Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 April 12


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 172.

Saturday, the 12th of April.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. Frederick Grosse, with the first Fleet.
Mr. Peter Haywood, with ditto.
Mr. Roeloff Broers, with ditto.
Mr. Alexander Wishart, with ditto.
Mr. N. R. Righton, in three or four weeks.
Mr. Hanssen, in six weeks.
Mr. Duncan McNicoll, in 14 days.
J. C. Stadtman,
Senior Clerk.

Also den Heer P. F. Tinne gebooren in den Haag, in Holland ter eener [transposition error?], en jongvrouwe Anna Rose, gebooren in Schotland minderjaarige jonge dochter, geadsisteerd met den Heer en Mevrouw Lachlan Cuming, als de Ouders representeerende, ter andere zyde, van voorneemens zyn met elkander een wettig huwelyk aan te gaan, zoo als dezelve op heeden ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen in ondertrouw zyn opgenomen, zoo word zulks mits deezen aan allen en een igelyk geadverteerd, ten einde, die geenen welke vermeenen zig teegens dit voorgenoome huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds te doen, ter plaatze daar, en waar zulks behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 12 April 1806.
In kennisse van my,
J. C. Stadtman, oudste Clercq.

John Muller [Jan Muller in Dutch version] respectfully acquaints the Public, that having, at a considerable expence, erected a Bakehouse on the North Dam, the second house above C. D. Forrester, Esq. he intends to commence baking on Monday next, when families, &c. may be supplied with the best bread, on paying for it either monthly, or when the sum due shall amount to a Joe. J. Muller purposes to make Pilot Bread, Crackers, Rusks, and other varieties.
Stabroek, April 12, 1806.

The Undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the Public, that he has just removed into the house formerly occupied by H. de Munnick [H. – sic, in the Dutch version of advertisement this is, "bewoond door de Heer de Munnick], Esq. on the fore ground of plantation Werk & Rust, where he means to continue the practice of the Medical Profession, and hopes by a prompt and polite attention to his duties, to merit the encouragement and approbation of all who may be inclined to favour him.
Demerary, April 12, 1806. J. Verwayen.

Notice is hereby given, that the Co-partnership heretofore existing between the Undersigned and Mr. Nathan Hart, under the Firm of M. Jacobs & Co. is this day dissolved. And should the said Mr. Nathan Hart, after this day, call on any of the Merchants for credit in the name of M. Jacobs & Co. and obtain it, the same will not be allowed by me; he having forfeited the articles of agreement between us, and wishing to involve me. All persons indebted to the said Firm are requested to pay their accounts to no other person than the Undersigned; and all to whom the Firm may be indebted, are requested to render in their accounts to
Demerary, April 10, 1806. M. Jacobs.

Found, by a Negro belonging to the Undersigned, a Silver Watch, with a Copper Chain. Whoever can prove the same to be his Property, may have it restored on paying the expences of this Advertisement, and giving a trifle to the Negro, by applying to
Werk & Rust, April 12, 1806. C. Smit, J.Z.

Run Away from the Subscriber some time since, a negro, named Amsterdam, short, and thick set. Whoever apprehends the said Negro, and lodges him in the Barracks at Stabroek, or delivers him to the Ferryman, shall be handsomely rewarded.
Demerary, April 12, 1806. H. Fasy.

Weggeloopen van den Ondergeteekende, een neger jonge genaamt Coffy, van de Amina natie, hebbende een jasmerk op zyn dye, en bruynagting van couleur; die dezelve te regt brengt, zal een genereuse belooning genieten, hy spreekt anders niet als de Creole taal.
Stabrtek [sic], den 12 April 1866 [sic]. J. G. Browman.

Run Away a Boat Negro, named Philip, a Creole of Barbados, stout, and well made, of the middling size, and formerly the property of Mr. Kadell, who employed him in the ferry boat. He has been seen on the premises of a free Negro woman, named Sander Gaems, where he has a wife and child. Whoever will apprehend and restore him to the Undersigned, or deliver him to the Printer of this Paper, will be liberally rewarded.
Stabroek, April 12, 1806. J. P. Smit.

Run Away from Plantation Nouvelle Flandre, two Negro men and one woman, named Thomas, Roby, and Magdalene. Thomas is a Creole from Antigua, of a middle size, black skin, slight made, and marked with the small pox in the face; he speaks good English and Dutch, and is well known about town, where he used to be sent very often. He is a Boat Negro, therefore may probably try to pass for free, and hire himself on board of a Ship; all Captains of Vessels are cautioned against harbouring him.
Roby is a Creole from St. Kitt's, speaks good English and Dutch, and keeps himself in town, where he has often tried to pass for free, under the name of Uncle Roby Wrain; he hires himself out as a Painter.
Magdalene is an old woman of the Wanwi Nation, she has been seen in town the other day with her man Roby, and is suspected to live somewhere on the Back Dam of Stabroek.
Whoever delivers any of the said Negroes to the Subscriber on the said Estate, or shall lodge them in the Barracks, shall receive One Joe reward for each.
Demerary, April 12, 1806. C. De L'Escaille, q.q.

Weggeloopen uyt de Supanama Creek in Essequebo, van Tobias de Boer, houtmaaker aldaar, zedert de maand November 1805, een negerin, genaamt Ismene, een Creeol van gemelde Colonie, middelmaatig van postuur, heel swart van couleur, men veronderstelt dat zy zich zoude ophouden op een plantagie in Demerary, aan de westwal in de rivier, waar zy een suster soude hebben; die geene die dezelve in de tronck aan Stabroek, ofte by de Ondergeteekende te regt brengt, op de Middendam [sic], in het huis tussen dat van wyle de Weduwe Pletz en den Heer Jourdan, zal boven het ordinair vangloon genereus beloond worden. Ingeval gemelde negerin verkoos zelfs terug te koomen by de Ondergeteekende, zal zy van straf bevryd zyn. Wordenede een jeder gewaarschouwd voormelde negerin niet oprehouden, ofte employeeren, en alle Capiteins gewaarschoud haar niet te vervoeren, zullende in zodanig geval ten sterkste in regte vervolgd worden.
Stabroek, den 12 April 1806. C. E. De Boekhorst.

Run Away a few days ago a Carpenter Negro, named Jacob. He is of the Canga Nation, and is marked with white spots on his hands. Whoever will bring the said Negro to the subscriber at Cumingsburgh, or lodge him in the Barracks, will be handsomely rewarded; and any Person found harbouring him will be prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the Law.
Demerary, April 12, 1806. J. De Rooy.

Run Away from Plantation Glasgow, eight days ago, a Bricklayer Negro, named William, he is tall and well made, was born at Barbados, and speaks nothing but English. Whoever will secure and convey him to the said Plantation, or to the Undersigned, will be handsomely rewarded.
Werk & Rust, April 12, 1806. H. Mutz.

Walked Off on Saturday last, having previously promised his Master he never would RUN AWAY, a Negro boy, named Caesar, well known about town, lately the property of H. D. Obermuller, Esq. but now of the Undersigned. As it is most likely the above boy will neither be inclined to WALK or RUN BACK, whoever will take the trouble to secure him, will be handsomely rewarded by
Stabroek, April 12, 1806. C. [?]. Goepel.

Just imported, and for Sale by the Subscriber at his Store, for immediate payment:
Mess Beef, Pork, and Rounds of Beef,
Hams and Cheese,
Mackerel, Potatoes, and Flower,
Soap and Candles, &c.
Stabroek, April 10, 1806. O. J. Laurin.

The Demerary Militia had a grand Field Day this morning in the New Ground lately prepared for the purpose by [illegible] Jackson, Esq. and acquitted themselves much to their own credit, and to the satisfaction of their Officers. The [illegible] with a few exceptions, was very correct, and the manoeuv[illegible] particularly of the Rifle Company, were executed with great precision, and made a pleasing appearance. Colonel M'Crae gave the word of command with a steadiness and distinctness that bespoke the veteran soldier, and, after the business was over, address the corps in nearly the following words:
Gentlemen, I return you my warmest thanks for your attention and conduct this morning, it is such as reflects the highest credit on you, and it will, I am confident be productive of as much satisfaction to yourselves as to me. While we are endeavouring to perfect ourselves in military discipline, that we may be of some service in time of need, it is but just, however, that no favour should be shown [illegible?] therefore particularly recommend to the Officers, to notice all those absent without leave or certificates, and to see that the fines be rigidly enforced. There will [illegible] further parade till the inspection takes place by the General.

The Cavalry, commanded by Major A. Blair, also mustered this morning, not for parade, but for the laudable purpose of doing honour to the remains of their late com[illegible] C. A. Mathey, Esq. who died yesterday, much regretted [sic].

PUBLIC VENDUES, in Stabroek and its Environs.
[new only]
On Wednesday, the 30th April, and following day, at the Orphan Chamber, the remaining Estate of Mr. Barker, dec. consisting of 58 carpenter and boat negroes, household furniture, silver, &c. also the remaining Estate of L. F. Schreibvogel, Esq.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

April 5. Schooner Richard, J. D. Greene, from New London, with Mules, Horses, cows, Beef in whole and half barrels, Pork in ditto, Flour, Potatoes, Bricks, Fish, Hams, Candles, Soap, Bread, Oysters, Cheese, Butter, Mackarel, Neats' Tongues and Staves.
April 9. Sloop Blackbird, R. Tynes, from Barbados, with Beef, Pork, Bread, Candles, Butter, Paint and Paint Oil, Dry Goods, Soap, Furniture, Fish, and Casks of Oil.
April 11. Ship Neptune, D. Wilkie, from Greenock, in ballast.
April 12. Brig Cygnet, E. Smith, from London and Madeira, with Dry Goods, Plantations Stores, and Madeira Wine.

April 8. Sloop Polly and Eliza, W. Gere, for New York.
April 8. Schooner Nancy, D. Grant, for Portsmouth.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves. [not transcribed]

N. Volkerts, Printer, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.

Supplement to the Essequebo and Demerary Gazette.


Created: 26 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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