Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 June 21


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 182.

Saturday, the 21st of June.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. Allan McKechnie, in 14 days.
Mrs. Mary Cuche, in 14 days.
Mr. Henry Hunt, in 14 days.
Mr. Thomas De Lisle, in 14 days.
Mr. William Brown, in 14 days.
J. C. Stadtman, Senior Clerk.

Wordt mits deezen geadverteerd, dat John Lowe van voorneemens is binnen de tyd van veertien dagen zich met er woon van hier na Essequebo te begeeven, alwaar by op de grond Sarapoppe, de zaagmoolen van den Heer Frantzen, zyn Domicilium Citandi et Executandi gekoozen heest.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 18 Juny 1806
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

Alzo de Heer Thomas Fothergill Elliot, meerderjaarig jongman, gebooren in Engeland, ter eenre
En Mejuffrow Mary Culpepper, minderjaarige jonge dochter, gebooren in deeze Colonie, geadsisteerd met haar voogd de Heer Aleyxene Culpepper ter andere zyde,
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een wettig huwelyk aantegaan zo word een ieder daar van by deeze geadverteerd ten einde die geenen die zig daar teegens vermeenen te kunnen opposeeren, zulks in tyde te doen daar en zoo het behoord.
Actum in Rio Demerary deezen 18 Juny 1806.
In kennisse van my
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

Alle de geene die iets te pretendeeren hebben, of verschuldigd zyn, aan den Boedel van wylen Hendrik Beis, worden versogt ten spoedigsten opgaave en betaaling te doen, ter Domicilium van de Heer Cornelis Smit, J.Z. in qualiteit als Executeur Testamentair in voor schreeve Boedel.
Actum ter Secretary van Demerary, deesen 20 Juny, 1806.
In kennisse van my
F. Horn. gezw. Clercq.

Alle die geenen die eenige pretentie hebben, of schuldig zyn, aan de Heer N. Rousselet, gelieven dezelve optegeeven, ten eynde om voldoening te kunnen ontvangen binnen den tyd van vier weeken na dato deezer, also van voorneemens is na het eyland Barbados te vertrekken.
Actum ter Secretary van Demerary, den 16 Juny, 1806.
D. P. Simon, gezw. Clercq.

Krachtens Extract Notul van den Edele Hove van Justitie, de dato 12 deezer.
Zo word door my ondergeschr. eerste Exploiteur by deese geadverteerd, dat by op Dingsdag den 8 July eerstkomende, ten Raadhuize op de Hoofdplaats, Stabroek, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen, by Executie zal verkoopen den in Executie genomene neger jonge genaamt Thomas, ten behoeve van J. C. H. Kuster, Eischer en Triumphant, op ende jeegens Pieter Pieters en gedaagde en geexecuteerde.
'T zy ook mits deese bekend gemaakt, aan allen diengeeene [sic] die vermeenen eenig recht van oppositie op opgemelde neger jongen te sustineeren, hun te willen addresseeren ten Exploiteurs Comptoire alhier; en wylers die geene die gading in denselven neger jongen Thomas vinden mooge, kome ten dage en plaatse voornoemd, en doen hun profyt.
Actum Rio Demerary, den 20 Juny 1806.
M. Smit, eerste Exploiteur.

A Young Man of unexceptionable Character, and who can produce Certificates of his Abilities, &c. from the Houses he had the honour to do business for last. He is perfect master of Book-keeping and Measurement in its various branches, having lived width Merchants in that trade; and he flatters himself he would be an acquisition to any Merchant House now in want of such a person. Letters directed to X. Y. at the Printer of this Paper, will be attended to
Stabroek, June 21, 1806.

The Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of Joseph Feuillet is no longer at the House of the Undersigned, in front of Plantation Vlissingen. All those who are indebted to Louis D'Helliand & Co. are requested to pay to him only; and all those to whom the said Firm is indebted, must apply to him for payment; as no other transactions can be approved by
Stabroek, June 20, 1806. Louis D'Helliand

POST OFFICE. [heading]
The Post Master very earnestly requests the Merchant of Demerary, to caution the Masters of Vessels consigned to their address, against continuing to infringe an Act of Parliament, which subjects them and their ships to great inconvenience and heavy penalties.
He has such convincing proofs of nearly each of the Masters of the last fleet having acted in direct opposition to it, that the Hon. the Fiscal could, without difficulty, have instantly affixed the fines; but this would have been so unpleasant to the Post Master, that he has again deferred his complaint, and in this Advertisement subjoined the Abstract from the Act itself; still hoping that Merchants, for their own sake, as well as his (above paltry considerations), will rather assist him in restoring energy and regularity to a department so essential to themselves, than by allowing the masters to continue in error, cramp the powers and resources of the Post Office.

Abstract from the Act of Parliament 8th Geo. 3. Chap. 25. Sec. 3. "That no Ship or Vessel shall be permitted to break bulk, or to make entry, in any port belonging to Great Britain, until all letters and packets brought by any Master of any such ship or vessel, or by any of his Company, or any Passenger on board the same, to any part in the said dominions, where Ports are, or hereafter may be established, and from whence such letters and packets can or may be dispatched by Post, shall be delivered to the Deputy, or Deputies, or Agents of the said Post-Master General for the time being, to be by him, or them, forwarded according to their respective directions, in the same course that other letters are sent from such respective posts; and all Masters of vessels, Mariners, Passengers, and other persons, neglecting, or refusing to deliver (at the Post Office) the letters or packets brought by them as aforesaid, shall for every such neglect or refusal, respectively, forfeit the sum of Twenty Pounds, to be sued for and recovered by action of debt, plaint, bill, or information, in any Court of Record within the Kingdom, Colony, Plantation, or place where the offence shall be committed."
N.B. in addition to the foregoing, there is a Colonial fine of Twenty five Guilders for every letter, to the Hon. the Fiscal.
Theophilus Williams,
Stabroek, June 21, 1806. Post Master.

Tot myn bittere droesheid, na een zeer korre ziekte, enkeld maar van wynige dagen, is overleeden, in anno passato, inyne teedere geliefd, en eenigste broeder, den Heer. W. P. Smit, in dezelvs leeven Raad van Justitie te Batavia, in den ouderdom van 35 jaaren. - Geeve van dit door deese kennis aan vrienden en bekenden.
Rio Demerary, den 20 Juny 1806. M. Smit.

Pursuant to a Proclamation of the Hon. Court of Policy, and by permission of the Hon. F. P. van Berckel, Fiscal, on the 14th of July next. will be sold, at public Vendue, a red speckled COW, confined by the Manager of Plantation Kitty on the 16th instant. Meanwhile the Owner may have her restored on paying the expences to
Stabroek, June 20, 1806. J. Runnels, J.Z.

The Subscriber offers for Sale, or Rent, the House situated on the Water Lot. No. 1, on the front lands of Werk en Rust, formerly occupied by Messrs. Stucker & Bo[umlaut]rner, and lately by Mr. Thomas White. Possession to be given the 1st of July next.
She also offers for Sale the House at present occupied by Mr. W. A. Ellis, next to Messrs. Remy & Boter, and formerly the property of Mrs. McNeish.
Stabroek, June 21, 1806. C. Ravenscroft.

The Subscribers, having had some disputes with their Debtors in regard to their Bills for Horse-shoeing, do hereby give Notice: - That, from the 1st of next Month, such Gentlemen as are desirous of having their Horses shod by the Year, will please to have the goodness to address a note to them to that purport. Otherwise, they must pay for their Horses being shod, before they go out of the shop.
Demerary, June 21, 1806. Fryer & Ballard,
Blacksmiths & Plumbers.

For Sale, by the Undersigned, at the House formerly occupied by Doctor Van Dura, on Plantation Vlissingen, for Ready Money only, the following Goods, viz.
Smoked Geese, ditto Beef and Ribs of ditto, and ditto Pork
Westphalia Hams, Brunswick Sausages, and ditto Knack ditto
Boulogne Sausages, pickled ditto, and Black Puddings
Best salt Beef in half barrels, and pickled Eels
Fine Biscuits and French White Wine Vinegar, in 7 gal. Casks
Dry German Plumbs, and Spices of all sorts
Segars, and a variety of other Articles.
Demerary, June 20, 1806. J. H. Reiss.

The Subscribers have imported by the Ship Favorite, Capt. F. Holman, from London, a fresh supply of Provisions and Goods, where they are now opening, and have for Sale, at their Store in Cumingsburg, consisting chiefly of the following:
Best Irish Beef and Pork, in whole and half barrels
New Rose Butter, in whole and half firkins
Bottled Porter, and Ale in puncheons
Port Wine in ditto
Pickles and Mustard
Refined Sugars, and Gunpowder and Hyson Tea in canisters
Spices assorted in ditto, and Pearl Barley in ditto
Bloom Raisins, Almonds, and Preserved Fruits
Pine and Gloucester Cheese
Russia and Irish Sheetings
Damask and Diaper Table Cloths from 7.4 to 18.4 long
An assortment of Cordage
Canvas, Sadlery, Stationary, and Cotton and Coffee Bagging
Sewing and Seine Twine and Fishing Seines
Mattrasses, ready made and fine Cloth Coats
Coatees and waistcoats
Gentlemen's Hats, and Servants' glazed ditto
Boots and Shoes, and Umbrellas
Gentlemen's and Ladies Silk and Cotton Hose, and Gloves
Glass and Earthen Ware, and some very elegant Furniture, &c.
They have on hand a few Pipes of very excellent Madeira Wine, which they will dispose of on moderate Terms for immediate payment only.
Demerary, June 21, 1806.
Telford, Naghten, & Co.

Te Huur met primo July aanstaande de Concessie genaamd Jerusalem, op de voorgrond van de Plaats Werk & Rust voorheen bewoond door de Heer Swancke, & thans door de heer Buyn, te bevragen by F. J. Huestieg,
Demerary 21 Juny 1806. ten huyse van
De Heer J. L. Eils.

The Subscriber has just received by the last Fleet a variety of Dry Goods, which he offers for Sale by the Package, at a moderate advance, to approved Purchasers
June 21, 1806. R. Younghusband.

On Sale by the Subscribers, at reduced Prices, for immediate payment, the following Articles, viz
Best London particular Madeira Wine, in pipes and hhds.
London Porter in casks of 12 dozen each.
Salt in barrels
A few puncheons of old Grenada Rum,
Lime in hhds and best sifted
Terrace in tierces.
June 21, 1806. Heywood & Taylor.

For Sale, by the Subscriber, near the American Stelling, at the Store formerly occupied by C. Treadwell, Esq.
[first column]
Fish in hogsheads
Ditto in boxes
Half barrels of Mess Beef
Ditto ditto of Pork
Salmon in kegs
Potatoes in barrels
Butter in kegs from 20 to 30 lb. each
Dutch spiced and American Cheese
Black eyed Pease
[second column]
Gin in cases
Essence of Spruce in bottles
Glass and Earthen Ware
Garden Seeds assorted, put up by Qaakers [sic]
Segars in boxes of 1000 each
Glauber Salts
Ready made Waistcoats
[end columns]
And a variety of other Articles, too numerous to mention.
Demerary, June 21, 1806. M. Franks.

The Freehold Premises formerly occupied by Messrs. Brumell, Heyliger, & Co. situated on the North Dam, Stabroek.
The payments, by instalments, will be made agreeable to an approved Purchaser. Apply to
Demerary, June 20, 1806. W. Brumell.

Den Ondergeteekende heest, in additie tot zyne voorige assortement, per de laast van London gearriveerden scheepen, de naavolgenden Goederen ontvangen, die hy ook teegens zeer civiele pryse voor directe betaaling in Contante, Catooen, of Coffy, teegens Colonie prys, te koop offereert, naamentlyk:
Best vlees en speck, tongen, Hollandsche harringe
Aardappelen, kaas, Bristol bier, en London brown stout
Coignac brandewyn, Lavender, Rose, & Honey Water
Fyne Florence sallade oly, trommel doosen met banket, &c.
Fyne Iersche linnens, cattoene, en linne bonten
Witte callicos, zyde braces
Dames parasols, Heere dito met snuifdoosjes
Militair laarsen, groote schoenen met gespen Dames schoenen
Glas en China werk, groene Windsor stoele
Bosch kruyt en hagel
En eene groote menigte andere Goederen meer.
Demerary, June 21, 1806. J. F. Meyer.

Just Imported from London, in the Brig David, Capt. McAskill, and for Sale by the Subscribers:
Fashionable Gigs, with best plated Harness
Bedsteads, with best Hair Mattrasses and Netting complete
Hair Mattrasses, from three to five and a half feet
Fashionable Bambo Cane bottom, and Cherry tree Chairs, with and without arms, and Mahogany Night ditto
Handsome brassbound Mahogany Writing Desks, and ditto Backgammon Boxes
Ivory-handled Knives and Forks
Copper Teaches, Iron Boilers, and Grating Bars
Sheet lead, Sheet Copper, Skimmers and Ladles, Boiling House Lamps, Cutlasses, round eyes Felling Axes, Hoes, and Shovels
Fowling Pieces, and Musquets with Accoutrements complete
Handsome Military Hangers, and ditto Feathers assorted
Superfine Scarlet Cloth
Gun Powder and Shot No. 1 to 5, and Iron and Wood Hoops
Canvas No. 1 to 4, a large assortment of Cordage, and White rope one and a half to 3 inches
Blocks, Anchors, and Grapnels
Nails from 4d to 5 inch Spikes
Sein and Sewing Twine, and Deep Sea Lines
A large assortment of Stationary
Gibson's best Hunting Saddles and Bridles, and whips
Negro Clothing and Handkerchiefs
Osnaburg's, Salempores, Brittannias, white and brown Russia Sheeting, Irish Sheeting and Linen, and Preston and brown ditto
Elegant Furniture Chintz, white Calico, and Table Cloths
Huckaback, Diaper, Checks, and D'Oyles
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Silk, T, and Cotton Stockings
Muslins and Window Gauze
Boots and Shoes, patent silk and beaver Hats, broad-rimmed ditto, and Servants' glazed ditto with bands
Poland Oats
Bottlled Porter, and Beer in puncheons
Port Wine in ditto
Westphalia Has
Single and double Gloucester, and Bath loaf and pine Cheese
Potatoes, Tripe, Tongues, Sausages, spiced Salmon, and Ling Fish
Pickles, Sallad Oil, Mustard, and basket Salt
Split Pease and Barley in kegs
Tea, refined Sugar, Spices, Sago, and black Pepper
Stoughton's Bitters, Lavendar, and Rose and Honey water
Candles, Soap, Tallow, Vase and Barrel Lamps, Shades, and an elegant assortment of cut and plain Glass Ware
White Lead, coloured Paints, and Paint and Neatsfoot Oil in jugs
Vinegar, and Spirits of Turpentine in ditto
Umbrellas and Parasols
Garden Seeds in small boxes
Parrot Cages
Painted Shower Baths
Horn and Tin lanthorns
Red and black gilt and hair Trunks, and black leather Portmanteaus
Small Iron Chests, and Locks and Hinges
An assortment of Coopers' and Carpenters' Tools
Vat, Beer, and Wine Brass Cocks
Pump Leather, &c. &c.
Also a parcel of London Particular Madeira Wine, received by the Brig Claude Scott, warranted Three Years old when shipped
Demerary, June 21, 1806. Cornfoot, Bell, & Co.

TEN JOES REWARD. [heading]
A Valuable Carpenter, named France, belonging to Plantation Zelden Rust, having been a little deranged from indisposition, escaped the vigilance of those who attended him, and absented on Monday night last. The Subscriber will be much obliged to any person who can give information where he may be found; at the same time the Reward above specified, of TEN JOES, will be given, should he be brought to the Estate, or to the Printer of this Paper, as the Undersigned does not wish him to be put in confinement, being confident that he would not have left the Estate had he not been insane. He is half Buck, about 5 feet 2 inches high, and about 36 or 40 years old.
Zelden Rust, June 15, 1806. I. P. Valz.

On Friday, the 4th of July, will be sold by Auction, by Order of Mr. Richard, the House and quarter Concession No. 22, on the South Dam, at present occupied by I. Huiberts, Esq. Solicitor, and near that of Mr. Eils, and at the back of H. D. Obermuller, Esq. The said House is built of Colony Wood, has a commodious Store, and is in good order. Terms of payment are f 1500 one Month after the day of Sale, and one half of the remaining Sum at 12 Months, and the remainder at the expiration of the 18 Months after the day of sale, when a Transport will be given.
Demerary, June 21, 1806.

N. Volkerts respectfully informs his Subscribers and the Public, that, after next Saturday, when his second Three Months' Account will be closed, this Paper will cease to be printed by him. It will then commence under the name of the person who for some time has been principally connected with the management of it, and under whose care and attention, fostered by the generous [illegible] of a discerning Public, he is proud to say, that The Essequebo and Demerary Gazette has obtained an Extent of Circulation heretofore unknown in these Colonies.
In thus withdrawing himself from public notice, N. V. cannot refrain from endeavouring to express his grateful acknowledgments to those Friends, who, by their kind assistance and good offices, in the hour of need, have enabled him to announce the above change in so truly satisfactory a manner.
Stabroek, June 21, 1806.

We have received a letter signed "Pluto," complaining bitterly of his name having been improperly (and without authority) used by a learned Gentleman of the Law in this town, who must, he asserts, from a variety of causes incidental to his practice of the profession, be too intimately acquainted with him, to commit any such mistake through ignorance; but, besides having so much more important matter for our paper this week, we decline the insertion of it, not wishing to have any connection with his infernal Highness Pluto, however we may occasionally like a little communication from Plutus. We therefore say - "Get thee hence, Satan!" prefer thy complaint elsewhere: we will have nothing to do with thee.
"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God"
Matth. v. Verse 8.

His Majesty's schooner ShipJack [sic] arrived here on Thursday evening from Barbados, with dispatches.

On Tuesday the 24th June, at Mr. Shute's Store, Vlissingen, Provisions, Dry Goods, &c.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

June 16. Brig David, K. M'Askill, from London, with Lime, Bricks, Dry Goods, Cordage, Sheet Lead, Glass, Potatoes, Wood Hoops, Copper Boilers, Chairs, Iron Hoops, Tea, and Provisions.
June 16. Ship Favorite, F. Holman, from London, with Dry Goods, Plantation Stores, and Provisions.
June 16. Ship Fame, J. Brand, from London, with sundry packages of Dry Goods.
June 17. Ship Ana, J. Grossard, from Newfoundland, with 410 Hhds of Fish.
June 18. Ship Adventure, J. M'Kendrick, from London, in Ballast.

June 14. Schooner Antelope, John Roberts, for Quebec.
June 16. Brig Lord Duncan, R. Goodwin, for Barbados.
June 16. Sloop Two Friends, J. Hazel, for St. Vincent.
June 18. Schooner Antelope, I. Rogers, for Barbados.
June 19. ------ Hope, W. White for Surinam.
June 20. ----- Mary, J. L. Dill, for Barbados.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves [not transcribed]

N. Volkerts, Printer, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.

[fourth and third pages appear first, then pages 1 and 2]

[begin series of centered headings]
Between the Plantations Welgeleegen & L'Esperance,
On the Premises, on Monday, the 14th of July, 1806,
[end centered headings]
The Plantation contains Five Hundred Acres of Land, viz. Two Hundred Roods facade, and 750 in depth, according to the Measurement of I. H. Wiedeman, Sworn Surveyor, on the 25th of February, 1805, divided into two parcels by eight posts, as the Chart will show.
It is to be sold in its present cultivated state, with all the Buildings, and whatever is fixed thereon, agreeably to an inventory made by the Manager Wysmuller (the Seller, however, not binding himself to the exact number of Trees therein specified), together with Twenty-four prime Negroes, all in One Lot.
CONDITIONS, [heading]
I. The Purchaser or Purchasers shall make the First Payment, viz, the sum of L 1500 Sterling, or f 18,000 Holls. Curr. in approved Bills of Exchange, payable in London, with two Endorsers, to the satisfaction of the Vendue Master, within Fourteen Days from the Time of Purchase. The Remainder of the Purchase Money to be paid in Four equal annual Instalments, with Interest of the unpaid Capital, at the rate of six per cent. per annum, to be accounted from the Day of Sale.
II. The Purchaser or Purchasers shall give Two Securities for the due performance of the above, to the satisfaction of the Vendue Master.
III. Possession of the Plantation shall be given within One Month after the Sale, and the Purchaser or Purchasers, on receiving a transport, shall be bound to pass a special Mortgage on the same, with the addition of Ten good Slaves.
IV. All the Four Instalments must be paid in Pounds sterling, at f 12 per L either in Bills on London as aforesaid, or in Bills on Amsterdam.
V. There being a Mortgage of f 10,000 on the before named Property, the time of paying which is not yet determined, the Purchaser may either take it over at the time of Sale or it will be allowed in diminution of that Instalment which may become due at the time the payment of the said Mortgage shall be demanded.
To be viewed at the Time of Sale; when Particulars may be had on the Premises; of the Vendue Master, and at the Printing Office, No. 20, Brick Dam.

Created: 26 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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