Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 December 21 | ||||
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By His Excellency Brigadier General
James Montgomorie, Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary,
and their Dependencies, President in all Courts and Colleges, &c. &c.
GENERAL MILITA ORDERS. [heading] BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]
All Persons who have any Claim or Claims
against, or stand indebted to Calcutta Estate, situate on the East Coast of
this colony, in the District of Abary, or the Firm of Messrs. Edward and
Charles Mackintosh, either jointly or separately, are requested to render in
the same, or to come forward with Payment, on or before the 15th of January
180[6, at the Secretary's Office, or at Calcutta Estate aforesaid.
Alle die geene welke verschuldigd zyn of
Pretentien ten laste der Boedel van wylen Mr. W. Pauw mogten hebben, worden
[illegible]zogt dezelve te komen voldoen of op te geeven aan den overblyven de
Curator in gem: Boedel, F. A. Vernede, voor den 10 January 1806, zullende de
staat der Boedel aan het Edle: Achtb: Hoff van Justitie den 16e zittende ter
decisie overgelegd worden.
Alzoo den Heer Paul Smith, von
voornemens is in de Maand Maart eerstkomende, deeze Colonie te Verlaaten, zo
word zulks mit deezen bekend gemakt, ten einde die geenen welke iets van hem te
pretendeeren hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretensien komen
ontvangen, of hunne schulden betaalen ter zyner Domicilium.
Also de Heer Charles Sayers, woonagtig
op de Plantagie La Penitence, van voornemens is, binnen den tyd van Veertien
Daagen, van hier te Vertrekken, zo word zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten
einde die geenen welk iets van hem te Pretendeeren hebben, of aan hem
Verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretensien komen ontvangen, of hunne schulden betaalen
ter zyner Domicilium. BEKENDMAAKINGEN van 't EXPLOITEURS COMPTOIR. [heading]
Den Ondergetekende St. Eerst Exploiteur
zal op bekome Auctorisatie ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen op
den 7e January 1806 by Executie opveylen en Verkoopen, als: - Ten behoeve van
Chs Treadwell, Eyicher en Triumphant op en de jeegens Louis Favarger,
gede[?]een Concessie Lands geleegen op de voorgrond van Plantagie Werk &
Rust, bekend onder No. 73 met de daaropstaande Gebouwen, te weeten, een
Woonhuys lang 33 voeten by 15 breed min of meer, twee verdieping hoog, Fraam
van Inlandsch hout en met Wallaba cingels gedekt, een zy gebouw dienende voor
combuys, pak en wasch huys, een gemakhuyne en een boender kot, nog infraam
staande En laatelyk te behoeve van J. T. Matthews Ca. Wm. B. Dennison geexde:
Een Neger Man genaamd Jack –
Op Dingsdag den 7 January 1806
aanstaande, zal van weegens den Ondergetekende alhier, voor Heeren Raaden
Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtb: Hove van Justitie, by Executie worden
Verkogt, ten behoeve van Bollers & Spooner, als gefungeerd hebbende Vendue
Meesters, een Neegerin Mary, aankomende J. Huiberts; over welke Slavinne door
N. Rousselet q.q. A. H. Walstab is worden geopposeerd, dog op den 17 deezer by
wel gedagte Hove als kwade opposant verklaard, en mitsdien geauctoriseerd om
met den begonne Executie te kunnen voortgaan; - Zo is s's dat die geene die in
den Verkoop dien opgemelde Neegerinne Mary eenig gading vinden, vervoege zig
ten voorschreeve dage ten Raadhuyse op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, en doen hun
Profyt. PUBLIC AUCTIONS. [heading]
The 13th of January 1806, will be
offered for Sale, publickly, on Plantation Vergenoegen, Essequebo, on account
of the Hon. C. D. Mack's Departure for Europe with the first Fleet, viz,
On Monday the 30th Instant, will be exposed
for Sale, to the highest Bidder, by Order of Jas. Lyon & Co. at their house
in New Town - Men's and Women's shoes, boots, ready-made cloaths, silk and
beaver hats, children's hats, silk and cotton stockings, silk and muslin
handkerchiefs, checks, cambrics, thread, buttons, broad cloth and cassimere,
glass ware, tin and earthen ware, peas and barley, Irish linen and sheeting,
calico, ginghams, and several other articles of dry goods; nails, paints, and
paint oil, carpenter's and cooper's tools, loaf sugar, stationary, dimities,
nankeen, mustard, gunpowder, terrace, Port wine, German linen, wine corks,
&c. &c.
On Thursday the 2d of January 1806, will
be exposed for Sale, to the highest Bidder, at the house of Mr. Levie Eliaazer
[sic], and by his Orders - Broad cloth, cassimere, salempores, assorted linens,
checks, calicoes, dimities, romal and pullicat handkerchiefs, thread, tape,
needles, shoemakers' and sadlers' leather, boot patterns, ready made
pantaloons, waistcoat patterns, and stuff for trowsers; noyeau, rose-water,
indigo, plantation utensils, prepared paint, fiddle strings, jewellery, and
other things.
On Monday the 6th of January 1806, will
be exposed for Sale, to the highest Bidder, by Order of J. F. Narjes, Esq. 25
to 30 healthy, prime, seasoned Negroes, amongst which are three carpenters and
house people, payable in three and six months; also on three months' credit, 10
to 12 horned cattle, amongst which are best milch cows; 20 sheep; a mahogany
sofa and chairs, and other house furniture, silver plate, &c. &c.
Likewise, will be exposed, on very favourable terms, the Lot No. 29 on
Plantation Le Repentier, with all the Buildings thereon, at present occupied by
Colin M'Rae, Esq.
On Monday the 20th of January 1806, will
be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidder, by Order of H. C. Evertz, Esq
Executor to the late Mrs. G. R. Pletz, deceased, at her House on the Brick Dam,
Stabroek, house Negroes, a washerwoman, a Cook, Huckster, Furniture, &c.
On Friday the 10th of Jan. next, will be
exposed for Sale, at public Vendue, by order of Robert Patterson, Esq. at the
house lately occupied by the Rev. Mr. M'Mahon, in Kingston, sundry Articles,
consisting of Household Furniture, Plate, &c. &c. &c. also a
Schaenes' six-feet Piano Forte, having the grand piano movements, and Smith
& Litherland's patent helical springs. ADVERTISEMENTS. [heading]
All Persons having Demands against the
Subscriber, are requested to call upon him for Payment, and those indebted to
him, to come forward and settle their respective obligations or open accounts
with loss of time; otherwise, he will be necessitated to sue them the ensuing
Court, as it is his fixed intention to leave this Colony for Europe next Month.
[mutilated - illegible] who have any
Claims against His Excellency the [illegible] Governor Beaujon, are requested
to render in their accounts, without delay, to Mrs. Beaujon, at her House in
Cumingsburg, in order to their being examined and paid.
All Persons having any Demands against
the Commissary's Department, are requested to render them in to the Resident
Commissary, made up to this day (24th December), that they may be adjusted and
paid. No attention will be paid to any accounts, made up to the above date
which are not sent in by the 31st Instant.
The Subscriber intending to close his
Mercantile Concerns on the 31st Instant, requests all Persons having Demands
against the firms of "G. I. Goppy & Co." and "Goppy &
Reid," to render the same to him, in order that they may be examined and
paid. And all Persons Indebted to said Firms, are requested to settle their
accounts as soon as possible, to enable the Subscriber to comply with his
Just imported and for Sale by the
Subscriber, at a short Credit to approved Purchasers - Building lime and
bricks, bottled ale and beer, hams, potatoes, Irish rose butter, herrings in
kegs, linen and cotton check, best twilled coffee and cotton bagging, refined
sugar, ladies', gentlemen's, and children's cotton stockings, calicoes.
brittannias, platillas, oznaburgs, seine and [illegible] twine, glass and
earthen ware, hoes and shovels, coopers [illegible] vat hoops, half mattresses,
cordage, nails assorted, &c. &c.
For Glasgow - The armed Ship Mariner
will positively sail early in February in company with any other armed ships
that may then be ready. For Freight or Passage, apply to the Captain on board.
The Subscriber gives, by these present,
public Notice, that Gwyn Jones, Esq. q.q. Morgan, in his relation of Proprietor
of the Leased Lands on the Front Lands of Vlissingen Estate, has, from this
date, no longer his Domicilium Citandi & Executandi at his (the
Subscriber's) house. He, consequently, neither can nor will receive any more
monies, or trouble himself therewith for the future. Hugo Cantzlaar, J.
All Persons who have any Demands against
the Estate of the late Michael Gould Esq. deceased, are requested to render
them, properly attested, to the Subscribers, and those indebted to the said
Estate, to make immediate Payment.
A Caution - The Public are respectfully
desired to deliver no more goods whatsoever on account of the Plantation Le
Reduit, without an Order in the Hand-writing of
The Subscriber requests all Persons
having Demands against the Estate of the late Mr. Samuel Cox, Printer, to
render in same, properly attested, to him, at his House on the Brick Dam, known
by No. 82; and all those indebted to said Estate, are requested to come forward
with Payment, so as to enable him to close his concerns.
To Be Sold, a very fine English Saddle
Horse, who draws well, the property of a Gentleman who has no occasion for
[illegible] Application to be made at the Store of Mr. John Benning,
Absconded, a few days ago, from
Charlotte Rogers, a Barbadian Negro Woman, called Mary Sam, well known in and
about Stabroek, and lately released from the Barracks. A Reward of Two Joes
will be given for apprehending and lodging her in [illegible]; and, as it is
supposed some person about town is harbouring her, a further Reward of Three
Joes will be given on information and conviction of any such person or persons.
All Persons who have any demands against
the Brickery, now belonging to Mr. A. J. J. Van den Heuvel, situated on the
East Bank of the River Demerary, next the Plantation Garden of Eden, from the
Year 1801 till this day, are requested to give in the same, within the space of
Three Months from this date, to Mr. A. J. J. Van den Heuvel, on his Plantation
the William, on the West coast of Demerary, as, after that time, no payment
will be made of any demands that have not been given in within the prefixed
time, as the concerns of Mr. Van den Heuvel and Wm. Ewing, Proprietors of that
Brickery during that time, must be settled.
For Sale, a Dwelling House, with a small
Side Building, situated upon half of a Lot of land, fronting the South Canal,
adjoining the Cooperage of Messrs. Kent & Leslie, in Werk & Rust. The
House is framed of Colony wood, and a great part of it planked with the same;
it is about 30 feet long by 18 wide. Any Person who may be disposed to purchase,
may meet with favourable terms, upon application to the Store of
For Sale, at the Vendue Office, Madeira
Wine in Pipes and Hogsheads, Claret of the first quality in Cases of three
dozen, and Port Wine in wood and Bottles.
Just imported, and for Sale by Maria
Kendrick, at the House lately occupied by R. S. Turton Esq. in Bridge Town, the
following articles: -
The Subscriber gives this public Notice
to all whom it may concern: - That he has purchased from Mr. Alexander Arthur,
the whole of the Buildings erected on Lots No. 23 and 24, next the new Coffee
House of Mr. Campbell; and that he has had a transfer made him of the Lease by
Mr. Alexander Arthur, which he (the said Mr. Arthur) made with R. B. Daly, Esq.
for the two Lots, no. 23 and 24, in New Town, on Vlissingen Estate, where his
Residence at present is.
Absented from the Subscriber, a Negro
woman, named Kitty, well known by the name of Kitty Price. She is a huckster,
and had, when she went away with her goods, a Government Pass, dated the 8th of
August, since when she is missed. She is supposed to be on the other side of
the River. Any person who can give an account of her, or secure her with her
goods, will greatly oblige, and be generously rewarded by
All those who are friends to the
Demerary Hotel, are expected to come forward and settle their respective
Accounts, before the 1st of January 1806; and those that do not comply, must
abide by the consequences.
Den Ondergeteekende verpligt zynde mit
deese nogmaals te versoeke aan die geene hem verschuldigd zynde, ofte aan hem
te pretenteeren hebbe 't selve te koome voldoen ofte ontvangen uyterlyk voor
uytgangs des maand January 1806 - Zullende anders hoe[?]ongaarene ook verpligt
zyn 't door regte te moete vorderen presenteerd mede uyt de hand te Koop drie
Slaave als een bequaaame huys jonge & kok genaamt Tom, een bequaame
schoenmaker met alle de selves gereed schappe genaamt Primo, & een wasmeyd
genaamt Hanna.
The Subscribers request all persons who
have Demands against the Estate of the late Francis Bynoe, to render in their
Accounts, properly attested, within Six Weeks from the Date hereof, as no
attention will be paid to any rendered after that time. All those who are
indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate Payment, as it is
necessary to bring his affairs to a speedy conclusion, and no indulgence can be
given. Vessels Entered from the 14th to the 21st December, 1805.
Dec. 16, Sloop Kitty, I. Fantuzzi, for
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Created: 23 March 2005 Last modified:
Creator: Wilmer, John Lance
Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten