Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 February 01


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 162.

Saturday, the 1st of February.

Alzoo de Heeren William Ross, Thomas Frankland, en Mejuffrow de Weduwe Blackhurst, van voorneemens zyn binnen den tyd van veertien daagen van hier te vertrekken, zoo wordt mits deezen aan elk en een iegelyk geadverteerd ten einde die geenen welke iets van hun te pretendeeren hebben, of te verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien te koomen opegeevene hunne schulden voldoen ter hunner Domicilium. Actum ter Secretary van Demerary den 1 Feb 1806.
F. Horn, gezw. Clercq.


Uit kragt van zeekere appointement van den Edelen Achtbaren Hove van Crimineele en Civiele Justitie der Rivier Demerary en onderhoorige Districten; van dien de dato 20 December l.l. verleend op de requeste van Lachlan Cuming, als in huwelyk hebbende Vrouwe Margaretha Clara Heyliger en Mr. Victor Amadeus Heyliger ersgenaamen, onder beefisie van inventaris van wylen Mr. Joh. Heyliger J. Filius.
Zoo worden door my ondergeschrevene Exploiteur van Welgemelde Hove by deeze GEDAGVAARD.
All bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van de nboedel van wylen Mr. Joh. Heyliger J. Filius in deszelfs leven oud Gouverneur van de Colonie Berbice, omme te compareren of te gemagtigden te zenden voor den Edelen Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie, Sessie houdende op de hoofdplaats Stabroek, in Rio Demerary, in de Maand January 1808 [sic], om aldaar kunne pretensien met de verificatien van dezelven in te leveren, subpoene dat tegens de non comparanten by defaulten naar styl locaal zal worden geprocedeerd, om tegens dezelven te obtineeren het eeuwig silentium, en verder te procedeeren als naar rechten.
Rio Demerary, dezen 28 January 1806. H. C. Evertz,

NOTICE. The Subscriber being desirous to leave this Colony as soon as possible, in order to restore his health, which has been extremely impaired from time to time, earnestly requests all those with whom he has any concerns (especially in relation to the sale by Execution, or otherwise, of the Plantation Vauxhall and Westminster) to come forward without further delay with their assistance, ultimately to enable him to promote his most indispensible departure.
Demerary, Feb. 1, 1806. Henry Sampson.

The Undersigned being necessitated, on account of ill health, to leave this Colony in the course of two months, requests all persons who have any demands against him, as well as those who are indebted to him, to call at his Dwelling House, No. 132 Cumingsburg, and receive or discharge the same before the expiration of that period.
Demerary, Feb. 1, 1806. Thomas Rees.

Alle die geene welke iets te pretendere hebbe of te verschuldigd zyn aan den boedel wyle: J. van Ockenborg, werde verzoent des noods voor de laaste maal gewaarschoud hunne deugdelyke pretentien in te geve, en hunne schulde te betaale, binnen een maand na dato, alzoo er volstrekt geen pretentie laste gemelde boedel meer zulle aangenoeme werde na expiratie van gemelde maand om door, dien weg een behoorlyke staat van gemelde boedel te kunne formeeren, alzoo de Ondergetekendes niet voorneemens zyn gemelde boedel jaare lang onafgedaan te doen blyven
Rio Demerary, den 1 February 1806. T. Quiding.
Levi Eliaser, Executeure Testamentair.

The Undersigned hereby informs all those whom it may concern, that his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi is at the House of G. Egeling, Esq. Side-Dam, Stabroek.
Demerary, February 1, 1806. J. L. Looff.

In answer to John M. Henery's advertisement in the Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette, dated the 24th instant, I have to observe to the Public in general, as well as my Creditors (as a proof of John M. Henery's false assertion, and that black principle of ingratitude), that the object which caused the defalcation of my property was giving him such loans of money from time to time, besides nine hogsheads of sugar, to pay off an Execution against him for Negroes; and not to trouble the Public with a detail of my benevolent heart towards the said J. M. Henery, I can only assert with truth, that the balance due to me on account, sworn to before the Vice President, M. Lamaison, Esq. April the 10th, 1804, exclusive of interest, is f 6752.8.7 which is justly and truly due to me, and shall leave the settlement of the business to James Bruce, Esq. q.q. P. Nesbitt & Co. as I do not wish to see such an ungrateful man.
Demerary, February 1, 1806. N. Hart.

Wanted to purchase 50,000 or 60,000 lbs. of Coffee, and 100 Bales of Cotton, for which Bills on London will be given by
Stabroek, Feb. 1, 1806. John Madden & Co.

The Undersigned offers for sale a handsome Diana Table-Clock, in excellent condition; also a very large Water-stander, a Glass Book-case, Chairs, Tables, &c.
Stabroek, February 1, 1806. N. Winandy.

The Undersigned hereby informs the Public, that his Domicilium Citandi en Executandi will be held at the House of Mr. J. Thibou Matthews, LL.D. Hoofdplaats, Stabroek, Demerary, February 1, 1806. H. Fasy.

All those who have any claims upon, or are indebted to the estate of the late J. Ho[umlaut]rner, are desired to settle the same with the undersigned Executor within three months from the date hereof, in order that he may be enabled finally to close the accounts.
Stabroek, February 1, 1806. H. H. Schapers.

NOTICE. All Persons having claims against the Estate of William Leeds, deceased, are requested to furnish their accounts, legally authenticated, for settlement; and all those indebted, to make immediate payment to
Amos Leeds,
T. T. Thomson Administrators.
Stabroek, Feb. 1, 1806.

Alle die geene welke iets te pretendeeren hebben, of te schuldig zyn aan den boedel van wylen F. Krain, gelieven daar van opgaave te geeven, en betaalinge te doen, aan den ondergetekende, op plantagie Nouvelle Flandre.
Demerary, den 31, Jan. 1806. C. De L'Escaille, q.q.

Commissarisen der Societeit eendrgat maaken by deezen aan de respectieve leeden der ze[illegible]e bekend, Dat de Societeit met den 8 February 1806 zal worden verplaast in het huis geleegen aan de publique weg, en dwarspad van Werk en Rust, bekend onder de Concessie No. 6, alwaar den 13 Feb. aanstaande ballotage zal geschieden over de geproponeerde Candidaaten.
Demerary, den 30 January, 1806. T. Duim, Sec.

Wanted a complete Manager on a Sugar Plantation in this River; any person having been in that capacity for some time in this Colony, and producing a recommendation as to character, will receive a considerable salary, and meet with encouragement according to merit. Whoever may be inclined to accept of the above offer, will be pleased to address himself to the Printer of this paper.
Demerary, February 1, 1806.

PUBLIC VENDUE. [heading]

On Monday, the 24th instant, will be exposed for sale, to the highest bidders, by order of C. M. Overweg, Esq. q.q. at the house of Mrs. Iskenius, Werk & Rust, near to the second Canal Bridge - a negro woman named Henrietta, being a complete huckster; her mulatto son named William, being a taylor; and also her mulatto daughter, a capable house servant, all belonging to the estate of P. Iskenius, Esq. deceased: further - household furniture, gold watches, gold and silver ware, two piano fortes, two sea compasses and a quadrant, printed English Marseillas for waistcoats, a few pieces of cotton bagging, whip and cross-cut saws; cows, heifers, and bulls; a chaise and harness; a fast sailing schooner, built of best Colony wood, with sails, anchors, cables, and all further necessaries, in complete order; - to be seen two days before that time on Plantation Vive la Force, or Plantation Wonderlyk, formerly called Cragg The half Concession, situated on the Middle Dam, Stabroek, North side known by No. 79; also the house and Land situated on Werk & Rust, known by No. 51, at present occupied by Mrs. Iskenius, consisting of a Dwelling House, built of best Colony wood, on a brick foundation of 8 or 9 feet high, serving for a store - a brick cistern, two side buildings of Colony wood on brick pillars, and a brick kitchen, chimney and oven, &c. &c.

The Undersigned being admitted a Counsellor at Law for the Court of Justice of Demerary, may be spoken with everyday ( except Sundays ) at the house of Messrs. Pasquier & Otto, Brick dam, where he regularly attends for that purpose.
Stabroek, Feb. 1, 1806. C. W. Ellents Hofstede, LL.D.

Though we are thus [from newspapers received from Europe/lack of interesting items] precluded from giving any political intelligence of consequence, in our subsequent columns will be found an Address of His Excellency Governor van Imbyze van Batenburg to the Court of Police and Criminal Justice of Berbice, of much domestic import. Without presuming to offer an opinion on the subject matter of this official paper, we recommend it to the attention of the inhabitants of these colonies, as a spirited production, well worthy of their perusal.

The Court of Rolls and Court of Commissaries, of Essequebo and Demerary, meet on Monday next.

PUBLIC VENDUES, in Stabroek and its Environs. [heading]

On Tuesday, the 4th of Feb. on Plantation Nismes, on the West Bank of the River, Milch Cows, Oxen, and Calves, Chaise and Saddle Horses, Two Chaises, a Four oared Boat, excellent Household Furniture, a Chamber Organ with Fiver Barrels; best English Ware, Silver Plate, Damask, Table Cloths, Napkins, &c; on the same day will be sold a Quarter of Lot no. 20, situated on the Side Dam, Stabroek.
On Wednesday, the 5th of Feb. at Mr. Rich. Forshaw's, La Bourgade, the Cargo of the ship Queen, lately arrived, containing 75 tierces best bottled London porter, in casks of six and twelve dozen each, 75 ditto slender beer in ditto, 30 tierces salt, 30 puncheons oats, 30 iron bound kegs of tempered lime, &c. &c.
On Monday, the 10th of Feb. at the House of John Newton, Esq. Mahaica, 40 seasoned Boat and Carpenter Negroes, at Six Months credit payable in approved Bills of Exchange, or Cash.
On Monday, the 17th of Feb. at the Vendue Office, Eighteen acclimated Negro men and women, some of the latter good washers. Also a gold watch and chain, and sundry other Articles.
On Tuesday the 18th Feb. at the house of E. C. Eli, Esq. Household Furniture, Plate, Cotton Hammocks, Wearing Apparel, a four-oared Boat, Goats, Five Negroes (Sawyers), Two Negro Women, and a Child. Also, the Half Concession and Buildings, No. 26, North Dam, Stabroek, at present occupied by John Huiberts, Esq. Solicitor, to be paid for in Cash at three, six, and nine months. Also, a few seasoned Negroes, a Cook, Washerwoman, House boy, and Grasscutter, an excellent riding horse, a draft ditto, Creole Sheep, Goats, &c. Also, the Concession and Buildings, No. 239, in Cumingsburg, lately occupied by I. H. Clementson, Esq.
On Monday, the 24th Feb. - See Mr. Overweg's Advertisement.
On Tuesday, the 25th Feb. at the Vendue Office, by the Fiscal's order, Two Negroes; also Dry Goods, &c. &c.

ADDRESS, [heading]
Made to the Court of Policy and Criminal Justice in Berbice, by His Excellency Governor van Imbyze van Batenburg, Jan. 8, 1806. [heading]
- "No! 'tis Slander, [quote]
Whose edge is sharper than the sword; whose tongue
Out-venoms all the worms of Nile; whose breath
Rides on the posting winds, and doest belie
All corners of the world: Kings, Queens, and States,
Maids, Matrons, nay, the Secrets of the Grave,
This viperous Slander enters." Shakespeare,
[end quote]
By the last October packets I received from the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Castlereagh, one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State for the Colonial Department, the copy of a Memorial, presented to the King by George Baillie and Lambert Blair, in the name of the Planters and other Inhabitants of Berbice. In this Libel I am charged with having committed oppressions and abuses of authority, which have made me odious to all his Majesty's subjects in the Colony, and rendered me unworthy of being continued in my present important office; the Memorialists begging, for that reason, that it may please his Majesty to recall me, and to let them enjoy such relief as to his Majesty may seem meet.
I will not weary your attention, by communicating to you the Memorial at full length. It is a frivolous production of thirty two pages, filled up with Jeremiahdes of pretended wrongs and grievances, of which, however, not one is proved. It seems purposely extended to that length, in order that it may have the appearance of containing numberless complaints and heavy accusations, although in reality they are only the following:
First. That I have issued Proclamations of great importance to the inhabitants, and affecting their interest, without the concurrence of this Court. (Among them, those that relate to the collection of the Acre Money, and another, invalidating all acts of Sovereignty exerted by the Batavian Government before the actual return of the Colony to that Nation, appear particularly to have offended the Memorialists.
That by dismissing a Member of the Court I have caused the resignation of three other old Members. That the consequence of this act is that nothing could be more alarming to the inhabitants of the Colony than to see the Board constituted in such a way as to diminish the respect and confidence with which that Body ought to be beheld, and to cause it to be supposed that the Members are to hold or forfeit their Seats, according as they may be acceptable, or otherwise, to the Governor for the time being
The Second Charge is that I have never given an account of the revenue and expenditure of the Colony to the Court which (as the Memorialists pretend) I was in duty bound to do; and therefore they suspect that mismanagement and peculation takes place. That those accounts have never been exhibited for the purpose of being audited to the representatives of the Colony, who (as is again pretended) were entitled to examine them; but from the exercise of which right I have precluded them, by my misconduct.
The Third Charge is that I have withdrawn the Colony Artificers and Negro's from the public service for which they were alotted and at the same time have suffered the fortifications and other public works to remain in a neglected state, and thereby endangered the safety of the Colony, whilst I employed the said Negroes for my own convenience and emolument.
The Fourth and Last Charge is, that the Secretary and Government Secretary in their respective offices, have under my sanction and partly for my own emoulument, demanded and taken exorbitant fees, amounting to double and in some cases treble the former legal amount.
These accusations, Gentlemen, are the essential part of the Memorial which, however, has been spun out to its tiresome length by the use of a number of aspersions and arguments, entirely void of proofs, truth, and foundation, but inflated with high words of Violation of Capitulation, Charters, Laws, Regulations, Legal Authority, Constitutional Privileges, &c. which expressions are intentionally used by the Memorialists, as they well know that transactions like those never fail to raise, in the breast of every Englishman, the highest indignation against any person, particularly one in an official situation, who should be guilty of them, and that, by these means, the general hatred would be excited towards him; whilst, at the same time they also know very well, that there are perhaps, not three men in the Colony who are thoroughly acquainted with the Constitution, the nature of the right and privileges it bestows, the authority of the Governor, and that of the Court; and that it is thus very easy to make the generality of the people believe, that I have acted unconstitutionally. I am extremely happy, however, that the impartial disposition and just sentiments of the Noble lord who has sent me the copy of the Memorial, gives me an opportunity of clearing my character, by supplying his Lordship with all the explanations which are wanted on the subject, and of proving that this wanton and impotent attempt to injure it, can only serve to make apparent the malevolent disposition of the Memorialists, who wish to exert their malignity and private pique under the cloak of the representatives of a respectable community, whilst in fact, and as it is known to you, Gentlemen, as well as to the whole Colony, the zeal of Mr. L. Blair for the good of the inhabitants has never yet been proved on any occasion, but the contrary often complained of: and that the steps which he has taken, in endeavouring to impress his Majesty, our gracious Sovereign, with unfavourable notions of me, proceed alone from a cowardly wish to avenge himself of the spirited objections, which I have made against transactions, by which I consider that his Majesty's dignity and the general interest of the Colony has been injured, and of the contempt in which I hold his person and character, whereof I have made no secret to him or to the public, in a correspondence in which I used the language of a Gentleman of honour and principles, whilst his displayed that of an enraged individual of the lowest extraction. You all know him, Gentlemen. There are among us those who have experienced the sordidness of his interested disposition, and nobody will deny, that when this man is actuated by motives of interest, the meanness of his character is fully displayed, whilst his pompous pride is likewise conspicuous when he exhibits his ridiculous vanity. Both have been wounded and hurt by me - He has avenged himself in a manner congenial to his feelings.
With respect to Mr. Baillie, I confess myself to be perfectly ignorant of the cause of his wrath. Whilst I was in London, I had very little connection with that man: his ridiculous pride and pretensions made me not very desirous of seeing him often. The only reason that I can give for his joining Mr. Blair in this diatribe, is his natural propensity to slander and calumny; of which the clearest proof was brought before the public, in a late prosecution entered against him in London for the publication of a Libel, wherein he is called, by the Solicitor General, "a malignant malevolent, Black-blooded Libeller!" I imagined that the severe lesson he received on that occasion, would have cured him of a relapse. I observe now, however, that he is incurable.
No one of you, Gentlemen, is ignorant of the manner in which the signatures of almost all the Subscribers to the appointment of Agents for the Colony have been obtained. They were made to believe, that it was for the best of purposes, and with an intention that this Colony, like all other British Settlements, should have Agents at home, but none (except perhaps a few) had ever an idea, that the first step which the Agents were to take, was to present a Libel against me, in which his Majesty would be prayed to commit the injustice of removing me from my Government, only for having adhered strictly to my constitutional duty and authority, and executed his commands. In what manner the Memorialists can justify their conduct to their constituents, when these bring them to an account, for having so grossly abused the confidence which was placed in them, is to be seen at a future period. I acknowledge, that when I was informed of the appointment of Messrs. Baillie and Blair to the Agentship, it excited the greatest surprise in me. The manner in which the former has lately appeared in the papers, which have recorded his various deplorable misfortunes and difficulties, experienced at masquerades, Court of Chancery, and Law, made him in my opinion, perfectly unfit for the situation of a representative of a respectable community. With respect to Mr. Blair, I never knew him enjoy esteem, confidence, or affection enough from the inhabitants, to expect that he would have been nominated to that situation of trust. I was told, however, that many stepped over that consideration, on account of Mr. van Harthals, a gentleman of the highest character and principles, being joined in the appointment. That Gentleman had too much honour, refined sentiments, and delicacy; to act with these agents; and for that reason, without any hesitation, declined the appointment. This is the reason that neither his name nor character is degraded by his signature being found with the two others at the foot of the memorial; and I assure you, that, from the high regard I have for Mr. van Harthals, I should have been excessively hurt in my feelings, if he had joined the two other libellers. His conduct on this occasion, as in all others, answers perfectly the opinion which is entertained of him by every person who is acquainted with that respectable Gentleman.
But, Gentlemen, I observe that, led away by my feelings, I enlarge too much upon a subject, for the discussion of which this Court is not the proper place; and that I abuse your goodness, by tiring your attention. I shall therefore beg leave to apologise for my indiscretion, and enter immediately upon the reasons which have induced me to bring it before you.
The Noble Lord, who has sent me the copy of the Memorial in question, wishes that a full explanation should be given to him of several articles contained in it. This explanation I have it in my power to give in the most satisfactory manner; but I shall not be contented with only exposing facts, I mean likewise to prove them; and, to do this in the most undeniable manner, I wish that these proofs may be procured officially, and authenticated in the most solemn way. In order to perform this properly, I have to request from the Court that it will appoint a Committee of some of its members, assisted by the Secretary, in order to examine the Journals of this Court, for the purpose of investigating-
Whether, ever since the first Establishment of the Colony to this date, an account of the Revenue and Expenditure has been given to this Court, except during the period that the collection of the double taxes was in force, when the amount of these taxes during the last year was laid before the Court in its first Session in January, for the purpose of ascertaining whether they had or had not exceeded f 75,000; and in the first case to take a proportion of the extraordinary taxes, agreeably to the authorisation, which it had received to that effect, from the Board of Directors at home?
Whether this return of the amount of the taxes was ever made in any other manner, than by simply mentioning severally the sums which every tax had rendered, and to what the whole together had amounted?
Whether, at any period except in the sitting of the Court in April 1804, an account of the expenditure has been rendered to the Court?
Whether this Court has at any time during that period assumed the authority of having the disposal of the monies in the public colonial treasury or made any representation to that effect to the Governor?
Whether it has not happened, that on the first application which was made by the British Officers of the Garrison in Berbice for a colonial allowance the Court declared that it had no right to dispose over the treasury and for that reason could not from itself grant the request of these Gentlemen; but requested the Governor that in case the said treasury could afford the allowance, he would take upon himself to do it?
To call the Receiver General before the Committee, and desire him to make the following Declarations upon his Oath –
1st Why he had given an account of the taxes and expenditure to the Court in the sitting of April 1804, although he has never done it before?
2d Whether at that period the treasury was not is so deplorable a state, that he found himself in duty bound to represent its miserable situation in a memorial to the court in which he stated, that he was not able to answer the demands that were against the treasury, nor to pay the arrears of salaries due to the people in employ of Government [sic]; and that notwithstanding his pressing application to procure a relief to the treasury he obtained no other answer from the Court, than that it would delay the deliberations upon his memorial until a future period?
3d. Whether on my taking over the Government in June 1804, he did not report to me the poor state of the treasury, and that he had applied for relief to the Court? Whether I did not observe to him, that this relief could be procured by collecting the monies due to the Treasury from colonial taxes and revenues, and without imposing the burden of additional taxes on the inhabitants, which, besides, I considered his Majesty alone had a constitutional right to do: and whether I did not order him to collect the above debts, without any delay, or loss of time?
4th Whether it be not for him the most disagreeable and troublesome business to collect the monies due to the treasury for colonial taxes and revenues; and whether a number of the inhabitants are not often so irregular in their payments, that many months elapse after the day fixed for payment, before they come forward with them?
5th Whether Messrs. Lambert Blair, Robert Douglas, William Munro, George Munro, John M Cammon, and many more of the inhabitants have not often been very deficient in their payments, and requested the Receiver to indulge them with some time longer credit?
6th Whether I have not often disapproved of his lenity in this business and severely reprimanded him when, through his goodness, the demands against the treasury could not be regularly paid.?
7th Whether it be not really the case, that in some instances it has happened that he could not pay immediately these demands, solely on account of the monies due for colonial taxes and revenues not having entered regularly at the prefixed times?
8th Whether he should not have been fully able to pay all the orders I have given upon the treasury since my return to my Government, if the monies due to the treasury had been regularly paid to it and the same with the salary of the people in the employ of Government? 9th Whether the expenditure of the colonial treasury has not been less since my return to the colony than during the same period before my resuming the Government?
10th Whether he has ever heard, that the orders which I have given on the treasury, since my return to the colony, would not be accepted, but have fallen into discredit?
11th Whether I have ever drawn on the treasury, for my own emolument, more than was due to me for my salary?
12th Whether any other monies of the treasury, than those that were due for my salary, ever passed through his hands?
I also request that some of the most respectable Merchants in the Colony may be called before the Committee, in order to have them declare upon their Oath.
1st Whether, since my return to the Colony, they ever felt the least reluctance in selling to Government, when they knew that they were going to receive orders upon the Treasury in payment?
2d. Whether they, or any of them, ever made any difficulty to receive these orders, or considered them as bad and discreditable payment?
3d. Whether they do not generally prefer selling to the Colonial Government, than to other purchasers, because they are sure of the regularity of their payments?
I also request that the Colonial Commissary may be called before the Committee and desired to answer upon Oath to the following questions:
1st. Whether all the accounts of purchases for provisions, and all other necessaries, are not presented to him at his office?
2d. Whether, before these accounts are rendered, it is not duly certified by him, or the Magazine Master, that the articles mentioned in them were bought for account, and received for the use of Government?
3d Whether the emoluments that are received for me at his office, exceed those that Lieutenant Governor Nicholson, or myself, had, before [illegible] resumed the Government in June, 1804.
4th. To what my emoluments have amount for the last 12 months?
I also request that the Government Secretary be desired to appear before the Committee, to answer upon Oath to the following questions:
1st. Whether he has demanded or taken exorbitant fees, amounting to double, and in some cases to treble, the legal amount taken by the Government Secretary under Lieutenant Governor Nicholson?
2d. In case he had done so, whether it was under my sanction?
3d. Whether I receive any benefit or emolument from the Government Secretary, or whether the whole is entirely left for him?
And as it is likewise proven, that, in the issuing of publications without the concurrence of the Court, I have acted constitutionally, and conformably, not only to old but even to fresh precedents, I request that the Committee may be desired to examine the books in which the publications are recorded in order to ascertain:
Whether the Provisional governors of this colony have not, during the period that they were acting from the 3d of December, 1802, when the Batavian flag was hoisted, until the British was hoisted again, issue several Proclamations of the highest importance, without the concurrence of the Court, and without the subject having been before submitted for its consideration; and whether on the [?]the of April 1804 a Proclamation was not issued, without the concurrence of the Court by the Fiscal Eggers, who, in the absence of Lieutenant Governor Nicholson, acted as Governor, containing municipal laws and regulations relative to the P[illegible] of the Country; and which publication is of the highest importance, as it tends to encroach upon the liberty which free and coloured people always enjoyed in the colony before the Proclamation was published?
And I request also that the Committee may be desired to lay the result of their operations before the Court, which shall be assembled as soon as the report is ready, and that an authentic copy of the report be given to me.
These investigations are absolutely necessary for the Explanation which are required by the Minister: and, as I am very anxious to [illegible] them before his Lordship as soon as possible, I earnestly request that no time may be lost in appointing the Committee, that it may [illegible] upon this business. I shall, in the mean time, employ all the leisure which the important daily occupations of my situation allow me [illegible] making a defence, by which I shall incontrovertibly prove the [illegible]volity, falsehood, malignity, and infamy of the charges and obtain victory over the two Slanderers, which will blast their characters [illegible] ever, and establish their impotent villainy; whilst the purity of [illegible] principles being proved, will make the blush of shame appear upon them, if the blackness of their hearts do not prevent the crimson [illegible] from rising up to their brazen faces.
I am very sorry, Gentlemen, for the trouble and loss of time which these investigations will cause the Committee, and would certainly have abstained from intruding upon it at all, if these vile calumnators had, like some of their auxiliaries, limited the effusions of their rage to vomiting their venom in hand bills, supplements to gazettes, &c. &c. which must ultimately have no other effect upon the public than to make their own contemptible characters appear in the real light; and upon which I look with too much contempt, to record it in the manner I certainly would do, if I thought the authors w[illegible] my notice, attention, and revenge.
But, Gentlemen, the Memorial is of another nature: it is an accusation brought against me before our gracious Sovereign, and [illegible] duty and character demands that I should justify myself of the Charges.


[Entered - no heading]

Jan. 25. Schooner Experiment, H. C. Darrell from Barbados with Passengers.
Jan. 27. Schooner Ranger, I. Hewes from Boston, with Beef, Tongue, Pork, [illegible]tings, Smoked Oldwives, Cheese, Flour, Soap, Lard, Butter, Tobacco, Bread, Crackers, Sausages, Hams, Lumber, &c.
Jan. 27. Schooner Hannah Martha, Th. Clouchman, Boston, Fish, Onions, Tobacco.
Jan. 27. Schooner Hebe, Richard Stickland [second letter of surname somewhat illegible], from Barbados, with Paint and Paint Oil, Paint Brushes, Drugs, Ironmongery, Wine, Cocoa, Fish, Tripe, Tobacco, Cheese, Potatoes, Porter, and Dry Goods.
Jan. 28. Schooner Tryal, I. Harding, from Boston with Salmon, Oldwives, Mackerel, Beef, Pork, Rounds of Beef, Tongues, Rice, Flour, Butter, Candles, [illegible] Oil, Tallow, Tobacco, Iron and Wood Hoops, Lumber, &c.
Jan. 30. Ship Resolution, G. M'Clean, Island Mayo with Oxen, Salt, and Hogs.
Jan. 31. Ship General Hunter, H. M'Phail, Greenock, with Dry Goods, Gigs, Lead, Grapnels, Tiles, Bricks, &c.
Jan. 31. Brig Andalusia, C. London, London, with Government Stores, &c.

Jan. 28. Schooner Antelope, J. Rogers, for New Haven.
Jan. 29. Ship Bodman, T. Wood, for St. Croix.
Jan. 30. Schooner Polly, A. Denison, for New London.
Jan. 30. Ship Four Sisters, S. Greenland, for Boston.
Jan. 30. Schooner Phoebe, J. M'Gowty, for New London.
Jan. 30. Ship George, S. Greenough, for Portsmouth.
Feb. 1. Schooner Hebe, R. Stickland, for Barbados.

N. Volkerts, Printer, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.


Created: 26 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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