Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 January 25


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 161.

Saturday, the 25th of January.


By Virtue of an Order to that end obtained, the undersigned will on Tuesday next, the 4th of February 1806, expose at Marshall's Sale, (Execution) at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek, in the Presence of the Hon. Commissaries and in behalf of G. Malstead [Mahlstedt, in Dutch language version], q.q. H. van Lange Complainant, in a suit against M. Barker Defendant three Negroes named Joe, Hendrick, and Louis, and a six oared tent Yacht, the property of said M. Barker; whereof notice is hereby given accordingly.
Demerary, Jan. 24, 1806. Mart. Smit, First Exploiteur.

Run away on Monday, the 6th instant, from the Plantation Korte Beraad, Berbice, a House Negro, named Peter, of the Mamonie nation. He is short and thick, a little pitted with the small pox, speaks Berbice Creole, Surinam, and bad English and is a good hair dresser. When he absented himself, he had on a grey jacket, with yellow buttons. He has been since seen at Mahaica, Whoever will give any information concerning him, that may lead to his apprehension, shall be handsomely rewarded. It is requested that nobody will employ or harbour the said Negro, and that no Captain will attempt to take him out of the Country. If any person or persons should be found doing so, after this public notice, the law will be put in force against him or them with the utmost rigour.
Berbice, Jan. 14, 1806. J. J. de Mey.
N.B. Should the above Negro be apprehended near this Settlement, the offered reward will be paid to whoever will bring him to the Office of this Paper.
Demerary, Jan. 25, 1806.

For Sale, Green-heart Boards of all sorts, at very moderate prices. For particulars enquire at the Printing Office.
Demerary, January 25, 1806.

Pursuant to Proclamation of the Honourable Court of Policy and by permission of the Honourable F. P. Van Berckel, Fiscal will be sold, at the Vendue Office, on the expiration of 14 days from the date hereof, Two Asses brought to the barracks from Plantation Vlissingen. Meanwhile, if any persons can prove them to be their [illegible - fold/crease in paper] J. Runnels, Jun.
Stabroek, Jan. 25, 1805 [sic]. Sheriff.

John Madden & Co. have imported in the Ship George, Capt. Williams, from London, a large and elegant assortment of Dry Goods, Provisions, Furniture, also Plantation Stores, which they will sell by the Trunk or Piece at very reduced prices, for immediate payment, and to their new punctual customers at a short credit; no profit, however great, being adequate to the inconvenience of being kept out of their money two and not unfrequently three years; and while on this head, they beg leave to acquaint their still numerous Debtors for the years 1803 and 1804, it is unreasonable in the extreme to expect further indulgence, and that beyond the month of February next none cane be given, let consequence to it [illegible], or circumstance of their Debtors be what they will: their present importation consists of - Sein and sewing twine, deep sea lines, anchors from 60 to 1080 lbs.; Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6, canvas; cordage; horn and tin lanthorns, sheet lead, Carpenter's and Cooper's tools, window and door bolts, chamber and stock locks, stay bars with staples, 18 and 20 inch iron-handled cutlasses; 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, and 30d nails, in 56 lb kegs; pump tacks in papers of 1000 each, cotton gin cranks with brasses and screws, hoes and [illegible ......] iron handled pruning knives, 10 to 12 inches; [??] L and other hinges, copper skimmers, ladles and [illegible] house lamps, brass butt end wine cocks with keys, patent gunpowder shot, plated soup ladles, ditto table and tea spoons, Best London made iron handled knives and forks with carvers ditto desert ditto to match, buckhorn handled ditto, paints and oil, lamp oil, hyson and gunpowder tea, single and double refined sugar; cases pickles containing - square [illegible], melon, mangoes, onions, French beans, gerkins, walnuts, peccadilloes, cauliflowers and anchovies; sweet oil in pint bottles, raspberry and cherry brandy in ditto, real French brandy and Hollands gin in puncheons, old hock in cases, claret in ditto, bottled brown stout and pale ale in puncheons, pine and other cheese, ling fish and potatoes, pearl barley and split pease in small kegs, basket salt, mustard in half-pound bottles, hams and tongues, hung beef and bacon, tripe in kegs and jars, spiced salmon in kits, red and white herrings and cods sou[???], [several words illegible], and many other eatables and drinkables too tedious to enumerate here. Best Poland oats, oil cake excellent for fattening horses and mules that are worked hard during crop time on sugar and coffee estates; small trunks of London made boots and shoes containing 24 pair back strap boots, 12 pair Hessian ditto, 21 pair ditto strong ditto, 24 pair ladies' embroidered sandals, 9 pair young ladies' ditto, 12 pair ladies' black Spanish ditto, 36 pair gentlemen's half dress shoes, 12 pair children and youth's ditto; ladies' fine cotton stockings with embroidered silk cloaks to meet on the instep, gentlemen's ditto with silk clock, fine and coarse cotton stockings, plain, fine and coarse Irish linen sheeting, brown and white Russia sheeting, French cambric, cotton ditto, India chintzes and printed calicoes, linen and cotton pocket handkerchiefs, breakfast and dinner tablecloths, damask and diaper, diaper and cotton towels, huccabuck and diaper, plain and corded dimities, ladies superfine tamboured and laced muslins dresses 7 yards each, furniture chintzes, white India jean, Brittanias, swansdown, Welch flannel, superfine broath [sic] cloth and trimmings, Geron cord and corderoy for pantaloons, white and fancy Marseilles, parasols, elegant light gigs with harness complete, best London made saddles; stationary assorted, glass ware ditto, bell shaped sets of shades, blue and green edged ware in crates, ditto English China in ditto, sets of ware put up purposely for Managers and Overseers, or small Families, consisting of 18 shallow, 12 soup, and 12 small plates, 2 tureens and ladles, 6 dishes, 2 sauce boats, 2 quart portermugs, 2 pepper and 2 mustard pots, 2 salt sellers and 2 chamber pots; [illegible] candles, starch and blue, negro clothing, salempores, ditto blanketting, Osnaburgs and Pennistone; negro, tradesmen and driver's hats; trowsers and [illegible] cotton and linen checks: neat 5 by 6 feet [illegible]-bottomed mahogany eliptic beadsteads, with head and foot post turned alike, mattrasses and curtains complete, ditto 4 by 6 ditto ditto, mahogany sideboards with cellorets, legs fluted, ditto bason stands, sets of dining tables very wide. Pembroke tables, reeded legs and brass castors, sofas with 2 sets of covers to each, mahogany and cherry tree chairs, chamber table glasses, mattresses, musquito netting, counterpanes with a variety of other articles to numerous to be inserted within the compass of an advertisement.
Stabroek, den 25 Jan. 1806

For London - To run in company with other armed ships, first spring tides in March, the Ship George, a fine new Vessel of 284 tons, mounting 16 guns, and proportionally manned; has the greater part of her cargo already engaged. An early application may still get a few bales of Cotton or Coffee on board.
Stabroek, Jan. 23, 1806. John Madden & Co.

Run away from the Subscriber last evening, a Negro Boy, called Charles, a Barbadian; whoever will apprehend and deliver him to the Subscriber, shall receive One Joe reward. He is very well known in the Colony. All masters of vessels are forbid carrying him out of the Colony; and persons harbouring him will be prosecuted according to law.
J. Runnels, Jun.
Stabroek, Jan. 24, 1806. Sheriff.

Commissarissen der Societeit eendragt adverteeren by [entire line missing due to crease in page] Woensdag, den 29 January 1806, een comparitie zal plaatz hebben over zaaken gemelde societeit betreffende, werdende de respective Heeren Lee[?]en vriendelyk verzogt om gemelde comparitie te koomen bywoonen.
Stabroek, den 25 Jan. 1806.

The Undersigned hereby informs the Public that this Domicilium Citandi et Executandi is at the House of J. H. Giesenhuysen, Esq. No. 17, Middle Dam, Stabroek.
January 25, 1806. H. van Lange.

Zeedert drie weeken heest zig van de Ondergeteekende geabsenteerd, een neger jonge, genaamt Jacob gezot van lys, spreckt Hollands, Engels, en Creools. Welke dezelve vangt, en terug brengt ten zynen huyze, op de Americaansche stelling, zal een Johannes genieten vor vangloon.
Stabroek, den 25 Jan. 1806. C. F. Guintzel.

The Subscriber informs his Friends and the Public in general, that he has commenced business under the Firm of M. Jacobs & Co. at the Store lately occupied by Charles Treadwell, Esq. where he begs leave to recommend himself, promising to use every exertion to oblige those who wish to favour him with their custom. He offers for sale the following articles on the most reasonable terms:
Potatoes, Fish in Boxes, Butter, Crackers in Kegs, Rounds of Beef, Florence Oil, fresh Garden Seeds, Table Services of blue and green edged, Brandy, Porter, Beer, and Essence of Spruce in quart bottles, Boots, Shoes, Saddles and Bridles, and many articles of jewellery, &c. &c.
Stabroek, January 25, 1806. M. Jacobs.

Mrs. Hart respectfully acquaints her own, and also her Husband's Friends, that she has opened a House for the accomodation of Genteel Families, and also for the purpose of affording Lodging to two or three Gentlemen, at the Concession opposite to that of R. Younghusband, Esq. and nearly opposite the American Stelling, where, she assures them, every attention will be paid, and every exertion used, to give satisfaction; and she flatters herself and family, will be approved of,
it being a measure she is obliged to adopt, on account of the misfortunes of her husband, which have long prevented him from doing any thing to assist them. Should any Gentlemen be inclined to form a party of fifteen or twenty, for regular dinners, they are requested to give two days' notice, in order that the necessary preparations may be made for the Accommodation of that number.
Demerary, Jan. 25, 1806.

"Nothing extenuate, nor aught set down in malice." [heading]
We are again called upon to take up the pen, not for the purpose of altering any thing we have before printed, [illegible] for that of requesting our readers to dos so, but to endeavour to elucidate.
"A Short and Simple, but True Statement of Facts," which appeared in a newspaper (bearing Saturday's date) published last Sunday morning; and though, in so doing, we [illegible] perhaps make it appear that the author of the same ha[illegible] Right to any more than the second Title even of this E[illegible] still we shall have the modesty to proceed in our explanation.
Having before had occasion to remark on a publication with the same Printer's name, and our then subject of complaint being, by degrees, removed, we should not have troubled ourselves or the public any more concerning it, if our adversary had but exercised a little more temper and quiet common sense in desiring others to amend his faults. Unfortunately, however, a deficiency in both these essential requirements led him into a more extensive [illegible - creased paper] of again attempting to set him right.
We are first told, that on January 1, 1803, "newspaper under the title of 'Nieuwe Courant van Essequebo en Demerary,' was published in Stabroek by N. Volkerts, styling itself Gouvernements Boekdrukker." But, through [illegible] no doubt, it is neglected to be mentioned, that in the first of that paper, before N. V. styled himself Government Printer, there was an Advertisement from the Governor-General [illegible] the Counsellors of Policy, making known a Resolution [illegible] State Government, as follows:
"Further, that by Resolution of said Colonial council for the American Colonies and Possessions, is granted to Nicolaas Volkerts the privilege of printing such papers and documents, as government, or both the Courts of Policy and Justice of this Colony, shall deem proper to be publickly printed."
So that N. V. did not arrogate to himself any Right or [illegible] which he had not legitimate authority for.
What immediately follows this simple fact, we do not [illegible] to repeat; being unwilling to disgust our readers by additional reflections. Invidious observations of this nature [illegible] be offensive to every liberal mind. Men are naturally attached to the country where they first drew breath; [illegible] the chance of war, or any other fortuitous circumstances placed them under a foreign Government, it is not decorous to insult their feelings by any allusions of the description. The present attack is totally unnecessary; [illegible] not assist any one in forming an opinion on the subject question; it is as wanton and unprovoked as it is unjustified and illiberal, and it is to be hoped, the marked disapprobation it will meet with, will for ever prevent a repetition.
We are next informed, that N. V. "for reasons best, left to himself," did not think it prudent to publish any more than thirty-nine numbers of this paper; but then, by public advertisement, "gave over his Printing Office to Mr. Henery, whom he recommended to his fellow citizens [illegible] successor." The above words may be correctly quoted [illegible] have not an opportunity now of referring to the paper [illegible] ascertain the fact; but, admitting them to be perfectly [illegible] we shall prove this Advertisement to be of no import [illegible] matter in dispute. If N. V. had not had reasons for giving [illegible] the active part of the business, he undoubtedly would [illegible] have concluded a contract, which was so eminently advantageous to Mr. H. N. V. had been exceedingly ill for [illegible] time previous to the period mentioned, and, in consequence thereof, thought of returning to Europe. On this [illegible] (or, if Mr. H. likes it better, "for reasons best known to himself,") he made a contract with Mr. H. of which the following is the principal condition:
That the Printing Business heretofore carried on by N. Volkerts, shall [illegible] space of two years, be entirely executed by E. J. Henery and under his [illegible] in the same state and manner as usual, in consideration of he the said E. J. Henery receiving half the profits thereof; provided, nevertheless, that the Print[illegible] and all its Concerns, shall always remain the sole Property of N. Volkerts [illegible] be delivered over to him, at the expiration of the above-mentioned period, last [illegible] good condition as he the said E. J. Henery received it in. N. V. also reserving [illegible] self the right of visiting the office at whatever time he chooses, and of examining the books, either by himself or his attorney, when he thinks proper.
Was it at all surprising, that, after entering into the [illegible] agreement, N. V. should wish the business to be as prod[illegible] as it had previously been. He had still great interest [illegible] success, and he adopted the most likely mode to en[illegible] viz. recommending Mr. H. to the notice and friendship of the Public. If the Advertisement were not so correctly worded, it might have been, N. V. ought certainly to stand excused [illegible] that, as he never pretended to write, or to understand [illegible] But, as we have before said, it is of little or no consequence. The Advertisement could not give away a right ve[illegible] N. V. by a regularly executed legal instrument - the contract is what they were both bound by, and by that the must [illegible] be judged.
Mr. H. printed and published the newspaper, with [illegible] translated, under the above contract, till the 27th of September last, nine days before the term of its expiration, when, [illegible] much solicitation, N. V. entered into a second contract [illegible] him for two years, of exactly the same tenor as the former, excepting a stipulation that the words "and Co." should [appear?] after Mr. Henery's name at the end of the paper; [several lines illegible] issue the paper, until he was compelled, by order of the Court, to place them in a status quo. Soon after this retrograde movement, Mr. H. obtained his Materials from Europe; on Friday the 3d inst. the contract was annulled by mutual consent; and on Monday the 6th, Mr. H. published the paper with the borrowed Title, &c. which we were before necessitated to complain of. This is the
"Round, unvarnished Tale;"
and we are under no apprehensions, when we submit the question of Right to the decision of a candid and descriminating Public.
It now only remains for us to thank Mr. H. for his very able definition of the meaning of the Word Gazette. It certainly displays profound etymological knowledge combined with extensive reading; and yet we cannot help thinking that N. V. must have had some small idea of its having the signification Mr. H. so judiciously ascribes to it, when he styled his paper the Courant.
We have further to express our great obligations to the same Gentleman, for his very extraordinary moderation and forbearance, in being most graciously pleased not to exclude us from offering ourselves as candidates for public favour. We will, with his leave, so mercifully vouchsafed to us, strive to deserve that desideration; and, should we succeed --- should we, by our exertions and industry, be fortunate enough to attain any height in the public esteem - we will not prove ungrateful; we will not kick down the ladder which may enable us to ascend; but, agreeably to the old English proverb, we will heartily "wish well to the bridge that carries us safe over."

The first session of the Court of Policy will commence on Monday next.
His Excellency Governor Montgomorie gave a ball and Supper on Saturday evening last, in honour of her Britannic Majesty's birth day.

[skipping a paragraph]

A very singular complaint was a few days ago made to the Fiscal, viz. that an inhabitant of this town caused his Negroes to eat their own ordure. Strange as it may seem, yet there appeared so much foundation for the charge, that the Negroes were ordered to be taken from their cleanly master, and sent to the Barracks.

PUBLIC VENDUES, in Stabroek and its Environs. [heading]

On Monday, the 27th instant, by order of Messrs. M'Inroy, Sandbach, and M'Bean, at their Store Werk & Rust, Tin, Glass, and Queen's Ware assorted; Cotton and Coffee Bagging, Osnaburgs Red Tick, Canvass No. 1 to 5, Brown Hollands, Stockings and Stocking Pantaloons, Table Cloths, Irish Linen and Diaper, Anchors and Grapnels, Beef, Glauber Salts, &c.
On Tuesday the 28th inst, at the Vendue Office, by Order of the Fiscal. Two new runaway Negroes. Also, Three prime Negroes, Beer in Bottles, Salt, Cutlery, Dry Goods, &c.
On Wednesday, the 29th inst. at the Store of C. Smit, Esq. Werk & Rust, a large assortment of Dry Goods &c. &c.
On Thursday, the 30th inst. at the Vendue Office, at Six months' Credit, the Old Union Coffee House, situated in New Town.
On Tuesday, the 4th of Feb. on Plantation Nismes, on the West Bank of the River, Milch Cows, Oxen, and Calves, Chaise and Saddle Horses, Two Chaises, a Four-oared Boat, excellent Household Furniture, a Chamber Organ with Five Barrels; best English Ware, Silver Plate, Damask, Table Cloths, Napkins, &c.; on the same day will be sold a Quarter of Lot No. 20, situated on the Side Dam Stabroek.
On Monday, the 10th of Feb. at the House of John Newton, Esq. Mahaica, 40 seasoned Boat and Carpenter Negroes, at Six Months credit, payable in approved Bills of Exchange, or Cash.
On Monday, the 17th of Feb. at the Vendue Office, Eighteen acclimated Negro men and women, some of the latter good washers.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our Last.

Jan. 18. Ship Kelton, George Harrison, Liverpool, with Provisions and Dry Goods.
Jan. 18. Schooner Ruby, J. Giuven, Massachusetts, with Lumber, Stave, &c.
Jan. 24. Schooner Fame, John Lawson, Barbados, with Salt Fish, Hams, Soap. Candles, Paint and Paint Oil, Claret, &c.
Jan. 24. Ship George, S. Walman [?], London, with Bricks, Gigs, Porter, Ale, Cherry and Raspberry Brandy, Claret, Hock, Cheese, Butter, Tea, Potatoes, Raisins, Oats, Negro Clothing, Paint and Paint Oils, Soap, Candles, Furniture, &c.
Jan. 24. Schooner, Brilliant, Nath. Neilson, Baltimore, with Flour.
Jan. 25. Schooner Eagle, H. Averill, New London, with Oxen, Horses, Cod-fish, Flour, Pork, Staves, Hoops, Corn, &c.

Jan. 20. Ship Aurora, J. Phillips, for London.
Jan. 20. Ship John, D. Phillips, for Liverpool.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves. [not transcribed]

Printed and published by N. Volkerts, Stabroek.

Supplement to the Essequebo and Demerara Gazette

Saturday, the 25th of January, 1806.


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