Ao. 1806 )
Essequebo and Demerary
( No. 181.
Saturday, the 14th of June.
Secretary's Office. This is to inform
the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. John Henery, in 14 days.
Mr. Allan McKechnie, in 14 days.
J. C. Stadtman, Senior Clerk.
Vermogens 't appointement by den Ed.
Achtbaare Hove van Justitie deezer Rivier en onderhoorig Districten, den 10de
Juny 1806, verleend op de Requeste van Mr. F. P. van Berckel, Raad Fiscaal,
word door my ondergeschrevene Exploiteur, ter requisitie van welgedagte Heer
Raad Fiscaal (R. O.) voor de eeeste [sic] maal by Edicte GEDAGVAARD,
Omme in persoon te Compareeren voor den
Ed. Achtbaare Hove voormeld, zittende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, tegens den
een-en-twintigste July eerstkomende, en volgende dagen
Ten einde aldaar aantehooren zodanig
Eisch en Conclusie in cas Crimineel als den Heer Eischer (R. O.) ter zaake van
op den 27 April l.l. den perzoon van Farquhar Macrae in een duel te hebben
gewond, zodanig dat by aan die wonde overleeden is, teegens hem zal willen doen
en neemen en voorts te procedeeren als naar Rechten.
Rio Demerary, den 12 Juny 1806. F. P.
Francke, Expl.
BEKENDMAAKING. [heading] Den
Ondergetekende eerste Exploiteur deeser Colonie zal op bekoomen authorisatien
op Dingsdag den 8ste July aanstaande, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden
Commissarissen op Executie op veylen, en verkoopen 't volgende, als
Eerstelyk, ten behoeve van N. Rousselet
Eischer en Triumphant, ten Concessie lands geleegen op de voorgrond der
plantagie een tyds genaamd Iveleary, met 't daaropstaande woonhuis inlandsche
houte fraam, lang 36 voeten, en breed 18 voeten minder of meer, staande op
gemetselde pilaaren. Een Zy Gebouw, een Combuys en Secreet, alles aankomende
Wm. Latham gesuccumbeerde en nu geexecuteerde, wordende opgemelde bebouwen,
&c., door denselven geexecuteerde thans zelvs bewoond.
Tweedens, ten behoeven van Wm. Halsted
[sic] & Co. een gedeelte van den Concessie zo als dezelve is verdeelt en
rondsam is ingekraald voorts 't daaropstaande Huys, staande op gemetselde
pilaaren van 7 voeten hang, lang 25 a 30, en breed 20 voeten, minder of meer,
't fraam van inlands hout, en omslagen met Americaanse [sic] planken, gedekt
met cingels, alles aankomende R. Forshaw, en door hem geexecuteerde alsmeede
Derdens, ten behoeven van Mr. F. P. van
Berckel & H. Cantzlaar, J. Z. Triumphanten, een Concessie land geleegen op
de voorgrond van plantagie eer tyds Labourgade, met de daaropstaande gebouwen,
gesitueert tusschen de huisingen van de Heeren Nurse & Scantlebury, een
Woonhuis na glesing 36 voeten lang by 20 voeten breed, met een balcon en
gaandery, staande op eene steene muur; voorts twee Zy Gebouwen, dienande voor
Combuys, Pakhuys, en een Gemackhuysje, alles aankomende John Robb
Ten vierde, ten bohoeve van I. Ceurvorst
Triumphant, een halve Concessie lands, geleegen op de voorgrond van de
plantagie eer tyds La Bourgade, thans genaamd Cumingsburg tusschen 't huys van
Nelly Blair en die van P. Ovens, zynde daaropleggende een needergevalle huys,
van geen waarde aankomende Alexander de Weever geexecuteerde.
Zo is 't dat iemand teegens den verkoop
van alle 't bovengenoemde en onder executie genoomene, eenig recht van
oppositie vermeenen te hebben addresseere hun ten Exploiteurs Comptoire alhier
ingeschrifte, als wanneer ik dezelve als opposant ontvangen, en ten dagen van
rechten beleggen zal, sub poene van verstek en eeuwig stilswygen.
En zy die in den verkoop hoven genoemd
hunne gading vinden vervoege zich ten voorsch. geprevegeerde dag, ten Raadhuise
op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, en doen hun profyt
Actum Rio Demerary, den 13 Juny 1806.
M. Smit, eerste Exloiteur.
NOTICES. [heading]
All Persons having any Demands against
the late Mr. James Cooper, dec. are requested to render them in to the
Subscriber (properly authenticated) within the space of Six Weeks from this
Date; and all those indebted to said Estate, to pay the same within that
period; in order to bring his affairs to an immediate liquidation.
Demerary, June 11, 1806. For I.
Robb and Self,
P. Cambridge,
All Persons having any claim against the
Boedel of Mr. J. Rose, dec. are requested to render in their Accounts, properly
attested, on or before the 16th of July next, that proper arrangements may be
made, at the House of S. T. Adams, Labourgade, as after that time no attention
will be paid to any accounts that may appear against the said Boedel.
Demerary, June 14, 1806.
The Commissaries of the Eendragt Society
inform the Members that on Wednesday, the 18th of June, the Ballot will take
place for the proposed Members; and request the attendance of every individual,
at six o'clock in the evening, as business of consequence will be brought
forward. (Vide Art. 7 of the Laws of the Society.)
Demerary, June 6, 1806.
FOR SALE. [heading]
Just Landing, from on board the Brig
William Tell, from New York, and FOR SALE by the Subscriber,
Pork and Beef in Barrels and Half
Hams, Smoked Beef
Butter, Crackers in Kegs, Tobacco
Soap, Spermaceti and Tallow Candles
Cod Fish in Hogsheads and Barrels
Salmon, Mackarel, and Shad; Albany
Four elegant Horses, &c. &c.
On Hand - Dutch Butter in small Kegs,
Cogniac Brandy,
Smoked Salmon, and Pilot Bread.
Demerary, June 13, 1806. Thos. T.
The Subscribers have FOR SALE, at their
Store in Cumingsburgh, the Cargo of the Schooner Success, Harrold, from
Portsmouth, N. A. consisting of
Salt Fish in Hogsheads
Red and White Oak Shooks
Oars, Shingles
Superfine and Rye Flour
Rounds of Beef, Beef in Barrels
Butter, Candles, &c. &c. &c.
Demerary, June 14, 1806.
Telford, Naghten, & Co.
For Sale, by the Subscriber, at his
Store, near the American Stelling:
One Hundred Thousand Feet of White Pine
Ten Thousand Clap Boards
One Hundred Thousand Shingles
Three Thousand Red Oak Staves
Fifty Red Oak Shooks
ALSO, [centered]
Beef and Pork, in Whole and Half Barrels
Butter, Lard, Soap, Candles, Flour
Gin and Brandy in Cases
Fish in Hogsheads, Herrings per Barrel
Tar, &c. &c. &c.
June 14, 1806. Amos Leeds.
Op Maandag, den 30ste Juny, en 1ste en
3de July, zal den Ondergeteekenden ten zynen huyzen, op de voorgrond der
plantagie Werk & Rust, publik opvylen en vorkopen, viz. Een extra party
wel-geassorteerde drooge goedere en provisien, bestaande in –
Linnens, salempores, fyne catoene,
bonte, muslines, grys linnen
Lemeniesse zak doeke Madrass neus
Laa[?]sen en schoene, Beever en zyde
Gemaakte veste, dimity, fyne Dames en
Herren kousen
Zadels en toomens, carwatzen, wolle
Neger baatjes, bemde, en broere
Geteerde en ongeteerde lynen
Spiegels met verguide lyste, en kamer of
toilet spiegels
Schilderyen in soorte, glass en
Een tweede hands chais, parasols
Mess vless en mess spek in tiersjes
Hammen, Broodzuyker, Perl en Schotse
Alle soorte van aangemaakte verwen en
Azyn, terpentyn oly, spykers, &c.
&c. te veel om te specificeeren
Demerary, June 14, 1806. Cornelis
De Ondergeteekende in voorneemens op een
der daage zynder te houden vendue, in qualityt als executeur in den boedel van
wyle de Heer H. Beis, te verkoopen een huys-jonge, een bureau, en eenige
Demerary, den 14 Juny, 1806. Cornelis
For Sale, by N. Winandy, on Werk &
Rust, opposite the House of C. Vincent, Esq. Anisette en Cre[grave]me d'Anis
assorted; Cre[grave]me de Noyeau, de Celerie, de Canelle, De Menthe, &c. at
various prices; Madeira Wine per dozen, Dry Goods, &c. &c.
Demerary, June 14, 1806.
To Be Let, on reasonable Terms, or FOR
SALE, that convenient House, Half Concession, and Out-Buildings, on the Brick
Dam, No. 15, together with an indisputable Title of the Entrance from the South
Dam, formerly occupied by F. C. Engels and H. D. Obermuller, Esqrs. The
superior situation for a Merchant is too well known to require further
description, and the Terms are easy, viz. f 3,000 cash, and the remainder upon
three yearly Instalments, without interest. Apply to
Stabroek, June 14, 1806. I. H.
The Subscriber will dispose of, by
private Contract, on very reasonable Terms, to an approved Purchaser, Half of
the Lot No. 130, situated in Cumingsburgh, with a convenient Dwelling House,
newly painted, Out Buildings, &c. &c. The Premises can be viewed, and
Terms made known, by application to the subscriber living thereon.
Demerary, June 14, 1806. Thomas
Any Person who is a complete Bookkeeper,
and can be well recommended, may hear of a situation to reside upon the East
Coast of Demerary, by applying to Underwood, Johnson, & Co.
Demerary, June 10, 1806.
The vessels from Surinam arrived last
evening; and the whole fleet is expected to sail to morrow [sic].
The brig Ruby, Capt. Wales, which we
mentioned last week to have come up this river to repair, joined the fleet
again on Monday.
On Monday next there will be a Meeting
of the Court of Rolls of Demerary.
Execution. [heading]
This morning, at twelve o'clock, were
executed, pursuant to the sentence of the Hon. Court of Justice, three Negroes,
named Tom, Sandy, and Billy, for breaking open the Stores of Mr. Emmerson, and
stealing divers articles therefrom, some time since.
During the time of the above sentence
being carried into execution, one Neyling, a white man, was placed on the
platform, under the gallows, with a large board affixed to his breast, on which
was written "Buyer of Stolen Goods;" he having purchased articles from the
above Negroes.
The Christian name of the Gentleman,
whose death it was our melancholy duty to record last week, was James Cooper,
not William, as erroneously printed. We have also to correct a mistake
respecting the quick as well as the dead: in our account of the Gentlemen who
dined with the Volunteer Officers, at the New Union Coffee House, it should
have been Robert Patterson, not Richard.
The first half-yearly Meeting of this
Society was held on [illegible] last, when Major C. Macrae and F. C. Engels,
Esq. [illegible] former Commissaries, were re-elected for the ensuing
[illegible] as was also the Secretary, T. Duim, Esq.
[illegible] the business of the Meeting
was over, the Company [illegible] included both the Honorary Members (the
Governor [illegible]), and about 25 Subscribers, sat down to an elegant
[illegible] provided for the occasion by Mr. Marshal,
Major C. Macrae, President,
F. C. Engels, Esq. Vice-President,
the remainder of the day was spent in a
manner that fully [illegible] the [illegible] which this truly respectable and
select Society assumes.
We understand it to be the Intention of
the Society to give [illegible] Ball, in honour of the Honourable Mrs.
Meertens, [illegible] to her intended departure from this Colony.
TO the Editor of the Essequebo and
Demerary Gazette. [heading]
As you have thought proper to name only
in your paragraph respecting an amateur concert at the house of N. Rousselet,
Esq. in your last paper, I beg leave to observe, that, without the exercise of
the unrivalled abilities of Mr. Markort on the Violoncello (which are so well
known in these Colonies), Mr. Keller on the viola d'Amore, and Mr. Engels on
the Flute, with the assistance of Messrs. Rousselet, Schneck, Huestieg, Aman,
von Firks, and other Gentlemen, on their respective instruments, the treat
would not have been what I suppose you meant to attribute to the exertions of
Your humble Servant,
Stabroek, June 9, 1806. C. S.
We can only plead want of information in
excuse for the omission of the respectable names above enumerated. With regard
to the last mentioned Gentleman, however, Captain Von Firks, he has, we understand,
sounded his own horn so loudly on the occasion, that any attempt of our's to
trumpet forth his praise, is rendered perfectly unnecessary.
PUBLIC VENDUES, in Stabroek and its
Environs. [heading]
On Wednesday, the 25th of June, the
Boedel of Mr. Hogan.
On Thursday the 26th, and Friday the
27th of June, at the Store of Mr. Thomas Marsh, in the New Town, a large and
elegant assortment of Military Articles of every description, ladies and
Gentlemen's ready-made Clothes, Hosiery, Linen drapery, Boots and Shoes, Dry
Goods, Provisions, &c. &c.
On Friday, the 4th of July, the House at
present occupied by J. Huiberts, Esq.
On Monday, the 7th of July, at the House
of Dr. Mickerts, the Concession No. 48, at present occupied by the Doctor; also
the half Concession No. 72 on the Front Dam of Stabroek, at 6, 12, and 18
Month's credit; also Horses, Negroes, Household Furniture, &c.
Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our
June 7. Schooner Mary, L. L. Dill, from
Barbados, with Beef, Pork, Lime, Oil, Soap, Candles, Dry Goods, Iron Hoop,
&c. &c.
June 10. Brig Franklin, N. Hurlbut,
from New London, with Horses, Staves, Wood Hoops, fish, &c.
June 10. Schooner Eliza, Z. Huntington,
from New London, with Pork, Beef, Bread, Flour, Herrings, Cod Fish, Staves,
Shook Hhds, Tar, Mules, Horses, Cows, &c. &c.
June 13. Brig Lark, S. I. Morrill, from
Casco, with Lumber and Provisions.
June 13. Brig William Tell, E. Glad,
from New York, with Pork, Beef, Hams, Tongues, Salmon, Flour, Tobacco,
Cordials, Medicine, and Horses.
June 14. Schooner Scythian, S. Fernald,
from Portsmouth, with Lumber, W. O. Staves, Shooks and Heading, Clap Boards,
Wood Hoops, fish, Soap, Candles, Rice, Beef in Barrels, Pork, Oats, Tar, Oil,
& Hhds of Corn.
June ---Schooner Success, J. Harsold,
from Portsmouth, with Salt Fish, R. O. Shooks, Shooks [sic] and Heading, Flour,
Beef, Candles, Oats, Shingles, Boats, and Lamp Oil.
June 9. Brig William Grey, J. Saunders,
for Bath.
June 13. Ship Frederick, J. M'Donald,
for London.
For the list of Runaway Slaves, and the
Rest of the Advertisements, see Supplement.
N. Volkerts, Printer, No. 20, Brick Dam,
[no supplement]