Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 October 26 | ||||
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Notice is hereby given that His Honor
Brigadier General Montgomorie, Acting Governor, will attend every Wednesday and
Friday, from Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon 'till Two in the Afternoon, at the
King's-House in Stabroek, to give Public Audience to all those who may have
occasion to see His Honor on Business in the Civil Department: - On all
matters, however of a pressing nature His Honor may at all times be applied to
at Head Quarters in Camp. BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]
Alzo de wel Edele gestrenge Heer Thomas
Cuming zig by Requesten aan den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Politie der Rivieren
en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary beest geaddresseerd,
verzoekenede om Brieven van Vrydom, voor de Mulatten Nelly. Zo is 't, dat
allen en een igeleyk, die eenig Recht of Pretentie op de voornoemde Slaavin
zoude vermeenen te hebben, by deezen worden geadverteerd, hunne Sustenuen daar
van aan 't Commandement der Rivier Essequebo en ter Secretary van den Hove van
Politie in Demerary, behoorlyk te koomen aangeeven, tusschen deeze en de
aanstaande Sessie van welgemelde Hove die zyn zal in de maand October
Eerstkoomende. Zullende by faute van dien, op de gedaane verzoeken van de
Requestranten worden gedisponeerd als bevonden zal worden te behooren.
Alzoo de Heeren Thomas Finlaison
[Finlayson] Donald Cameron, en Wm. Smally, van voornemens zyn binnen den tyd
van Veertien Daagen van hier te Vertrekken, zo word zulks mits deezen bekend
gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welk iets van hun te pretendeeren hebben, of aan
hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretensien komen ontvangen, of hunne Schulden
betaalen ter zyner Domicilium. BEKENDMAAKINGEN van 't EXPLOITEURS COMPTOIR. [heading]
Den Ondergeteekende St. Eerste
Exploiteur deezer Colonie, zal op bekome Authorisatien op de onderstaande
Datums, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen, by Executie opvylen en
Verkopen, als: - Op den 5 November 1805, ten behoeven van P. Verbeke, Eischer
en triumphant, op en de jeegens W. Dodgson, gedaagde en geExecuteerde [sic],
twee Neegers genaamt Jack en Dublin. Op dato ut supra, ten behoeven van
Bollers & Spooner, in relatie als gefungeerd hebbende Vendue Meesters in
deeze Colony, op en de jeegens J. Huiberts, gedaagde en geExecuterde [sic],
drie Negerinne Betsy, Tomsia [sic] en Mary. - Op den 18 November ten behoeven
van Bruninghaus & Bergh, C. M. Overweg, J. J. Kotwyk & Comp., en H.
Mutz, Triumphanten en Executanten, op en de jeegens W. Ramakers, gedaagde en
geExecuteerde, een Stuck land groot 125 Ackers geleegen binnen deese Rivier,
aan de West zyde, waarvan 70 Roeden Vierkant met Banannen zyn beplant, en
voorts deselve 70 roeden vierkant met jonge circa draagbaare Coffy; voorts nog
twee Neegers genaamt Bienvenue en Dimba, en twee Neegerinne genaamt America en
Sophia - Op dato ut supra, ten behoeven van Brereton & Kingston, Vendue
Meesters alhier, Executanten, op en de jeegens Constantia Overbroek,
geExecuteerde [sic], een halve Concessie Lands geleegen op Werk & Rust,
tusschen die van den Heer J. F. Meyer en die van de Vrye Mulat Daly, met de
daaropstaande twee klyne Woonhuysen, en een dito zy gebouw, als meede een glas
tasel, een celinder, 4 kommen, 5 bierglasen, 3 wyn dito, 2 zoutvatjes, 3
carassen, 2 klyner dito, 2 water kannen, 1 spiegel, 7 stoelen, 1 bank, 1 thee
servies met desselfs blaadje, 4 zilver thee leepels, 1 pleete zuyket tang, 1
oud Bureau, 1 liqueur kalder en 3 tasels in soorten. - Op Dato ut supra, ten
behoeven van E. N. Wichers, Eischer en Triumphant, op en de jeegens A. Danjoy,
gedaagde en geExecuteerde [sic], een Concessie Lands met de daaropstaande
gebouwen, geleegen op Iveleary, thans door geExecuteerde zelvs bewoond. - En
laastelyk op den 3 December aanstaande, ten behoeven van R. B. Daly, als in
huwelyk hebbende Maria Bourda, en alsoo meede Erssgenaam van, mitsgaders nog
als gemagtigde van de overige Erssgenaamen van wylen J. Bourda, een stuck land
zynde een Water Lott, gelegen op de voorgronden van de Plantagie Vlissingen met
't daar opstaande Woonhuys genaamt Demerary Hotel, verdiepingen hoog, geowd van
Inlandsche en Americaans Hout, een combuys en een gemak huysje. - Nog op dato
ut supra, ten behoeven van Bynoe & Goddard, Eischers en Triumphanten, op en
de jeegens Roderick Cozier, gedaagde en geExecuteerde [sic], een helvte in
zeekere Concessie en gebouwen, geleegen naast aan 't veer van Mahaica, ( en
waarvan de weder helvte aan zeekere - Perkins behoorende ) alles blyk ens
Inventaris dagelyks voor een ider op 't Exploiteurs Comptoir te zien.
On Tuesday the 29th Instant, will be
exposed for Sale at Public Vendue, by order of Messrs H. Tulloh & Co. at
their Stores in Cumingsburg, Fifty Casks of New Cod-Fish, imported in the Ship
Jane, the 15th Instant.
On Thursday the 31st Instant will be
exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, at the Vendue Office, fine old Jamaica
Rum in 20 gallon casks, London particular Madeira Wine, beef, Baltimore Flour
in whole and half barrels, callicoes, muslin, check and other Dry Goods.
On Friday the 1st of November will be
exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, at the Store of Mr. Fredrick Butteweg,
in Stabroek, by order of G. Timmerman Esqr, Executor to the dec'd. A. van
Harencarspel, the following articles, viz: Plate, Watches, and House-hold
Furniture. On the same day and place will be offered for Sale, dry Goods, a
beautiful Mahogany Cabinet, silver spoons and forks, chairs, looking glasses
&c. &c.
On Tuesday the 5th of November next,
will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at Public Auction at the
Vendue Office, by order of Alexander Arthur Esq: - Eleven Excellent Carpenter
Negroes, names as follows, Henry, Ajax, William, Alert [sic], Duncan, Prince,
Brittain, Hazard, Emanuel, Dick & Mitchel: - The Proof of their Work may be
seen by application to M. Campbell Esq. On the same day will be Sold, a Washer
Woman named Mimba, likewise his Property.
On Wednesday the 6th Of November next,
will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order and at the Store of
Messrs. P. Jourdan & Co. opposite that of Mr. I. L. Eils, ( middle dam of
Stabroek ), the following articles, viz: an assortment of dry goods consisting
of various kinds of white and colour'd fine muslins lately imported, do
handkerchiefs, do shawls, dimities, marscilies, waistcoat patterns, madrass handkerchiefs,
bed tick, table cloths, callicoes assorted, Ladys shoes, do gloves, Scotch
cambricks, lace worked veils, Lady's fans, cotton bagging, nails assorted,
Carpenters tools, excellent claret in bottles, ale and porter in do, brandy,
sag, vinegar, snuff &c. &c.
On Monday the 11th of November will be
exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the House of Mr. Winandy, on the
South Dam, Stabroek: Noyeau, Martinique and other Liquors, Dutch gin, brandy,
Ratasea, orgeat, &c. currants, port, claret, Rhenish, Champaigne and Mascat
[sic] wines, candles, spermacite ditto, anchovies, capers, boots, shoes, glass
lanthorns, shades, Earthen ware, chairs, card tables, water casks, a large and
elegant assortment of French books, a Catalogue to be seen at Mr. Winandy's. ADVERTISEMENTS. [heading]
For Sale, a remarkable fast sailing
Schooner Boat, 26 feet Keel and 9 feet Beam, with her Sails, Rigging, Cable and
Anchor, all perfectly new, is well adapted for a Coffee or Plantain Property,
she will be Sold reasonable to an approved Purchaser; only one half the Money
required down: - For Further information enquire of the Printer.
NOTICE. [heading]
Mr. Fleischman begs leave to inform the
Public, that he has been admitted as Solicitor at the Bar of the Honble: Court
of Commissaries, of this Colony, and to assure those of his Friends, who will
Favour him with their Business in that line, that their Interests will be
attended to with Punctuality and Dispatch
To Be Lett, the Premises at present
occupied by Mr. T. Duim, next that of C. Vincent Esqr. Possession will be
given on the 1st of November. - Enquire at the Office of the Subscriber.
The Subscribers have for Sale at their
Store in the New Town: Newfoundland Fish, Irish mess Beef and Pork in whole and
half barrels, Hams, Ox and Sheep's tongues, Soap and Candles, fine and coarse
Irish linen, white and brown Russia sheeting, Plattillas, Dowlas, Diaper and
table cloths, cotton Shirting, hair Mattrasses, Gentlemen's fine Hats, a small
assortment of elegant Muslins, cambricks and Chintses, gun powder and shot, nails,
Negro clothing &.
In Consequence of an Advertisement in
the Gazette of the 19th Instant and Continued, by order of the Honble: Court of
Justice, Francis Pittman & John Ashley request the Favor of the Creditors
of any of their late Concerns, to meet them at the House of Mr. Robt:
Stephenson in the Town usually called Bridge Town, on the 25th of November
next, with their Accounts made up to that day, in order that a correct Schedule
of them may be formed, and such provision be made for their discharge, as the
situation of those affairs will admit of.
The Subscriber intending to leave this
Colony, early in the ensuing year, offers for Sale or Rent, his House in
Bridge-Town, in front of Pln. Vlissingen, at present occupied by him and
formerly by Doctor Gall. The House is 3 storie high, the first of which forms
a spacious Store for Merchantile Business and the Buildings have all lately
been painted and put in Compleat repair.
All Persons having Demands against the
Effects of the late Mr. Comptor, of the Hospital Staff, are requested forthwith
to send their Accounts properly attested to Mr. Newton, at the General
To Be Sold: - a Negro Man who is an
Excellent Coachman, and a good attendant on Horses. - Further Particulars may
be known on application to the Printer.
For Sale by the Subscriber, at the Union
Coffee House, for immediate Payment; One Hundred dozen of best Brown-Stout, at
f 16, 10 per dozen, to be counted out: - Also a few dozen Spaw Water at f 18
per dozen.
Picked-Up, by the People of the
Subscriber, some time ago, in this River, a small Punt, 22 feet long and 6 and
a loft feet wide: - The Owner may have the same by Paying the Charges.
For Sale, by the Subscriber; an
Excellent fast sailing Deck'd Schooner Boat, Built of best Colony wood, 35 feet
long 11 and a half feet Beam and 5 feet deep, with her New sails, Cables,
Anchors &c., in Compleat order.
Drifted on the 23d Instant, from along
side the Ship Diana, Capt. Vaughan, a large Punt about 26 feet long 8 feet wide
and 4 feet deep, Iron bound at each end. - Whoever may have Picked up the above
Punt and will deliver her to John Jackson Esq., or Mr. Knight in Cumingsburg,
or to Capt. Vaughan, shall be handsomely Rewarded for their Trouble
Den Ondergeteekende van voorneemens
zynde deeze Colonie te Verlaaten, Presenteerd zy uit dien hoefde, voor Contante
betaaling, uit de hand te Koop, een jonge sterke Neeger-Meid genaamt
Madaleentje, zy is een goede Waster, Strykster, Naaister en Verkoop-Meid -
Nader berigt te bekoomen ter Domicilium van den Heer A. H. Walstab, op de Pl.
Endragt in 't Canaal.
On Friday the 1st November at 11 o'Clock
in the forenoon; the Subscriber will expose for Sale in the Logie at La
Bourgade, the Cargo of the Ship John, Capt. Phillips, consisting of 227 Prime
FOR SALE. [heading]
Runaway, on Saturday the 19th Instant,
from the Subscriber, a Negro woman named Mariana, of the Mandingo Nation, stout
made and has her country marks on her forehead; she speaks English and Dutch
well, and was formerly the Property of the dec'd. E. Butler Esqr. - All Persons
are hereby cautioned against harbouring the said Negro, as the Subscriber will
spare no cost for bringing such offenders to Justice: - One Joe will be given
to any Person who will apprehend said Negro, and lodge her in the Barracks of
Stabroek, or deliver her to Een Nugteren [sic] Man, van geenen Wispelturigenaard, geneegen zynde zich direct geplaats te zien, als Directeur op een Coffy Plantagie; die voldoende getuigen van zyn kunde en goed gedragt kan geeven, gelieve zich om verdere narigt te vervoegen by den Druker van dit blad. Stabroek, 26e October 1805.
Den Ondergetekende adverteerd mits deezen
dat by zyne Domicilium Citandi en Executandi heest verkoosen ten zyne Huize op
het Concessie Lesperancie, naast de Heeren Remy & Boter, op Plantagie Werk
& Rust, en soliciteert ieder die van hem mogte benoodigt hebben, Steenen,
Kalk, en Temper Lym, daarvan een Briefie aldaar te zenden, of wel anders aan
het Plantagie Lesperancie.
Drifted from the Stelling of Plantation
Ruymveld, a four oared Tent Boat: a good Reward will be given to the Person who
will bring her back to the said Plantation, or give information where she lays.
The Subscriber warns all Persons whom it
may concern, to deliver nothing on his Account, to any Person whatever, without
a written Order, Signed by himself. Vessels Entered from the 19th to the 26th of October 1805.
17th Schr. Mary, Capt. Dan: Place, from
Barbados. [List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves – no photocopy made for transcription] Printed and Published by E. J. Henery & Co., Stabroek.
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Created: 23 March 2005 Last modified:
Creator: Wilmer, John Lance
Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten