Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 July 26


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 187.

Saturday, the 26th of July.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. H. B. Ries, in one or two months.
Mr. Pieter Oyens, in fourteen days.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Alzo den Heer J. C. Wolff, Med. Doct. zich verplicht vind, ter herstelling van zyne gezondheid, voor eenige tyd eene ryze naar de onderscheiden eylanden te onderneemen, zo adverteerd by mits de zer, aan alle de geenen dewelke van hem iets te preterndeeren hebben hunne pretentien, binnen den tyd van 14 dagen, na dato deezes, ter zynen Domicilium, op de voorgrond van de Plantagie Werk & Rust in te leeveren; alsmeede vertrouwd hy, dat alle de geenen aan hem verschuldigd en dewelke bereids hunne reekeningen ontsangen hebben, binnen voorschreeven tyd hunne betaaling komen presenteeren ter Domiciluim voorschreven.
Actum in Rio Demerary, deezen 24de July 1806.
In kennisse van my, J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq

Alle de geenen welke iets te pretendeeren hebben van, of verschuldigd zyn, aan den Boedel wylen Gidney Howard, gelieve daarvan opgaave en betaaling te doen voor den eerste October eerstkoomende, ten huise van de Heeren I. D. Scantlebury en P. Cambridge in qualiteit als Executeuren Testamentair, ten einde gemelde Boedel te liquiditeit te brengen.
Actum in Rio Demerary, deezen 24 July 1806.
In kennisse van my, J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

Word mits deese bekend gemaakt, dat de Heer D. van Sertima zyn Domicilium Citandi et Executandi gekoosen heest op de Fort Eyland in Rio Essequebo.
Actum in Rio Demerary, deezen 25de July 1806.
In kennisse van my, J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

Uit krachte van zeekere Extract Notul van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, de dato 10 Juny 1806.
Zoo worden door my Ondergeteekende Exploiteur van Welgemelde Hove by Edicte GEDAGVAARD,
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van F. Van Den Velden.
Omme te compareeren of gemachtigde te zenden voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, teegens den vierde Augustus eerstkommende, en volgende dagen.
Ten fine aldaar op propositien gehoord, en is het doenlyk gedisponeerd of geaccepteerd te worden to alzulke uitstel van tyd of zodonig sortabel arrangementen in het generaal als naar gelang van omstandighieden, zullen geproponeerd worden als naar Rechten.
Rio Demerary, den 21ste July 1806. B. Teyssen, Expl.

By Virtue of a Extract Notul of the Hon. Court of Justice of this Colony, the Undersigned Exploiteur of the said Court hereby Summonses for the first time.
In behalf of F. Butteweg, Esq. in his quality of acting Executor to the Estate of I. L. Wortman.
All the known and unknown Creditors of the said Estate to appear before the said Hon. Court of Justice, at the Session to be holden [sic] on the 15th of September next, and following days, to render their pretensiens against the said Estate.
And notice is hereby also given that after the expiration of the 1st, 2d, 3d and ex superabundante Edict proceedings will be instituted to obtain a perpetual Silentium.
This is the first Edictale Citation, published and affixed as customary.
Demerary, July 24, 1806. B. Teyssen, Expl. [taken from following issue of Aug. 2, 1806 - which provides the English version]

By Virtue of an Appointment of the Hon. Court of Justice of Essequebo &c. &c. granted the 9th July instant, upon the Petition of Charles Bean, by his Attorney E. Loncke, q.q. the Undersigned hereby SUMMONSES
All the known and unknown Creditors of the said Charles Bean, to appear, either by themselves or their Attornies, before the Commissaries of the Hon. Court of Justice aforesaid, at the Session to be holden [sic] at the Fortress Zeelandia, on the fourth of August next ensuing, there to hear, and if possible to agree to the Proposals which some of the Creditors have already consented to or such other arrangements as shall then be made; at which time in case no accommodation can be made between the parties, the Court will ex officio, dispose of the business as to them shall seem meet. Meanwhile, all further proceedings against the said Charles Bean are stayed.
Essequebo, July 18, 1806. F. W. Tuckermann,
1st Exploiteur.

Copy of a Letter from Joseph Beete, Esq. addressed to Captain M'Leod and the Officers of the 1st Battalion Demerary Militia. [heading]
Plantation Phoenix, Demerary, 14th July 1806.
I have the honour to inform you, that two days since I received a letter from His Excellency General Hislop, Governor of Trinidad, on the melancholy circumstance of the death of our deeply lamented friend Colonel Macrae.
After expressing his heartfelt grief at the very deplorable event that had deprived him of a friend - the integrity of whose principles, the rectitude of whose heart, and the urbanity of whose manners, had long rendered him an object of his most particular esteem, he mentions having seen your resolutions, and subjoins –
"I should wish to be included in the number who have voted the Monument to record the worth of my deceased Friend. You will have the goodness to see how this can be effected so as to make it as expressive as words can convey of the value I set upon his many amiable qualities, and the loss I have sustained by the cruel event that caused his death."
As I can find no words more expressive than the General's own on this subject, I have quoted them literally, and shall be extremely happy in being the instrument of carrying his wishes confided to me into execution in any manner you shall be pleased to point out.
I have the honour to be, Gentlemen,
Your most obedient and very humble servant,
(Signed) Joseph Beete.

Repeat of ad for the Union Coffee House

By Authorisation of the Hon. Court of Civil and Criminal Justice of the Colony of Essequebo, the Undersigned will expose for Sale at Public Vendue, and to the highest Bidder, on the 4th day of May 1807, the Plantation New Oosterbeek, (situated on the Island Leguan, in the said Colony, and laying between the Estates of F. W. Wiche and Burntorn Esqrs.) belonging to the Estate of the late G. H. Trotz, deceased on the 5th of July 1804, with all its Lands, Slaves, Buildings, Cultivation, &c. consisting in Two Hundred and Fourteen Acres of excellent Coffee Soil, with about ninety-one Thousand fine young Coffee Trees, Provision Grounds, and about Eighty fine Negroes.
The Vendue will take place on the Plantation, and the Inventories may be seen at the Secretaries Offices both of the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, Three Months before the Day of Sale.
As Trustees to the Estate of the G. H. Trotz
Dem. July 14, 1806. I. S. Masse, & W. Mooy.

Just Imported by the Ship Active, Captain Chissell, from Bristol, and for Sale by the Subscribers, viz
[first column]
Yorkshire and Mutton Hams
Smoked Beef
Pickled Pork and Corned Beef, in Kegs
Irish Mess Ditto
Pickled Tongues in Kegs
Oysters in Pots
Tripe in Jars
[second column]
Pickled Salmon in Kegs
White and Red Herrings in Kegs
Ling Fish in small cases
Bristol Small Beer, Taunton Ale
Bottled Porter
Perry and Cyder
Port Wine
Refined Sugar
[end columns]
July 26, 1806. Underwood, Johnson, & Co.

Te Koop by den Ondergeteekende, voor civiele prysen, teegens contante betaaling, viz. Eeen en twee duyms Americanaanse Planken, Clapboorden, R. O. Duygen, Singels, en vierkant, boote hoepels, &c.
Demerary, den 25 July 1806. O. I. Laurin.

FOR SALE, [heading]
Inverness Cotton Bagging, Seine and Sewing Twine, Deep Sea Lines, Log and Fishing Lines, Cordage, Hawsers, Boat Anchors, Canvas, No. 1 to 4, Osnaburghs, Pennistone, Cotton and Linen Checks, Duck and Check Shirts and Trowsers, Negro Hats, Hoes, Shovels, Iron Handle Cutlasses, Hand Whip, and Cross-cut Saws, a variety of Coopers' Tools, 4d, 6d, 8d, 10d, 12d, 20d, and 30d Nails, Screws, Locks, and Hinges, Milled Lead, Puncheon Hoops, Blue, White, and Green-edged Earthenware, in Crates and Cases, Corkscrews, Stationary, Twig and Chaise Whips, Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes, Hats, Muslins, Diced Cambrick Lace and Stripes, Cotton Cambrick, Cotton Shirting, Ladies' Habit Shirts, Caps, and Diced Check'd and Tambour'd Shawls, Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs, Printed Calicoes, Long Lawn, Fine and Coarse Irish Linen and Sheeting, Brown Linen, Dowlas, Stout and Superfine Counterpanes, Russia Sheeting, Marseilles Quilting, Cotton and Coloured Threads, Irish Mess Beef in Tierces, American Beef in Whole and Half Barrels, Hams, Cheese, New Butter, Refined Sugar, Pease, Barley, Mustard, Pickles in Cases, Ale, Beer and Porter, Port Wine, Claret, Cherry Brandy, Spermaceti and Mould Candles, Brown Soap, Paints, Oil, Gunpowder, Shot, &c. &c.
Also the Cargo of the Schooner Wealthy, Capt. Gilbert, from Connecticut, consisting of Beef, Pork, Butter, Lard, Mould and Spermaceti Candles, New Flour, Crackers, Navy and Pilot Bread, R. O. Shooks, Staves, Hoops, Tobacco, Pickled Fish, &c. &c.
July 24, 1806. James Robertson.

Notice to the Debtors of Fraser, Littledale, and M'Leod; and Fraser, Littledale, & Co. [heading]
All Persons indebted to the late Firms above mentioned, are requested to make their Payments to Mr. Anthony Littledale, who has taken up his residence at the House lately occupied as a Store by Messrs. Mourant & Delisle, in Cumingsburgh, and who, for the present, takes charge of the liquidation of those concerns. A. Littledale,
Cumingsburgh, July 26, 1806. I. C. M'Leod,
W. Robertson,
for themselves and
S. Fraser.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Co-partnership of Fryer & Ballard is from this day, by mutual consent, dissolved; they therefore request all those who have any Demands against them, to render in their Accounts, before the expiration of One Month from this date, unto Mr. Robert Stephenson; and all those who are indebted to them, are desired to come forward, and pay their accounts immediately unto the said Robert Stephenson, he being duly authorized to receive the same. Thomas
Stabroek, July 26, 1806. for self and
John Ballard.

Alzo op een calumnieuse wyze door baatzuchtige lieden is veripreid, dat de Ondergeteekende het schoolweezen opgeeven zoude, zo adverteerd hy hiermeede, dat hy ten zynen huise als nog blyft continueren, de jeugd te doen onderwyzer in de gronden van de Engelsche, Fransche, en Neederduytsche taalen, &c. &c.; alle zoort van naadelwerk, &c.; breeder in vreegere Advertisement vermeld. Privaat lesten in 't Italiannsch boekhouden in de Engelsche en Holladiche taal.
Stabroek, den 25de July, 1806. I. H. Giesenhuysen,
Concessie No. 15 aan den Middendam. [sic]

TWO JOES REWARD. [heading]
Run Away from the Subscriber, a Negro Woman, named Harriet, a Creole of St. Croix, formerly the property of Mr. Flurez, of Essequebo. Whosoever will apprehend her, and deliver her to the Subscriber, or lodge her in the Barracks, shall receive Two Joes Reward from
Stabroek, July 25, 1806. John Ballard.

Absented himself, on Sunday last, from the Plantation Tydverdryf, Mahaica, a Negro, named Cicero, formerly the property of A. P. Diurwaerder, Esq. but now belonging to the Undersigned. He is of a middling stature, red skin, and reddish eyes, marked I P B on his right breast, and is well known in this Colony. He formerly lived on Plantation Philadelphia, in Essequebo, and afterwards on Plantation Leonora, on the West Sea Coast. Whoever will secure the above Negro, and return him to the Subscriber, or lodge him in the Barracks, shall receive One Joe Reward.
Mahaica, July 23, 1806. I. P. Bischop.

FISH. [heading]
Just received, per Schooner Sheldrake, from Plymouth,
In Hogsheads, Tierces, and Barrels.
Demerary, July 26, 1806. I. T. Barrett.

By Robert Kingston, Vendue Master.
On Saturday the 2d of August, by order of W. N. Firebrace, Esq. Resident Commissary at the King's Stores, 3 puncheons of oats, 61 tierces, 24 barrels, and 3 half barrels of flour.
On Wednesday the 6th of August, by order, and on the Premises, of Wm. and Anthony King and Co. Cumingsburg, A Patent Cotton Press, Claret, Provisions, &c.
Also, a Schooner Boat, 36 feet keel, burthen about 20 hogsheads, to be seen in the trench at Cumingsburgh.
On Tuesday the 12th of August, by order of Messrs. Thos. Hoppe & Co. at their Store, Calicoes, Muslins, Marseilles Waistcoating, Long Lawns, Dimities, Cambricks, Gentlemen's Shoes, Fowling Pieces, Negro Blankets, Boat Cloaks, Gentlemen's Best Beaver hats, Sadlery, Ironmongery, Mathematical instruments, Ivory Tooth pick cases, Silver Spoons, Combs, Ribbons, Claret Wine, London Bottled Porter, Burleigh China, Stationary, &c. &c.
On Wednesday the 13th of August, by order of J. C. Wolff, M.D. at his House, Werk & Rust, sundry complete Male and Female House Servants, a well known Riding Horses, other Horses, Chaises Harnesses, Saddles and Bridles, Sheep, two Dutch Rams, Striking Clocks, Mahogany Bedsteads, Beddings, Cabinets, Chairs, Tables, Sofas with Coverings, Gold and Silver Plate, Earthen and Glass Ware, Tea Services, and sundry other Furniture; also, almost complete Apothecary's Chest, a large Assortment of Medicines, Distilling Apparatus, Surgeons' and Apothecaries' Instruments, &c. &c.
On Thursday the 14th of August, at the Orphan Chamber, the Concession, and Buildings thereon, known by No. 37, situated on the Front Lands of Iveleary; a piece of woodland up this River, between the Lands of Callender and the Plantation Good Hope, all belonging to the Estate of M. Barker, dec. a Lot of Land, situated on the West Coast of Essequebo, No. 106, 100 Rood facade by 750 deep, comprising 250 Acres, the property of L. F. Schreibvogel, dec. Also, Clothes, Linen, Furniture, some old Silver, &c.

The Hon. Court of Justice yesterday adjourned till the 18th of August next. The Court of Policy will meet next Monday.
The Cygnet with the vessels from Surinam, &c. arrived on Sunday morning, and the whole fleet sailed the same day.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

July 21. Brig Rose, J. Sullivan, from Kennebunck, with Lumber, Beef, Lobsters, Poultry, and Segars.
July 24. Schooner Schildrake, C. Holmes, from Plymouth, with hogsheads and tierces of Fish, Lumber, Mackarel, Tongues and Sounds, Soap, Candles, Shooks, and Hoops.
July 24. Schooner Gingle, H. C. Darrell, from Barbados, in ballast.
July 25. Brig Dian, J. Morss from Portsmouth, with Lumber, Staves, Shooks, Clapboards, Beef, Mackarel, Fish, Oats, Corn, Herrings, Soap, Tobacco, Rice, Butter, Oats, and Lobsters.
July 25. Brig Traffic, W. Main, from London, with Provisions, &c.
July 26. Brig Sally, S. Fernald, from Portsmouth, with Boards, Staves, Clapboards, Shooks, Oats, Fish, Corn, Bricks, Spermaceti Oil, Tongues, and boats.


For the List of Runaway Slaves, see Supplement.

Printed by T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.

Supplement to the Essequebo and Demerary Gazette.

The Undersigned, being determined to liquidate all his concerns, and proceed to Europe next spring, will sell by Public Auction, on Tuesday the 29th inst. at Twelve o'clock precisely on the Premises, the following two Concessions on Werk & Rust, which are freehold, railed in, and free from all incumbrances, viz.
The First Concession, situated on the paved road, is 92 feet broad, and 81 - 143 deep (sloping towards the end), and contains the following Buildings:
A. A new strong House, one story and a half high, the Frame of Colony wood, and the Floors partly of Cipieri and Partly of Pitch Pine.
B. A Side-Building, used for a Kitchen and Horse Stable. One Half of this Concession is laid out in a Kitchen Garden.
The Second Concession, opposite that of Mr. Bruninghaus, and at the back of the other, is 92 feet broad, and 97 - 104 in depth, and contains the following:
A. A good Dwelling House and Shop 36 feet in length, and 24 in breadth, two stories high, standing on brick pillars. The roof and the two Galleries were new last year; the bottom Floor is of Colony wood, and the upper of Pitch pine planks.
B. A Side Building, 16 feet in breadth, and 24 in length, containing a water house, Wash house, Negro houses, &c.
C. A Side Building, 20 feet in length, and 14 feet in breadth, in which are a Brick Kitchen and Oven, and Negro Dwellings.
D. A Chaise and Horse Stable.
Further, there is a Bridge and Road leading to the Paved road and the River, with every necessary convenience.
Both these Concessions have a Right to the Use of the Shoemaker's Stelling. Further particulars may be known, and conditions seen at the house of the Undersigned, on or before the date of Sale.
Demerary, June 11, 1806. F. C. Engels.

List of Runway and Arrested Slaves. [not transcribed]


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