Ao. 1805 )
Essequebo and Demerary
( No. 147.
Saturday, the 19th of October.
By the Honble: Court of Policy of the
Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, and their Dependencies, &c. &c.
Unto all whom these Presents shall and
may concern, Greeting! be it known:
Whereas in consequence of the death of
His Excellency Anthony Beaujon Esq. Governor of these Colonies, an
Extraordinary Meeting of this Court has been immediately Called by Brigadier
General Montgomorie, Commandant of His Majesty's Troops in this Colony, and
this Court having assembled accordingly; - and Whereas Brigadier-General
Montgomorie did state to the Court that upon the death of the late Governor,
without its being known as yet whether any provision had been made by His Majesty's
Government respecting the administration of the Civil Authority in the event
now existing, he had judged it incumbent upon him, as Commandant of His
Majesty's Troops, and in order the interests of individuals might not suffer by
any interruption, however short, in the Public Business, to issue a Notice
informing the Inhabitants of these Colonies of his having convened this Court,
and of his having, in the interval authorised the Honble: Fiscaal F. P. Van
Berckel Esqr. who during the indisposition of His Excellency the late Governor,
had attended to the discharge of the Business incident to the Civil Government,
to continue carrying on the detail of such urgent Business untill further
order; - and Whereas the said Brigadier-General Montgomorie did further state
to the Court, that upon examination since made of the Official Papers in the
Possession of His Excellency the late Governor, Documents had been found
containing a clear manifestation of His Majesty's intention that the Officer
Commanding the Troops for the time being, should in the event of the Governor's
death or absence from the Colony, succeed pro tempore in the Civil
Administration of the Government, and that upon the strength of these
Documents, (which were at the same time laid before the Court by the said
Brigadier-General) he though it his duty now fully to take upon him the Civil
Administration of the Government of these Colonies, until His Majesty's
Pleasure should be known; the Brigadier-General having nevertheless requested
to know the sense of this Court on the subject of his said communication. - Now
these are to Notify to the Inhabitants of these Colonies, and all others whom
it may concern, that in consequence of the communication so made by
Brigadier-General Montgomorie, and on his having made the aforementioned
declaration on the subject of the said Documents, We have given our full
acquiescence in the Declaration made by Brigadier-General Montgomorie, in
consequence of which he did take before this Court the Oath appointed, in the
same form as it was taken by His Excellency the late Governor, at the time of
his entering upon his Office on the 13th of August of last Year, and that
consequently from this date, until His Majesty's pleasure shall be known on the
subject, the said Brigadier-General Montgomorie, Commandant of His Majesty's
Troops in these Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, or the Officer who may
succeed him in such Command for the time being, is to exercise the Authorities
annexed to the Situation of Civil Governor, in the same manner as was done by
His Excellency the late Governor; - Subject with respect to that part of the
functions of the Civil Administration, as relate to the presiding in the Court
of Justice with the duties incident thereto, to such arrangements as will be
further made known on the part of Brigadier-General Montgomorie himself.
All Persons whom it may concern, being
required to take notice hereof accordingly.
And that no ignorance may be pretended
of these presents, the same shall be Published, Posted up and Printed for
general information.
Done in our Extraordinary Assembly, held
at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek, Demerary, this 19th Day of October
1805 and Published the same day.
By Command of the Court aforesaid.
P. F. Tinne,
Actg: Secty: of the Colony.
I, James Montgomorie Esq:
Brigadier-General, Commanding His Majesty's Troops in the Colonies of Essequebo
and Demerary and their Dependant [sic] Districts, and exercising the functions
of Governor of the said Colonies and of President in all Courts and Colleges.
&c. &c. &c.
Do hereby give Notice that the
authorisation given by me to the Honble: Fiscaal of this Colony, F. P. Van
Berckel Esqr, on the 17th Instant is for the moment to continue in force till
further order, as far as relates to the dispatch of Business in the department
of the President of the Court of Justice; But that I shall from this date,
attend myself to all other matters belonging to the civil department; the
Office of the Governor's Secretary continuing to be kept as heretofore in the
Yard of the King's House in Stabroek.
Given at Head Quarters, Demerary, this
19th day of October 1805.
Jas: Montgomorie.
Brg. Gnl. Actg. Govr.
BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary.
Alzo de Heer John Philip Dardier,
minderjaarig Jongman, gebooren binnen deeze Colonie, geadsisteerd met deszelfs
Mooeder Mevrouw Anne Schultz, gebooren Jeems, bevoorens Weduwe van wylen den
Heer Andrew Dardier, ter Eenre, - En Mejuffrouw Judith Elizabeth Schultz,
Meerderjaarige Jonge Dogter, gebooren St. Eustatuis [sic], ter ander zyde - Van
voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, zoo als dezelve ook
reeds, op den 10de October Jorg[???]: voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den
Edele Achtbaare hove van Crimineele en Civile Justitie deezer Rivier in
ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen. Zoo word zulks mits deezen aan elk en een igelyk
geadverteerd ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich te kunnen opponeeren,
zulks in tyds te doen door waar en zoo het behoord.
Actum ter Secretary, van Rio Demerary
deezen 12e October 1805.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman,
gez. Clercq.
Alzoo de Heer Wm. Barth van voorneemens
is, in de tyd van Viertien dagen van hier te vertrekken, zoo wordt zulks mits
deeze bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hem te pretendeeren
hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretensien koomen Ontsangen, of
hunne Schulden betaalen, ter zyner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary in [sic, not van]
Rio Demerary den 18 October 1805.
In Kennisse van my C. A. Mathey,
gezw. Clercq.
Stabroek, 19th October 1805. [heading]
We have a most painful task to perform
in announcing the death of His Excellency Anthony Beaujon, Governor of these
Colonies. He departed this life, in the 42d year of his age, on Wednesday
Morning, the 17th Inst. after a short illness of only seven days.
In him these Colonies sustain a loss,
the consequence of which we do not presume to Calculate; nor shall we attempt
to portray a Character, the noble features of which, are, far beyond the reach
of our feeble Pen: - we will only say, that few men ever filled the high
Station, to which he was called, with more dignity; that for soundness of
judgement he was equalled by few, - for uprightness of heart, exceeded by none;
- and we predict with confidence that time will raise his memory as a model of
imitation for those who cherish Virtue, and revere the unerring Laws of
His remains were committed to the Grave
on the 18th Inst. The following is the order of the Funeral Procession observed
on this Melancholy occasion: -
The Troops and Volunteers, with arms
reversed, in front.
The Clergyman and three Doctors who
attended the deceased.
(borne by 8 Non-Commissoned Officers of
the Milita).
Pall Bears: - Chs. Cliften [sic], J.
Forbes, H. Cantzlaar, C. D. Forrester, C. J. Rapin, J. C. Gehricke, A. Van
Braam and T. Duim Esqrs.
The Music.
The Family Representatives, Thomas
Cuming, Lachlan Cuming, P. F. Tinne and C. T. Tinne, Esqrs.
His Excellency Brigadier-General
Mongomorie, and the Honble: F. P. Van Berckel Esqr. Fiscall.
Lt.-Colonel Macrae, Comdg. the Demerary
The Members of the Honble: Court of
The Members of the Honble: Court of
The Kiezers.
The Finantial [sic] Representive.
The President, Members and Registers of
the Orphan Chamber.
The Officers employed in the Civil
Government, and a numerous train of Gentlemen who closed the solemn Procession.
COMPTOIR. [heading]
Op Dingsdag den 5 November aanstaande
zal den Ondergeteekende ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen ten
Raadhuize op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek by Executie te Koop opvylen en Verkoopen,
ten behoeve van Bollers & Spooner, in relatie als gefungeerd hebbende
Vendue Meesters deeser Colonie; - Drie Stuks Neegerinne met naamen Betsey,
Tomsin en Mary, aankomende J. Huiberts, gee[umlaut]xecuteerde.
Zo is 't dat iemand die teegens den
Verkoop der bovengemelde Neegerinne Betsey, Tomsin en Mary eenig recht van
oppositie vermeenen te hebben, handeele en addresseere zig zoodanig als by
Rechtens zal te Rade worden, ofte vermeenen te behooren, En zy die in den
Verkoop dier Neegerinne hunne gading Vinden, vervoegen zig ten voorschr: Dage,
en Plaatse, en doen hun Profyt.
Rio Demerary, den 18e October 1805.
Marts. Smit, St. Eerste Exploiteur.
Op Maandag den 21ste October aanstaande,
zal door den Eerste Exploiteur deeser Colonie, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden
Commissarissen worden Verkogt by Executie, ten behoeve van J. Feuillet, Een
Stuk Land geleegen binnen deeze Rivier, aan de oost zyde, groot 50 rood Facade
by 750 rooden diepte, tusschen de gronden van J. Fletcher ten zuyde, en die van
de Vrye Neeger George, Gillen ten noorden; Zynde daaropstaande eenige Banannen
Stoelen, als meede Een Inlandsche fraam met Wallaba Cingels bedeckt, alles aan
komende J. W. C. Moore Geexecuteerde.
Alle welke eenige Recht van opp[????]
hierop vermeenen te hebben, addresseere zig in geschrifte ten Exploiteur's
Comptoire, op poene als na Rechten. En Voorts die in den verkoop van 't boven
gemelde Stuk Land &c. hunne gading vinden Vervoegen zig ten voorsz: dage,
ten Raadhuise op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, en doen hun profyt.
Actum Rio Demerary, deezen 11e October
Marts. Smit,
St. Eeerste Exploiteur.
TWEEDE EDICTE. [heading]
Uit Kragte van zeekere Extract Notul van
den Hove van Justitie de dato 8 October 1805, in zaake John Reid en Robert
Stephenson, in qualiteit als Executeuren Testamentair ten Boedel wylen
Elizabeth Mc Kinna, op en jeegens alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van
deselve Boedel Zoo word door my Ondergeteekende Exploiteur van welgemelde
Hove by deese voor de Tweede Maal GEDAGVAARD!
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren
van opgemelde Boedel om te Compareeren voor de Edele Achtb: Heer Raad
Commissaris, zittende ter Audentie van de Ordinaire 14 Daagsche Rolle die
gehouden zal worde op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, teegens den. Een en Twintigste
October Eerstkomende en volgende dagen.
Ten fine om als nog hunne Pretentien
behoorlyk te komen opgeeven en daarby te geenen van hunne Sustenuen als na
Raden. Zullende na Expiratie van deese Tweede, Derde en Vierde
Exsuperabundantie Edicte worde geprocedeerd tot obtineering van het Euwig
Demerary, den 12 October 1805.
L. S. Van S' Gravesande, Expltr.
Uit Kragte van voorenstaande Appoinctement
van den Edele Achtb: Hove van Justitie, Verleend op de Requeste van F. C.
Elbers, in qualiteit als Executeur ten Boedel en Nalatenschap van wylen C.
Straup. Zoo word door my Ondergeteekende Exploiteur van den Hove voornoemd by
Alle Bekende en Onbekende Crediteuren
van gemelde Boedel om te Compareeren voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den
Edele Achtb: Hove van Justitie, teegen den Vierden November, Eerstkomende en
volgende Dagen.
Ten fine aldaar behoorlyk te koomen op en
aangeven hunne Pretensien en daarby te dienen van hunne Sustenuen als naar
Raaden Zullende na Expiratie van deese Eerste, 2de, 3de en 4de Exsuperabundanti
Edicte door den Hove zoodanig Judicium van Prae en Concurentie daar over worden
uitgegeeven als dezelve naar bevind zal oordeelen te behooren en vervolgens
verleend worde het Eeuwig Stilswygen. Rio Demerary den 19 October 1805.
L. S. Van S' Gravesande, Expltr.
Uit Kragte van zeeker Appoinctement door
den Edele Achtbaare hove van Justitie alhier, verleend op de Requeste van
Francis Pittman en John Ashley, ingezeetenen deezer Colonie.
Zoo word door my Ondergetekende
Exploiteur van welgemelde Hove by deezen GEDAGVAARD!
Alle Bekende en Onbekende Crediteuren
van dezelve Pittman & Ashley om te Compareeren voor Heeren Raaden
Commissarissen uit den Hove van Justitie, teegens den Vierde December
Eerstkomende ten fine om aldaar op des Supplianten Propositien per Requeste van
den 8e December 1804 gehoord en is het doenlyk gedisponeerd of geaccepteerd te
worden, of zodanig ander Sortabel arrangementen in het generaal als naar gelang
van omstandigheeden zullen geproponeerd worden en als naar Rechten.
Aldus gepubliceerd en geassigeerd daar
en zoo het behoord.
Demerary, den 19e October 1805.
L. S. Van S' Gravesande, Exptr.
On Monday the 28th Inst. will be exposed
for Sale at Public Auction to the highest Bidders, at the Store of O. J. Laurin
Esqr, Werk & Rust; Baltimore flour, barley, oats, loaf sugar, tea, mustard,
sweet oil, vinegar, spices, elegant looking glasses, table setts, paints and
oil, nails and a variety of dry goods.
19th October 1805. Brereton &
On Monday the 4th of November, will be
exposed at Public Auction to the highest Bidders, by order of C. M. Overweg
Esqr. q.q. Johs. Theod. Overweg at Amsterdam, and q.q. F. W. Overweg,
[misspelled, as "Ovrrweg"] at the Store of F. C. Engels Esqr. on
Plantation Werk & Rust near the Public road: - The half Concession known by
No. 44, with the thereon standing Dwelling and other Houses, situated on the
North side Dam of Stabroek, nearly opposite the Orange Walk of Plantation
Vlissingen; as likewise a Negro Boy named Jan, and a Girl named Betsy, a few
pieces of cotton bagging, whip and cross cut saws &c. &c.
Farther will be Sold on the same day and
place, a Negro Woman named Heinrietta [sic], being a compleat Huxter, with her
two Mullato Children viz. William, a Taylor, and Thomsina [sic] a clever house
Servant, and other Negroes belonging to the Estate of the deceas'd P. Iskenius,
also furniture, gold and silver plate, gold watches, printed marcells for
waistcoats, a Forte Piano; the half Concession fronting the middle Dam of
Stabroek, North side, known by No. 79, and the quarter Concession No. 211 on La
Bourgade, a fast sailing Schooner built of the best wood of this Country, with
her New Sails, Cables, Anchors &c.
There will also be Sold by order of
Messrs. C. H. de Munnick & Co.: - Medicines, Varnish, turpentine, nails,
sago, paints, boots, Ladies and Children shoes, black lead, cinnamon, Carpenter
and Coopers tools, Men and Women's silk stockings, kersimeres, a table service,
whips, tea, trunk and box locks, steelyards, scales and balances, saws, hoes,
cutlasses, cooking irons, scrapers, door hinges, stay barrs, tin ware, paper
for music, Dutch tobacco and fine pipes, black pepper, claret, Rhenish wine,
Seltzer water, buttons, silk handkerchiefs, and a variety of other dry goods.
19th October 1805. Brereton &
Office of Ordnance, Demerary, 19th
October 1805. [heading]
Wanted Cash, to Amount of L 1000
Sterling, for Bills Drawn at Thirty Days Sight, on the Right Honble: and
Honble: the Principal Officers of His Majesty's Ordnance; - Sealed Tenders
therefore will be received at this Office, between the Hours of 12 and 2
o'Clock on Monday the 21st Instant, and when opened in the Presence of His
Excellency, the Governor, General Montgomorie, the highest Exchange offered
will be accepted. Thos. Scott,
Ordnance Store keeper.
CASH. [heading]
For Bills of Exchange, Drawn upon The
Right Honorable The Paymaster's General of His Majesty's Forces, to the Amount
L 820 Sterling,
Sealed Proposals will be received by W.
N. Firebrace Esqr, Resident Commissary at his Office untill 10 o'Clock on
MONDAY next, the 21st Instant, which Proposals will be opened in the Presence
of Brigadier General J. Montgomerie, and the highest Offer, or Offers will be
Commissary's Office, Demerary, 19th
October 1805.
The Subscriber respectfully informs the
Public, that he has commenced carrying on the Business of Sail making, and for
that purpose, has engaged the commodious Logie of Mr. R. Forshaw, in
Cumingsburg, adjoining Messrs. Wilson & Holmes; and will be thankfull to
the Public for their support, when they may depend upon every attention being
paid to their Commands.
The Subscriber further begs leave to
remark, that he has the materials with him necessary for carrying on said
Demerary, 19th October 1805 Alexr:
The Subscriber begs leave to acquaint
his Friends and the Public in general, that he intends opening School in
New-Town, where he will Undertake Teaching Schollars the full Art of Arthmetic,
Reading, Writing &c. He will be much Obliged for their Favors, and will
pay every attention to merit their Approbation.
Who also will be thankful for any piece
of Writing, that may be entrusted to his charge and that all dispatch will be
used in executing them on reasonable terms.
Demerary, 19th October 1805. John
Hall Junr.
NOTICE. [heading]
Those indebted to the Vendue Office, are
requested to Discharge their Accounts in the course of the ensuing Week, if not
the whole of the Accounts due will be put into the hands of the Deurwarder
without respect to Persons.
19th October 1805. Brereton &
Mr. Vincent offers for Sale, the Houses
and Premises he now Occupies, situate on the Front Land of Plantation Werk
& Rust; the whole in Compleat order, and will be Sold reasonable to an
approved Purchaser.
N.B: He also offers for Sale, a Lott of
Land situate in Cumingsburg, known by No. 94.
Demerary, 19th October 1805.
FOR LIVERPOOL. [heading]
The Copper Bottom'd Ship BRITANIA [sic],
Capt. Burts, ( to Sail with the November Convoy ), is in want of, from 70 to
100 Bales of Cotton to complete her cargo. - Please to apply to the
Subscribers, or to the Captain on board.
Heywood & Taylor.
She has Excellent accommodations for
Demerary, 19th October 1805.
Three Joes Reward, will be given by
Cahrlote [sic, Charlotte?] Rogers, ( exclusive of Goal [sic] Fees ), for the
apprehension, and lodging in the Barracks, her Negro Woman, named Mary Samms,
she absented herself on Saturday Evening last without any cause whatever; she
is of the middle size, a good looking Negro and speaks English well.
Kingston, 19th October 1805.
The Subscriber Living in the House
lately occupied by Lawyer Verroen, opposite to the Premises of P. F. Tinne
Esqr, in Stabroek, has for Sale, all sorts of Bottle Liquors, particularly
genuine old Port.
Stabroek, 19th October 1805. James
The Subscriber requests all those
indebted to him, or to the Firm of Hugh Douglas & Co., to come forward with
Payment, in order to enable him to settle the Debts against said Concerns.
Cumingsburg 19th October 1805. Hugh
Vessels Entered from the 12th to the
19th of October 1805.
16th Sloop Neptune, Capt. P. Liverock,
from Barbados.
17th Schr. Amazon, Capt. James
Phillips, from Baltimore.
18th Army Schr. Nelly, Capt. Pruden,
from Barbados.
[List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves
– no photocopy made for transcription]
Printed and Published by E. J. Henery
& Co., Stabroek.