Ao. 1806 )
Essequebo and Demerary
( No. 168.
Saturday, the 15th of March.
Demerary, March 11, 1806.
Major A. Blair feels the highest
satisfaction in having it in his power to communicate to the gentlemen of the
Corps a copy of the Orders issued by his Excellency Brigadier-General
Montgomerie [sic] on the 10th instant, so very highly flattering and honorable
to them.
Demerary, March 10, 1806.
Brigadier General Montgomerie [sic] is
pleased to express his great satisfaction at the soldier-like appearance of the
Cavalry this day. The uniformity of their dress and appointments is highly
creditable to them, considering the short time they have been embodied; and,
from the exertion already shown, the Brigadier-General is satisfied that, on
all occasions when their services are required, their conduct will be
creditable to themselves, and useful to the Colony.
To Major Blair,
Commanding Demerary Cavalry.
The Corps will parade on Sunday, the 23d
instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning.
Arthur Blair, Major,
Commanding Demerary Cavalry.
Secretary's Office. This is to inform
the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. J. Sayers, in fourteen days.
Mr. R. C. Hollrung, in fourteen days.
Mr. F. W. Thron, in fourteen days.
Miss Nancy Brown (free Mulatto woman),
in fourteen days.
Mr. J. Hunt, in fourteen days.
Mr. Nicol McNicol, in fourteen days.
Mr. Levy Eleaser, in fourteen days.
Mr. James Bailey, in fourteen days.
Mr. Charles Keating, in the Month of
April next.
J. C. Stadtman,
Senior Clerk.
Alzo den Heer Johan Herman Beekman,
gebooren te Dorthmonth in Deutschland, meerderjaarige Jongman ter eenre, en
Mejuffrouw Catharina Dorothea van Herzel, gebooren binne deeze Colonie,
minderjaarige jonge dochter geadsisteerd met haar moeder de weduwe Susannah van
Herzel, gebooren Lengius, ter andere zyde.
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een
wettig huwelyk aan te gaan zoo als dezelve ook reeds op den 13de deezer ten
overstaan van den Heer President en Raad Commissaris in ondertrouw zyn
opgenoomen. Zo word zulks mits deezen aan alle en een iegelyk geadverteerd,
ten einde die geenen welke vermeenen zich teegens dit voorgenoome huwelyk te
kunnen opponeeren zulks in tyds te doen ter plaatse waar zulks behoord. Actum
ter Secretary van
Demerary, deezen 14 Maart 1806. In
kennisse van my
J. C. Stadtman, oudste Clercq.
The following applications having been
made to the Honorable Court of Policy at its last Session for Letters of
Manumission for Slaves, viz.
Lubertus van Rossum for a Mustice girl,
named Henrietta, formerly the property of the widow Trotz.
Edward Barnwell, for a Negro Man, his
property, named Thomas, and his two children, Fanny and Thomas; and
F. S. Swanke, on behalf of the Negro
Woman Cornelia, late the property of J. C. Heeke.
All Persons who may think themselves
entitled to lodge any caveat against the formal Manumission of the aforesaid
Slaves, are called upon to do so before the next ordinary Session of the said
Court to be held in April ensuing.
Court House, Stabroek, Demerary, March
11, 1806.
P. F. Tinne, Secretary.
By Virtue of an Appointment obtained the
12th inst. from the Hon. F. C. Loncke, acting President of the Hon. Court of
Justice of this Colony, on the Petition of William King, Esq. Executor of the
late Francis Bynoe, Es. acting as well for the other Executors as for himself,
The Undersigned, in his quality of
Exploiteur, hereby summonses by Edict, for the First time, all the known and
unknown Creditors of the said late Francis Bynoe, Esq. wheresoever they may be,
to appear, either by themselves or their Attornies, before the aforesaid Hon.
Court of Justice, at the Court House, Stabroek, at the Sessions which will be
held in the months of March and May 1807, in order to render their different
pretensions, &c. &c.
And, after the Expiration of the First,
Second, Third, and Fourth (the Last ex superabundantie) Edict, proceedings will
be instituted to obtain a perpetual Silentium.
This is the First Edictale Citation,
published and affixed as customary.
E. J. Bertho Loncke,
Demerary, March 14, 1806.
By Authority of the Hon. F. C. Loncke,
acting President of the Hon. Court of Justice of this Colony, the Undersigned
will expose at Marshall's Sale, in presence of the Hon. Commissioners of the
said Court.
On Tuesday, the 8th of April next,
in behalf of Evan Fraser, Esq. q.q. I.
M'Intyre, Esq. a negro man, named Tom, a Negro woman, named Nancy, a large
inland punt, a sofa, sideboard, a cherry-tree dining table, a tea table, and 12
American chairs, the Property of the Defendant Paul Smith.
Therefore, if any one should have
reasons to urge against the above Sale, he must address himself where he thinks
proper before that time; otherwise, all who may be inclined to purchase, will
find their account in attending at the Court House, as above stated.
Mart. Smit,
Rio Demerary, March 15, 1806. First
Te Koop, by den Ondergeteekende, voor
moderate pryzen, tegens directe betaaling, hammen, booter, kaarsen, zeep, visch
in vaten en kisten, vleesch, rounds beef, blom, ryst, planken, klapboorden, RO
en WO schooren, RO duygen, spykers in soorten, yzere hoepels, &c.
Demerary, den 15 Maart, 1806. O. I.
[centered sub-heading]
The Subscribers having discovered that a
number of Specialties belonging to the above Concerns have been removed from
their Counting-House in a most unwarrantable manner by Mr. James Ogle, and that
he has had the presumption to demand payment of, and commence Suits at Law on
some of their Obligations, do hereby give notice, that thy are the only persons
in these Colonies authorised to make any such application, and that no sums
paid to that Gentleman will be allowed.
Demerary, March 11, 1806. S. Fraser,
J. C. McLeod,
W. Littledale.
For Sale, a young, healthy, and clever
house maid, who can work well with her needle, and is an excellent washer. She
is sold for no fault whatever, and is warranted healthy.
For further particulars apply to the
Printer of this paper.
Demerary, March 15, 1806.
STOLEN. [heading]
Last Monday night, from on board a
row-boat, lying off the upper Stelling, in this River, a pocket book containing
the following: - A good for 350 Guilders, of W. Crab's; a ditto for 167
Guilders, of Benjamin Edney's; a Receipt for 254 Guilders, of W. Nelson's; 46
Guilders in Cash, and several Papers, of no use to any body but the owner. The
pocket-book was in a jacket, which, with a shirt, trowsers, and some other
articles, were all taken away, while the men on board were asleep. Whoever
will give such information at the Office of this paper as may be the means of
recovering the above pocket book, or may lead to the discovery and apprehension
of the perpetrator or perpetrators of the robbery, will be handsomely rewarded.
Demerary, March 15, 1806.
Run Away from the Subscriber a Negro
man, named Jochem, stout, and well made. He is of the Cangoo Nation, and is
well acquainted about town; speaks Creole Dutch very well, and a little
English. Whoever will deliver the said Negro to the Subscriber, shall receive
a reward of Two Joes. The Subscriber being informed that he is detained on board
an American vessel, cautions the master of such vessel, as well as all others,
not to take him away, as any person or persons so offending will be prosecuted
with the utmost rigour of the law.
Demerary, March 15, 1806. G. E. Aman
The Court of Rolls and Court of Justice
of Demerary meets on Monday next.
- Van Braam, Esq. formerly Captain in
the Dutch Navy, is appointed Grave digger to this Colony, vice Schreibvogel,
dec. From the number of applicants which we understand there was for this
situation, it would seem that "the loaves and fishers" are no less an
object of desire here than in Europe.
Died - On Wednesday, the 12th inst. G.
Egeling, Esq.
PUBLIC VENDUES, in Stabroek and its
On Monday, the 17th instant, at the
house of W. Harris, Esq. New Town, linen drapery and dry goods; also some house
negroes, a washerwoman, and a huckster.
On Tuesday, the 18th instant, at the
Vendue Office, linen, cotton, [illegible] butter, &c. just imported in the
ship Bellisle; also salt fish, beef, dry goods, negroes, &c.
On Wednesday, the 19th instant, at the
house of T. T. Thompson, in front of Plantation Vlissingen, mess beef, hams,
flour, sweet milk, [illegible] gin, brandy, &c.
Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our
March 10. Brig Fidelity, G. Dame, from
Portsmouth, with Boards, Shooks, Beef, Candles, Tobacco, &c.
March 10. Schooner Nancy, D. Grant,
from Portsmouth, with Lumber, Clapboards, Hoops, Beef, Pork, &c.
March 14. Brig Montpelier, Rich.
Tibbetts, from Portsmouth, with Lumber, [illegible].
March 12. Schooner Hannah Matilda, H.
Cloutman, for Boston.
List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves.
[not transcribed]
N. Volkerts, Printer, No. 20, Brick Dam,
Supplement to the Essequebo and Demerary