Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 April 19


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 173.

Saturday, the 19th of April.

[on the microfilm this follows the images for April 26th.]

His Excellency Brigadier General Montgomerie having granted a Commission of Lieutenant Colonel Commandant of all Colonial Corps to Captain Farquhar Macrae, on the Half Pay of the late 11th West India Regt. directs that he may be obeyed as such.
When Returns of the Colonial Forces are required, Commanding Officers will send the Returns of their respective Corps to the Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, who will make a General Return of the whole for the Brigadier General.
His Excellency Brigadier-General Montgomerie will inspect the Colonial Corps in and about Stabroek, on Wednesday next the 23d instant, on the General Parade in Camp; the Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant will give such Orders as he thinks necessary for that purpose.
Demerary, April 18, 1806. Thos. Fraser,
Major of Brigade.

Notice is hereby given, by Order of F. C. Loncke, acting President, that on Monday next, the 21st instant, an Extraordinary Court of Criminal and Civil Justice for this Colony will be held at the Court House, Stabroek.
April 19, 1806. J. C. Stadtman, senior Clerk.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. N. R. Righton, in three or four weeks.
Mr. Hanssen, in six weeks.
Mr. Duncan McNicoll, in 14 days.
Mr. Robert Jeffry, with the Ship Tomas in 12 days.
Mr. Joseph Hill, on the 15th of May, 1806.
The free Negro William Roach, in 14 days.
Mr. C. E. Wussandt [also as Wussandtt], with the second Convoy.
J. C. Stadtman,
Senior Clerk.


Word geadverteerd , dat de door zyne Excellentie A. J. van Imbyze van Batenburg, Gouverneur Generaal der Colonie Berbice, op de requeste van Ad. Smith, q.q. Andrew Smith, geprolongeerde verkoop der in dato 27 November 1804, door my ondergeschreevene in onder executie genomene plantage [sic] voor maals Nest genaamd, thands Schotland; met alle haare bepootingen, beplantingen, Slaaven verdere op en dependentien, zal plaats vinden ten Raadhuize de klokken 12 uuren op Maandag den 12 Mey eertskomende; ten einde door deeze verkoop te kunnen verhaalen zoodanige som als by 't mandament van executie, verleend in dato 6 November 1804, door den Heere Gouverneur Generaal deezer Colonie by nonsessie van den Hove van Civile Justitie, verleend tegens voorm. plantage Schtland [sic], ten behoeve van Wolver Katz en Gorge [sic] Monro, als Generaal Gemagtigden hier te lande Archibalt en James Foulis, geweezene Eigenaaren der meergenoemde plantage Schotland staat uitgedrukt, zynde de inventaris deezer PL. te zien ten comptoire als in het hoofd vermeld.
Zoo iemand zich tegens deeze vekooping zoude willen opposeeren, als sustineerende eenig recht op het verkogt wordende te hebbe, vervoege zich behoorlyk in geschrifte by den ondergeteekende, welke dezelven als opposant zal ontvangen, hun dag van rechten beteekenen en van alles onderigten zal sub poene van en eeuwig silentium.
Aldus deeze verkooping op heede den 9 April 1806 door de Berbice Gazette bekend gemaakt, en voorts aartgeplakt daar en waar zulks behoord.
K. Franken, Expl. en Deurw.

Dr. Mickerts, in [sic] hereby informing all those whom it may concern, that he has renounced the Executorship of the late C. A. Mathey, Esq., feels happy in the opportunity of publicly expressing the high sense he entertains of the kind and friendly assistance afforded by every Gentleman present on the day of the funeral, particularly by those composing the Corps of Cavalry under Major A. Blair.
Demerary, April 14, 1806.

Alle die geene welke nog iets mogten te pretendeeren hebben, ofte verschuldigd zyn, aan den Heer H. F. A. Cordis, gelieve daarvan opgaave en betaaling te doen, binnen den tyd van vier weeken na dato dezer, aan den Ondergeteekende, alzo by alle het onderzig hebbende, van dien Heer, naa experatie van die tyd remitteeren, en volstrekt geen betaaling meer doen zal.
Stabroek, den 19 April 1806. P. C. Mickerts, q.q.

De Ondergeteekende kan niet mankeeren by deze zyn best compliment te maaken aan zyn vriende, en hun te bedanken voor alle genootene Vriendschap, houdende zich in dezelve verders gerecommandeerd.
Verzoekende hem te verschoone van in het particulier geen afschyd by een jeder in 't byzonder te hebbe genoomen, alzo zulks te veel aandoening verweekt zoude hebben, verzeekerende hun Ed. intussen dat hunnen welvaart altoos hem een byzonder genoege zal geeven.
Demerary, April 18, 1806. J. L. Eils.

M. Hoppe verzoekt zeer vriendelyk alle die hem over den jaare 1804 en 1805 mogte schuldig zyn, hunne betaaling te koomen doen ten zynen huize, binnen 6 weeken van heeden afgereekend, zullende by anders genootzaakt zyn de reekeninge in hande van een Practizyn te stelle, om de onwillige tot voldoening te noodzaaken; by hoopt dat een ieder zal bezeffen dat deze maatregel voor hem onaangenaam, en voor die geene waar teegen by moet laate ageere koste veroorzaakt, het geen alles kan voorkoomen worde, met eene spoedige dechargeering van het verschuldigde.
Werk en Rust den 19 April 1806.

Run Away, on Tuesday the 15th instant, from Plantation Glasgow, the Bead Bomba, named Jack, and a Cooper Negro, called Bob. The former is a remarkably tall and stout Negro; he speaks English and broken French, and was seen yesterday in this town. Bob is an American Negro, is stout made, but speaks only English. Whoever will apprehend, or cause to be apprehended, either of or both the above Negroes, and lodge him or them in the Barracks, or to the said Plantation, will be handsomely rewarded by
Stabroek, April 19, 1806. H. Mutz.

Drifted from the Estate on the 5th of last Month, A Four-Oared Tent Boat, the bottom painted red, and the other parts lead colour. Any Person having found the said Boat, will please to give information to the Subscriber.
Reynestein, April 15, 1806. G. Brumell.

The Subscriber advertises his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi at the Store of C. Smit, Esq. J.C.Z. Werk en Rust.
April 19, 1806. G. Jones.

For Sale, at the Store of Messrs. Pasquier & Otto, Brandy, and wired Brown Stout Porter, by the Cask, or by the dozen.
Stabroek, April 19, 1806.

For Sale, a Schooner Boat, from 28 to 30 feet in length, with sails and rigging complete, and has lately undergone a thorough repair. For particulars enquire of the Printer of this Paper.
Stabroek, den 19 April 1806.

NOTICE. [heading]
All Persons having any Demands against the Subscriber, are hereby required to render in their Accounts, properly attested, before the expiration of One Month from the date hereof; as, after that time, none will be received or allowed.
Stabroek, April 18, 1806. Betty Grace.

Notice is hereby given, that there on board the Ship Hope TWELVE BOXES OF CHEESE marked B, shipped by Michael Bousfield to Order of the Shipper. The Holder of the Bill of Lading is requested to apply for the same; otherwise, they will be sold on Friday the 25th inst. at public Vendue, to pay the Freight and Expences.
For Capt. W. Delday,
Demerary, April 19, 1806. A. Z. De Munnick.
N. B. Mr. De Munnick has a few Life Preservers on a new construction, for Sale, at his Store.

For Sale, by private Contract, A Coffee Plantation, situated on the West Bank of this River. The Estate comprises 250 Roods in front, about 70,000 Coffee trees, nearly 150 acres of Plantains, and 100 well-seasoned Negroes. There is a good Dwelling house and all the requisite Outbuildings. Also to be sold a Lot of Land adjoining Plantation Georgia. For particulars enquire of Joseph Walcott, or F. C. Loncke, Esqrs.
Demerary, April 19, 1806.

For Sale, a House Frame, of American Timber, remarkably strong, 40 by 20 feet, two and a half stories high. It will be sold very reasonable, for immediate Payment. Apply to
Stabroek, April 19, 1806. I. T. Barrett.

The Undersigned having two exceedingly good negroes to let out for hire, the one a Carpenter, and the other a Bricklayer by trade, but who can also work at the carpentering business, both excellent workmen, will treat with any Gentleman living in the country for the hire of one or both of them, by the year, or otherwise, on advantageous terms. Application to be made at the Office of this Paper, or to
West Sea Coast, A. Odde,
Demerary, April 19, 1806. Plantation the Hague.

The Undersigned offers either for Sale or Hire, his House on Werk & Rust, most eligibly situated for Mercantile Business across the Stelling, to which it has a Right, with or without separate Stores. On the Double Concession, there are two Side Buildings attached to the House, comprising a Kitchen, with Brick Fire-place and Oven, a water House, two Chambers, Negro Houses, Stable, and Chaise House; Bridge, Gates, and Path leading to the public road, together with other conveniencies which only need to be seen to be approved
Conditions my be known by applying to
Demerary, April 19, 1806. F. C. Engels.

Drifted or Stolen, from the Stelling at Werk & Rust, a large Yawl. Whoever will bring it back to the Undersigned, shall receive a Reward of One Joe.
Demerary, April 19, 1806. F. C. Engels.

We do not know that we can offer any more gratifying intelligence to the majority of our readers than what is contained in our List of Vessels Entered and Cleared this week. The arrival of the Fleet from Cork, laden with Provisions and Necessaries, and the sailing of that homeward bound, heavily burthered with Produce, are events of pleasing importance not only to the Merchant and Planter, but to every well-wisher to the Colony and its inhabitants. The Cork Fleet, consists of four ships and three brigs; it arrived on Wednesday, after a passage of six weeks and two days, but brings no news. We are sorry to hear that there have been some dreadful gales experienced on the coast of England; several vessels were lost, and all hands perished, on their passage from Liverpool to Cork.

An Extraordinary Court of Criminal and Civil Justice will be held on Monday next (See Advertisement).
The next Meeting of the Court of Rolls of Demerary will also be on Monday next, and that of the Court of Policy on Monday the 28th inst.
The Demerary Militia mustered this morning, contrary to expectation, when the General Orders (a copy of which will be found in our First Page) were read at the head of the respective Companies. They were ordered to attend again at Nine o'clock to morrow morning.

The ins and the outs of Demerary this week have caused as much bustle in the mercantile, as those of London lately did in the political, world.

PUBLIC VENDUE, in Stabroek and its Environs. [heading]
On Thursday, the 1st of May, at the Vendue Office, some seasoned negroes, household furniture, &c.
On Friday, the 2d of May, at the Vendue Office, by order of the Fiscal, a negro woman named Juba, belonging to Mr. Henery; also dry goods, and a new chaise and harness, with saddle and chaise horses; likewise the Concession No. 239, in Cumingsburgh, at present occupied by Paul Smith, Esq.
On Monday, the 5th of May, at the house of Messrs. M'Invoy [sic], Sandbach, and M'Bean, the three quarters of the Lot No. 21, on the North Dam. Terms of payment, three, six, nine, and twelve months, and transport to be made on the last payment.
On Tuesday, the 6th of May, and four following days, at the store of A. H. Whalstab [sic], Esq. Werk and Rust, a variety of Goods just imported in the Ship Neptune.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

April 12. Sloop Perseverance, James Murch, with Fish, Beef, R.O. Staves, Shingles, Wood Hoops, Clapboards, and Lumber.
April 16. Schooner Fame, J. Lawson, from Barbados, with Fish, Provisions, Dry Goods, &c.
April 16. Barque Rodie, Th. Keen, from Liverpool, with Provisions, Dry Goods, Plantation Stores, &c.
April 16. Brig Brothers, G. Ravely, from Liverpool, with ditto.
April 16. Ship Montgomery, Th. Weatcroft, from Belfast, with Bricks, Lime, Soap, Candles, Butter, Oats, Dry Gooods, &c.
April 16. Ship Hero, J. Carnochan, from Greenock, with Lime, Bricks, Bottles, Wine and Beer, &c.
Ship Eglintown, W. Hamilton, from Glasgow, with Bricks, Lime, Furniture, Wearing Apparel, Wrought Iron, Solid Beer, Portugal and Spanish Wine, haberdashery, Glass, Earthenware, and Refined Sugar.
April 16. Brig Clarence, J. Greeve, from Liverpool, with Dry Goods, Bricks, Cordage, Earthen Ware, &c.
Ship Alexander, R. Scott, from Glasgow and Cork, with Butter, Tongues, Potatoes, Pork, Beef, Herrings, Port Wine, Sherry, Porter, Lime, Bricks, Merchandize, &c.
April 18. Schooner Gingle, H. D. Darrell, from Suriname, in ballast.

April 14. Ship Hannah, J. Brown, for London.
April 14. Brig Andalusia, C. London, for London.
April 14. Brig Valerius, F. Gross, for America.
April 14. Schooner Sally, S. Silvester, for Baltimore.
April 14. Brig Salerno, Th. Try, for Dublin.
April 16. Ship Cumberland, W. Langley, for London.
April 16. Ship Jane, A. Kennier, for Glasgow.
April 16. Brig Peel, W. H. Manners, for London.
April 17. Ship Jane, I. Thompson, for Liverpool.
April 17. Ship Resolution, G. M'Lean, for Boston.
April 17. Ship General Hunter, M. M'Phail, for Greenock.
April 17. Brig Henry, I. Smith, for London.
April 17. Ship Fame, P. Williams, for Liverpool.
April 18. Sloop Wealthy, J. Clark, for New London.
April 18. Sloop Blackbird, I. Tynes, for Barbados.
April 18. Brig Montpelier, R. S. Tibbits, for Portsmouth.
April 18. Ship Belleisle, H. Douglas,for Glasgow.
April 18. Brig Hercules, C. Van Dyk, for London.
April 18. Ship Ben Lomond, - Mitchell, for London.

For the List of Runaway Slaves, see Supplement.

N. Volkerts, Printer, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.

[Supplement not present in microfilm.]


Created: 26 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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