway, a Negro Man named Julias, of the Couramantee Nation, he is a Carpenter by trade, has a scar on his heal, and his Country marks on the Face and Belly: - Whoever will deliver him to the Subscriber in Cumingsburg, will receive a Reward of One Joe.
Demerary, 12th October 1805. Thomas White.

List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from the 28th of September to the 12th of October 1805.

30th Sep. Barque Eliza, Capt. Robert Hall, from Africa.
7th Octr. Sloop Two Friends, Capt. H. Rhodes, from St. Vincent.
11th Octr. Ship Jane, Capt. A. Kinnier, from New Foundland.

7th Oct. Schr. Phoebe, Capt. T. Rawleigh, for St. John's [illegible]
7th Oct. Slop Black Bird, Capt J. Tynes, for Barbados.
7th Oct. Brig Betsy, Capt. Jos. Bragdon, for Boston.
10th Oct. Brig Harriott, Capt. F. Smith, for New London.

[List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves – no photocopy made for transcription]

Printed and Published by E. J. Henery & Co., Stabroek.


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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