Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 June 07


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 180.

Saturday, the 7th of June.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. T. H. Parkinson, in 14 days.
Mr. J. C. Griffith, in 14 days.
Mr. Louis Chollet (Land Surveyor) in 14 days.
Mr. H. W. Lookey, in 14 days.
Mr. A. S. Wade, in 14 days.
Mr. George Sanders, in 14 days.
Mr. Thomas Rees, in 14 days.
Mr. John Henery, in 14 days.
Mr. William Rose, in three weeks.
J. C. Stadtman, Senior Clerk.

Van Dura op heeden aan boord gaande, om uit deeze Colonie te vertrekken, heest het genoegen zig in de vriendschap van alle zyne goede vrienden aan te beveele, wenscht hun Edelen alle die zeegeningen die aan zig zelven kan toedenken.
Demerary, June 1, 1806.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Subscriber finding that little attention is paid to his late Advertisements by those who are indebted to him, has determined to put all Obligations due, and Accounts, to the 31st of December last, into the hands of his Lawyer, the Hon. F. P. van Berckel, to sue for directly, without respect as to persons.
Demerary, June 7, 1806. P. Verbeke.

NOTICE [heading]
Is hereby given, that the Lottery of A. Fleury, Esq. was drawn this day (pursuant to former Advertisement) at the House of Messrs. Hasselaar & Strick, concession No. 21, in presence of the Undersigned Sworn Clerk in the Secretary's Office of the Colony of Berbice, when the Gold Repeater, representing the Miracle of Moses, was drawn with No. 805.
New Amsterdam, Feb. 21, 1805. J. J. van der Stoop.

Weggeloopen van den Ondergeteekenden drie slaaven, viz. een neger genaamt Rotterdam, oud na gissing 26 jaar, ordinair gemaakt, en lang van postuur, hebbende een merk S op de borst, en is kenbaar aan een wynig styste in zyn regter voet, zynde de gevolge van een kwassie.
Een neger jonge genaamt Polidor, van de Cormentin natie, hebbende twee van zyn landsmerke in 't aangezigt, is welgemaakt, en na gissing 18 jaare oud.
En een negerin genaamt Filis, van de zelfde ouderdom, kenbaar aan buyten waards staande scheene, ordinair van statuur; spreekende alle Creols en gebrooke Engels.
Die geene welke deze slaaven te regt brengt by de Ondergeteekende, of te in de tronk besorgd, zal een genereuse belooning genieten; wordened een eyder gewaarschouwd voormelde slaaven niet aan te houden, of te herbergen, op poene dat de wet daar teegens gee[accent]maneerd, in werking zal gesteld worden.
Stabroek, den 7 Juny 1806. J. Verwaye.

Op heede morge, om 8 uur, is den heer Hendrik Beis overleeden, ten huyze van
Werk en Rust, June 3, 1806. C. Smit.

NOW LANDING, [heading]
And for Sale by the Subscriber, at his Store, near the American Stelling, the following Articles:
Fish in Hogsheads
Mess and Prime Beef in whole and half barrels
Pork in whole and half barrels
Butter, Hams, and Dutch Sweet Milk Cheese
Superfine Flour
Mould and Spermaceti Candles
Soap, Lamp Oil, &c. &c.
Demerary, June 7, 1806. J. T. Barrett.

To Be Sold, an excellent Colony Sloop, the fastest sailer in this Country, 24 feet long in the keel, and 10 and a half in breadth, in complete order. Apply to Mr. Breuerman, Carpenter, at the Plantation Velzenhoofd.
Demerary, June 7, 1806. Dirk Uberg.

The Board of the Orphan Chamber will meet on Wednesday next.

The homeward bound fleet remain outside the Bar, waiting the arrival of the convoy. Two running vessels sailed yesterday.

The Ruby, Capt. Wales, from Berbice for London, came up this river on Wednesday, to repair, having broken her rudder irons, &c. in going over the Berbice bar.

On Wednesday last, died, at Bush Park, Essequebo, where he was on a visit, William Cooper, Esq. formerly Solicitor of Gray's Inn, London.

Wednesday last, being the anniversary of His Majesty's Birth, was observed here with all possible demonstrations of respect. The Militia, under the command of Major Macrae, marched to the fort, notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the ground from so much previous rain, and fired three vollies in a manner that did them great credit, and called forth the thanks of the Major Commandant.
Several parties were given in honour of the day. The governor had a large company to dinner, during which and the whole evening, the band of the royals played a variety of loyal and favourite airs.
The Officers of the Militia dined together at the New Union Coffee House,
Major Commandant C. Macrae in the Chair,
Captain Dodgson, of the Rifle Corps, V.P.
and few convivial meetings can boast of so much thorough good-humour and harmony as prevailed under the able presidency of these Gentlemen. Among those present who did not belong to the corps, but who were happy in joining the ranks on this occasion, were
Charles Clifton, Esq. formerly Major. [centered]
[first column]
Richard Patterson, Esq.
J. M. Spooner, Esq.
[second column]
Gilbert Robertson, Esq.
& D. P. Simon. Esq.
[end columns]
A variety of toasts were of course circulated; but the health of his Majesty, whose birth-day they met to celebrate, was drunk with the enthusiasm of men who were willing to risk their lives in his defence. To much praise cannot be given to Mr. Campbell, for the excellency of his eatables and drinkables, and the attention shown. Every thing was good; every one was pleased; and, in consequence, every one concurred most heartily in the sentiment expressed by the following last Toast:
"Happy we have met, happy we part, and happy may we meet again!"
A. Fleischman, Esq. Attorney at Law, embraced the opportunity of offering his acknowledgments to those friends who so kindly attended and assisted him during his illness, by giving a grand Dinner, Ball, and Supper, at the house of Mrs. Eymans [sic]. Nearly 80 persons, of both sexes, attended, among whom were almost all the Members of the old Eendraght Society, and the satisfaction they derived was very visible in the faces of every one present. Mr. Fleischman, who has been 14 years in this Colony, was further honoured with the company of the Hon. A. Meertens and his Lady; the latter of whom led off the first dance, followed by her husband and Mrs. Dusart.

In the evening was an Amateur concert at the house of N. Rousselet, Esq. of which we need only say that it was led by Mr. Goepel, to give our readers an idea of the treat.

PUBLIC VENDUE, in Stabroek and its Environs. [heading]
On Monday, the 9th of June, at the Vendue Office, by order of Messrs. M. Buchanan and G. Robertson, qualified Administrators to the Estate of Mr. W. Hall, deceased, several Carpenter Negroes, two Washerwomen, and three Children. Also, fifteen Sawyer Negroes, belonging to the late T. Cramer, Esq.; likewise 39 Hogsheads of French Red Wine.
On Tuesday the 10th of June, at the Store of O. I. Laurin, Esq. Beef and Pork, Hams, Cheese, Butter, Flour, and Bread.
On Wednesday the 11th of June, at the Store of John Madden & Co. Linen drapery, Glass and China Ware, Dry Goods, &c. comprising their whole Stock in Trade; also, Household Furniture, Male and Female Domestic Slaves, &c. at six months' credit.
On Thursday, the 12th of June, at the Premises of Messrs. Telford, Naghten, & Co. the Hull, Masts, Rigging, &c. of L'Harmonie, from Africa, condemned; also 20 Hhds of damaged Sugar.
On Monday the 16th, and Tuesday the 17th of June, at the house of C. H. De Munnick, Esq. Provisions, Plantation Stores, and Dry Goods.
On Wednesday the 18th, and Thursday the 19th of June, at the Store of F. C. Otto, Esq. the Estate of the late E. B. Pasquier, Esq. consisting of Furniture, Plate, Jewellery, Negroes, Wearing Apparel, Stock in Trade, &c.; also will be sold an elegant assortment of Jewellery, &c.
On Friday, the 20th of June, at the Vendue Office, Provisions, Anniseed, Dry Goods, &c. Also the Lot No. 49 on the Middle Dam, with the Buildings thereon; also the Half Lot in the New Town, at present occupied by Miss Betsey Buffoon [sic].
On Monday, the 30th of June, and Wednesday the 2d of July next, at the Store of C. Smit, Esq. Werk & Rust, a large assortment of Dry Goods, Provisions, Sadlery, &c.
On Wednesday, the 2d of July, at the Vendue Office, from 25 to 30 Carpenter and Sawyer Negroes; and a piece of Land situated near the Sand Hills, of 50 roods facade. Also about 500 acres of land, on the South side of Canal No. 1.
On Monday, the 14th of July, the Plantation Flensburg. See Advert.

For the Rest of the Advertisements, see Supplement.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

June 3. Schooner Hunter, Richard Harding, from Boston, with Salt Fish, [illegible] Mackerel, Shads, Lumber, Staves, Hams, Flour, Bread, Corn meal, Cheese, Sweet Oil, Rice, Tobacco, Spermaceti, and Mould Candles, Soap, Pork, Beef, Butter, gin, and Lamp Oil.

June 2. Ship Sir Sidney Smith, C. Liddell, for London.
June 2. Snow Venus, R. Harris, for London.
June 2. Brig Canadian, J. Harris, for London.
June 2. Snow Westbury, W. Fryer, for Liverpool.
June 2. Ship Paragon, W. Hart, for Liverpool.
June 2. Ship Hope, W. Delday, for London.
June 2. Brig Cygnet, E. Smith, for London.
June 2. Ship America, A. Dow, for Glasgow.
June 3. Ship Montgomery, T. Wheatcroft, for Belfast.
June 3. Schooner Gipsey, D. States, for Barbados.
June 5. Schooner Fame, J. Lawson, for Barbados.
June 5. Brig John and James, J. Stodart, for Newfoundland.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves [not transcribed]

N. Volkerts, Printer, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.

[no Supplement]

Created: 26 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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