Ao. 1806 )
Essequebo and Demerary
( No. 174.
Saturday, the 26th of April.
Major Arthur Blair, Commandant of the
Demerary Cavalry, having declared to His Excellency the governor, that he would
not in all points obey the Orders of the Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant of all
Colonial Corps, although this was specified in the Commission given him by the
Governor, His Excellency cannot permit so palpable a disobedience of Orders,
and therefore feels himself under the necessity of superseding Major A. Blair
in his Rank and Command of the Demerary Cavalry.
The Governor regrets exceedingly, that
such a measure, however unavoidable, should be required for the good of the
service. He will at the same time feel happy to give to the Officer on whom
the Command now devolves, every necessary support, for the respectability and
discipline of the Corps.
King's House, Stabroek, By
April 25, 1806. C. T. Tinne, Gov.
The Undersigned hereby informs all those
whom it may concern, that his Domicilium is at Plantation Mindenburg, on the
West Side of this River.Demerary, April 26, 1806. J. L. Morson.
Secretary's Office. This is to inform
the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. Robert Jeffry, with the Ship Thomas,
in 14 days.
Mr. Joseph Hill, on the 15th of May,
The free Negro William Roach, in 14
Mr. C. E. Wussandt, with the second
Mr. R. S. Turton, in three or four
Mrs. Pauli, with the next convoy.
Mr. E. C. Eli, with the next convoy.
Mr. J. F. Narjes, with the next convoy.
J. C. Stadtman, Senior Clerk.
Thomas Frankland hereby informs all
those whom it may concern, that his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi is at the
house of N. Rousselet, Esq.
Secretary's Office, D. P. Simon,
April 26, 1806. Sworn Clerk.
C. W. Ellents Hofstede, LL.D. hereby
informs the Publick, that he intends to remove on the 5th day of May next to
Concession Little E, Middledam, Stabroek, opposite to N. Rousselet, Esq. and the
Marshall's Office, where he will regularly attend every day to Law Business.
Stabroek, April 26, 1806.
Te Huur, de halve Concessie No. 12, tans
bewoond door den Ondergeteekende, dito de halve Concessie No. 12 bewoond door
de Heer N. Winandi, almeede te koop een zeer
goed rypaard, &c. &c. &c.
Stabroek, den 26 April 1806. E. C.
The Subscriber respectfully informs the
Ladies and Gentlemen of these Colonies, that he has just received an elegant
Assortment of Goods per Brig Cygnet, Capt. I. Smith, from London, which he is
selling at reduced Prices for immediate Payment, at the Store lately occupied
by G. J. Goppy, Esq. in the New Town, viz.
A Variety of Ladies' Rich Lace and
Worked Muslin Dresses, made in the latest Fashion.
Rich Lace and Leno Veils, Shirts, Caps,
Sleeves, and Lappets.
Black and White Lace Cloaks, full
Ladies' Split Straw Bonnets, trimmed and
Ladies' Fashionable Caravan Beaver hats
with Feathers
An Assortment of Silk and Cotton
Figured and Plain Ribbons, Spangled Fans
Mull and Cambrick Plain Muslins,
Cambrick tamboured
Favours-worked Cambrick and Diagonal
Japan and Tamboured Leno, Pink Cord
Black Barcelonas, Sarsner Shawls,
Coloured Cambrick Ditto
Lace-bordered, &c. Petticoats
Thread Lace of every Description, Scotch
Gauze, Ladies' Kid Shoes
Shirt Buttons, Thread, Needles, Pins,
Tape and Twist
Children's Beaver Hats and Bonnets, Silk
Gentlemen's Fashionable Hessian Boots,
Back-strapped and Jockey D[illegible]
Black Silk Patent Hats, Opera Ditto
White Beaver Ditto, lined with Green
Servants' Glazed Hats, with Silver and
Gold bands, Negro Hats
Gentlemen's fine White Frilled Shirts,
Plain and Check Ditto
Officers' Dress Swords, Sword Knots,
Feathers assorted
Embroidered and Plain Gold and Silver
Gold and Silver Skirt Ornaments, Brest
Plates,, and Patent Sashes
Ditto for the Demerary Militia, Military
Buttons, Officers' Daggers
Gold and Silver Lace
An Assortment of Gentlemen's Superfine
Fine Printed Calicoes
Fashionable Ready-made Waistcoats and
Sailors' Shirts and Frocks
Port and Claret Wine, London Botttled
Decanters, Tumblers, Wine Glasses
Dishes, Plates, Blue Jugs, Half Gallon
White and Blue Ditto
Tin Ware, &c. &c.
Demerary, April 26, 1806. Thomas
Drifted from the stern of the Hercules,
on the night of the 20th inst. when a strong tide was running up, a Long Boat
belonging to the George, now lying in this river. She is quite new, about 25
feet long, a black bottom, bright varnished sides, with upper planks black,
stern of the same colour, and a yellow streak round. There were two oars and a
pair of steering sail halyards in her at the time. Whoever will restore her to
the Master of the George, or give such information at the Office of this Paper,
as may lead to her restoration, shall be liberally rewarded.
Demerary, April 26, 1806.
Run Away, fro the Undersigned, Two Negro
Boys, one named Peter, the other William. They were both seen, a few days ago,
at the back of the Plantation Palkeroff, and the Canal of Cumingsburg, also on
the Plantation Pattensen, and are supposed to maintain themselves by fishing,
and selling the produce in Stabroek. Whoever will secure the above Negroes,
and deliver them to the Concession No. 56, in Stabroek, shall receive a Reward
of One Joe for each.
Stabroek, April 26, 1806. H. C. Wahl.
Doctor Van Dura, intending to quit this
Colony with the next Convoy, hereby requests all those who are indebted to him,
and all to whom he is indebted, to come immediately forward, and settle their
The Doctor likewise informs the Public,
that having given up the idea of a Lottery, those who have taken Tickets may
have them exchanged for their Obligations whenever they think proper.
He offers for Sale or Hire his House and
Lot situated on Plantation Vlissingen, upon advantageous Terms. Possession may
be immediately taken; also, for prompt payment, house Negroes, Furniture,
&c. &c.
Demerary, April 26, 1806.
By de Ondergeteekende te koop de
volgende Goederen, voor civiele en imidiate betaaling, uitgebragt met de laast
gearriveerd vloot van London.
PROVISIEN. Allerbest mest vlees en spek
in heele ne halve vaaten, Irische booter, kaas, Westph. hammen, zuurkool, aard
appels, gepaarlde en scheeps gort, brook zuyker, Brunswyker worst, hysant thee,
witte wyn azyn, salaad oly, cappers, ayuln en augurkies in zuur diversen visch
en vlees sausen, speserynn, als naagelen, noote Musstar, fonly, en peeper,
aman[??]len, Durcham mostard, anchovis, tafel zout in mantjes, chere en port
wyn, allerbest roode wyn in [illegible] poorter, ael, cyder, de opreg[?]en
heilsaame Stauntan bitters, &c. &c.
MEUBELAIRE. Enn elegant assortement van
menbelen, als mahonie houte taafels en stoelen, in gelegd met paarde haate
zittinge; spiegels met vergulds lysten, tolltten en scheerdoosen, een party
schlideryen, waronder de laatste SLAG VAN LORD NELSON VOOR TRAFALGAR, bedde
goed, koffer nesten, twee chaisen na da nieuw[???] smaak, &c. &c.
DROOGE GOEDEREN. Gemaakte Heeren
kleederen, als blauwe en zwarte rokken, vesten, en brocken, dito neger dito,
als deekens bastjes, hooden, broeken, &c. moesselins, Cambryke, citzen,
catoenen, diminitty[?]n, catton, Bretagnes, bonten, fluweelen, salemporis,
ginghams, Madras doeken, schaals gaaren, linten, knoopen, laarsen, schoenen van
de bestet qualiteit, als ook dames slippers van alle kleuren, beover en zyde
patent hoeden, parasollen, rottingen, pommade, tand poeder, savonnette, scheere
en tand borsela, scheer messen, een party horst spe[?]den ter gedagten is van
Lord Nelson, verders een party galanteryen. Kooper, black, en yzerwerk, als
ketols, mokkeen, kannen, marmittones, kraanen, knippen, greddels, spykers,
&c.; geassorteerd aardewerk en porcelein, als tafel, thee, coffy, en
chocolaad servisien; glaswerk, als cellindiers, karaffen, bier en wyn glaasen,
zaadels, mase ditto, tooman, harnassen of ehais ruigen, sspoeren, zweepen, en
karwassen; kaatoor behoesitens, als alle soorten van papier, penne, inkt,
poeyer, ouwaelen, en lack; gekookte en ongekookte lyn oly, [illegible] lood,
alle soorten van verwen, geel, groen, blauw, en zwart, aangemaakt endroog in
vatjes of porjes, en nog diversen goederen, meer te wyd loopig om hier te
Demerary, April 26, 1806. C. Smit,
H. C. Wahl, being allowed by the Hon.
Court of Policy to exercise the business of Surveyor in this Colony, hereby
informs his Friends and the Public, that he intends to follow that profession
as heretofore. All those, therefore, who have any commands in that line, may
depend upon having them executed with punctuality and dispatch, for prompt
payment. Application to be made to the Concession No. 56.
Stabroek, April 26, 1806.
Just received by the Brig Ulysses, from
New York, Fish in hogsheads and boxes, Pork in whole and half barrels, Beef in
whole and half barrels, Rice in whole and half tierces, Butter, Hams, blown
Salt, and sundry other articles. On hand, Tar, Pitch, Oil, &c. &c. -
For Sale by
Dem. April 25, 1805. Thomas T.
The Undersigned offers for Sale, on
liberal Terms, his Concession No. 231, situated in Cumingsburg, opposite to
that of S. G. Meertens, Esq. consisting of a good Dwelling-house, Out house,
and Kitchen. For further particulars and conditions apply to the Office of
this Paper.
Demerary, April 26, 1806. Thomas Rees.
BOAT STOLEN. [heading]
Run Away from on board the Hercules, C.
van Dyk, Master, on the night of the 19th instant, Three Sailors, with a small
Boat belonging to the said vessel. The bottom of the Boat is painted black,
with a yellow streak above, and a black one over that. The inside is tarred to
the rising, and above that yellow; black thwarts, yellow seats, stern sheets
lead colour, and four black oars, about 8 feet long, with yellow blades.
Whoever will give such information to the Office of this Paper, as may lead to
the recovery of the above boat, will be handsomely rewarded.
Demerary, April 26, 1806.
De Ondergeteekende adverteerd dat
verlooren is, zeed[illegible] tien dagen, de naavolgende Papieren, een Order
[illegible] J. F. Smit, lasten E. L. Fischer, groot f 22; een accept[illegible]
van idem, faveur Botmey, groot f 33; een reekening van [illegible] Heer G.
Hirschmaan [sic], lasten E. L. Fischer, groot f 22; zyn [illegible] alle den
eygendom van voorn. Heer G. Hirschmaan, en [illegible] incasteering voor hem
gegeeven, om by den Wel. Ed. Gest. Heer J. P. Slingarde als Executeur
Testamentair van [illegible] boedel E. L. Fischer, betaaling te vragen, aan
wien daar[illegible] kennis is gegeeven, en betaaling dien aangaande gestopt
Demerary, den 24 April 1806. Johann
Carl Enders.
De Ondergeteekende presenteered uit de
hand te koop, en nieuw getimmerde VIER RIEMS TENT BOOT, [illegible] van best
bruyn Sierewabaly plancken, de kromhouten van Moera. Weegens prys en
condities, die aan een aanneem[illegible] kooper favorable zullen gemaakt
worden; te bevragen [illegible] huize van den Heer Friedrich Butteweg,
Middeldam in Stabroek.
April 24, 1806. Johann Carl Enders.
Alle de geene die iets te pretendeeren
hebben, ofte verschuldigd zyn, aan den Heer Hendrick Trachte, gelieve hunne
pretentien op en aantegeeven, on hunne Schulden te komen voldoen, ten
Domicilium van den Ondergeteekenden op de voorgronden van de plantagie Meer
Demerary, den 24 April 1806. J. H.
De Ondergeteekenden adverteeren by
deeze, dat de Ast[?] ciatie gecanteerd hebbende onder de firma van Beckmann
& Trachte, is gedissolveered met weedersyds genoegen, [illegible] bysonder
uyt Hoofde, dat den Heer Trachte is ge[illegible] geweest door seckelyke omstandig
heeden een rys nas Europe te doen, dierhalve een ieder by deze word verzogt,
welke eenige pretentien ten laasten voorn. Firma heest, dezelve [illegible] en
aantegeeven, ten huize van den Wel. Ed. Heer Friederick Butteweg in Stabroek,
op de Middeldam, an den Heer J. C. Enders, ten einde Compagnieschap's Boeken te
kunnen sluyten. Voorts hebben de Ondergeteekenden de eer te adverteeren, dat
in het vervolg, dezelve Affaires onder voornoemde Firma gecanteerd hebbende,
bestaande in leeveren van alle soorten van vier-kant en andere hout waare en
planken, het maaken van alle soorte van framen zal gecontinueerd worden, op de
voorgronden van de plantagie Meer Zorg, onder de Firma van J. H. Beckmann &
Co. welke zig recommendeert in de gunst van het gee[accent]e[accent]rd Publiek,
met verzeekering van een promte en reele hediening, en civiele pryse.
Demerary den 24 April 1806. J. H.
Beckmann & Co.
The Gentlemen composing the Corps of the
Royal Demerary Cavalry met this day at the New Union Coffee House, to take into
consideration the General Orders inserted in our First Page, when they
unanimously agreed to send in their resignations to Major A. Blair, their late
Commandant. Some well-written Resolutions, expressive of their reasons for so
doing, and their attachment to the Major, to whom they also voted a Sword of
One Hundred Guineas value, were entered into, and signed by all present.
The intended inspection of the Militia
by His Excellency Brigadier General Montgomerie, did not take place last
Wednesday, on account of the rain.
The purpose for which the Militia were
ordered out last Sunday morning, was to assist in the apprehension of Runaway
and Bush Negroes; a number of whom, there was every reason to suppose, made a
practice of coming into town on a Sunday. The object was, to surround the
Market place with the Militia, and guard the avenues with Regulars, while the
Dienaars did their duty inside. The plan was well conceived, and deserving of
more success than it met with. After the business began, it was executed with
spirit. The Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant Macrae, Major Macrae, Adjutant
Brandt, &c. were all on the alert; and such was the exertion used, that
every Male negro, who could not produce a satisfactory pass, was presently
taken, and placed under a guard till owned by his Master. We believe, however,
that those whom it was most desirable to secure, were all off before the
operations commenced. Perhaps, on this peculiar occasion, a little less
previous parade would have been productive of more benefits to the Dienaars, at
any rate, should have been kept back till the moment of action.
The Surinam ships arrived off the mouth
of this River on Thursday last, and the whole Fleet sailed on Friday.
The Paragon, Capt. Hart, one of the
fleet from Berbice for Liverpool, came up this River and anchored off the
Government Stelling on Sunday evening last, to refit, having lost her rudder
irons, &c. in going over the Bar. The mother of J. T. Mathews, Esq. LL.D.
and the relict of H. Glasier Esq. are passengers on board this ship.
Three French frigates are said to have
lately sailed from Cayenne; some think, to look after Miranda.
ST. GEORGE'S DAY. [heading]
A grand Ball and Supper were given at
the New Union Coffee House on Wednesday last, in honour of the day. The
weather was extremely inauspicious, notwithstanding which, however, about 200
persons were present. The following Gentlemen undertook the management:
[first column]
Wm. King
Robert Younghusband
[second column]
Wm. Allanby
Robert Kingston
[a middle column, but below]
W. N. Firebrace;
[end columns[
and it is but justice to say, that every
assistance was afforded, and every possible attention paid, by Mr. Campbell.
After supper the undermentioned toasts were circulated, T. Jackson, Esq. in the
Chair, Wm. Brumell, Esq. Vice-President:
The Day.
The King.
The Queen and Royal Family.
The Army and Navy.
The Governor and Colonies.
The Sons of St. Andrew.
The Sons of St. Patrick.
The Memory of Mr. Crafts.
The Dancing was then renewed, and
continued till about four in the morning, when the Ladies retired; after which
the glass went briskly round and several good songs were sung, though we cannot
praise the general harmony. Our readers must excuse us for not giving a more
particular account of this Meeting.
PUBLIC VENDUES, in Stabroek and its
Environs. [nothing new]
Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our
April 22. Ship St. Andrew, T. Ritchie,
from Greenock, with dry Goods, &c.
April 23. Schooner Sally, R. Kent, from
Junobocot, with lumber, staves, &c.
April 23. Brig Ulysses, J. Ingerson,
New York, with Fish, Beef, Pork, Rice, Hams, Salt, Butter, Tobacco, Pitch, Tar,
Flour, Sausages, Salmon, Tongues, Herrings, Crackers, Oysters, Bread and Wood
April 22. Brig Phoebe, J. Bouson, for
New York.
April 26. Brig Fidelity, G. Dame, for
List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves.
[not transcribed]
N. Volkerts, Printer, No. 20, Brick Dam,