Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 February 08


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 163.

Saturday, the 8th of February.


[Repeat of Helena Adriana van Eeten]

For Sale, the Plantation Gedagtenis, on Truly Island, containing 200 Acres of Land, more or less, most of which is in canes and Plantains, with 170 Slaves, and all the Buildings thereon in good repair; an appraisement of which may be seen, and Terms of Sale known, by application to
John Lewis Bynoe,
William King, &
C. D. Forrester (as
representing Stephen Walcott), [all previous as q.q.]
Stabroek, Feb. 8, 1806. The Boedle [sic] of F. Bynoe, deceased.

All those who have any Demands against, or are indebted to, the Estate of the late A. C. L. De Winter, Esq. are requested immediately to call and receive or liquidate the same at the Counting-House of F. Butteweg, Esq. or at that of V. A. Heyliger, Esq. who are appointed to settle the affairs of the deceased.
Stabroek, Feb. 8, 1806.

The Undersigned hereby informs all those whom it may concern, that his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi is at the house of the Widow Bastiaanse, in front of Werk & Rust.
Demerary, Feb. 8, 1806. I. F. Sanderus.

M. Jacobs & Co. offer for Sale the following Articles for immediate payment:
[first column]
Hams and Cheese
Dutch and American Butter
Smoaked Herrings
Crackers in Kegs
Pilot Bread
Spiced Rounds of Beef
Salt in Barrels
Sallad Oil
Fresh Garden Seeds
Best Cogniac Brandy
Old Shrub
Madeira Wine per dozen; and the following articles of Tin Ware, &c. viz.
Brass Vat and Wine Cocks
Shower Baths
Dripping Pans
Block Tin saucepans
[second column]
Brass and Tin Scales and Weights
Brass and Block Tin Tea and Coffee Kettles
Japanned Tea ditto
Tin Lanthorns and Camp Kettles
Block Tin Dish Covers
Ditto Tureens
Gallon measures
Black Pepper Boxes
Quart Jacks
Small Glass Lanthorns
Table Knives and Forks
Pen Knives
Arched Ink Stands
Japanned Chamber Candlesticks
Glass Ware consisting of large and small Tumblers, Wine and Water Glasses, Table Services, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Demerary, February 8, 1806.

Terwyl J. H. Stru[umlaut]cker zig niet ontzien heest onder den 31 January in de Essequebo & Demerary Royal Gazette te adverteeren als dat de firma van Stru[umlaut]cker & Bo[umlaut]rner op den 16 October 1805 niet gedissolveerd was, vind zig den ondergeteekende verpligt aan den voet deezes da copia van hunne schriftelyke dissolutie langs deeze weg aan een iegelyk bekend te maaken, refereerende zig ovrigens nog omtrent de crediteuren en debiteuren van gemelde firma aan zyn advertisement, dato 18 January, in deeze Courant, waarna zig een iegelyk die het aangaat gelieve te reguleeren.
Demerary, den 8 Feb. 1806. C. J. Borner.

Copia. - De firma van Stru[umlaut] & Bo[umlaut]rner is opheeden met weederzyts consent gedessolveert, verzoekende aan een iegelyk die daarvan te praetendeeren of te daaran verschuldigd is hunne praetensien koomen opgeeven en hunne schulden te voldoen, ten einde dezelve tot liguiditait te kunnen brengen.
Demerary den 16 October 1805
(was geteekend) J. H. Strucker.
C. J. Borner.

The Undersigned offers for Sale, at a moderate price, to an approved Purchaser, his well-known and convenient House, together with the Outbuildings, situated on the Brick Dam, formerly occupied by H. Cantzlaar, Esq. and opposite that of J. L. Eils, Esq.
Stabroek, Feb. 8, 1806. P. Jourdan.

James Greenwood respectfully informs his Friends and the Publick of his Nomination as Sworn Bookkeeper by the Honorable Court of Policy; and begs Permission to add, that it will be his Ambition to merit their Patronage in that Capacity.
His Domicilium is at Thomas Duim's, Esq. Werk & Rust.
Demerary, Feb. 8, 1806.

The Honourable Court of Policy having been pleased to appoint the Subscriber to act as Sworn Translator of the Dutch and French Languages into English, he assures those who may commit any Papers to him in the above Character, that they will meet every Attention with Respect to Accuracy and Dispatch.
Demerary, Feb. 8, 1806. Jas. Greenwood.

Pursuant to Proclamation of the Hon. Court of Policy, and by permission of the Hon. F. P. van Berckel, Fiscal, at the expiration of Four Weeks from the date hereof, will be sold, at public vendue, a black Mare and a bay Gelding, brought by the Military this day. Meanwhile, the Owners may have them restored, on paying the expences to J. Runnels, J. Z.
Stabroek, Feb. 7, 1806. Sheriff.

N. Volkerts respectfully informs the Merchants, &c. of this Colony, that having just printed a large quantity of Bills of Exchange, Bills of Lading, and Window Bills; any number of them may now be had, on reasonable terms, by applying at the Office of this Paper, No. 20, Brick Dam, where ready made Pens, Ink-powder, and Paper of all qualities are also for sale. - Likewise a few remaining Almanacks
for the current year.
Stabroek, Feb. 8, 1806.

The Undersigned, in consequence of declining health, intending to return to Europe so soon as he can satisfactorily arrange his affairs, offers for immediate Sale, on moderate Terms, to an approved Purchaser, his Plantation Flinsburg, situated on the West Bank of the River, opposite the second Island. The Plantation is in good Order; has 10,000 bearing Coffee Trees, 20,000 young ones, an abundance of Plantain Trees, Fruit Trees, and Vegetables, and may be had with or without from 20 to 30 Slaves, There is an excellent Dwelling-House, on a Brick Foundation, quite new; also Out houses, a Drogery, and Range of Negro houses, all in good Order. The Terms of Sale may be known by applying to N. Volkerts; and the Plantation may be viewed every day. If not privately disposed of before April next, it will be put up to Public Vendue, together with several horned Cattle.
Stabroek, Feb. 8, 1806. N. Volkerts.

Alle de geene welke iets te pretenderen heest of verschuldigd is aan wyle den Heer Van den Paadevoort, of deszelfs nagelatene Weduwe, worde verzogt hunnen pretentien in te leveren, of hunne schulde te komen voldoen, ter Domicilum van haar, op de plantagie Het Land Canaan of wel ten huizen van de Heer G. Egeling, op Stabroek, alzoo zy van voorneemens is om met de eerste vloot van hier te vertrekken.
Stabroek, den 8 Feb. 1806.

PUBLIC VENDUE. [heading]

On Monday, the 24th instant, will be exposed for sale, to the highest bidders, by order of C. M. Overweg, Esq. q.q. at the house of Mrs. Iskenius, Werk & Rust, near to the second Canal Bridge - a negro woman named Henrietta, being a complete huckster; her mulatto son named William, being a taylor; and also her mulatto daughter, a capable house servant, all belonging to the estate of P. Iskenius, Esq. deceased: further - household furniture, gold watches, gold and silver ware, two piano fortes, two sea compasses and a quadrant, printed English Marseillas for waistcoats, a few pieces of cotton bagging, whip and cross-cut saws; cows, heifers, and bulls; a chaise and harness; a fast sailing schooner, built of best Colony wood, with sails, anchors, cables, and all further necessaries, in complete order; - to be seen two days before the sale at the stelling of Plantation Werk & Rust, or before that time on Plantation Vive la Force, or Plantation Wonderlyk, formerly called Cragg. The half Concession, situated on the Middle Dam, Stabroek, North side, known by No. 79; also the House and Land situated on Werk & Rust, known by No. 51, at present occupied by Mrs. Iskenius, consisting of a Dwelling House, built of best Colony wood, on a brick foundation of 8 or 9 feet high, serving for a store - a brick cistern, two side buildings of Colony wood on brick pillars, and a brick kitchen, chimney, and oven, &c. &c.

The Proprietor of this Paper has read with some astonishment, although without the smallest mortification, a wanton attack made on him by a publication which appeared in Mr. Henery's last Gazette, under the signature of N. Rousselet. He begs leave to assure that Gentleman, that the ignoble passion of which he suspects him, never entered his breast. As a candidate for public patronage, he will endeavour to deserve it, without repining at the successes of others engaged in the
same pursuit.
Nobody can compel Mr. Rousselet to read this paper; he is therefore at liberty to lay it aside at his own pleasure; and, sorry as the Proprietor would be to deserve the displeasure of any one of his Subscribers, he will not be intimidated by the threats of Mr. Rousselet's censorial vengeance, from speaking with moderation in his own defence - much less will he adopt the indecent practice pointed out by him of having recourse to lantern-posts. These vehicles for slander and libels are neither useful nor recommended, by those who respect the Laws of Civilised Society.

In answer to the complaints of two or three Gentlemen respecting their Advertisements being omitted, we beg leave to refer to the last and preceding paper, the six pages of both which, it will be seen, are considerably longer than they ever were before, and then we humbly submit if we do more. It is equally inimical to our interest and our wishes, ever to leave out a single Advertisement, that measure we only have recourse to, on extraordinary emergencies; and, may [previous somewhat illegible] prevent a repetition of what is so extremely disagreeable to ourselves and friends, we are making such arrangements as will effectually accommodate our advertising customers, and evince our grateful sense of the very liberal [illegible] encouragement we are weekly experiencing from a generous Public.

Mr. Brandes, of Plantation Sousdyk, has reported to the Fiscal that in an expedition against the Bush Negroes, he had killed two and that one who, in the confusion, escaped to the grounds of Mr. Fileen, there met the same fate. The three hands were sent to the Drossaard.
On Monday and Tuesday last, this town was again quite overflowed to the great inconvenience and prejudice of the inhabitants. The spring tides were undoubtedly high; but we believe it to be principally owing to defects in the dams. On Tuesday afternoon the inundation was particularly great; some Gentlemen came in a [illegible] close up to the American Coffee house; but one fat Gentleman (a second Sir John Falstaff), who was not fortunate enough to have [illegible] safe a conveyance, but trusted to two Negroes, was, by a mistake of the latter, completely soused in the muddy flood.
It will no doubt afford great satisfaction to his countrymen to learn and we are not afraid of offending the Gentleman by taking up the [illegible] of our paper in stating that the name of N. Rousselet, Esq. stands [illegible] the Barbados List of Subscriptions toward Lord Nelson's Statue, [illegible] twenty pounds; and that, in the same paper which announces it, [illegible] Advertisement of this "respectable Lawyer of Demerary, and Batavian by birth" (as he is styled by the Barbadian Editor), which appears in our paper of the 7th December, is given verbatim, as a mark of [illegible] extreme sensibility of the writer.
A Gentleman advertises in a late Barbados paper, that if his friends will come forward and pay what they owe him, he will for [illegible] remain a Monument of Gratitude! It would seem by this, that Monuments were all the rage in that island.

PUBLIC VENDUES, in Stabroek and its Environs. [heading]

On Monday, the 10th of Feb. at the House of John Newton, Esq. Mahaica, 40 seasoned Boat and Carpenter Negroes, at Six Months credit, payable in approved Bills of Exchange, or Cash.
On Thursday, the 13th of Feb. for the benefit of the Underwriters, at the Store of A. Fullarton & Co. Cumingsburg, the condemned Ship Brilliant, with rigging, stores, ammunition, &c.
On Friday, the 14th of Feb. at the Vendue Office, 30 tierces of porter and pale ale, 60 dozen of cherry and raspberry brandy, hock, glass and earthen ware, pickled tongues, tripe, &c.
On Monday, the 17th of Feb. at the Vendue Office, Eighteen acclimated Negro men and women, some of the latter good washers. Also a gold watch and chain, and sundry other Articles.
On Tuesday, the 18th Feb. at the house of E. C. Eli, Esq. house-hold Furniture, Plate, Cotton Hammocks, Wearing Apparel, a four-oared Boat, goats, Five Negroes (Sawyers), Two Negro Women, and a Child. Also the Half Concession and Buildings, No. 26, North Dam. Stabroek, at present occupied by John Huiberts, Esq. Solicitor, to be paid for in cash at three, six, and nine months. Also, a few seasoned Negroes, a Cook, washerwoman, House boy, and Grass cutter, an excellent riding horse, a draft ditto. Creole Sheep, goats, &c. Also, Esq.
On Thursday, the 20th of Feb. by order of John Madden & Co. new and second hand gigs and harness, pale ale in hogsheads, claret in three dozen cases, port wine in tierces, brandy in pipes, cyder in small tierces, provisions, cloths, cassimeres &c. imported in the Ships George and General Hunter, and sold to close consignments.
On Monday, the 24th Feb. - See Mr. Overweg's Advertisement.
On Tuesday, the 25th Feb. at the Vendue Office, by the Fiscal's order, Two Negroes; also Dry Goods, &c. &c.

[satirical piece on newspaper controversy - age of newspaper referred to in weeks]
A very extraordinary production, stated by the Proprietor to be one hundred and fifty nine weeks old the first day of its birth, was seen in this town about a month ago. It bore little resemblance to any thing of its kind, except in the Head, and that was very ill formed; but the Proprietor assured the beholders, that the appearance, as well of the Head as of the whole body, would be materially altered every seven days, in consequence of which weekly change, he meant to exhibit it each Saturday Afternoon, and he was very sanguine in his expectations of public encouragement. The following Saturday, many persons attended out of curiosity; but, after waiting in anxious expectation till Sunday morning, they found that this singular phenomenon was at the point of death, it was supposed, from the shock of being first exposed to public view. Some compassionate Gentlemen proposed to enter into a Subscription for the relief of the owner, and put their names down accordingly; but we have heard that it does not fill, from a simple notion which many people have imbibed, of there not having been altogether fair play in the business. One Gentleman, however, strongly advocates the cause, and has written to the crest-fallen Proprietor, advising him to say no more about it, but to send the sick thing, which betrayed so much sensibility, to Barbados, "where a patient, by the fresh sea breezes, cold sea baths, kind and hospitable reception of its inhabitants, may soon recover a lost health, the enjoyment of which passes all understanding." [quote or paraphrase of Rousselet] The above advice was, we are also informed, accompanied with a kind of threat, that if it were not abided by, the Counsellor's Subscription would be withdrawn; it will therefore most likely be followed, but whether with effect or not, we shall not pretend to determine, though, we understand, the Adviser is a Gentleman of great abilities, and that he has lately experienced the extraordinary effects of the Barbados air himself; having gone there with a severe paralytic complaint, and, soon after his arrival, being "able to walk the streets of Bridge Town, without a servant to wait upon him, and all this without taking Physic, or advice of Doctors."


Feb. 3. Brig Dolphin, Church C. Trouant, for Boston.
Feb. 3. Schooner Eagle, H. Averill, for Barbados.
Feb. 8. Schooner Ruby, I. Given, for North Carolina.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves. [not transcribed]

N. Volkerts, Printer, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.

Created: 26 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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